1 February 2015 - Holy Spirit of Hope Catholic Charismatic Church

Good News
Buenas Nuevas
Independent Catholic Church (IOCC)
including Day Care and Learning Center www.holyspiritofhope.org
7728 Alameda
Church (915) 778-4860
El Paso, TX 79915
1 February 2015
Day Care 778-4863
Fax 778-4865
Ministry: Prophesy & Exorcism
Ministerio: Profecía y Exorcismo
1 Christ, 1 Table, 1 People / Un Cristo, Una Mesa, Un Pueblo
Coming together by the call of God - not man - with Biblical guidance to His purpose for our life.
Reunidos por la llamada de Dios - no el hombre - con guía Bíblica a Su propósito para nuestra vida.
“May the GOD of hope fill us with all joy and peace, in believing, so we may abound in hope by the power of the HOLY
SPIRIT.” (Romans 15:13)
“Que el Dios de la esperanza los llene de toda alegría y paz a ustedes que creen en él, para que rebosen de esperanza por el
poder del Espíritu Santo.” (Romanos 15:13)
The Independent Old Catholic Church
Primate Archbishop George Le Mesurier, D.Min, Ph.D.
Theology @aol.com
Ottaw a, Canada
(866) 878-2290
Primate Emeritus Archbishop Maurice McCormick, Ed.D., D.D.
mauricejoann@tw c.com
Louisv ille, KY
(502) 493-8815
Independent Old Catholic Church Diocese of the Southwest
Presiding Bishop Robert Ortega, D.Div
[email protected]
El Paso, TX
(915) 241-3334
Aux . Bishop Raul Ballesteros, Jr., D.Div , MC/Msc Inactiv e)
rev [email protected]
El Paso, TX
(915) 778-4860
Aux . Bishop Julio Higuera
[email protected]
Mesa, AZ
Holy Spirit of Hope Church (El Paso, TX)
Pastor Bishop Robert Ortega, D.Div
[email protected]
El Paso, TX
(915) 241-3334
Bishop Raul Ballesteros, Jr., D.Div , MC/Msc (Inactiv e)
rev [email protected]
El Paso, TX
(915) 778-4860
Associate Pastor Father Jesse Ibarra
[email protected]
El Paso, TX
(915) 778-4860
Sr. Deacon Luis Carrasco
[email protected]
El Paso, TX
(915) 778-4860
El Paso, TX
(915) 778-4860
Deacon-Elect Natalie Fly nn
Elder Gerardo Manrique
El Paso, TX
Elder-in-Training Julian Ibarra
(915) 778-4860
El Paso, TX
Admin. Director Martha Ortega
[email protected]
El Paso, TX
(915) 778-4860
Holy Spirit of Hope Day Care & Learning Center (El Paso, TX)
Director Martha Ortega
[email protected]
Asst Day Care Director Annie Quezada
El Paso, TX
(915) 778-4863
El Paso, TX
(915) 778-4863
Founding Board of Directors
Bp Robert, Martha Ortega, Melissa Ortega
Church Council Directors
Administrative Assistant
Marianne Ortega
The property where we worship was originally developed by Valley Congregational
Church. The community center (across Easter Lane) was constructed in 1924, the
classrooms in 1948 and the sanctuary in 1949. HSoH rented space in 2002 and
purchased the property in 2004. We are grateful to Valley Congregational families
who prepared this facility to serve the Body of Christ in perpetuity.
†Memorial Garden exists for our families and satisfies all Texas cremains statutes
Clergy Assigned to Diocese of the Southwest
Fr. Dennis Eisele, M.D. at Grace Anglican Church
[email protected] Vista, CA 92084
Fr. Jack Fairw eather home ministry
juanm61@y ahoo.com
Deacon Alv aro Fernandez (under Aux Bp Julio Higuera)
Fr. Lance Idol at Tow Country Chapel Church
Miles City , MT
Mesa, AZ
llanoland1234@y ahoo.com
Fr. Mike Jonak, M.D.
Llano, TX 78643
Pahrump, NV 89048
Fr. John Kinsley w eddings in Prescott, AZ
[email protected]
Prescott, AZ 86301
Fr. Ed Langley at Vista Grande Retirement Center
eblangley @y ahoo.com
Rio Rancho, NM
Deacon Patricia Letto at Sierra Vista (w herev er the Spirit calls)
[email protected]
Hereford, AZ 85615
(520) 378-5195
Deacon Adrian Mosqueda (under Aux Bp Julio Higuera)
Mesa, AZ
Deacon Noe Quintana (under Aux Bp Julio Higuera)
Guadalajara, Jalisco, MX
Fr. Romeo Rabusa (under Aux Bp Julio Higuera)
Phoenix , AZ
Fr. Joseph Summerv ille at Univ ersity Lutheran Church & Student C frjsummerv [email protected]
Norman, OK
Fr. Brian Ticknor at Episcopal Church of the Apostles
[email protected]
Oro Valley , AZ 85755
Fr. Calv in Woods, PhD Eng at Wheelock UMC
calv inw oods@tx cy ber.com
Hearne, TX 77859
All scripture references New International Version Bible used by permission. Todas referencias escriturales de la Biblia Nueva Versión Internacional usadas con permiso.
Ministry: Prophesy & Exorcism / Ministerio: Profecía y Exorcismo
Deuteronomy 18:9-20; Psalm 111; 1 Corinthians 8:1-13; Mark 1:21-28
Epiphany season is about the acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior
by each individual.
We have all been called to serve, like Jesus called the first disciples,
to preach and minister as He teaches.
Our call to serve entails different kinds of ministries. Today we hear
about the ministries of prophecy and exorcism. Prophecy is speaking
God’s word to those around us and exorcism is the deliverance from
demonic control.
God warns the nation Israel about evil: “When you enter the land the Lord
your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations
there...who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in
witchcraft, 11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the
dead.” Instead of engaging in these ungodly practices, God shows us
how to prophecy: “I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their
fellow Israelites, and I will put My words in his mouth. He will tell them
everything I command him. 19 I Myself will call to account anyone who does not
listen to My words that the prophet speaks in My name. 20 But a prophet who
presumes to speak in My name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet
who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death.”
Our Psalm tells us how we can discern evil from Godliness: “The fear
of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow His precepts have good
Paul warns the very sinful community of Corinth about evil religious
practices: “Some people are still so accustomed to idols that when they eat
sacrificial food they think of it as having been sacrificed to a god, and since their
conscience is weak, it is defiled. 8 But food does not bring us near to God; we
are no worse if we do not eat, and no better if we do. 9 Be careful, however, that
the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to the weak.
10 For if someone with a weak conscience sees you, with all your knowledge,
eating in an idol’s temple, won’t that person be emboldened to eat what is
sacrificed to idols? 11 So this weak brother or sister, for whom Christ died, is
destroyed by your knowledge. 12 When you sin against them in this way and
wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. 13 Therefore, if what I eat
causes my brother or sister to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I
will not cause them to fall.”
And in our Gospel, Jesus shows us how to prophecy and exorcise:
“Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach. 22 The people were
amazed at His teaching, because He taught them as one who had authority, not
as the teachers of the law. 23 Just then a man in their synagogue who was
possessed by an impure spirit cried out, 24 ‘What do You want with us, Jesus of
Nazareth? Have You come to destroy us? I know who You are—the Holy One of
God!’ 25 ‘Be quiet!’ said Jesus sternly. ‘Come out of him!’ 26 The impure spirit
shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek.” In Jewish
practice, a person known to be a demoniac would not have been
admitted into the synagogue. The presence and prophetic authority of
Jesus both surface the demon and cast it out. The people are amazed.
The two spectrums of ministry are demonstrated: one builds up the
church and the other protects it. Today we add to those protecting us as
we ordain a Deacon-Elect to the Minor Order of Exorcist.
May we take home the assurance that we are called by God – to
serve Him. May we also remember the great responsibility that requires
AND God’s accountability for our actions.
A special blessing of joy and peace from your Pastoral families.
83,143 POW/MIA’s
La temporada de Epifanía es acerca del aceptación de Jesucristo como
Salvador por cada individuo.
Todos hemos sido llamados a servir, como Jesús llamó a los primeros
discípulos, para predicar y atender como enseña.
Nuestra llamada para servir trae consigo clases diferentes de
ministerios. Hoy nos enteramos de los ministerios de profecía y
exorcismo. Profecía les habla la palabra de Dios a ésos alrededor de
nosotros y exorcismo es la liberación del control demoníaco.
Dios advierte la nación Israel acerca de mal: “Cuando entres en la tierra
que te da el Señor tu Dios, no imites las costumbres abominables de esas
naciones... practicar adivinación, brujería o hechicería; 11 ni hacer conjuros,
servir de médium espiritista o consultar a los muertos.” En vez de entrando en
estas prácticas impías, Dios nos muestra cómo a profecía: “Por eso
levantaré entre sus hermanos un profeta como tú; pondré mis palabras en su
boca, y él les dirá todo lo que yo le mande. 19 Si alguien no presta oído a las
palabras que el profeta proclame en mi nombre, yo mismo le pediré cuentas.
Pero el profeta que se atreva a hablar en mi nombre y diga algo que yo no le
haya mandado decir, morirá. La misma suerte correrá el profeta que hable en
nombre de otros dioses.”
Nuestro Salmo nos dice cómo podemos discernir mal de la Piedad: “El
principio de la sabiduría es el temor del Señor; buen juicio demuestran quienes
cumplen sus preceptos.”
Pablo advierte la comunidad muy pecadora de Corinto acerca de
prácticas religiosas diabólicas: “Algunos siguen tan acostumbrados a los
ídolos, que comen carne a sabiendas de que ha sido sacrificada a un ídolo, y su
conciencia se contamina por ser débil. 8 Pero lo que comemos no nos acerca a
Dios; no somos mejores por comer ni peores por no comer. 9 Sin embargo,
tengan cuidado de que su libertad no se convierta en motivo de tropiezo para los
débiles. 10 Porque si alguien de conciencia débil te ve a ti, que tienes este
conocimiento, comer en el templo de un ídolo, ¿no se sentirá animado a comer lo
que ha sido sacrificado a los ídolos? 11 Entonces ese hermano débil, por quien
Cristo murió, se perderá a causa de tu conocimiento. 12 Al pecar así contra los
hermanos, hiriendo su débil conciencia, pecan ustedes contra Cristo. 13 Por lo
tanto, si mi comida ocasiona la caída de mi hermano, no comeré carne jamás,
para no hacerlo caer en pecado.”
Y en nuestro Evangelio, Jesús nos muestra cómo ministrar en
profecía y exorcismo: “Jesús fue a la sinagoga y se puso a enseñar. 22 La
gente se asombraba de Su enseñanza, porque la impartía como quien tiene
autoridad y no como los maestros de la ley. 23 De repente, en la sinagoga, un
hombre que estaba poseído por un espíritu maligno gritó: 24 ‘¿Por qué Te
entrometes, Jesús de Nazaret? ¿Has venido a destruirnos? Yo sé quién eres tú:
¡el Santo de Dios!’ 25 ‘¡Cállate!’ lo reprendió Jesús. ‘¡Sal de ese hombre!’
Entonces el espíritu maligno sacudió al hombre violentamente y salió de él
dando un alarido.” En la práctica judía, una persona conocida como
demoniaco no habría sido admitido en la sinagoga. La presencia y la
autoridad profética de Jesús ambas descubre al demonio y lo expulsó.
Las personas son asombradas.
Los dos espectros del ministerio son presentados: uno construye la
iglesia y el otro la protege. Hoy añadimos a esos que nos protegen como
ordenamos al Diácono-Eligido a la Orden Secundaria de Exorcista.
Pueda que tomemos en casa la certeza que somos llamados por Dios –
para servirLo. Pueda que también recordamos la gran responsabilidad
que requiere y la responsabilidad de Dios para nuestras acciones.
Una bendición especial de alegría y paz de sus familias Pastorales.
STILL MISSING: WWII (73,515); Korean War (7,862); Vietnam War (1,636); Iraq & other (178)
RECENTLY RETURNED: WWII (0); Korean War (0); Vietnam War (0); other (0)
We welcome those who returned
We pray for those not yet home
Special News/Noticias Especiales
Join Jerry’s Super Bowl party today at 3
pm in Fellowship hall. Melissa planning
events and food. BYOB
Deacon-Elect Natalie Flynn ordination
planned for 5 July at 12pm. She is ordained
into the first of 6 Minor Orders, Exorcist,
Clergy prayer & service coordination of
services Saturdays 7am. TERRIFIC!
Pastor celebrated Funeral Mass for
Ramona Hernandez who was rejected by
their church. It was awesome!
Winter Sacrament Semester continues.
Pastor Robert represents us at IOCC
Clergy Conference & Synod in
Clearwater, Florida 5-7 Feb. Your
tremendous input will be presented.
Saturday February 14th, Valentine’s Day,
is city-wide invitation for church marriage
and recommitments.
Wednesday 6pm Feb 18 , Holy Week Mar
30- Apr 3rd, and Easter Apr 5th. Participate
in the †John Ortega Memorial Fish Fry
Fridays (Enchiladas 2).
Vengase a fiesta de Super Bowl de Jerry
hoy a las 3 pm en salón de convivencia.
Melisa planea eventos y comida. BYOB
ordenación 5 julio a las 12 de la tarde.
Celebra ordenación al primer de 6 Ordenes
Minores, Exorcista, hoy.
Reunión del clero para orar y
coordinación de servicios sábados 7am.
Semestre de Sacramento invernal
Pastor Robert nos representa en
Conferencia del Clero de IOCC y Sínodo
en Clearwater, Florida 5-7 febrero. Se
presentan sus comentos.
Sábado 14 de febrero, Día de San
Valentín, se invita todo el pueblo para
matrimonios de iglesia y re compromisos.
Temporada de Cuaresma: Miércoles de
Ceniza 6pm 18 febrero, Semana Santa 30
marzo-3 abril, y Pascua 5 abril. Participe
en viernes de pez frito y enchiladas
también en memoria de †Juan Ortega.
Adult Ministries/Ministerios de Adultos
door stops, weather strips and thresholds; paint
doors and windows; dust & vacuum church
weekly; and replace bathroom window.
Day Care projects: paint exterior; install
furnace; yard weeding; install roof gutters,
reinstall child gates; and replace door weather
strips and thresholds.
Ayude por favor.
Proyectos de la iglesia: deshierba la yarda;
reparar puerta
mosquitera de baño;
reparar/quitar dispersor de toallas en baño y
cocina; reparar/instalar puerta de niño;
programar carillón; instalar herramienta para
reflector; reparar plomería de lavamanos;
reemplazar paradas de puerta, tiras y
umbrales; pintar puertas y ventanas; limpiar
iglesia semanal; y reemplazar ventana de baño.
Proyectos de Guardería: pintar exterior;
instalar calentón; deshierbar; instalar canales
del techo, re instalar puertas de niño; y
reemplazar burletes y umbrales de puertas.
Martha Ortega presents the Holy Spirit at
Bible Study Wednesdays 7pm.
Men’s Walk to Emmaus 30 Apr-3 May. Weekly Child Day Care & Pre-K from
Women’s Walk 27-30 Aug.
6:30am-6pm and After School Care for
Marta Ortega presenta al Espíritu Santo nearby schools. Home School for 5
en Estudio Bíblico miércoles 7pm.
children. Temporary Asst Director Annie
Caminada a Emaús de Hombres 30 AprQuezada helps Martha who returned after
3 Mayo. Caminada de Mujeres 27-30 Ago.
knee surgery recuperation. Guardería de
Finances / Financias
Niños y Pre-K semanal de 6:30am-6pm y
escuela ofrecemos Cuidado
Después de Escuela para escuelas
Property / Propiedad
cercanas. Escuela Privada para 5
Church projects: yard weeding; repair estudiantes. Directora Actual Temporaria
bathroom screen door; repair/remove towel Annie Quezada le ayuda a Marta quien se
dispensers in bathroom & kitchen; repair/install recuperó de cirugía de rodilla.
child gate; program chimes; install pull down
screen supports; repair sink plumbing; replace
Thank you for your tithes. Gracias por sus durante
Sacrament s Saturday 31 January
Funeral Service (Pastor Robert): Ramona Hernandez family
Sacrament s Saturday 7 February
Baptism (Dcn Luis): Anahi Rivera
Quinceañera (Pastor Jesse): Bianca Heredia
Prayer Requests
Peticiones de Oración
Bp Robert: Mom Ortega, Mom Calderon, Imelda Garcia, Espy Clark, Bill Fr. Lance Idol: Betty McNew, Clifford McNew
Fr. Jesse: Hernandez, Vasquez, Rodriguez, & Vega family
Teresa Brunt: Means family
Gilbert Manrique: Ivanna Manrique
FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS / CUMPLEAÑOS: 1st Pastor Robert, Teresa Bynum, Francesca Ramirez, & Adriana LeBretton; 2nd Robert Pisarcik;
4th Margarita Sepulveda, Alyssa Quezada; 6th Kris Holt, Jim Bissuett; 7th Angela Apodaca; 8th Marcos Ortega; 10th Ron Quiett,
Ingred Bentley; 11th Eddie Sanchez; 15th Mario Lewis, Hector Hernandez; 16th Terry Ballesteros; 17th Ivory Celeste Lopez; 18th
Elijah Romo, Hector Garcia, Manuel Garcia; 19th Jose Antonio Arias; 22nd Fernando Landeros; 24th Victor Segura; 25th Jerrin
Mendoza, Hugo Navarette; 26th Priscilla Delgado, Pauline Brunt; 28th Blanca Alaniz, Kristian Loera
FEBRUARY ANNIVERSARIES / ANIVERSARIOS: 10th Ron & Monica Quiett; 14th Hope & †Bill Clark, Ronald & Marie Dubitzky, Richard &
Julie Glover, Jerry & Sharon Lightner; Dante & Arlene Acevedo; 22nd Felix & Cynthia Ledee
MEMORIALS / MEMORIAS: †Annie Holt 1/30/10; †Toni Smith 2/23/10 (61); †Marta Lechuga 3/2/05; †Dolores Salcido 3/10/11; †José Zubia 3/22/10, Bp Ed
devoy 3/28/14; †CCC Patriarch Michael 4/2/10; †Baby Angel Johnson 4/27/04 (0); †Roberto Segura 5/18/13; †Mimosa 5/30/11; †Bill Clark 6/5/14; †Delia Calderón
6/19/02; †Charlie Brown 6/20/05 (72); †John Ortega 6/24/14, †Alfredo Calderon 7/6/66 (42); †Refugio Olivas 7/13/09; †Baby Leo Miner Ramírez 7/15/08 (0); †Maria
luz Romero 7/25/03; †Hope Vasquez 8/12/97 (79); †Magda Silvadoray 8/15/06 (15); †Ben Gomersalll 8/22/12 (69); †Bishop Emmanuel 9/2/10; †Alicia Acosta
9/14/07; †Christopher Rafael Roberto Ramirez 9/16/00; †Baby Joshua Johnson 9/28/10 (0); †Samuel Vargas 9/29/93; †Rigoberto Ortega 10/2/74 (47); †Graciela
Ortiz Arias 10/2/02; †Chuck Smith 10/3/13; †Antonio Perez, Jr. 10/9/98; †Victoria M. Segura 11/19/09; †Emma Carrasco 11/23/08; †Graciela Manrique 11/25/12;
†Hector Rodriguez 11/30/12; †Frank Durant 12/12/10; †Gustavo Romero 12/25/04; †Francisco Vasquez 12/25/11 (72)
Christian Library /
Author Jerry Bridges asks: “Have Christians
become so preoccupied with the major sins of our
society that we have lost sight of our need to deal
with our own more subtle sins?” His book addresses
‘acceptable’ sins that we tend to tolerate in
ourselves: ungodliness, anxiety, discontent,
unthankfulness, pride, selfishness, lack of selfcontrol, impatience, anger, the weeds of anger,
judgmentalism, envy, tongue, and worldliness.
DISCONTENT arises from ongoing and unchanging circumstances that
we can do nothing about.
It’s important to note, however, there is legitimate discontentment: our
spiritual growth or evils and injustice of the world. Sinful discontentment
negatively affects our relationship with God.
Scripture warns us about discontentment over money and
possessions. This book covers discontentment over trials to our faith
such as unsatisfactory job, singleness, childlessness, unhappy marriage,
physical disabilities or continued poor health or weight.
It is the response to our circumstances that is sin because at its roots it
is ungodliness. Discontentment leads to bitterness or resentment of God
or people.
We overcome this subtle sin of discontentment by recognizing that
whatever our circumstances are, they are ordained by God as part of His
overall plan for the betterment of our lives that lead to His glory.
Acceptance of Gods sovereign will leads to peace within such
disappointing circumstances.
In Scripture we find: “You formed my inward parts, You knitted me
together in my mother’s womb.” (Ps 139:13)
Libreria Cristiana
El autor Jerry Bridges nos pregunta: “¿Han los cristianos
llegado a ser tan preocupados con los pecados mayores de
nuestra sociedad que hemos perdido de vista nuestra necesidad
de tratar con nuestros propios pecados más sutiles?” Su libro da
luz a pecados ‘aceptables’ que tendemos a tolerar en nosotros
mismos: la impiedad, la ansiedad, el descontento, ingratitud, el
orgullo, el egoísmo, la falta de autocontrol, la impaciencia, la ira,
las hierbas de ira, juzgar, la envidia, la lengua, y la mundanería.
DESCONTENTO surge de circunstancias progresivas e
inmutables de que nosotros no podemos hacer nada.
Es importante de notar que hay, sin embargo, descontento
legítimo: nuestro desarrollo espiritual o los males y la injusticia
del mundo. El descontento pecador afecta negativamente nuestra
relación con Dios.
Las Escrituras nos advierten acerca de descontento sobre dinero
y posesiones. Este libro cubre descontento sobre pruebas a nuestra
fe como trabajo sin satisfacción, solterismo, falta de hijos,
matrimonio infeliz, incapacidades físicas o salud o el peso.
Es la respuesta a nuestras circunstancias que es pecado porque
en sus raíces es la impiedad. El descontento lleva a la amargura o
el resentimiento de Dios o personas.
Vencemos este pecado sutil de descontento reconociendo que lo
que nuestras circunstancias son, son ordenados por Dios como
parte de Su plan general para el mejoramiento de nuestras vidas
que llegan a Su gloria. En aceptar la soberana voluntad de Dios
nos lleva a la paz dentro de tales circunstancias decepcionantes.
En Escritura encontramos: “Me formaste mis partes internas, Tú
me tejiste en la matriz de mi madre.” (P 139:13)
Church Services / Servicios de Iglesia
Saturday Mass: 5:30pm English
Sunday Mass: 10am (Español) and 12:00pm English
Wednesday Bible Study: 6:00pm
Christian Sacraments / Sacramentos Cristianos
English - 1st Saturday of month with class at 10am and ceremony at 11am
Español - 2do sábado del mes con clase a las 10am y ceremonia a las 11am
8AM to 12PM
January 4
April 5
July 5
October 4
March 14
June 13
September 12
December 12
March 15
June 14
September 13
December 13
March 8
June 7
September 6
December 6
4 Enero
5 Abril
5 Julio
4 Octubre
8 Marzo
7 Junio
6 Septiembre
6 Diciembre
8AM a 12PM
14 Marzo
13 Junio
12 Septiembre
12 Diciembre
15 Marzo
14 Junio
13 Septiembre
13 Diciembre
Same training as above with ceremony on your selected date / Misma preparación como arriba pero ceremonia a su cita.
Business Associates
Double V Enterprises
Ricardo Vasquez 915-858-7515
Remodeling & Maintenance
Ramon Ramirez
7722 Alameda 915-922-8102
AB Security Lock & Safe
Manny & Steve Beltran
5728 Trowbridge Dr 915-771-6911
Surety Plumbing & HVAC
Commercial & Residential
7308 N Loop Dr 915- 799-0181
Living Hope Christian Counseling
1801 Wyoming Ave Suite #102
Mariachi Real de Jalisco
Mario Gonzalez
/ Patrocinadores
Arrow Discount Auto
Auto Repair
7679 Alameda 915-772-8090
Up Dos Hair Cuts
Gloria Ramirez - Beauty Salon / Nails / Tailor
7722 Alameda 915-922-8201
Ramon Contreras
Holy Spirit of Hope
Day Care & Homeschool
7728 Alameda 778-4963
Doble Pianísimo
Piano Instruction
Melissa Ortega 915-241-4443
The Timekeeper Perfumes +
Adriana LeBreton
6044 Gateway East #432 915-240-9077