Application for Residence
(Please print clearly)
Name __________________________________________
UW ID# _________________________
Date of Birth ____________________________________
Current Address _________________________________
Phone __________________________
E-mail __________________________
Permanent Address _______________________________
Phone __________________________
1. Current UW classification (BA-3, BS-2, etc.) _______
2. GPA ______________________ Spanish GPA ________________
3. Preparation in Spanish: _____ years of high-school Spanish. _____ semesters of college Spanish
4. Most recent Spanish courses
5. What is your major or expected major(s)? _________________________________________________
6. Do you plan to study / Have you studied in a Spanish speaking country? _________. If so, please
explain when, where, and the purpose of your study.___________________________________________
7. Do your career goals require a good command of Spanish? ______
If yes, please explain.
Please turn over or see next page.
Last Updated 09/2011
Please answer the following questions in your best Spanish and in all honesty.
1. ¿Por qué quieres participar en la Residencia de Estudiantes?
2. ¿Qué cualidades personales e intelectuales tuyas podrían enriquecer y beneficiar la Residencia de
3. En tu opinión, ¿cuáles son las ventajas de una experiencia como ésta?___________________________
4. Si ya has vivido en la Residencia de Estudiantes, explica lo que has obtenido de esta experiencia.
5. Si ya has vivido en la ILC, indica qué actividades te han gustado más y por qué (por ejemplo,
Roundtable dinners, ILS 198 fall, ILS 198 spring,).
Please turn over or see next page.
Last Updated 09/2011
Please read carefully, sign, and date:
By signing, I understand that submitting an application for the Residencia de Estudiantes does not
guarantee an assignment to this program and that all applicants must be approved by the Spanish
Department. I also understand that the main purpose of the Residencia de Estudiantes program is to
enable students to gain, maintain and improve fluency in the Spanish language by using it as their
primary means of communication with Residencia de Estudiantes residents. I understand that the use of
Spanish is obligatory at all Residencia de Estudiantes activities and events. I agree to participate fully in
the cultural and social activities of the Residencia de Estudiantes, including taking meals regularly with
the other residents in the dining room. I understand that I am required to enroll in the one credit
Residencia de Estudiantes course in the fall (information on enrolling will be sent during the summer).
Application Instructions:
There are different application instructions based
on your student classification:
1. Current University Housing Resident: Please
submit your Residencia de Estudiantes applications
no later than Friday, December 16, 2011.
2. Current UW-Madison Student, But NOT
University Housing Resident: You must apply for
both a University Housing contract AND for the
Residencia de Estudiantes program. Housing
contracts are sent to interested students as long as
space remains available. Thus, early housing
applications are encouraged. We recommend
submitting your housing application no later than
Friday, December 16, 2011, but you are encouraged
to still inquire after this date. Please submit your
Residencia de Estudiantes application no later than
Friday, December 16, 2011.
3. New UW-Madison Student: You must receive a
housing contract AND apply for the Residencia de
Estudiantes program. Housing contracts are sent
based on the admission dates of students as long as
space remains available. If you receive a housing
contract, please submit your Residencia de
Estudiantes application no later than Thursday,
April 5, 2012.
Last Updated 09/2011
Please Return All Application Materials To:
Assignment Office
Slichter Hall – Assignment Office
625 Babcock Drive
Madison, WI 53706-1213
Re: Language Program Applications
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 608-262-2522
Fax: 608-262-4082
Program Information:
For more information on activities in the Residencia
de Estudiantes:
Professor Rajiv Rao
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
College of Letters and Science
Van Hise Hall
1220 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 262-4712
E-mail: [email protected]