Adónde? ¿Cuánto? ¿Qué? - Montgomery County Public Schools

Spanish 2A
Final Examination Study Guide
Montgomery County Public Schools
Name: __________________________
Before you begin working on the study guide, organize your notes and vocabulary lists from
semester A. Refer to these materials as you complete each section of the study guide.
For activities 1-22, write you answer on a separate piece of paper.
¿Quién soy yo?
In unit 1, you learned and applied:
• the adjectives of nationality
• the adjective agreement
• the present tense of ser (de)
• the present tense of regular -ar,
-er, -ir verbs
• the question words
• the adverbs and expressions
of frequency
Can you …
 communicate about your own personalities and those of
 communicate about nationalities?
 communicate about preferences regarding activities?
 identify when the school year starts in some Spanishspeaking countries and compare it to the school calendar
in the U.S.?
1. Write the nationality of each person and describe his/her personality based on the
Ejemplo: Carolina es venezolana. Ella es joven y reservada.
1. Pablo…
2. Inés…
3. Juana…
4. Ernesto…
5. Juan…
6. Oscar…
7. Marcos…
8. Elena…
2. Use at least 6 of the words below to write questions for your host sibling in order to
find out more about him/her and his/her interests.
¿Por qué?
¿De dónde?
Spanish 2A Final Exam Study Guide . . . January 2014 . . . Page 1 of 8
Spanish 2A
Final Examination Study Guide
Montgomery County Public Schools
3. Write a sentence describing how often you do each of the activities associated with
the items below.
4. Use and apply what you learned in the unit to describe your best friend. Be sure to
include personality traits as well as activities and interests you have in common.
Write in Spanish. Refer to the Rubric for Written Communication as you write.
5. Complete the graphic organizer below identifying when the school year starts in
some Spanish-speaking countries and comparing it to the school calendar in the
U.S. Write in English.
Product or Practice: ______________________________
In Spanish-speaking Countries
In Your Own Country
After checking the “Can you…” questions for unit 1, what do you need to
review before the final exam?
La vida escolar
In unit 2, you learned and applied:
• the stem-changing verbs in
present tense
• the affirmative and negative
• hay que/se prohíbe + infinitive
• the comparisons of equality
• saber and conocer
• the hace + time expressions
Can you …
 communicate about classes and classroom rules,
activities, and school work?
 communicate about after-school activities?
 identify some famous Spanish-speaking people?
 identify customs and school rules in Spanish-speaking
countries and compare them to those in the U.S.?
 identify after-school activities in Spanish-speaking
countries and compare them to those in the U.S.?
Spanish 2A Final Exam Study Guide . . . January 2014 . . . Page 2 of 8
Spanish 2A
Final Examination Study Guide
Montgomery County Public Schools
6. Complete a course catalog by writing a description of what students do/don’t do in
each of the following courses. Write at least two complete sentences for each.
7. Write 8 rules that students should follow while in school/class. Be sure to write in
complete sentences using a variety of expressions.
8. Complete Pablo’s calendar of after-school activities by writing a short description of
what he must do each day. Use complete sentences.
9. Use and apply what you learned in the unit to describe your school day and your
extracurricular activities. Write in Spanish. Refer to the Rubric for Written
Communication as you write.
10. Read the last three bullets of the “Can you…” questions of Unit 2. Then complete the
graphic organizer below with as many details as possible. Write in English.
Remember to review the Rubric for Scoring Culture.
Product or Practice: ______________________________
In Spanish-speaking Countries
In Your Own Country
After checking the “Can you…” questions for unit 2, what do you need to
review before the final exam?
La rutina diaria
In unit 3, you learned and applied:
• the reflexive verbs in present
• the uses of ser and estar
• the possessive adjectives - long
Can you …
 communicate about daily routines?
 communicate about getting ready for a special event?
 identify some Spanish-speaking countries?
 identify special events in Spanish-speaking countries and
compare them to those in the U.S.?
Spanish 2A Final Exam Study Guide . . . January 2014 . . . Page 3 of 8
Spanish 2A
Final Examination Study Guide
Montgomery County Public Schools
11. Write a sentence for each picture using the given subject. Be sure to include
products and accessories needed for each activity.
1. Ella
2. Tú
3. Ud.
4. Yo
5. Juan
6. Marta
7. Ellas
8. Tú
9. Ud.
10. Yo
12. Identify a situation to best completes the statements below.
Ejemplo: Estoy nervioso/a cuando… tengo una prueba en la clase de geometría.
 Estoy tranquilo/a cuando…
 Estoy entusiasmado/a cuando…
 Llevo ropa elegante cuando…
 Llevo ropa cómoda cuando…
13. Use and apply what you learned in the unit to describe your morning and evening
routine. Write in Spanish. Refer to the Rubric for Written Communication as you write.
14. Read the last two bullets of the “Can you…” questions of Unit 3. Then complete the
graphic organizer below with as many details as possible. Write in English.
Remember to review the Rubric for Scoring Culture.
Product or Practice: ______________________________
In Spanish-speaking Countries
In Your Own Country
After checking the “Can you…” questions for unit 3, what do you need to
review before the final exam?
De compras
In unit 4, you learned and applied:
• the preterite of regular -ar,-er, -ir
• the preterite of irregular -car, gar, -zar verbs
• the demonstrative adjectives
• the use of adjectives as nouns
Can you …
 communicate about clothing you and others bought?
 communicate about shopping for clothing?
 identify some famous Spanish-speaking people?
 identify customs related to clothing and shopping in
Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those
in the U.S.?
Spanish 2A Final Exam Study Guide . . . January 2014 . . . Page 4 of 8
Spanish 2A
Final Examination Study Guide
Montgomery County Public Schools
15. Complete the following paragraph in the past.
Anoche, yo ______ (1. ir) de compras al almacén. Necesitaba un traje para ____
) de mi tío. Yo ______ (3. encontrar) un traje de ______ (4.
Entonces, yo ______ (5. probarse) el traje pero me quedó ______ ( 6.
Afortunadamente, yo ______ (7. encontrar) ______ (8.
estaba en ______ (9.
) oscuro.
) más grande. El traje
). Entonces, yo ______ (10. pagar) con mi ______
) y ______ (12. salir).
16. Use and apply what you learned in the unit to describe a shopping experience you
had recently. Write in Spanish. Refer to the Rubric for Written Communication as you
17. Read the last two bullets of the “Can you…” questions of Unit 4. Then complete the
graphic organizer below with as many details as possible. Write in English.
Remember to review the Rubric for Scoring Culture.
Product or Practice: ______________________________
In Spanish-speaking Countries
In Your Own Country
After checking the “Can you…” questions for unit 4, what do you need to
review before the final exam?
La comunidad
In unit 5, you learned and applied:
• the direct object pronouns
• the preterite of ir, ser
• the preterite of hacer, tener,
estar, poder
• the present tense of salir, decir
• the irregular affirmative tú
Can you …
 communicate about what you did in places in the
 ask for and give directions for getting to places?
 identify some Spanish-speaking countries?
 identify customs related to shopping in open-air markets
in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to
shopping customs in the U.S.?
 identify characteristics of neighborhoods in Spanishspeaking countries and compare them with those in the
Spanish 2A Final Exam Study Guide . . . January 2014 . . . Page 5 of 8
Spanish 2A
Final Examination Study Guide
Montgomery County Public Schools
18. Write 5 rules that everyone should follow while driving in the community. Be sure to
write in complete sentences using a variety of expressions.
19. Write a sentence describing at least two different activities you do in each of the
following places.
El banco
El centro
El consultorio
La gasolinera
La farmacia
El club atlético
20. Using the map below, write 4 sets of instructions from how to get from your house to
the different places marked in the map. Include at least 4 different informal
commands for each set of directions.
Spanish 2A Final Exam Study Guide . . . January 2014 . . . Page 6 of 8
Spanish 2A
Final Examination Study Guide
Montgomery County Public Schools
21. Use and apply what you learned in the unit to describe your community. Be sure to
include a variety of places, describe what you do there and where they are located
with respect to other landmarks in the community. Write in Spanish. Refer to the
Rubric for Written Communication as you write.
22. Read the last two bullets of the “Can you…” questions of Unit 5. Then complete the
graphic organizer below with as many details as possible. Write in English.
Remember to review the Rubric for Scoring Culture.
Product or Practice: ______________________________
In Spanish-speaking Countries
In Your Own Country
After checking the “Can you…” questions for unit 5, what do you need to
review before the final exam?
23. Read the blog below and answer the questions that follow. Use complete sentences.
Mi nueva ciudad
Hace un mes que mi familia y yo
vivimos en la ciudad de Caracas.
El lunes, yo empecé a tomar
clases en el Colegio Baldar.
Todos mis maestros son muy
pacientes. Ellos son ordenados y
ayudan cuando tengo preguntas o no entiendo
algo. Hasta ahora, salgo muy bien en todas mis
clases. La clase que me interesa más es la clase
de Informática. En esta clase nosotros creamos
páginas Web y navegamos la red. En la clase de
historia discutimos mucho y tenemos muchas
presentaciones. Por otro lado, en la clase de
geografía tenemos que escribir tantos ensayos
como en la clase de literatura. Durante la
semana tengo mucha tarea y me acuesto tarde.
Usualmente, me ducho a las 23h, me seco el
pelo, me cepillo los dientes y me acuesto antes
de la medianoche. En los fines de semana, mi
familia y yo manejamos por la ciudad. Encontré
una tienda fabulosa y me compré unas botas
oscuras de cuero. Me quedaron perfectamente y
están de moda. Costaron mucho pero tenía un
cupón de regalo que me envió mi tío y no tuve
que pagar nada.
Los maestros de Elena son…
A. desordenados
B. simpáticos
C. perezosos
D. atrevidos
En la escuela Elena…
A. toma apuntes
B. no presta atención
C. saca buenas notas
D. respeta las reglas
Elena tiene que hablar mucho en la
clase de…
A. historia
B. literatura
C. informática
D. geografía
Elena no se acuesta temprano
A. se pinta
B. navega la Web
C. estudia mucho
D. juega a los bolos
Las botas de Elena son…
A. de marca
B. de tela sintética
C. baratas
D. caras
Spanish 2A Final Exam Study Guide . . . January 2014 . . . Page 7 of 8
Spanish 2A
Final Examination Study Guide
Montgomery County Public Schools
Read the following paragraphs. Then choose the word that best completes each sentence,
according to the context.
 Hola Marina ¿Qué
1. A. hice
B. hiciste
C. hizo
D. hicimos
2. A. fui
C. fue
D. fuimos
 Yo 2 al centro con Ariel. Mis padres
B. fuiste
me 3 manejar y Ariel me ayudó a
3. A. dejé
seguir todas las señales.
B. dejó
C. dejamos
D. dejaron
4. A. crucé
B. cruzaste
C. cruzó
D. cruzaron
5. A. tuve
B. tuviste
C. tuvo
D. tuvimos
6. A. encuentro
B. encontró
C. encuentra
D. encontré
7. A. me corté
B. cortarme
C. cortó
D. se cortó
8. A. sé
B. conozco
C. sabe
D. conoce
9. A. Hay
B. Está
C. Es
D. Hace
 No, no gasté mucho y aun yo 10
las uñas. Son de un color vivo. Tú
tienes que pintarte las 11 también.
10. A. me pinté
B. pintarme
C. pinté
D. se pintó
11. A. mía
B. tuya
C. mías
D. tuyas
 No me gusta mucho 12 salón. No
13 recomiendo; ¡para mí 14
12. A. aquel
B. aquellos
C. aquella
D. aquellas
13. A. la
B. las
C. lo
D. los
14. A. está
B. estas
C. es
D. eres
15. A. digo
B. dice
C. dice
D. decimos
 ¿Tú 4 el puente? ¡Yo me pongo
muy nerviosa cuando hay tráfico!
 Sí, yo manejé despacio y 5 mucho
cuidado. Luego, cuando llegamos al
centro anoche, Ariel 6 una tienda
de música y yo 7 el pelo en el
salón de belleza.
 ¿En serio? Yo 8 que tienen precios
exagerados. 9 dos años que no
voy allí.
 Bueno, tengo que ir a terminar mi
presentación para la clase de
biología. Mi maestra siempre 15
que hay que aprender los discursos
de memoria.
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