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Nueva York, 09 de octubre de 2014
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New York, 09 October 2014
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Permanent Mission of Chile to the United Nations
885 Second Avenue, 40th Floor, New York, NY 10017 •Tel (917) 322-6800 •Fax (917) 322-6891
E-mail: [email protected] •Website:
Sr. Presidente
Permitame comenzar felicitandolo par su elecci6n coma Presidente de la Primera Comision y desearle
el mayor de las exitos en las trabajos de este afio. Asimismo queremos hacer extensivos estos
parabienes a las miembros de la mesa, unido a nuestro firme compromiso de contribuir activa y
positivamente a las resultados de las deliberaciones.
Deseamos adherir a lo expresado par Indonesia en representaci6n de las No alineados y, agregando
algunas consideraciones y visiones particulares desde la perspectiva de la Delegacion de Chile:
Chile es y ha sido siempre un firme partidario y promotor del desarme general y completo, privilegiando
siempre el debate en un espacio multilateral amplio, transparente y democratico, en linea con su
politica exterior.
Como lo afirmamos el dia 26 de septiembre de este afio, con ocasion de la conmemoraci6n del dia
Internacional para la Eliminacion Completa de las Armas Nucleares y hoy reiteramos, para ganar la
batalla y eliminar las armas nucleares necesitamos primero, ganar la batalla de las ideas. Tenemos que
dar una fuerte batalla en el ambito conceptual y en ese sentido queremos puntualizar lo siguiente: un
primer paso, un paso central en esta batalla es conseguir la deslegitimacion de las armas nucleares
mediante el desenmascaramiento de la persistente falacia que plantea que las armas nucleares han
sido y siguen siendo garantia de paz.
Estas construcciones narrativas son falsas y han dado y siguen dando sustento a las doctrinas de la
Guerra Fria que han permitido la sobrevivencia de percepciones err6neas sabre las supuestos beneficios
de seguridad asociados a las armas nucleares. Las armas nucleares senor Presidente violan las mas
esenciales elementos sabre las que se funda el Derecho Internacional Humanitario.
En este sentido, Chile celebra y adhiere a las esfuerzos del proceso iniciado en Oslo, Noruega sabre el
impacto humanitario de las Armas nucleares en marzo de 2013, y felicita a Mexico par la organizaci6n
de la II Conferencia en Nayarit en febrero de este afio. Asimismo, hacemos un llamado a todos las
Estados para que participen activamente en la Tercera Conferencia sabre lmpacto Humanitario de las
Armas Nucleares a realizarse en Viena, en diciembre de 2014. En este sentido, mi delegacion agradece el
ofrecimiento de Austria de ser sede de la Tercera Conferencia. Ese anuncio es consistente con el
mensaje claro que inequfvocamente ha expresado el Presidente de Austria en el evento de Alto Nivel
sabre Desarme Nuclear, al sefialar que "debemos eliminar las armas nucleares antes de que ellas nos
eliminen a nosotros". Mi delegacion ciertamente comparte esta vision.
Sin embargo, quisiera hacer una precision sabre el particular. Nuestro pais habla no tanto de las
consecuencias humanitarias sino mas bien de una aproximacion humanitaria hacia el desarme. Las
consecuencias humanitarias senor Presidente son horrorosas y ya las conocemos. De lo que se trata con
la aproximacion humanitaria es de puntualizar, poner al desnudo la radical incompatibilidad entre el uso
de armas nucleares y el Derecho Internacional Humanitario.
Para Chile el Tratado de No Proliferacion Nuclear es la piedra angular del regimen de desarme y no
proliferacion nucleares y destacamos la importancia de alcanzar su universalizacion y aplicacion
equilibrada de las tres pilares que le dan su estructura fundamental, esto es, desarme, no proliferaci6n y
el derecho al uso padfico de la energia nuclear.
Reafirmamos la necesidad de hacer un estrecho seguimiento de la VIII Conferencia de Examen del TNP y
su plan de accion y, en ese marco, apoyamos el trabajo que ha venido realizando la iniciativa de No
proliferacion y el Desarme, con el impulso de iniciativas concretas en esa direccion.
lnstamos a los Estados poseedores de armas nucleares a cumplir con sus compromisos y obligaciones
asumidas en virtud del Artfculo VI del TNP y avanzar hacia la eliminacion total de esas armas, a la plena e
inmediata aplicacion de las 13 medidas practicas hacia el desarme nuclear acordadas en la Conferencia
de Examen del TNP del afio 2000, asi como el Plan de Accion aprobado en la Conferencia de Examen de
En ese marco, la proxima Reunion de Examen de los Estados Partes del Tratado de No Proliferacion
Nuclear se nos presenta como una nueva oportunidad para avanzar en la tarea de eliminacion completa
de las armas nucleares.
Asf tambien hacemos un llamado a las potencias nucleares a reducir el estado de alerta de las armas
nucleares y la disponibilidad operacional de dichos sistemas, de manera de prevenir la utilizacion
involuntaria o accidental de dichas armas.
Senor Presidente, Chile cree firmemente que todas las avenidas que conducen al desarme nuclear son
validas y hay que transitarlas. Por esa razon trabajamos en el Movimiento de pafses No Alineados y
trabajamos tambien en otras instancias y foros internacionales, creemos que es muy importante para
avanzar la causa del desarme nuclear, establecer grupos like-minded transversales, donde participen
representantes de distintas regiones y referentes politicos, tales como CELAC, UNASUR, NPDI, Grupo de
De-Alerting y el Grupo de los 16.
Senor Presidente a 45 anos de la entrada en vigencia del Tratado de Tlatelolco en abril de 1969, que
establece la primera zona densamente poblada libre de armas nucleares, seguimos reafirmamos su
importancia y el aporte que estas hacen a la Paz y Seguridad, tanto en el piano regional como global.
Asimismo, llamamos a las potencias nucleares a que se retiren las declaraciones interpretativas a los
protocolos I y II del Tratado de Tlatelolco, contribuyendo asi a eliminar la posibilidad del uso de armas
nucleares contra los pafses de la region.
Chile senor Presidente esta presidiendo la Conferencia de los Estados Partes de los Tratados que
establecen Zonas Libres de Armas Nucleares hasta abril del ano 2015. En esa calidad queremos tambien
unirnos aquellos que han lamentado la no realizacion oportuna de la Conferencia Internacional sobre el
establecimiento de una Zona libre de Armas nucleares y otras armas de destruccion masiva en el Medio
Oriente, acordadas por los Estados Partes del TNP en 1995, 2000 y 2010.
Senor Presidente un paso fundamental e inevitable que debemos transitar en la ruta del desarme es la
necesaria entrada en vigor del Tratado de Prohibicion Completa de los Ensayos Nucleares (TPCEN), por
ello hacemos una vez mas un vigoroso llamado a aquellos pafses que aun no han firmado, ratificado o
adherido al tratado para que lo hagan con urgencia. En tanto, solicitamos una muestra de genuino
liderazgo y responsabilidad polftica de los Estados consignados en anexo II, como contribucion a la
preservacion de la paz y seguridad internacionales.
Senor Presidente
Chile reafirma su compromiso de apoyar los esfuerzos multilaterales a favor del desarme, la no
proliferacion, la prohibicion del uso y posesion de todas las armas de destruccion masiva. Junto con
condenar el uso militar de las armas biologicas y qufmicas, en toda circunstancia, instamos a la adhesion
universal Convencion sobre la Prohibicion del Desarrollo, la Produccion, el Almacenamiento y el Empleo
de Armas Qufmicas y sob re su Destruccion en pos del objetivo de lograr un mun do lib re de arm as
qufmicas. En este contexto valoramos que la Republica Arabe Siria ha ya adherido a este instrumento.
Asimismo, Chile celebra la decision del Consejo Ejecutivo de la Organizacion para la Prohibicion de
Armas Qufmicas (OPAQ) y el plan llevado a cabo por esta para el transporte y destruccion del arsenal
qufmi co sirio bajo el control y supervision de la organizacion.
Senor Presidente
Muy especial mencion quisiera hacer del Tratado de Comercio de Armas y su pronta entrada en vigencia
en el mes de diciembre de este ano, luego que en septiembre alcanzo las 50 ratificaciones necesarias
para tal efecto, cumpliendo el anhelo de la comunidad internacional de contar con un instrumento
legalmente vinculante que contribuira a la transparencia en el comercio de armas convencionales y
ayudara a prevenir y combatir los negativos efectos que provoca en materia de sufrimiento humano el
desvfo de aquellas armas al comercio ilfcito en muchas areas del mundo.
Los ultimas anos han sido fructfferos en la consolidacion y avance de instrumentos que regulen el
ambito de las armas convencionales, ejemplo de lo cual es la entrada en vigor de la Convencion sobre
Municiones de Racimo en agosto de 2010. Celebramos asimismo, la reciente adhesion de Belice a la
mencionada convencion y el establecimiento de Centroamerica, region hermana, como zona libre de
armas de racimo con ocasion de la V Reunion de Estados Partes de la Convencion celebrada en San Jose
de Costa Rica en septiembre pasado.
En este marco Senor Presidente reafirmamos nuestro respaldo y adhesion a la Convencion sobre
Prohibicion de Minas Antipersonales y la necesidad de avanzar hacia su total eliminacion. Un testimonio
de nuestro compromiso se evidencia en el hecho que Chile sera sede de la XV Conferencia de los
Estados Parte en el ano 2016.
Del mismo modo, quisieramos destacar en esta instancia, una causa que es muy cara e importante para
Chile, la democratizacion de las organizaciones internacionales y la democratizacion de la practica
multilateral. Para ello Chile hace un llamado a incorporar voces ausentes demasiado tiempo en este
debate, el de las mujeres y el de la sociedad civil.
No olvidemos que la inclusion efectiva de las mujeres en programas de desarme, no proliferacion y
control de armamentos debe ser una prioridad y un compromiso que adquieran todos las Estados
Miembros de las Naciones Unidas mediante la implementacion de mecanismos que permitan asegurar
la igualdad real en los procesos de toma de decisiones y acciones esenciales para promover la paz. El rol
de la mujer en estas instancias se ha demostrado que resulta esencial. Asimismo, la sociedad civil, las
organizaciones no gubernamentales tienen tambien un lugar en la maquinaria de desarme de Naciones
Unidas. Ha habido demasiada resistencia, ha habido una resistencia porfiada en incorporar sus voces en
nuestro trabajo, esto senor Presidente debe terminar y mi pafs estara en la primera fila abogando para
que la sociedad civil no solo sea un auditor sino tambien un participante.
Finalmente senor Presidente quiero mencionar que mi pafs adhiere firmemente al pnnc1p10 de
lndivisibilidad de la seguridad Internacional, esto es, todos los Estados sin consideracion de su tamano o
poder tienen la responsabilidad compartida de contribuir a la consolidacion de un orden internacional
basado en la cooperacion y regulado por el derecho Internacional.
Senor Presidente
Quisiera concluir subrayando la necesidad que la comunidad internacional debe asumir un resuelto
compromiso irrestricto y voluntad polftica para crear el clima de mutua confianza que se requiere para
avanzar en materias de desarme. Desde ya senor Presidente cuente con nuestro compromise de
contribuir positivamente a las trabajos de la Primera Comisi6n.
Muchas gracias
Mr. President.
Please allow me to start by congratulating you for your election as the President of the First Committee
and I take this opportunity to wish you all the success in the coming tasks of this year. At the same time I
would like to congratulate the members of this assembly, united in our commitment to contribute
actively and positively towards the outcome of the deliberations.
We would like to express our support for the stand taken by Indonesia representing the Non-Aligned
Countries and Costa Rica in the name of CELAC, adding a few considerations and individual views on
behalf of the Delegation of Chile:
Chile is and always has been a firm supporter and promoter of general and complete disarmament,
always supporting the debate in any large, transparent and democratic space which is multilateral, also
keeping in line with its foreign policies.
As established on 26th September of this year, on occasion of the commemoration of the International
Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, we would like to reiterate today that to win the battle
and to eliminate nuclear weapons, we need to first win the battle of ideas. We need to fight long and
hard at the conceptual level and in this sense we would like to point out the following: the first step,
which would be a significant step in this battle would be to obtain the de-legitimization of nuclear arms
through an exposure of the persistent fallacy which states that the nuclear weapons has been and
continues to be a guarantee of peace.
These narrative constructions are false and have provided sustenance to the doctrines of Cold War
which in turn have supported the erroneous perceptions regarding the supposed benefits of security
associated with nuclear weapons. The nuclear weapons, Mr. President, violate the most essential
foundation upon which the International Humanities Law is based.
Likewise, Chile celebrates and supports the efforts of the process initiated in Oslo, Norway, regarding
the humanitarian impact of Nuclear Weapons in March 2013 and felicitates Mexico for the organization
of the II Conference in Nayarit in February of this year. Moreover, we make an appeal to all the States
such that they actively participate in the Third Conference of the Human Impact of Nuclear Weapons to
take place in Vienna in December 2014. In this connection, my delegation appreciates the kind offer
made by the Government of Austria to host upcoming Conference. This announcement is consistent
with the clear message of the President of Austria on the occasion of the High Level Conference on
Nuclear Disarmament, declaring that "nuclear weapons must be abolished before they abolish us". My
country certainly shares this view.
Nevertheless, I would like to make a clarification in this matter. Our country does not speak as much
about the humanitarian consequences as it speaks of the human approximation towards disarmament.
The humanitarian consequences, Mr. President, are horrific but we are already in the know of them.
What it is that humanitarian approximation deals with is to be pointed out and lay out in the open the
radical incompatibility between the use of the nuclear arms and the International Humanitarian Law.
For Chile, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is a cornerstone for the regime of disarmament and
nuclear non-proliferation. We would like to highlight the importance of achieving its universalization and
a balanced application of the three pillars which lend it its fundamental structure, which is,
disarmament, non-proliferation and the right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy.
We reaffirm the importance of a follow-up of the VIII Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on
the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and its plan of action. In this framework, we support
the work which is being carried out by the Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Initiative with the
impetus of concrete initiatives in that direction.
We urge the States in possession of nuclear weapons to comply with their commitments and obligations
undertaken by virtue of Article VI of NPT and to advance towards the total elimination of these
weapons, to the complete and immediate application of the 13 practical measures towards nuclear
disarmament as agreed upon in the Review Conference of NPT of the year 2000, as well as the Plan of
Action approved in the Review Conference of 2010.
Within this framework, the next Review Meeting of States Party of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
presents itself to us as a new opportunity to make advancement in the task of complete elimination of
nuclear weapons.
In the context of the conceptual battle which I have mentioned earlier, on behalf of my delegation, I
make an appeal to remove nuclear weapons from security doctrines, as they can hardly be considered a
factor of security and on the contrary, place at a great risk the very human existence.
We also make an appeal to the nuclear powers to reduce the state of on-alert of the nuclear weapons
and the operational readiness of the said systems, in a manner such as to prevent the involuntary or
accidental use of the said weapons.
Mr. President, Chile firmly believes that all the avenues which lead towards nuclear disarmament are
valid and are the roads to be taken. It is for this reason that we work with the Non-Aligned countries.
We are also working on other platforms which we believe are very important to further advance the
cause of nuclear disarmament such as CELAC, UNASUR, NPDI, De-Alerting Group and Group of 16. It is
important to establish cross-sectional, like-minded groups, in which representatives of various countries
and different political references take part.
Mr. President, 45 years from the coming into action of the Treaty of Tlatelolco in April of 1969, which
establishes the first weapons free zone in a densely populated area, we reiterate its importance and
contribution provided by it towards Peace and Security, as much on the regional level, as on the global
level. We also reiterate the pressing need of providing it with an institution which allows it to focus its
efforts and to implement adequately the agreement undertaken by its members. We also ask the
nuclear powers to withdraw the interpretative declarations to protocols I and II of the Treaty of
Tlatelolco, contributing in this manner to the elimination of the possibility of the use of nuclear weapons
against the countries of the region.
Chile, Mr. President, is presiding the Conference of the States Party to treaties that establish Nuclear
Weapon Free Zones, in April of the year 2015. On the basis of this, we would also like to bring together
those of us who have lamented the no-realization, at the opportune moment, of the Conference on the
establishing of a free nuclear free zone and other weapons of mass destruction in the Middle-East, as
agreed upon by the Party States of NPT in 1995, 2000 and 2010.
Mr. President, a fundamental and inevitable step which we must traverse in the path of disarmament is
the necessary putting-into-effect of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), for which, we
again strongly urge those countries which have not yet signed, ratified or conveyed their support for the
Treaty, to do so at the earliest. Thus, we request a genuine demonstration of political leadership and
responsibility of the States consigned in Annex 11, as a contribution to the preservation of international
peace and security.
Chile supports the promotion of the International regime of Safeguard, as well as of strengthening it by
the universalization of the Additional Protocol. At the same time, we also identify objectively and
denounce firmly the risks of the existing proliferation, searching for mechanisms of prevention instead.
Mr. President.
Chile reassures its commitment to support the multilateral forces in favor of disarmament, nonproliferation, and the prohibition of use and possession of all weapons of mass destruction. In addition
to condemning the military use of biological and chemical warfare under all circumstances, we express
our universal support for the Convention on the Prohibition of Development, Production, Storage and
Use of Chemical Weapons and their Destruction in pursuit of the objective of achieving a world free of
chemical weapons. In this context, we highly value the fact that Syrian Arab Republic is in support of this
cause. Moreover, Chile celebrates the decision of the Executive Council for the Organization of the
Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and the plan carried out by it for the transportation and
destruction of Syrian chemical arsenal under the control and supervision of the organization.
Mr. President.
I would like to make a special mention of Arms Trade Treaty and its timely coming-into-effect in the
month of December of this year, given that in the month of September it received the 50 ratifications
necessary for it to come into effect. In this manner, it fulfills the hope of the international community to
count on a legally binding instrument which will contribute to the transparency in the trade of
conventional weapons and would help to prevent and combat the negative effects which provoke,
based on human suffering, the misuse of those weapons by the illegal trade in many areas of the world.
Last few years have been fruitful in the consolidation and advancement of instruments which regulate
the sphere of conventional weapons, the example of which is, the coming into effect of the Convention
on Cluster Munitions in August of 2010. We also celebrate the recent support from Belgium to the said
convention and the establishing of Central America, our neighboring region, as a Cluster Weapon Free
Zone in occasion of the V Meeting of Party States in the Convention which took place in San Jose in
Costa Rica last September.
Thus, Mr. President, we reassure our support to the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention and the need
to advance towards its total elimination. A testimony of our commitment is that Chile would be the
headquarters of XV Conference of States Parties in the year 2016.
Similarly we would like to highlight, at this point, a cause which is very dear and important for Chile, that
is, the democratization of the international organizations and the democratization of multilateral
practice to that effect. Chile expresses its desire to incorporate the voices which have been missing from
this debate for quite a while - the voice of women and civil society.
We must not forget that the effective inclusion of the women in the program of disarmament, nonproliferation and control of armaments must be a priority and commitment for all the Member States of
United Nations through the implementation of mechanisms which allow a real quality in the process of
decision making and essential actions to promote peace. The role of women in these instances has
proved to be essential. Similarly, the civil society and the non-governmental organizations also occupy a
space in the machinery of disarmament of United Nations. There has been enough of resistance; an
obstinate resistance to incorporate their voices in our mission. This, Mr. President, must come to an end
and my country would be the first in line to ensure that the civil society is not only a observer but also a
Finally, Mr. President, I would like to mention that my country firmly supports the principle of the
Indivisibility of the International Security, which is, that all the States, without the consideration of its
size and power, have a shared responsibility of contributing towards the consolidation of an
international order based on cooperation and regulated by International Law.
Mr. President.
I would like to conclude by underlining the need for the international community to assume a resolute,
unconditional support and political will in order to create a climate of mutual confidence which is
required to make advancements in disarmament. By all means, Mr. President, you can count on our
commitment to contribute positively to the mission of the First Committee.
Thank you very much.