Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Cathedral Basilica of Saints

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 26, 2017
“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other,
or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and
mammon” -Matthew 6:24
Feb. 25, Saturday, Weekday, BVM
12:05 Patrick Arey
5:15 Lauren Kennedy
Feb. 26, Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 Pro Populo - For the People of the Parish
9:30 April McElwee
11:00 Tommaso Berarducci
12:30 Manuel Delgado
6:30 Pro Populo - For the People of the Parish
Feb. 27, Monday, Weekday
7:15 Helen Horan
12:05 Elizabeth Schwartz
Feb. 28, Tuesday, Weekday
7:15 Helen Horan
12:05 Rosemary McCarthy
Mar. 1, Ash Wednesday
7:15 AM (Chapel) - 12:05 PM (Basilica)
12:35 PM (Chapel) - 5:15 PM (Basilica)
Mar. 2, Thursday after Ash Wednesday
7:15 Special intention
12:05 Tara Lynn Scutari
Mar. 3, Friday after Ash Wednesday,
St. Katharine Drexel, Virgin
7:15 Living& deceased members
of the League of the Sacred Heart
12:05 Michael Donatucci
Feb. 4, Saturday after Ash Wednesday,
St. Casimir
12:05 For the spiritual & temporal benefit of
Charles Drummond
5:15 Mary Rau
Feb. 5, First Sunday of Lent
8:00 Pro Populo - For the People of the Parish
9:30 Arthur Quici
11:00 Nicola Berarducci
12:30 Carmen Martinez
6:30 Pro Populo - For the People of the Parish
Dear Parishioners,
This Wednesday, March 1, 2017 is Ash Wednesday and the
beginning of Lent. Please see the insert in this edition of the Parish
Bulletin for a complete listing of our Parish observances of Lent.
Lent is an occasion for the whole Church to go on a forty day
retreat to prepare for Easter. The biblical readings and prayers of
the Sacred Liturgy during the six weeks of Lent speak loudly and
clearly that these are the days for repenting our sins and living out
the ways of the Gospel with greater fidelity and conviction. If this
is the invitation to the whole Church, then it is the invitation to every member of the Church. Each of us has a responsibility before
God and for the benefit of one another to embrace the observance of
Lent with Christian maturity and honesty. The Church prescribes in
minimal ways how we are to keep the abstinence and fast of this
holy season. As individual members of the Church, we are encouraged to go beyond the minimal and voluntarily to carry out the
practices of Lent to a degree that actually assists our journey of focusing more on the Lord and the work of our own personal conversion from sin to grace. So, I invite you to have real plan for your
own observance of these forty days that will make this time truly an
opportunity for penance and renewal. The change of heart and life
of each individual Christian brings a change of heart and life to the
whole Church.
Among all the possible observances for Lent, I would like to
highlight a few. Every liturgical time is enriched for us when we
participate in Mass more than on Sunday. We have the opportunity
to enter into the saving Mystery of Christ, to hear his word and receive his holy Body and Blood, with a focus on the liturgical time at
hand. The discipline of Lent is fostered by also attending Mass on
the weekdays. Also, a regular part of the Christian Life is going to
Confession. Many of us are not in a good habit of going to Confession with consistency. Lent gives us the opportunity to make a very
good Confession and also to establish a pattern for a year round
practice. Additionally, the Word of God is the primary mentor for
living a Christian life. Many of us settle for what we hear from the
Lord at Sunday Mass in his Word. We can bring this same Word
into our hearts every day when we prayerfully and reflectively ponder the Scriptures in our home. Lent is a good time to make this a
daily or frequent practice. As Lent begins this week, let us pray for
one another that we will all make a good Lent. Let us encourage
one another by a personal commitment to keep Lent faithfully. May
this Lent have us truly prepared to encounter the Risen Lord within
us and among us in just a few short weeks.
The second collection at Mass next Sunday will be for the support of religious education programs in the Cathedral Parish.
Thank you so very much for all of your goodness and generosity to
the Cathedral Parish in so many ways and to the annual Catholic
Charities Appeal.
God bless you,
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Father Dennis Gill
Adoración Eucarística el primer viernes del mes
Friday, March 3, 2017
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Cathedral Chapel
The Most Blessed Sacrament will be exposed
for adoration before the 12:05 PM Mass.
Please come to adore the Lord!
The Sacrament of Penance will be available
on the First Friday of each month, beginning at 11 am
El Santísimo Sacramento será expuesto para adoración antes
de la Misa de las 12:05 pm el primer viernes de cada mes
a partir de las 11:00 am en la Capilla de la Catedral. Confesiones en ingles a las 11am. Por favor ven a adorar al Señor
"If we but paused for a moment to consider attentively
what takes place in this Sacrament, I am sure that the
thought of Christ's love for us would transform the
coldness of our hearts into a fire of love and gratitude."
- St. Angela of Foligno
Aid For Friends is a non-profit organization
that seeks volunteers to prepare meals in their homes and/or
to deliver food for those unable to prepare their own meals.
These prepared meals are a tremendous service to the elderly and disabled who cannot afford their meals and/or have
difficulty getting to the food store.
Please consider helping A id for Friends by picking up
the meal trays in Chapel Hall on Sunday mornings during
the Mass times, from 8:00 AM to 1:30 PM. These trays are
located next to the A id For Friends freezer with further instructions in Chapel Hall. Please return prepared meals any
weekday between 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM or Sunday mornings during the Mass times.
If you are interested in taking meals to the homebound,
especially in the Cathedral Parish area, please contact Mrs.
Lynn Trumbetta, by phone (215-464-2224) or email [email protected]. You must first register with A id For
Friends to deliver meals. Aid for Friends encourages a visit
with the persons receiving the meal as well.
MARCH 1 - APRIL 8, 2017
We would like to congratulate parishioner Laylah
Santiago for achieving academic excellence. Layla
achieved Second Honors at St. Hubert Catholic H.S. for
Help save lives in Philadelphia!
You can protect mothers and
children, here’s how to take part:
Through prayer & fasting, peaceful vigils & Community
outreach, 40 Days for Life has inspired 725 K volunteers!
♦ Vigil location: Outside Planned Parenthood,
12th & Locust in Center City.
♦ Vigil hours: 8 AM to 5 PM, M-F • 8 AM to 3 PM, SAT.
♦ Local Contact: Pat Stanton 267-718-4851,
Monique Ruberu 469-231-9084 [email protected]
The Cathedral Basilica is responsible for signing up
parishioners/participants to the prayer vigil on
APRIL 4 Please join us!
Sign up in the link below or by calling the Parish Office
Learn more & get involved by visiting our campaign at
Readings for Mass for this Week
Please see the website of the United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops. usccb.org/bible/readings
Las lecturas de la semana están disponibles
en el enlace de arriba
The Financial Support of the Cathedral Parish is the
duty of our parishioners. Here at the Cathedral Parish we
are greatly supported as well by our many visitors. If you
only put $1 in the collection would you consider $5, if you
put $10, would you consider $20?
The Offertory Collection for Sunday, 02/19/2017 was
$7,9253.50. Thank you very much for your generous financial support.
Please remember these parishioners and friends of the Cathedral Parish in your prayers/ Ora por los enfermos:
Nancy Rice, Frank Byrne, Gerald Leo, Eileen Swartz, Dan Moyer, Rose Johnston, William Zawacki, Carla
McCollaum, David Hernandez, Edward Panek, Irene McCarthy, Paige Bednarsky, Patrick DiGiovanni, Patricia
Capone, Rosemary Lovett, Grace Teti, Nick Capozio, Darcel Burney, Fred Hankinson, Renee Kenny, Thomas J.
Kenny, Stacey Smit, Anadelia Cacique, Alis de Pachecho, JoAnn Stein, Francis Pham, William Spiro, Scott Towers, Daniel
Moyer Sr., James Pinto, Pearl Hammond, Loretta Braccili, Dorothy Tomassini, Pam Buccelli, Charlotte McLaughlin,
Amberlyn Boland, Wendy Cornel, Michelle, Oscar Rodriguez, Enrique Rodriguez, Randy Burbage, Rosa Maria Santos, Amy
Fife, Marissa Kostrzewa, David Kaplan, Marilyn Mullen, Kathleen Aponik, April DeMatto, and those in nursing homes or
hospitals and all the sick.. Please call the Parish Office with the name of anyone who is sick, to be included in our prayer list.
Por favor llamar a la oficina parroquial para añadir a la lista los nombres de personas que estén enfermas.
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What’s Happening at the Parish
Outside the Liturgical Schedule
Mar. 1 Ash Wednesday (refer to the inser t)
Morning Scripture for Lawyers,
Neumann Room, 8:00 AM
Charismatic Prayer Group,
Neumann Room, 6:00 PM
Mar. 2 Hallahan H.S. Ring Mass, Basilica, 6:00 PM
Catechetical Session, Neumann Room, 7:00 PM
Las cenizas serán distribuidas durante cada una de las
Misas: 7:15 AM, 12:05 PM, 12:35 PM y 5:15 PM.
El Miércoles de Ceniza “inicia el tiempo litúrgico de la
Cuaresma en el que, durante 40 días y a través de la vivencia del ayuno, la oración y la limosna, los fieles se preparan
para la Semana Santa en la que se actualizan los misterios
de la Pasión, Muerte y Resurrección del Señor Jesús. En
este tiempo los fieles están llamados a trabajar de manera
especial en la conversión personal, exhortación que durante
la imposición de las cenizas expresa el celebrante con las
palabras: ‘Convertíos y creed en el Evangelio’.” Leer mas
en: aciprensa.com
Sacramento de la Reconciliación
Los domingos a las 12:00 PM en la Capilla
El Via Crucis (Estaciones de la Cruz)
En español, los viernes a las 7:00 PM en la Capilla
En ingles, los Viernes después de la Misa de las 12:05 PM
en la Capilla
Plato de Arroz de CRS
A través de Plato de Arroz de CRS, escuchamos historias de
nuestros hermanos y hermanas necesitados en todo el mundo, y
dedicamos nuestras oraciones, ayuno y donativos de Cuaresma
para cambiar las vidas de los pobres. Cada día durante la Cuaresma, los participantes están invitados a utilizar el Calendario
de Cuaresma—incluido en cada cajita o Plato de Arroz de
CRS—para guiar sus donativos. Las actividades diarias en el
Calendario de Cuaresma—por ejemplo, dona 25 centavos a su
cajita por cada llave de agua en su casa—ayuda a familias a
reflexionar en las realidades de nuestros hermanos y hermanas
alrededor del mundo y cómo puedan ser solidarios durante la
temporada de Cuaresma.
Retiro de Sanación Post-Aborto
Marzo 10 al 12, 2017 - Malvern-Frazer, PA
Es diseñado para ayudarle a experimentar la Misericordia
y la compasión de Dios. Le ayudara a sanar heridas que tal
vez estén escondidas, en un ambiente seguro, donde no la
van a juzgar y la trataran con amor. Le ayudara a tener esperanza en su futuro y le ayudara a liberarse del dolor en su
corazón y en su alma. Para información, llame a Geri al
610-399-0890 o a Priscilla al 215-906-6337. El Viñedo de
Raquel de Greater Philadelphia. Todas las llamadas son
confidenciales. Es posible recibir ayuda financiera.
Sitio web nacional: www.rachelsvineyard.org
¿A quien le pertenece este mundo?
Un buen administrador—hombre o mujer—es
una persona responsable en quien el dueño puede confiar
sin tener que supervisarlo. Sin embargo, aunque el administrador haga muy bien su trabajo nunca se convertirá en
dueño de eso que administra. Tú podrás creerte que eres
dueño de muchas cosas, desde una casa hasta un negocio
o una propiedad. Si de verdad fueras el dueño podrías
llevártelo todo cuando te mueras. Imagínate mejor mirar
las cosas no como algo que “posees” sino algo que
“administras”. ¿Te aferrarías menos a “tus” cosas y más a
ver a quién podrías ayudar con ellas? ¿Cómo ayudarías a
las generaciones futuras? Hacerte el hábito de pensar como administrador puede alterar positivamente tu forma
de pensar, tus palabras y acciones. Empieza por decirte:
“No soy dueño, sino que tengo una corresponsabilidad
por lo que Dios me ha dado”. El verdadero dueño es
Dios, que conoce las intenciones de tu corazón. Después
de todo, ¿a quién le pertenece este mundo?
La Corresponsabilidad Vivida Ahora
Considera hacer un testamento o actualizar el
que ya tienes. Deja provistos a aquellos que amas y, si
tienes los recursos, haz alguna donación a la Iglesia y a tu
obra de caridad preferida. Son legados que siguen multiplicándose dejando tu huella más allá de tu vida terrena.
Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved
Marzo 1 — Abril 8
¡Ayuda a salvar vidas en
Filadelfia! Puedes proteger a madres e niños
participando por medio de la oración y abstinencia, vigilias pacificas y ayuda a la comunidad. ¡40 Días Por la Vida
ha inspirado a mas de 725.000 voluntarios!
♦ Lugar de la vigilia: Afuera de Planned Parenthood,
12th & Locust en Center City
♦ Horario de la vigilia: 8 AM a 5 PM, L-V
8 AM to 3 PM, Sab.
♦ Contacto: Pat Stanton 267-718-4851
Para más información en ingles y para registrarte visita nuestra
campaña en: 40daysforlife.com/philadelphia o llama a
la oficina parroquial, Nora te explicará en español de
que se trata esta campaña y también te puede registrar,
215-561-1313 o [email protected]
Nuestra parroquia esta encargada de conseguir feligreses y otros participantes para orar en frente del centro
abortista el día 4 DE ABRIL. Por favor suscríbase especialmente para ese día. Bendiciones!
-3- 062 cathd
Thursday, March 2, 7:00 PM
Meeting in the Neumann Room
The weekly catechetical session is primarily for the adults
among us who are preparing to receive the Easter
Sacraments. However, anyone interested in the topic for
better understanding and faith formation is most welcome to
attend. Anyone, especially our parishioners, seeking more
information on the reception of the Sacraments or assisting
as a sponsor, please call the Parish Office., 215-561-1313.
The Cathedral Parish has been very pleased to commission
several men and women as official greeters or Ministers of
Hospitality, at each of our entrances. We will complete the
Rites of Commissioning this Sunday morning before the
8:00 am Mass. The Blessing of our volunteers and the
Blessing of their pins is a formal way of calling on God to
be with them as they reach out to all who come and go from
the Cathedral. The many who pass through our doorways
are in one way or another seeking God who is Truth, Beauty
and Goodness. Some come to worship, others to tour our
sacred and beautiful space. We make every effort to make
all feel welcome and answer any question they might have.
We ask you as well, to pray for them and if possible, join
their ranks by speaking to one of our priests or S. Eleanor
McCann, RSM.
Parish Coordinator: Joseph Bednarz
Mike Leigh, Lou Ferrero, Joseph & Cynthia Bausano,
Philip McDonald, Anne Kimani & Ruthie Njagi, Philomena Stephen-King, Joseph Weiss, Aida Santiago, Rosa
Ramos, Antonia Marie Pugliese, Jonathan Nidock, James
Herman, Sandra M. Lavini, Laura Baciu, Julia Veres,
Irene Polomski, Jose Lopez, Luis Arcila, Ray Welsh, Nick
& Jessica Baker, Barbara Plocharski, Paul Devine, Albert
Ferrigno, Richard DiLorenzo, Frank Di Angelo, Joseph &
Cynthia Bausano, Philip McDonald, Rosa Ramos, James
Herman, Sandra M. Lavini, Laura Baciu and Julia Veres.
We thank each
reliable service!
We are thrilled to announce our upcoming social event,
Lenten Kick-off and Game Night, being held Friday,
March 3rd at 7 PM at the Pastoral Center (222. N. 17th
St). Father Gill will begin the evening with us and offer a
brief Lenten meditation followed by food and games. We
will have meatless pizzas and beverages, so plan to have
your one meal that Friday with us! We hope each of you can
join us for this wonderful start to Lent.
Holy Rosary before Mass: We hope that each of you will
consider joining us every second Sunday of the month at
5:45 PM prior to the 6:30 PM Mass to pr ay the Rosary as
a group. If you are interested in the Young Adults of the
Cathedral Parish or wish to receive the most up-to-date
information on our group’s events please e-mail us. Please
search for our Facebook page (search: Young Adults at the
Friday, April 7, 2017: Discipleship Series - Session Two Living as an Intentional Disciple of Jesus as a Member of
his Church. Presenter: Fr . Dennis Gill, Rector & Pastor
of the Cathedral. Where: The Archdiocesan Pastoral Center,
222 North Seventeenth St., Philadelphia, PA, beginning at
7:30 PM. [email protected]
F RIDAY , J UNE 23, 2017
6:30 PM - 10:30 PM
Cocktail Reception, Dinner and Entertainment
Black Tie Optional /Complementary Parking at the Cathedral
Opportunities to support the Keys & Sword Event
Full Page Ad (8 ½ ” x 11”)
½ Page Ad
(5 ½ ” x 8 ½ ”)
¼ Page Ad
(5 ½ ” x 4 ¼”)
Queen of the Apostles
Saints Peter & Paul
St. John Neumann &
St. Katharine Drexel
Rector’s Circle
$3,000 +
$2,000 - $2,999
$1,000 - $1,999
$100 - $999
Purchase Table (10 tickets)
Individual Tickets
Ticket Sponsorship (tickets will
be distributed by the Rector)
For more information please visit: Cathedralphila.org Call: 215-531-1313
or Email Mary Ann Leigh at: [email protected]
-4- 062 cathd
Man-Up Philly: Men's Spirituality Conference
Saturday, March 4, 2017 - 8:30 AM-5 PM
Come be a part of this special experience and stand with
your Brothers as true Men of God. Speakers: Marcellino
D’Ambrosio, Ph.D., Kevin Reilly, Damon Clarke Owens,
Mark Forrest. Location: St. Joseph's University, Hagan Arena, Phila. More info & registration:
Archbishop Chaput’s new book
“Stanger in a Strange Land"
will be sold in the Cathedral Shop
starting Saturday February 25th
The Cathedral Shop is open Wed. 10:30
AM - 2:00 PM / Sat. 11:00 AM - 5:15 PM
Sun. 10:30 AM - 6:30 PM / 215-665-9032
Mary and the Miraculous Metal
Wednesday, March 8th – 6:00 PM
Speaker: Father Michael J. Shea, C.M.
Location: Holy Martyrs Catholic Church,
121 Allison Road, Oreland, PA
Post-Abortion Healing Retreat
March 10 to 12, 2017 - Malvern-Frazer, PA
This retreat for healing after abortion is designed to help
you experience the mercy and compassion of God. It will
help you focus on the buried emotions of the past and begin
healing in a non-judgmental, safe, loving, and confidential
environment. It will give you hope for your future and
freedom from the pain within your heart and soul. For
information call Geri at 610-399-0890 or Priscilla at
215-906-6337. Rachel Vineyard of Greater Philadelphia.
All inquiries are strictly confidential. Financial aid is offered if needed. National website: www.rachelsvineyard.org
Deliver Us From Evil:
A Lenten Reflection on the Nature of Evil
Friday, March 10, 2017, 7-9 PM
In this Lenten reflection, you will learn how evil operates in
our lives and how to defend yourself against its power.
Reservations required. Speaker: Susan Brinkmann, OCDS,
staff journalist for Women of Grace and frequent guest on
EWTN. Location: St. Agnes Church, 445 N. Main St.,
Sellersville, PA. More info & registration:
Visit the Events page at www.womenofgrace.com or call
800-558-5452 to register.
Our Lady of Fatima Movie Night, The 13th Day
Friday, March 10, 2017 - 6:30 PM
A family movie night in honor of the 100th Anniversary of Our
Lady of Fatima. Location: St. John Bosco Parish Center
Library, 215 E. County Line Rd, Hatboro, PA
St. Charles Borromeo Seminary presents: The 24th
Annual Marian Day. Topic: Mary’s Spiritual Motherhood
Sat. March 11, 2017, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Wynnewood.
9 AM Registration • 9:30 AM Conference One, Fr. Mark
Mary (from EWTN’S Life on the Rock) • 11:15 Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass • 12:00 PM Lunch • 1:15 PM
Conference Two, Fr. Mark Mary • 2:45 Holy Hour
Please RSVP before March 1st at [email protected]
or 610-785-6270 indicating your name and the number of
persons attending with you. A donation of $10 to cover box
lunch is requested of lay attendees at the time of
registration. Breakfast & other snacks will not be provided
Print Publication for local Catholic news
The Archdiocese is considering resuming a print publication
containing local Church news that would come out every
other week. The subscription rate would be $40 to $50 annually. If you think you would subscribe to a regular archdiocesan publication, please email or call the rectory to say
that you are interested in a print publication.
[email protected]
Whose World?
A steward is the trusted manager of a household,
farm, or landed estate. He is counted on to act for the
owner without oversight. Yet however well a steward
does his job, he never becomes the owner of what he
manages. You may believe you own a lot of things, from
a house to a business, to property. If you really owned
them, you could take them with you when you die. Imagine, then, looking at things, not as what you “own” but
what you “steward.” Would you cling less to “your”
stuff, or think who else you could assist with it? How
might you benefit future generations? Changing to a
stewardship habit can alter your thoughts, words, and
actions. Start by saying, “I no longer own; rather, I am
responsible for what I have.” The true owner is the Lord,
who knows the motives of your heart. Whose world is
this after all?
Living Stewardship Now
Consider making a will or updating the one you already have. Make provisions for those you love and, if
you have the resources, make gifts to the Church and favorite charities that will go on giving beyond your lifetime.
Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved
Tours of the Cathedral Basilica
A guided tour of the Basilica is available
after the 11:00 AM Sunday Mass.
Please gather in front of the Side Altar of
the Sacred Heart, which is located to the
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right of the Main Sanctuary.