Best Fireplace Service Company in Victoria BC

If you’re looking a chimney or fireplace service company within Victoria BC,
TimberHawkhomeBuilders is the company you need to contact which specializes
in chimney and fireplace cleaning and renovation, home & masonry renovations,
Fireplace Masonry, repair and construction services.
TimberHawkhomeBuilders are providing quality and professional fireplace
services at affordable prices.
List of Fireplace Services Chimney Repointing
Chimney Caps
Fireplace Masonry
Chimney Flue
Fireplace Repairs/Restoration
Waterproofing and Foundations
Chimney Rebuild
Natural Stone Fireplaces
Chimney Flashing
Give us a quick call and we will give you a free opinion on the best solution on
your chimney, whether you’re building a new one or repairing an old one.
Call us on 250 889 7084
For more details about Fireplace Service Company Victoria BC feel free to visit: