26th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 25, 2016

2511 South “C” Street - Oxnard, CA 93033
Church Phone: (805) 486-7301
Fax: (805) 486-3142
Website: www.stanthonyoxnard.org
Parish Founded 1959
by Msgr. Michael Condon (1915 - 2001)
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 25, 2016
Living God’s Word
We ask for the discernment to recognize
when God is working in unexpected ways
through unexpected people who do unexpected things . . . and for the wisdom to
distinguish the wise from the wacky,
much less the wicked. And we pray both
that we never let ourselves fall from
grace or lead another away from God.
Fr. Doan T. Pham
Associates: Fr. Daniel M. Martinez
Fr. Porfirio Álvarez (Retired in residence)
Fr. Anthony Berchmanz (In residence)
Senior Deacons: Jim Henry, Joe Kennedy,
Jon McPheeters
Deacons: Andrew Cottam, George Garcia, Aurelio
Macias, Donald Pinedo & Roy Sadowski
Monday—Friday / Lunes—Viernes
8:00 am, 5:15 pm (No 5:15 pm Mass on Tues. & Weds.)
(No 5:15 pm Misas el mar. y miér.)
Todo los Martes: 7:00 pm
(Misa de Sanación segundo martes del mes)
Fridays / Viernes 6:00—6:30 pm
Saturdays / Sábados 3:30—5:00 pm
First Fridays 8:30 am-5:15 pm
Primer Viernes 8:30 am–5:15 pm
Monday—Saturday after 8:00 am Mass.
Lunes—Sábado después de la Misa de las 8:00 am
Monday-Friday ~ Lunes-Viernes:
8:30 am - 8:00 pm (closed-cerrado 12:00 pm-1:00 pm)
8:00 am, 5:15 pm (Vigil)
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Sunday Liturgy ~ Liturgias del Domingo:
7:30, 9:00, 10:30 am (English)
12:00, 1:30 pm (Español)
September 25, 2016
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Compassion~ One Act at a Time
By Cynthia Reyes
The woman sat outside near the entrance of a well-known restaurant visited by many tourists in the city of San
Miguel de Allende in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico. She had a “rebozo” wrapped around her, with her palms extended; she outstretched her hands to anyone who passed her. She was like Lazarus in today’s gospel, begging for
scraps or money, some kind of help in order to survive her meager existence. She was not young. Her weathered hands
and wrinkled face read as a road map to a hard life. Who knew her story? I just knew she needed help.
How many times have we encountered the poor at our doorstep, at MacDonald’s, at the entrances of off-ramps,
or even outside our church premises? These days, we don’t have to look far to find the poor. They exist in our neighborhoods, and even in our families. There is always an opportunity to help those who are less fortunate than us.
Luke’s gospel reminds us that indifference and complacency has consequences. [Luke 16:19-31] When our
bellies are full, do we think of those who have no food, and do we do something about it? Self-indulgence and selfserving does not bring about the Kingdom here on Earth. And for that matter, it won’t bring us to God’s Kingdom.
What is God telling us today? How can I make a difference in this world before it’s too late? Perhaps it’s one kind act
of compassion at a time without judgment.
Compasión- Un Acto a La Vez
Por Cynthia Reyes
La mujer se sentó afuera cerca de la entrada de un restaurante bien conocido y visitado por muchos turistas en
la ciudad de San Miguel de Allende en el estado de Guanajuato, México. Un rebozo le envolvía alrededor de ella, con
sus palmas ampliadas; ella extendía sus manos a cualquier persona que la pasaba. Ella era como Lázaro en el evangelio
de hoy, pidiendo las sobras o limosna, una cierta clase de ayuda para sobrevivir en su pobre existencia. Ella no era joven. Ella, hacerse de rogar, con las manos y su cara arrugada leída como mapa de un camino de una vida dura. ¿Quién
sabía su historia? Solamente sabia que ella necesitaba ayuda.
¿Cuántas veces hemos encontrado los pobres en nuestro pasos, en MacDonald’s, en las entradas de las calles, o
aún, el exterior de nuestra iglesia? Actualmente, no tenemos que mirar lejos para encontrar a los pobres. Existen en
nuestras vecindades, e incluso en nuestras familias. Hay siempre una oportunidad de ayudar a los que sean menos afortunados que nosotros.
El evangelio de San Lucas nos recuerda que la indiferencia y la satisfacción personal tiene consecuencias.
¿Cuándo nuestros vientres son llenos, pensamos en los que tengan hambre y hacemos algo sobre él? El egoísmo y el
interesado no construye el reino aquí en la tierra. Y para esa razón, no nos traerá al Reino de Dios. ¿Qué nos dice Dios
hoy entre las lecturas? ¿Cómo puedo cambiar en este mundo antes de que sea demasiado tarde? Quizás es un acto
bueno de la compasión a la vez sin el juicio.
First Reading — Woe to the complacent. Their wanton revelry shall be done
away with (Amos 6:1a, 4-7).
Psalm — Praise the Lord, my soul! (Psalm 146).
Second Reading — Compete well for the faith. Keep the commandment until
the appearance of the Lord Jesus (1 Timothy 6:11-16).
Gospel — The parable of Lazarus and the rich man (Luke 16:19-31).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass ©
1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Jb 1:6-22; Ps 17:1bcd-3, 6-7; Lk 9:46-50
Jb 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23; Ps 88:2-8; Lk 9:51-56
Jb 9:1-12, 14-16; Ps 88:10bc-15; Lk 9:57-62
Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a; Ps 138:1-5; Jn 1:47-51
Jb 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5; Ps 139:1-3, 7-10, 13-14ab; Lk 10:13-16
Jb 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Ps 119:66, 71, 75, 91, 125, 130; Lk
Hb 1:2-3; 2:2-4; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; 2 Tm 1:6-8, 13-14; Lk 17:5-10
Primera lectura — Ay de los complacidos. Sus juergas disolutas desaparecerán (Amós 6:1a, 4-7).
Salmo — Alabemos al Señor, que viene a salvarnos (Salmo 146 [145]).
Segunda lectura — Compite bien por la fe. Guarda los mandamientos hasta
que aparezca el Señor Jesús (1 Timoteo 6:11-16).
Evangelio — Recuerda que recibiste las cosas buenas durante tu vida; Lázaro
recibió lo que era malo. Ahora Lázaro es consolado mientras que tú eres atormentado
(Lucas 16:19-31).
Salmo responsorial: Leccionario II © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral
Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso.
Todos los derechos reservados.
Job 1:6-22; Sal 17 (16):1bcd-3, 6-7; Lc 9:46-50
Job 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23; Sal 88 (87):2-8; Lc 9:51-56
Job 9:1-12, 14-16; Sal 88 (87):10bc-15; Lc 9:57-62
Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 o Ap 12:7-12a; Sal 138 (137):1-5; Jn 1:47-51
Job 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5; Sal 139 (138):1-3, 7-10, 13-14ab; Lc
Job 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Sal 119 (118):66, 71, 75, 91, 125, 130;
Lc 10:17-24
Heb 1:2-3; 2:2-4; Sal 95 (94):1-2, 6-9; 2 Tim 1:6-8, 13-14; Lc
September 25, 2016
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“Building the Bridge to
Academics and
Page 3
(805) 487-5317
(805) 486-1537 (
Please remember, St. Anthony School has a closed campus policy. In the
interest of security and safety for students & staff, our campus will be
locked and fully secured. All visitors/parents must report directly to the
school office, not the classroom.
St. Anthony School con nues registering
students for the 2015-2016 academic year.
We have grades PK, TK, & K-8th. Please
contact Mrs. Duran in the school office to
begin the registra on process. You may
email [email protected] or call (805)
Thank you for joining us in worship at the
Lord’s Table last weekend. As a reminder,
St. Anthony School has a family Mass nearly every month of the school year. Watch
the bulle n for the dates. All are welcome!
“In the Catholic school, family values are
supported. Parents know their children are
being not only informed, but also formed.”
10/2 – Fiesta
10/3 – No school
10/5 – Noon dismissal
Everyone and their friends and neighbors
are invited to the Parish-School Fiesta, next
Sunday, October 2nd. Prepara ons will
begin on Friday and will con nue Saturday.
The raffle cket winners will be announced.
There will be food, fun, games, and best of
all fellowship! See you there!
September 25, 2016
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Employment Opportunity
Seeking a Full-time Bilingual (English/Spanish) bicultural Director of Religious Education for Elementary,
High School Confirmation and Youth Ministry. Please log on to the Archdiocesan Web under parish job
listings for further details, and submit the download archdiocesan application. Please email the application
and resume to [email protected] before September 30, 2016. No phone calls please.
” (Wਠ਱਱ਨਮ਱ਲ ਥਮ਱ Cਧ਱ਨਲਲ਼):
All men are invited to
deepen your spirituality.
We meet Wed. @ 6:30
pm in the Community
"Mystical Rose": What does
the Legion of Mary do? We evangelize, visit the sick,
the elderly, the disabled in homes or hospitals and of
course, we pray the Holy Rosary together for our
Church and the whole world. Join us! Location to
TBA.. For information contact Armando Salinas at
(805) 432-0350. If you would like to request a
home visit from the Pilgrim Virgin Mary Statue
please call Frank Nava at (805) 485-8457.
This process is for those who wish to
receive the sacraments of Baptism,
Eucharist and Confirmation.
Sessions will resume October 4th, 2016 @7:00 pm
For more information please contact Cynthia Reyes
at 486-7301, ext.120.
Hay adultos que fueron bautizados en la infancia y
que no han completado sus sacramentos de Confirmación y de Eucaristía. Si usted está interesado en
completar sus sacramentos de iniciación o si desea
saber más acerca de la Iglesia Católica, favor de hablar con Cynthia Reyes, Directora de Iniciación, al
486-7301, X120.
El Processo resumen el 27 de septembre 2016
@7:00 pm
Widows & Widowers/Silent Rosary Fellowship:
Are you interested in gathering in fellowship
in a social
setting with others whom have
experienced a loss of their spouse? You are invited to
call Mr. Henry Reifer at (805) 486-3433 to receive further information of this newly formed group. Thank
FOOD PANTRY is available on Tuesdays &
Fridays from 9:30 am to 11:45 am and
serve those from our parish boundaries.
For more information or if you would
like to become a Vincentian, please call
: martes a
las 7:00 pm en la Iglesia.
: Cada segundo martes del mes a las 7:00 pm
en la Iglesia.
”: Les invitamos hacer parte de su apostolado.
“La forma mas fácil de llegar a Jesús
es conociendo a su Madre Santísima,
la Virgen María” Nos juntamos los
miércoles a las 9:00 am en la oficina
parroquial .
Se dará un curso de planificación familiar Natural
para las parejas. Ya no habrá necesidad de usar
anticonceptivos que traen muchas enfermedades
para la mujer y provocan muchos cambios en su
cuerpo. En este curso aprenderán el método del
la ovulación. Este método NO es el conocido
método del ritmo o del calendario. El método de la Ovulación
puede ser usado por todas las mujeres, regulares e irregulares.
Es fácil de aprender y científicamente comprobado y
exitosamente usado por todo el mundo. Conozcamos como
parejas, como Dios creo nuestro sistema reproductivo y
saquemos buen provecho de ello siguiendo su plan como El lo
diseño. Para registrarse o para mas información llamar a: Tanis
y María Morado al (805) 469-5192.
September 25, 2016
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Saturday September 24
5:15 PM Jesus Garcia (birthday)
Bernardino Samson Jr. (†)
Sunday September 25
7:30 AM Maureen Martinez
9:00 AM St. Vincent of Paul & members
Margarita Andrade (birthday)
10:30 AM Emil Flores (†)
Camilla Raffaelli
12:00 PM María P. López (†)
San Judas y San Antonio
1:30 PM Gustavo & Vicky Macías (marriage blessing)
Gerardo y Claudia Reyes y Familia
Monday September 26
8:00 AM Kenia Quezada
Mrs. Hilton (†)
5:00 PM Florentino Rivera (†)
Tuesday September 27
8:00 AM Kenia Quezada
Adrián Magaña Esparza
7:00 PM En honor a San Agustín
La Familia González y Rodríguez
Wednesday September 28
8:00 AM Martin Bañuelos (†)
Peter Castro
Thursday September 29
8:00 AM Delia Bama (thanksgiving)
Rogelio Medina (†)
5:15 PM Kenia Quezada
Friday September 30
8:00 AM Kenia Quezada & Flora Fenske
5:15 PM Robert Lerma & Brothers (†)
Saturday October 1
8:00 AM Kenia Quezada
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ANNUAL “Pray for a Cure for Cancer Mass & Anointing of the Sick
On October 1, 2016 at 12:30 p.m. we will be offering the
sacrifice of Mass for cures for cancer; with the anointing of
the sick during Mass. We are inviting you, your loved ones
and friends who need prayer or need to pray for someone
who is suffering from cancer to be present to entrust God to
GOD Lk 2:37 . If you cannot be present simply e-mail your
name/s or the name/s of the person that need prayer
to [email protected] and their names will be placed
near the altar during Mass. If you have any question, please
contact Deacon Mark or Vickie Race @ 310-259-6430.
Pray for a Cure for Cancer Mass & Anointing of the Sick
Saturday, October 1, 2016 @ 12:30 p.m.
Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels
555 West Temple Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
In Remembrance ~
Please pray for
all the deceased of
St. Anthony’s Parish.
May they rest in peace...
SEPTEMBER 18, 2016
Sunday Collection/ Colecta del Domingo…$8,374.50
Building Fund/fondo de deficio…$2,769.00
SAS funds/fondos de SAS…$513.00
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DIRECTOR: Teresa Delgado
T UES —T HURS : 2:00-7:00 PM
SAT: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
SUN: 9-10:15 & 11:45-1:00 PM
S .A
(805) 486-0784
[email protected]
September 25, 2016
M ART – J UEV : 2:00-7:00 PM
S AB : 9:00 AM -1:00 PM
DOM: 9-10:15 Y 11:45—1:00 PM
Enroll your child for Post-Communion Classes: Children (Ages 8-13) who have
made their 1st Communion are encourage to continue their religious education. This is a no
pressure religious education program, learning about the Gospels, our Catholic Traditions and
devotions, learning to be true disciples of Christ. We have spaces available on Thursday 5:307:00 pm, session is in English. Registration fee is $15.00 for more information please contact
the Religious Education office 805-486-0784.
Interested in being a Catechist? or a Class Assistant? The Religious Education
Program needs you! please stop by the Religious Education office for more information.
Inscriba a su hijo(a) para las clases de post-comunión: niños (813años) que han hecho su primera comunión se les animan a continuar con su educación
religiosa. Se trata de un programa de educación religiosa sin presión, aprendiendo sobre los
Evangelios, nuestras Tradiciones y devociones Católicas, aprender a ser verdaderos discípulos de Cristo. Tenemos espacios disponibles los Jueves 5:30-7:00 pm, clases son en ingles. La
cuota de inscripción es de $15.00 para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con la
oficina de Educación Religiosa 805-486-0784.
Interesado en ser Catequista? o asistente de clase? El programa De educación
religiosa lo necesita! Pase a la oficina del catecismo para mas información.
DID YOU KNOW? Bystander engagement is critical to combat child abuse Ther e ar e far too many cases in
which a child is too scared to report abuse, and the adults around him or her do not understand the signs of abuse or
too afraid to speak up. Bystanders have more power than they know, especially when it comes to reporting abuse and
protecting children. Young adults don’t always have the opportunity or the courage to speak up for themselves, and
the adults around them have a duty to help out when they can. For a copy of the VIRTUS® article “Bystander Engagement Primary Prevention of a Different Sort,” email [email protected] or call 213-637-7227.
SABIA USTED? El involucramiento de testigos es importante para combatir el abuso infantil Hay demasiados
casos en los que un niño esta tan asustado/a para reportar abuso, y los adultos a su alrededor no entienden las señales
de abuso o tienen mucho temor de hablar. Los espectadores tienen mas poder de lo que ellos mismos creen. Especialmente cuando se trata de reportar abuso y proteger a los niños. Los adultos jóvenes no siempre tienen la oportunidad o
la valentía hablar por si mismos, y los adultos a su alrededor tienen la obligación de ayudar cuando puedan. Para una
copia del articulo de VIRTUS® “Bystanders Engagement– Primary Prevention of a Diffrent Sort” (Involucramiento
de espectadores, prevención primaria de distinto tipo) envie un correo electrónico a [email protected] o
llame al (213) 637-7508
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Attention Catholic Boy Scouts and Venture Crew
Members! Earn your Religious Knot. The Pope Pius XII
Religious Emblem Program will be offered in Ventura County
beginning in September. The Pope Pius XII program is a vocation-based program designed for high school and college age
Boy Scouts and Venturers to more fully develop a Christian
way of life within a faith community by becoming more familiar with their Calls from God. To earn the Pope Pius XII emblem, you must be Roman Catholic, a registered member of
the Boy Scouts of America, have started high school and not
be over 21 years old before beginning this program. This program is specifically designed for youth aged 16-18 years and is
open to both male and female Venturers and Boy Scouts. Our
organizing meeting will be Thursday, September 29 at 7 p.m.
in the Scout Room at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish,
3175 Telegraph Road, Ventura. The Scout Room is in the
garage behind the school at the very back of the property. You
may purchase a copy of the Pope Pius XII Manual at the Scout
Store. A parent must also attend this meeting! We will be
using an intensive version of this class, utilizing 4 all day
meetings, with homework in between. You must attend all 5
sessions (dates:
9/29/16, 10/15/16, 11/19/16, 12/17/16,
2/4/17). For more information, please call Kathy Ellison at
805-603-6325 or email at [email protected].
Mary & Joseph Retreat Center: Jesucristo es el Rostro
de la Misericordia del Padre, Carlos E. Obando, MA, el Sábado 1 de Octubre, de 9:00am a 4:00pm. Como se manifiesta
este rostro de Misericordia en mi vida, hecho y palabra? Como
experimento misericordia como “fuente de alegría serenidad y
paz? A través de una serie de reflexiones y meditaciones exploraremos el significado de misericordia, amor y el perdón de
Dios en mi vida, y al mismo tiempo, como y de que manera
debo yo manifestarlo a los que me rodean. Carlos es el Director asociado en LIS asimismo supervisa los programas en español. Carlos también enseña en el Instituto de Pastoral en
Orange y en el Centro de Religión y Espiritualidad de LMU.
Almuerzo incluido. Costo:$50
Mary & Joseph Retreat Center: An Interfaith Dialogue: “Forgot not to show love unto strangers”.~Hebrews
13.2 . Moderator: Milia Islam-Majeed, MA, Coordinator Wendy Rappe, MA, Sunday, October 2 @ 2:00 to 4:00pm. When a
foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat
them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as
your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God. ~Lev. 19:33-34. An
open discussion with a panel of religious leaders who are eager
to dispel ignorance and bigotry. This presentation will be an
opportunity to get a fuller picture about all god’s sons and
daughter and we sill all be richer in the cultural understanding
of how our diverse faiths are interconnected, different and
even alike. Well meaning people can find themselves honestly
confused about where to draw the line between fear and compassion. When we can better understand what we share then
our differences feel less frightening. Please attend! Free will donation.
love unable to get to church? TV Mass on Every Sunday
gives spiritual comfort to the homebound. Tune in at 9:00
a.m. on KDOC channel 56 or 29. For cable/satellite listings,
or to view the Mass online, visit www.MySundayMass.org.
September 25, 2016
women of God we are to “pursue righteousness, devotion, faith, love,
patience and gentleness.” We are called to keep his commandement
tolove one another as he has loved us. Is this evident in your lives and
mariages? Strengthen, renew and rekindle your marriage by attending
the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on Sept. 30– Oct. 2
in Winnetka. Contact Jeanie and Russ at 805-648-4244 or go online at
www.twocanlove.org. We help make good marriages better.
Gift Shop: We have prayer books in English and Spanish. There are
also DVD’s to introduce prayers, the Eucharist, Confession and the
Rosary. The DVD’s are bilingual. Bibles for all ages make a great gift!
Stop by /Sunday’s from 8:30am to 2:30pm. Cash or check only!
Adult Confirmation Director: Cynthia Reyes 486-7301, X120
Administrative Assistant : Cynthia Reyes 486-7301, X120
Altar Servers: Dn. Andrew Cottam 486-7301
Bulletin: 486-7301 x119 / [email protected]
Communion to Homebound: Dn. Jon McPheeters 985-0611
Director of Music: Alberto La Torre 486-7301 X121
ElementaryReligious Ed. Program :Teresa Delgado 486-0784
Gift Shop: Ann Marie Stein 486-6799
Legion of Mary: Armando Salinas 432-0350
High School Confirmation Director: Teresa Delgado 486-0784
Men’s Ministry “Bellatoris”: Dn. George Garcia 984-9393
RCIA : Cynthia Reyes 486-7301 X120
Safeguard the Children: Julia Inouye 487-4779
School Principal: Dn. Henry Barajas 487-5317
St. Vincent De Paul: Richard B. Perez Jr. 486-7302
Wedding & 15era Coordinator: Contact parish office 486-7301
Women’s Council: Ann Marie Stein 486-6799
Youth Mass: Contact parish office 486-7301
Youth Ministry Coordinator: Teresa Delgado 486-0784
Convalidación Programa: Dn. Aurelio Macías (805) 844-0663
Danza Mensajeros de María SAS: Dn. Barajas 487-5317
Grupo de Formación Espiritual: Padre Daniel 486-7301
Grupo de Oración “El Buen Pastor” : Dn. García 984-9393
Guadalupanos: Diacono Aurelio Macías (805) 844-0663
Legión de María: Angélica Rodríguez (805) 754-1222
Planificación Familiar Natural: Tanis y María Morado
(805) 469-5192
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos: Cynthia Reyes,
486-7301 x120
Voluntarios de Lectores, Ujieres, Ministros de Eucaristía:
Diacono Aurelio Macías 844-0663