U3 E1: The Subjunctive for Expressing Wishes

U3 E1: The Subjunctive for
Expressing Wishes
• Remember that you learned to use the
subjunctive mood with impersonal expressions
“Es importante que” at the end of Spanish II.
Es importante que sepas la verdad = It’s important
that you know the truth.
• You also learned to use the subjunctive after verbs
like “querer que” and “preferir que” to indicate
that one person wants someone else to do
• Prefiero que me digas la verdad = I prefer that
you tell me the truth
Triggers for wishes/demands
Ya sabes….
dejar -to allow
desear -to want, to desire
exigir- to demand (exijo, exiges)
esperar -to hope, to wait
insistir en- to insist on
mandar -to order, to send
oponerse a- to oppose
pedir (e-->i)- to request
prohibir- to prohibit
permitir -to permit
rogar (o-->ue)- to beg
querer (e-->ie) -to want
suplicar- to ask, plead
recomendar (e-->ie) -to recommend
aconsejar- to advise
sugerir (e-->ie) -to suggest
• You only use the subjunctive with these verbs
for expressing wishes
when there is a change of subject in the
(this was an issue on the test)
In the first example “Yo prefiero que me digas la
the first clause has “prefiero,” which is
conjugated for the subject “yo.”
In the second clause, the subject is “digas” for
The subject begins as “I” but then changes to
“you” so the subjunctive is used.
Intentemos otros ejemplos: Prohibo que vayas a la fiesta.
The first subject is ________________ and the second
subject is ____________, so the subjunctive is used.
Mis padres insisten que yo haga mi tarea.
The first subject is ___________________ and the
second subject is _______________, so the subjunctive is
When there is no change of subject, you use the infinitive
instead of the subjunctive.
Ejemplo: Yo deseo viajar a Inglaterra. = I want to travel to
(I want that I travel to England, both subjects are “I.”)
Yo quiero que tú asistas a la ceremonia.
Yo quiero asistir a la ceremonia.
Quiero que me lleves a casa = I want you to take
me home (that you take me home)
(notice that in English we make the subjunctive
part an infinitive)
Termina la oración. Usa el subjuntivo.
POR EJEMPLO: Mis tíos no ABREN la tienda hoy. Yo quiero que
ellos la ABRAN.
1. Alicia no estudia idiomas. Pero yo quiero que Alicia
________________ idiomas.
2. Marcos no trabaja. Pero deseamos que él
Escoge una expresión de deseo para terminar la frase.
3. Mis amigos no tienen empleo. Pero _______________ que
ellos ___________________ empleo.
4. Federico y Paula no nos escriben. Pero _______________ que
ellos nos ______________________.
5. Juan no sigue nuestros consejos. Pero
_______________ que Juan ____________ nuestros
6. Nosotros no comemos fuera hoy. Pero
_______________ que nosotros ________________ fuera.
7. Tú no vuelves temprano. Pero _______________ que tú
8. Los niños no duermen por la tarde. Pero
_______________ que ellos _______________por la
9. Juan no entiende. Pero _______________ que
Juan ___________________________
10. Amalia no piensa en nosotros. Pero
_______________ que Amalia
__________________en nosotros.
11. La oficina no manda el paquete. Pero
_______________ que la oficina
1. My sister begs me to help her (begs that I help her).
2.Your grandparents never let you go out (salir) with me.
3.My favorite professor advises me to study more. (like
example 1).
4.The students want me to give less homework.
5.My family hopes that my sister is successful in college.
6.I need all of you to take Spanish next year!!