Publications of project RADIALES Updated: 29/07/2016 1987 1

Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
1. Cabanas, J.M., Nunes, T., Iglesias, M.L., Gonzalez, N., Carballo, R., 1987.
Oceanografía de la bahía de La Coruña. Bol. Inst. Esp. Oceanogr. 4, 21-28.
2. Solá, A., 1987. Yearly variation of the ichthyoplankton of commercial interest species in
the Santander coast (North of Spain). ICES C.M. 1987/L:32.
3. Lago de Lanzós, A., Franco, C., Solá, A., 1988. Comparative study of the annual
pilchardus-(Walbaum,1792), of the Cantabric and NW Spain. ICES C.M. 1988
4. Solá, A., Motos, L., Franco, C., Lago de Lanzós, A., 1990. Seasonal occurrence of
pelagic fish eggs and larvae in the Cantabrian Sea (VIIIc) and Galicia (IXa) from
1987 to 1989. ICES C.M. 1990/H:25
5. Valdés, L., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Varela, M., 1990. Relación entre la estructura de
tallas y la biomasa del zooplancton nerítico en la plataforma de La Coruña (NO de
España). Bol. Inst. Esp. Oceanogr. 6, 97-106.
6. Miranda, A., Casas, G., Cabanas, J.M., 1991. Producción primaria y secundaria en la
Ría de Vigo durante el año 1988. Inf. Téc. Inst. Esp. Oceanogr. 95, 1-12.
7. Valdés, L., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Lavin, A., Varela, M., Carballo, R., 1991. Ciclo anual
de parámetros hidrográficos, nutrientes y plancton en la plataforma continental de
La Coruña (NO, España). Bol. Inst. Esp. Oceanogr. 7, 91-138.
8. Varela, M., 1991. Inventario das diatomeas planctónicas marinas de Galicia
(Bacillarophyceae). Cuadernos da Area de Ciencias. Bioloxía, Inventarios IX.
Seminario de Estudos Galegos, 58 pp.
9. Varela, M., 1992. Upwelling and phytoplankton ecology in Galician (NW Spain) rías
and shelf waters. Bol. Inst. Esp. Oceanogr. 8(1), 57-74.
10. Bode, A., Casas, B., Fernández, E., Marañon, E., Serret, P., Varela, M., 1993.
Variability of phytoplankton biomass and primary productivity in the shelf waters of
the upwelling area of N-NW Spain. ICES C.M. 1993/C:53.
11. Valdés, L., 1993. Composición, abundancia y distribución del mesozooplancton en la
plataforma continental frente a La Coruña. Ph.D. Thesis, Universidad de Oviedo,
Oviedo, 245 pp.
12. Bode, A., Casas, B., Varela, M., 1994. Size-fractionated primary productivity and
biomass in the Galician shelf (NW Spain): Netplankton versus nanoplankton
dominance. Sci. Mar. 58(1-2), 131-141.
13. Bode, A., Varela, M., 1994. Planktonic carbon and nitrogen budgets for the N-NW
Spanish shelf: The role of pelagic nutrient regeneration during upwelling events.
Sci. Mar. 58(3), 221-231.
14. Varela, M., Prego, R., Canle, M., Lorenzo, J., 1994. The Ria de La Coruña, is
hydrologically a ria? Gaia 9, 3-6.
Publications of project RADIALES
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15. Barquero, S., Bode, A., Varela, M., 1995. Seasonal variations in the abundance of
trophic groups of microplankton off La Coruña (N-W Spain). Marine Flow
Cytometry: EC MAST Advanced Study Course, Plymouth (UK), 16-29 July 1995.
16. Bode, A., Casas, B., Fernández, E., Marañón, E., Serret, P., Varela, M., 1995.
Variability of phytoplankton biomass and primary productivity in the shelf waters of
the upwelling area of N-NW Spain. In: Hagen, E.,Da Silva, A.J. (Editors),
Dynamics of upwelling in the ICES area. International Council for the Exploration
of the Sea, Copenhagen, pp. 71-72.
17. Bode, A., Casas, B., Lorenzo, J., Varela, M., 1995. Carbon fluxes through plankton
compartments after an upwelling event in the NW Spanish coast., EERO
Symposium on European coastal seas: from science to management., Barcelona,
4-6 October 1993. poster.
18. Bode, A., Varela, M., Barquero, S., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., González, N., 1995.
Exportación de la materia orgánica asociada a floraciones de fitoplancton en la
costa de La Coruña (NO. de España). 1er. Simpósio Ibérico de Plancton. Coimbra
(Portugal), 6-10 November, 1995.
19. Camiñas, J.A., Cano, N., Cortés, D., Díaz del Río, V., García, A., Rubín, J.P., 1995.
Ecomálaga: an ecosystem analysis of the SW Spanish Mediterranean coasts.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Mediterranean
Coastal Environment, MEDCOAST Tarragona (Spain). 24 - 27 October 1995, pp.
20. Camiñas, J.A., Cano, N., Cortés, D., García, A., Rubín, J.P., 1995. Variación
estacional de parámetros físicos, químicos, y biológicos marinos en el mar de
Alborán (zona norte). resultados del proyecto "Ecomálaga". I Congreso Ibérico de
Plancton. Coimbra (Portugal). 6-10 November, 1995.
21. Canteras, J.C., Pérez, L., Valdés, L., Moreno-Ventas, X., 1995. Seguimiento
hidrográfico de una estación nerítica frente a Santander en periodo estival y su
relación con otras areas marinas en el Mar Cantábrico. IV Coloquio Internacional
sobre Oceanografía del Golfo de Vizcaya, Santander (Spain). 12-14 April 1994,
pp. 255-263.
22. Casas, B., 1995. Composición, biomasa y producción del fitoplancton en la costa de
La Coruña: 1989-1992. Ph.D. Thesis, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela,
Santiago de Compostela (Spain). 340 pp.
23. Fernández de Puelles, M.L., Amengual, B., Gomis, C., Gras, D., Jansa, J., Morillas,
A., Vicente, L., 1995. Zooplankton seasonal variation during a year study in the
Majorcan shelf. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Med., 34 CIESM, Valleta (Malta) 1995, pp.
24. González-Quirós, R., González, N., Cabal, J., García-Soto, C., Anadón, R., 1995.
Primary production and copepod herbivory across a shelf break front in the Central
Cantabrian Sea. Conference on Upwelling systems: Eastern boundary of the
Atlantic Ocean. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain). 9-10 August 1995.
25. González-Quirós, R., Huskin, I., Quevedo, M., Cabal, J., Anadón, R., 1995. Fish
larvae distribution across an upwelling front in the Central Cantabrian sea:
Publications of project RADIALES
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Preliminary results. Conference on Upwelling systems: Eastern boundary of the
Atlanctic Ocean. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain). 9-10 August 1995.
26. Marañón, E., 1995. Patrones de incorporación del carbono fotoasimilado en
poblaciones naturales de fitoplancton marino. PhD Thesis, Universidad de
Oviedo, Oviedo (Spain). 144 pp.
27. Marañón, E., Fernández, E., Anadon, R., 1995. Patterns of macromolecular synthesis
by natural phytoplankton assemblages under changing upwelling regimes: in situ
observations and microcosm experiments. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 188(1), 1-28.
28. Pérez, L., Canteras, J.C., Valdés, L., Moreno-Ventas, X., 1995. Estudio del
fitoplancton de la zona nerítica de Santander en periodo estival. IV Coloquio
Internacional sobre Oceanografía del Golfo de Vizcaya, Santander (Spain). 12-14
April, 1994, pp. 305-311.
29. Pérez-Martín, M., Camiñas, J.A., 1995. Variación estacional del mesozooplancton de
la plataforma continental del mar de Alborán (zona norte). Resultados
preliminares. I Congreso Ibérico de Plancton. Coimbra (Portugal). 6-10 November,
30. Valdés, L., 1995. Pelagic copepods of Galicia (NW Spain): species assemblages,
spatial patterns and temporal variability. I Congreso Ibérico sobre Plancton.
Coimbra (Portugal). 6-10 November 1995.
31. Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Varela, M., 1996. Distribución espacial del microzooplancton
en relación con la hidrografía y el fitoplancton, en un área de afloramiento (NW,
España). V Coloquio internacional de Oceanografía del Golfo de Vizcaya., La
Rochelle (France). 16-18 April 1996.
32. Bagoien, E., Miranda, A., Reguera, B., Franco, J.M., 1996. Effects of two paralytic
shellfish toxin producing dinoflagellates on the pelagic harpacticoid copepod
Euterpina acutifrons. Mar. Biol. 126(3), 361-369.
33. Bode, A., Casas, B., Fernández, E., Marañón, E., Serret, P., Varela, M., 1996.
Phytoplankton biomass and production in shelf waters off NW Spain: spatial and
seasonal variability in relation to upwelling. Hydrobiologia 341, 225-234.
34. Botas, A., Anadón, R., 1996. Summer pCO2 distribution in a coastal zone of
Cantabrian Sea (Southern Bay of Biscay). V Colloque International
d’Oceanographie du Golfe de Gascogne. La Rochelle (France). 16-18 April 1996.
35. Casas, B., 1996. Composición, biomasa y producción del fitoplancton en la costa de
La Coruña: 1989-1992. Algas 15, 10.
36. Fernández de Puelles, M.L., 1996. Plankton dynamics in relation to physical
structures around the Ibiza Channel. Bull. Inst. Oceanogr. Monaco 17, 65-80.
37. Fernández de Puelles, M.L., 1996. The copepod population and its temporal
fluctuation in the Balearic Sea. VI International Conference on Copepoda.
Oldemburg (Germany). 29 July-3 August 1996.
38. Franco, C., Lago de Lanzós, A., Solá, A., L., V., 1996. Seasonal occurrence of
Mackerel and Horse mackerel eggs and Larvae in the Cantabrian sea and Galicia
from 1990-1992. Shelf Edge Fisheries Oceanographic Study (SEFOS) Final
39. González-Quirós, R., Anadón, R., 1996. Feeding ecology of Micromesistius
Publications of project RADIALES
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poutassou larvae off the central Cantabrian Sea. V Colloque International
d’Oceanographie du Golfe de Gascogne. La Rochelle (France), 16-18 April 1996.
40. González-Quirós, R., Cabal, J., Marañón, E., Alvarez-Marqués, F., Anadón, R., 1996.
Primary production and copepod herbivory across a shelf-break front in the
Central Cantabrian Sea. V Colloque International d’Oceanographie du Golfe de
Gascogne., La Rochelle (France), 16-18 April 1996.
41. González-Quirós, R., Huskin, I., Quevedo de Anta, M., Cabal, J., Anadón, R., 1996.
Fish eggs and larvae distribution across an upwelling front in the Central
Cantabrian Sea (NW Spain). V Colloque International d’Oceanographie du Golfe
de Gascogne. La Rochelle (France). 16-18 April 1996.
42. Pérez, M.C., González-Quirós, R., Alvarez-Marqués, F., 1996. Summer spatial
distribution of Brachyura decapod larvae in the Central Cantabrian Sea. , 2nd
European Crustacean Conference. Liege (Belgium). 5-6 September 1996.
43. ProVigo, 1996. Observatorio medioambiental de la Ria de Vigo. Informe 1995.
Fundación PROVIGO, Vigo, Spain, 28 pp.
44. ProVigo, 1996. Nueve años de muestreo hidrográfico en la Ría de Vigo (Enero
1987-Enero 1996). Observatorio hidrográfico de la Ría de Vigo., Fundación
ProVigo, Vigo.
45. Quevedo, M., 1996. Abundancia, biomasa y distribución del microzooplancton
durante una proliferación primaveral de fitoplancton en el Cantábrico Central.
.Memoria de Seminario de Investigación, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo (Spain).
46. Quevedo, M., Anadón, R., 1996. Microzooplankton assemblages related to
hydrographic structures in a small river plume. V Colloque International
d’Oceanographie du Golfe de Gascogne. La Rochelle (France). 16-18 April 1996.
47. Valdés, L., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Moral, M., 1996. Five year observations of
zooplankton abundance and biomass in the southern Bay of Biscay: cross-shelf
trends and fitting equations. V Coloquio Internacional sobre Oceanografía del
Golfo de Vizcaya. La Rochelle (France). 16-18 April 1996.
48. Varela, M., 1996. Phytoplankton ecology in the Bay of Biscay. Sci. Mar. 60( Suppl. 2),
49. Varela, M., Bode, A., Alvarez, M., Prego, R., Canle, M., Casas, B., Lorenzo, J.,
Mariño, D., González, I., Carballo, R., Vilas, M., 1996. Sistema pelágico. In: Ros, J.
(Editor), Seguimiento de la contaminación producida por el accidente del buque
"Aegean Sea". Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Madrid, pp. 15-63.
50. Bode, A., Botas, J.A., Fernández, E., 1997. Nitrate storage by phytoplankton in a
coastal upwelling environment. Mar. Biol. 129, 399-406.
51. Bode, A., Varela, M., 1997. Estimaciones de la producción primaria a nivel de
mesoscala en la plataforma continental: aplicación al Golfo Artabro (NO. España).
2º Simposio de Estudios del Margen Continental Ibérico Atlántico. Cádiz (Spain).
17-20 September 1997.
52. Bode, A., Varela, M., Barquero, S., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., González, N., 1997.
Interannual phytoplankton variations related to intrusions of ENAWt in NW Spain.
ICES International Symposium on the Temporal variability of plankton and their
physico-chemical environment. Kiel (Germany), 19-21 March 1997.
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
53. Bode, A., Varela, M., Barquero, S., Lorenzo, J., Gonzalez, N., 1997. Sinking of
particulate organic matter off La Coruña (NW Spain): seasonal variability in
relation to upwelling. 3rd. EU Conference on Exchange Processes at the
Continent / Ocean Margins in the North Atlantic, Vigo, 14-16 May 1997.
54. Bode, A., Varela, M., Casas, B., Barquero, S., Lorenzo, J., 1997. Occurrence of
potentially harmful phytoplankton species in Galician shelf waters (NW Spain). VIII
International Conference on Harmful Algae. Vigo, 25-29 June 1997.
55. Canle, M., Carballo, R., González, N., 1997. Condiciones fisicoquímicas durante un
ciclo anual en la plataforma continental de A Coruña. In: Forja, J.,Osta Fort, M.F.
(Editors), VII Seminario de Química Marina. Servicio de Publicaciones.
Universidad de Cádiz. Cádiz (Spain). 25-26 January 1994.
56. Casas, B., Varela, M., Bode, A., 1997. Sucesión estacional de las especies de
fitoplancton en la costa de La Coruña (Galicia, N.O. de España). 2º Simposio de
Estudios del Margen Continental Ibérico Atlántico. Cádiz (Spain). 17-20
September 1997, pp. 406.
57. Casas, B., Varela, M., Canle, M., González, N., Bode, A., 1997. Seasonal variations
of nutrients, seston and phytoplankton, and upwelling intensity off La Coruña (NW
Spain). Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 44, 767-778.
58. Fernández de Puelles, M.L., Jansa, J., Gomis, C., Gras, D., Amengual, B., 1997.
Variación anual de las principales variables oceanográficas y planctónicas en una
estación nerítica del Mar Balear. Bol. Inst. Esp. Oceanog. 13(1/2), 13-33.
59. García, A., Valdés, L., 1997. Patrones y eficiencia del herbivorismo del zooplancton
en relación a su estructura de tallas en comunidades naturales de fitoplancton
marino en el litoral de Cantabria. ACEM Noticias 3, 12-14.
60. Lago de Lanzós, A., Valdés, L., Franco, C., Solá, A., Moreno-Ventas, X., 1997. Bay of
Biscay enviromental scenary in june and distribution of early fish stages., Annual
Symposium of Fisheries Society of the British Isles: Ichthyoplankton Ecology.
Galway (Ireland), 8-11 July 1997.
61. Lorenzo, J., 1997. Variaciones estacionales en el impacto del mesozooplancton
sobre la biomasa y producción del fitoplancton en una estación costera. Memoria
de Formación. Instituto Español de Oceanografía.
62. Moral, M., Valdés, L., 1997. Patrones de distribución espacial del mesozooplancton y
su variabilidad estacional e interanual en relación con los factores ambientales en
la plataforma continental frente a Santander. Memoria de Formación. Instituto
Español de Oceanografía.
63. Moreno-Ventas, X., Lavín, A., 1997. Identificación y estudio de las singularidades
hidrodinámicas generadoras de fenómenos productivos en la costa de Cantabria
mediante técnicas de teledetección. ACEM noticias 3, 15-18.
64. Prego, R., Varela, M., Bode, A., Canle, M., Lorenzo, J., Carballo, R., 1997.
Hidrografía del Golfo Artabro (NO Península Ibérica) al comienzo de la primavera.,
2º Simpósio sobre el Margen Continental Ibérico Atlántico, Cádiz (Spain), 17-20
September 1997, pp. 103.
65. ProVigo, 1997. Observatorio medioambiental de la Ria de Vigo. Informe 1996. pp.
66. Serret, P., 1997. Balances de producción y consumo de oxígeno por el microplancton
Publications of project RADIALES
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en la capa fótica. PhD Thesis, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo (Spain). 208 pp.
67. Barquero, S., Bode, A., Varela, M., Lorenzo, J., 1998. Seasonal variability of microbial
plankton in the coastal upwelling system of NW Spain. 6th European Marine
Microbiology Symposium, Sitges (Spain). 17-21 May 1998.
68. Bode, A., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., González, N., 1998. Estimations of
mesozooplankton biomass in a coastal upwelling area off NW Spain. J. Plankton
Res. 20, 1005-1014.
69. Bode, A., Barquero, S., Cid, A., 1998. Aplicación de la citometría de flujo al estudio del
sistema microbiano en aguas marinas. IV Simposio en Biología Celular y
Molecular: Biotecnología y aplicaciones de microorganismos pigmentados., A
Coruña (Spain). 29 June- 1 July 1998.
70. Bode, A., Varela, M., 1998. Primary production and phytoplankton in three Galician
Rias Altas (NW Spain): seasonal and spatial variability. Sci. Mar. 62, 319-330.
71. Bode, A., Varela, M., 1998. Mesoscale estimations of primary production in shelf
waters: a case study in the Golfo Artabro (NW Spain). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol.
229, 111-131.
72. Bode, A., Varela, M., Barquero, S., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., González, N., 1998.
Preliminary studies on the export of organic matter during phytoplankton blooms
off La Coruña (North Western Spain). J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 78, 1-15.
73. Camiñas, J.A., Cano, N., Cortés, D., Díaz del Río, V., García, A., Rubín, J.P., 1998.
‘Ecomálaga’: an ecosystem analysis of the Mediterranean coast around Málaga,
Spain. J. Coastal Conservation 4(1), 43-50.
74. Fernández de Puelles, M.L., 1998. Zooplankton Monitoring activities in the Balearic
Sea. Report of the ICES Working Group on Zooplankton Ecology, Santander
75. Fernández de Puelles, M.L., Jansa, J., Morillas, A., Vicente, L., 1998. Spatial and
seasonal varibility of the zooplankton in the Balearic Sea. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer
Medit. 35 CIESM, 430-431.
76. González-Quirós, R., Gomis, D., González, N., Quevedo, M., Isla, A., Cabal, J.A.,
Alvarez-Marqués, F., 1998. Ichthyoplankton distribution and mesoscale
hydrographycal structure, plankton abundance and productivity off Cantabrian
Coast (NW Spain). , First GLOBEC Open Science Meeting. , París. 17-20 March
77. Guisande, C., Riveiro, I., Sola, A., Valdes, L., 1998. Effect of biotic and abiotic factors
on the biochemical composition of wild eggs and larvae of several fish species.
Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 163, 53-61.
78. Lavin, A., Valdés, L., Gil, J., Moral, M., 1998. Seasonal and inter-annual variability in
properties of surface water off Santander, Bay of Biscay, 1991-1995.
Oceanologica Acta 21(2), 179-190.
79. Prego, R., Varela, M., 1998. Hydrography of the Artabro Gulf in summer: western
coastal limit of Cantabrian seawater and wind-induced upwelling at Cape Prior.
Oceanologica Acta 21, 145-155.
80. Valdés, L., Moral, M., 1998. Time-series analysis of copepod diversity and species
richness in southern Bay of Biscay off Santander, Spain, in relation to
Publications of project RADIALES
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environmental conditions. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 55, 783-792.
81. Barquero, S., 1999. Regeneración de nutrientes como control de la producción
primaria planctónica por los heterótrofos. PhD. Thesis, Universidad de Oviedo,
Oviedo (Spain), 268 pp.
82. Casas, B., Varela, M., Bode, A., 1999. Seasonal succession of phytoplankton species
on the coast of A Coruña (Galicia, northwest Spain). Bol. Inst. Esp. Oceanogr.
15(1-4), 413-429.
83. Fernández de Puelles, M.L., 1999. Biomass and abundance of the planktonic
copepods in the Balearic Sea (Western Mediterranean). 7th International
Conference on Copepoda, Curitiba (Brasil). 25-31 July 1999.
84. González-Quirós, R., 1999. Distribución del ictioplancton en el Cantábrico central y
ecología alimentaria de larvas de Micromesistius poutassou (Risso, 1826). PhD.
Thesis, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo (Spain).
85. Lavín, A., Cabanas, J.M., Moreno-Ventas, X., Valdés, L., García, M.J., 1999. Time
series observations along the north-northwestern Iberian Peninsula. 2nd.
EuroGOOS Conference, Roma, March 1999.
86. Prego, R., Barciela, M.C., Varela, M., 1999. Nutrient dynamics in the Galician coastal
area (Northwestern Iberian Peninsula): Do the Rias Bajas receive more nutrient
salts than the Rias Altas? Cont. Shelf Res. 19, 317-334.
87. Prego, R., Varela, M., Bode, A., Canle, M., Lorenzo, J., Carballo, R., 1999.
Oceanography of the Gulf Artabro (NW Iberian Peninsula) in early spring: General
patterns. Bol. Inst. Esp. Oceanogr. 15, 73-79.
88. ProVigo, 1999. Observatorio medioambiental de la Ria de Vigo: Informe 1997.,
Fundación ProVigo, Vigo (Spain).
89. Quevedo, M., González-Quirós, R., Anadón, R., 1999. Evidence of heavy predation
by Noctiluca scintillans on Acartia clausi eggs off the central Cantabrian coast (NW
Spain). Oceanologica Acta 22, 127-131.
90. Serret, P., Fernandez, E., Sostres, J.A., Anadon, R., 1999. Seasonal compensation of
microbial production and respiration in a temperate sea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 187,
91. Abad, E., Ramírez, T., Cortés, D., 2000. Distribución de clorofila-feopigmentos,
proteínas y carbohidratos en sedimentos superficiales del mar de Alborán. X
Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina, Cádiz (Spain) 1-3 June 2000.
92. Cabanas, J.M., 2000. Variabilidad temporal en las condiciones oceanográficas de las
aguas de la plataforma continental gallega. Algunas consecuencias biológicas.
Ph.D. Thesis, Universidad de Vigo, Vigo (Spain). 155 pp.
93. González-Pola, C., Lavín, A., Smith, T., 2000. Comparison between a monthly
averaged satellite SST data and in situ measurements in a hydrographic section
off Santander (Southeast Bay of Biscay). Euroconference Water and Life:
Oceanography, Metereology and Marine Resources. Vigo (Spain), 25-28 May,
2000., Vigo (Spain).
94. Luvumbo, C., 2000. Distribución temporal y abundancia de huevos y larvas de peces
en el Mar Cantábrico Central, 1996-1999. MSc. Thesis, Universidad de Oviedo
Publications of project RADIALES
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Oviedo (Spain).
95. OSPAR, 2000. Quality Status Report 2000. Region IV - Bay of Biscay and Iberian
Coast. Valdes, L. (Chapter Coordinator). OSPAR Commission, London, 134 pp.
96. ProVigo, 2000. Observatorio medioambiental de la Ria de Vigo: Informe 1998-1999.,
Fundación ProVigo, Vigo (Spain).
97. Quevedo, M., Anadón, R., 2000. Spring microzooplankton composition, biomass and
potential grazing in the Central Cantabrian coast (southern Bay of Biscay).
Oceanologica Acta 23, 297-309.
98. Ramírez, T., Cortés, D., Camiñas, J.A., García, A., Sallés, S., Carpena, A., Godoy, D.,
2000. Estudio continuado de los procesos biológicos y ambientales en la
plataforma continental del mar de Alborán: resultados del proyecto ECOMALAGA.
X Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina, Cádiz (Spain). 1-3 June 2000.
99. Riveiro, I., Guisande, C., Lloves, M., Maneiro, I., Cabanas, J.M., 2000. Importance of
parental effects on larval survival in Sardina pilchardus. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 205,
100. Teira, E., Abalde, J., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Bode, A., Cariño, C., Cid, A.,
Fernández, E., González, N., Lorenzo, J., Valencia, J., Varela, M., 2000.
Planktonic carbon budget in a wind-driven upwelling coastal system (NW Iberian
Peninsula). 31st. Annual Symposium of the Estuarine and Coastal Association.
Bilbao (Spain). 3-7 July 2000.
101. Valencia, J., Abalde, J., Bode, A., Cid, A., González, N., Varela, M., 2000. Estudio de
las variaciones estacionales y espaciales de la biomasa y producción bacteriana
en relación a la producción primaria en la costa de A Coruña. Reunión Anual de la
Sociedad Española de Microbiología., Santiago de Compostela (Spain). 14-16
May 2000.
102. Fernández de Puelles, M.L., 2001. Interannual zooplankton variability in relation to
physico-chemical properties of the sea water in the Balearic Sea., I Symposium
GLOBEC-España, El Puerto de Santa María, Cadiz (Spain). 28-30 November
103. Fernández de Puelles, M.L., Jansa, J., Morillas, A., Vicente, L., 2001. Temporal
Plankton variability in a neritic area of the Balearic Sea (1994-2000). Rapp. Comm.
Int. Mer Medit. 36 CIESM, 264 -265.
104. Fernández de Puelles, M.L., Jansa, J., Morillas, A., Vicente, L., 2001. Variabilidad
espacio temporal del fito y zooplancton en aguas del Mar Balear. II Jornadas de
Mallorca, Palma de Mallorca (Spain).
105. Fernández de Puelles, M.L., Jansa, J., Vicente, L., 2001. Biomass and abundance
of the planktonic copepods in the Balearic Sea (Western Mediterranean). II
Simposio Ibérico de Plancton, Espinho (Portugal), 20-22 September 2001.
106. Fernández de Puelles, M.L., Morillas, A., Vicente, L., 2001. Six year zooplankton
abundance and biomass in the Balearic Sea. Hydrobiological Variability in the
ICES Area, 1990-1999, Edimburgh (UK), 8-10 August 2001.
107. González, N., 2001. Balances de respiración y producción de oxígeno por el
microplancton dentro de los sistemas oligotróficos del Oceano Atlántico. PhD
Thesis, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo (Spain).
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
108. González, N., Bode, A., Varela, M., Carballo, R., 2001. Interannual variability in
hydrobiological variables in the coast of A Coruña (NW Spain) from 1991 to 1999.
Hydrobiological Variability in the ICES Area, 1990-1999, Edinburgh (UK), 8-10
August 2001.
109. González-Pola, C., Lavín, A., 2001. Ciclos, Tendencias y fenómenos puntuales en
una sección hidrográfica frente a Santander en el periodo 1999-2001. I
Symposium GLOBEC-España, El Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz (Spain), 28-30
November, 2001.
110. González-Pola, C., Lavín, A., 2001. Seasonal cycle and interannual variability of the
heat content on an hydrographic section off Santander (Southern Bay of Biscay )
1991-2000. Hydrobiological Variability in the ICES Area, 1990-1999, Edinburgh
(UK), 8-10 August, 2001
111. González-Quirós, R., Anadón, R., 2001. Diet breadth in larval Micromesistius
poutassou (Risso) as a response to plankton size structure. J. Fish Biol. 59,
112. Guisande, C., Cabanas, J.M., Vergara, A.R., Riveiro, I., 2001. Effect of climate on
recruitment success of Atlantic Iberian sardine Sardina pilchardus. Mar. Ecol.
Prog. Ser. 223, 243-250.
113. Llope, M., 2001. Cambios hidrográficos en el Cantábrico Central detectados por
series temporales de temperatura. MSc. Thesis, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo
114. Llope, M., Anadón, R., 2001. Cambios físicos y biológicos en los últimos 8 años en la
costa cantábrica central., I Symposium GLOBEC - España. El Puerto de Santa
María, Cádiz (Spain). 28-30 November 2001.
115. López-Urrutia, A., Acuña, J.L., 2001. Seasonal variation in the structure and grazing
activity of the community of appendicularians in the Cantabrian coast (NW Spain).
ASLO Aquatic Sciences 2001 Meeting. Albuquerque (New Mexico, EE.UU), 12-16
116. López-Urrutia, A., Harris, R., Acuña, J.L., Baamstedt, U., Fyhn, H.J., Flood, P.,
Passer, B., Gorsky, G., Irigoien, X., Martinussen, M., 2001. A comparison of
appendicularian seasonal cycles in four contrasting European coastal
environments. NATO Advanced Research Workshop. Response of marine
ecosystems to global change: Ecological impact of appendicularians. Villefranche
sur Mer (France) 15-20 December.
117. López-Urrutia, A., Irigoien, X., Acuña, J.L., Harris, R., 2001. In situ feeding
physiology of the appendicularian community in temperate waters: seasonal
dynamics in coastal and oceanic environments. NATO Advanced Research
Workshop on Response of marine ecosystems to global change: Ecological
impact of appendicularians. Villefranche sur mer (France) 15-20 December.
118. Miranda, A., Fernández, G., 2001. Interannual variability of zooplankton biomass
and structure in Ría de Vigo (Galiza, NW Spain) and adjacent shelf waters
between 1994 and 2000. II Simposio Ibérico de Plancton, Espinho (Portugal),
20-22 September 2001.
119. ProVigo, 2001. Observatorio medioambiental de la Ría de Vigo. Informe 2000.,
Fundación PROVIGO, Vigo (Spain).
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
120. Ramirez, T., Cortes, D., Garcia, A., 2001. Growth of North Alboran Sea sardine
larvae estimated by otolith microstructure, nucleic acids and protein content. J.
Fish Biol. 59(2), 403-415.
121. Ramírez, T., Sebastián, M., Abad, E., 2001. Organic matter distribution in surficial
sediments from the western Alboran Sea. CIESM 36e Congrés. Mónaco,
September 2001.
122. Rodríguez, N., 2001. Variación a largo término de Temora spp (Copepoda,
Calanoida) en aguas costeras del Cantábrico Central. MSc. Thesis, Universidad
de Oviedo, Oviedo (Spain).
123. Valdés, L., 2001. Series temporales: diagnosis y prognosis. I Symposium GLOBEC
España, El Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz (Spain). 20-22 September 2001.
124. Valdés, L., Barquín, P., 2001. Series temporales de datos oceanográficos., Salón de
la energía y medio ambiente, Barcelona (Spain). 7-10 February 2001.
125. Valdés, L., Beaugrand, G., Harris, R.P., Irigoien, X., López-Urrutia, A., Moral, M.,
Planque, B., 2001. Seasonal dynamics and year-to-year variability (1991-1999) of
Calanus helgolandicus and Acartia clausi in the Bay of Biscay and Celtic Sea.
ICES Symposium on hydrobiological variability in the ICES area. 1990-1999,
Edinburgh (UK), 8-10 August 2001.
126. Valdés, L., Cunha, E., 2001. Pelagic copepod species of the Ibero Atlantic waters.
Plankton Symposium, September 2001, Espinho (Portugal), 20-22 September.
127. Valdés, L., Sameoto, D., Gislason, A., Batten, S., Bjørnar, E., Hay, S., Postel, L.,
Harris, R., Irigoen, X., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., 2001. Zooplankton monitoring
results in the ICES area, Summary Status Report 1999/2000. Report of the ICES
128. Valencia, J., 2001. Importancia del bacterioplancton en la costa de A Coruña. MSc.
Thesis, Universidad de A Coruña (Spain), A Coruña, 82 pp.
129. Varela, M., Prego, R., 2001. Hydrography and phytoplankton in an isolated and
non-pristine ria area: The Coruña Harbour (NW Spain). Plankton Symposium.
Espinho (Portugal) 20-22 September 2001.
130. Varela, M., Prego, R., Belzunce, M.J., Martín Salas, F., 2001. Inshore-offshore
differences in seasonal variations of phytoplankton assemblages: the case of a
Galician Ria Alta (Ria de A Coruña) and its adjacent shelf (NW of Spain). Cont.
Shelf Res. 21, 1815-1838.
131. Vargas-Yáñez, M., Cortés, D., Ramírez, T., Carpena, A., Sarhan, T., Plaza, F., 2001.
Temperature trends in deep layers of Málaga Bay. I Symposium
GLOBEC-España, El Puerto de Santa María (Spain), 28-30 November 2001.
132. Vargas-Yáñez, M., Sarhan, T., Abad, E., Ramírez, T., Cortés, D., 2001. Ciclos
estacionales y tendencias de los parámetros físico-biológicos de la bahía de
Málaga. Océanos III Milenio Symposium, Pontevedra (Spain), 24-29 April 2001.
133. Vargas-Yáñez, M., Sarhan, T., Abad, E., Ramírez, T., Cortés, D., Plaza, F., 2001.
Results from ECOMÁLAGA Project: Hydrological and biological seasonal cycles
and trends in the Málaga Bay and Alborán Sea. CIESM 36e Congrés, Mónaco,
September 2001.
134. Acuña, J.L., Alcaráz, M., Echevarría, F., Hernández-León, S., Marrasé, C., Morales,
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
B., Uriarte, A., Valdés, L., Varela, R., 2002. Spanish research activities related to
GLOBEC. 2nd. GLOBEC Open Science Meeting, Qingdao (China). 15-18 October
135. Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Moral, M., 2002. Evidence of expansion in geographic
distribution of a warm water copepod: Temora stylifera (Dana, 1848). 8º Coloquio
Internacional de Oceanografía del Golfo de Vizcaya. Gijón (Spain). 10-12 April
136. Ceballos, S., Viesca, L., Cabal, J.A., Alvarez-Marqués, F., 2002. Reproductive
response of Calanus helgolandicus to food availability during late-bloom
conditions in the Central Cantabrian Sea., 8th International Symposium on
Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay. Gijón (Spain). 10-12 April 2002.
137. García-Soto, C., Pingre, R.D., Valdés, L., 2002. Navidad development in the
southern Bay of Biscay: climate change and swoddy structure from remote
sensing and in situ measurements. J. Geophys. Res. 107(C8),
138. Gil, J., Valdés, L., Moral, M., Sánchez, R., García-Soto, C., 2002. Mesoscale
variability in a high-resolution grid in the Cantabrian Sea (southern Bay of Biscay),
May 1995. Deep Sea Res. 49, 1591-1607.
139. González-Pola, C., Lavín, A., 2002. Ten years evolution of Central and
Mediterranean influenced water properties on the Southern Bay of Biscay based
on an hydrographic section off Santander. 8º Coloquio Internacional de
Oceanografía del Golfo de Vizcaya., Gijón (Spain) 10-12 April 2002.
140. Llope, M., Anadón, R., 2002. Seasonality, spatial pattern and trend of some
hydrographic events in south Bay of Biscay. 8th International Symposium on
Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay. Gijón (Spain). 10-12 April 2002.
141. López-Urrutia, A., 2002. In situ evaluation of the ingestion rates of the
appendicularian community: trophic impact and ecophysiological implications. .
Ph.D. Thesis, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo (Spain).
142. López-Urrutia, A., Harris, R., Acuña, J.L., Irigoien, X., Beaugrand, G., 2002. Spatial
and seasonal variations in the abundance and grazing impact of appendicularians
in temperate waters and an evaluation of their growth rates and production.
Challenger Centenary Conference: Marine Science 2002. Plymouth (UK). 9-13
September. .
143. Miranda, A., Fernández, G., 2002. Zooplancton. Fundación PROVIGO. Publicación
especial de divulgación. Vigo (Spain).
144. Molinero, J.C., Nival, P., Siokou-Frangou, I., Mazzocchi, M.G., Lučič, D., Licandro,
P., Christou, E., Daly-Yahia, N., Fernández de Puelles, M.L., 2002. Longitudinal
trends in the spatial distribution of the Centropages genus in the Mediterranean
Sea. VIII International Conference On Copepods Taiwan. 21-26 July 2002
145. ProVigo, 2002. Observatorio medioambiental de la Ría de Vigo: Informe 2001. ,
Fundación PROVIGO, Vigo (Spain).
146. Quevedo, M., 2002. El microzooplancton en áreas templadas del Atlántico
nororiental: estructura de la comunidad y control de la producción primaria. PhD
Thesis, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo (Spain), 135 pp.
147. Revilla, R., Nogueira, E., Morán, X.A.G., Valdés, L., González-Pola, C., Rodriguez,
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
J.M., Smyth, T., Cabal, E., 2002. Surface chlorophyll-a estimates in the central
Cantabrian Sea (Cape Peñas area) from SeaWiFS data. VIII Coloquio
Internacional de Oceanografía del Golfo de Vizcaya, Gijón (Spain). 10-12 April
148. Rodríguez, N., Alvarez-Marqués, F., 2002. Time series of Temora spp in Central
Cantabrian Sea. 8th International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of
Biscay. Gijón. 10-12 April 2002.
149. Valdés, L., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Clark, R.A., Gaard, E., Gislason, A., Greve, W.,
Harris, R., Hay, S., Melle, W., Mountain, D.G., Postel, L., Richardson, A.,
Sameoto, D., López-Urrutia, A., Wiebe, P., 2002. Zooplankton time series in the
North Atlantic: An example of international co-operation in operational
oceanography. 3rd. EuroGOOS Conference, Athens (Greece). 3-6 December
150. Valdés, L., Lavín, A., 2002. Dynamics and human impact in the Bay of Biscay: an
ecological perspective. In: Shermann, K.,Skojdal, H.R. (Editors), Large marine
ecosystems of the north Atlantic: changing states and sustainability. Elsevier
Science B.V., Amsterdam, pp. 293-320.
151. Valdés, L., Lavín, A., Fernández de Puelles, M.L., Varela, M., Anadón, R., Miranda,
A., Camiñas, J., Mas, J., 2002. Spanish ocean observation system. IEO Core
project: Studies on time series of oceanographic data. In: Vallerga, S. et al.
(Editors), Operational oceanography: Implementation at the European and
regional scales. Elsevier Science B.V., pp. 99-105.
152. Valdés, L., Mountain, D.G., Sameoto, D., Gislason, A., Richardson, A., Gaard, E.,
Melle, W., Postel, L., Hay, S., Clarck, R.A., Greve, W., Harris, R., Urrutia, A.L.,
Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., 2002. Zooplankton monitoring results in the ICES area,
Summary Status Report 2000/2001. Report of the ICES WGZE.
153. Vargas-Yáñez, M., Ramírez, T., Cortés, D., Fernández de Puelles, M.L., Lavín, A.,
López-Jurado, J.L., González-Pola, C., Vidal, I., Sebastián, M., 2002. Variability of
the Mediterranean water around the Spanish coast: project RADIALES. CIESM
Workshop Series 16, 25-28.
154. Vargas-Yáñez, M., Ramírez, T., Cortés, D., Sebastián, M., Plaza, F., 2002. Warming
trends in the continental shelf of Málaga Bay (Alborán Sea). Geophys. Res. Lett.
29, doi:10.1029/2002GL015306.
155. Bode, A., 2003. Pelagic food webs in the northwestern Iberian Peninsula:
biodiversity and processes. Thalassas 19(2a), 29.
156. Bode, A., 2003. Redes tróficas pelágicas en el noroeste de la Península Ibérica:
biodiversidad y procesos. 4º Simposio sobre el Margen Continental Ibérico
Atlántico. Vigo (Spain), 7-10 July 2003.
157. Bode, A., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., 2003. Taxonomic versus trophic structure of
mesozooplankton: a seasonal study of species succession and stable carbon and
nitrogen isotopes in a coastal upwelling ecosystem. 3rd. Zooplankton Production
Symposium ICES-PICES-GLOBEC. Gijón (Spain). 20-23 May 2003.
158. Bode, A., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Barquero, S., Lorenzo, J., Louro, A., Varela, M.,
2003. Seasonal variations in upwelling and in the grazing impact of copepods on
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
phytoplankton off A Coruña (Galicia, NW Spain). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 297,
159. Cabanas, J.M., Lavín, A., García, M.J., González-Pola, C., Tel Pérez, E., 2003.
Oceanographic variability in the northern shelf of the Iberian peninsula (southern
Bay of Biscay). 1990-1999. ICES J Mar Sci 219, 71-79.
160. Fernández de Puelles, M.L., Grás, D., Hernández-León, S., 2003. Annual cycle of
zooplankton biomass, abundance and species composition in the neritic area of
the Balearic Sea, Western Mediterranean. PSZN Mar. Ecol. 24(2), 123-139.
161. García, A., Cortés, D., Ramírez, T., 2003. Records of environmental variation
observed on otolith microstructure and nutritional condition analysis of
Mediterranean larval sardine and anchovy. I Plankton Symposium, Vigo (Spain)
16-19 October 2003.
162. García, A., Cortés, D., Ramírez, T., Giráldez, A., Carpena, A., 2003. Contribution of
larval growth rate variability to the recruitment of the Bay of Málaga anchovy (SW
Mediterranean) during 2000-2001 spawning seasons. Sci. Mar. 67(4), 477-490.
163. González, N., Anadón, R., Viesca, L., 2003. Carbon flux through the microbial
community in a temperate sea during summer: role of bacterial metabolism. Aquat.
Microb. Ecol. 33, 117-126.
164. González, N., Bode, A., Varela, M., Carballo, R., 2003. Interannual variability in
hydrobiological variables in the coast of A Coruña (NW Spain) from 1991 to 1999.
ICES J. Mar. Sci. 219, 382-383.
165. González-Nuevo, G., Nogueira, E., Bode, A., Revilla, R., Castro, B., Lorenzo, J.,
Varela, M., Varela, M.M., Morán, X.A.G., Valdés, L., 2003. Spatial patterns of
zooplankton size structure in the northern Iberian shelf (Southern Bay of Biscay).
3rd. Zooplankton Production Symposium., Gijón (Spain). 20-23 May 2003.
166. González-Nuevo, G., Nogueira, E., Bode, A., Revilla, R., Castro, B., Lorenzo, J.,
Varela, M., Varela, M.M., Morán, X.A.G., Valdés, L., 2003. Comparison of plankton
normalized biomass-size spectra derived from direct measurements of fractinated
biomass and OPC data. 3rd. International Zooplankton Production Symposium
(GLOBEC–PICES–ICES). Gijón. 20-23 May 2003. pp. 66.
167. González-Pola, C., Lavín, A., 2003. Seasonal cycle and interanual variability of the
heat content on a hydrographic section off Santandert (Southern Bay of Biscay),
1991-2000. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 219, 343-345.
168. González-Quirós, R., Cabal, J., Alvarez-Marqués, F., Isla, A., 2003. Ichthyoplankton
distribution and plankton production related to the shelf break front at the Avilés
Canyon. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 60(2), 198-210.
169. Hydes, D.J., Yool, A., Campbell, J.M., Crisp, N.A., Dodgson, J., Dupee, B., Edwards,
M., Hartman, S.E., Kelly-Gerreyn, B.A., Lavin, A.M., Gonzalez-Pola, C.M., Miller,
P., 2003. Use of a Ferry-Box system to look at shelf sea and ocean margin
processes. In: Dahlin, H., Flemming, N.C., Nittis, K.,Petersson, S.E. (Editors),
Building the European Capacity in Operational Oceanography. Elsevier Science
Ltd, pp. 297-303.
170. IEO, 2003. Informe preliminar sobre el muestreo del Radial de A Coruña en
diciembre de 2002 y enero de 2003. Informe nº 08, Instituto Español de
Oceanografía, Madrid (Spain).
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
171. IEO, 2003. Informe preliminar sobre el muestreo del Radial de A Coruña el día 25 de
noviembre de 2002. Informe nº 07, Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Madrid
172. Lavín, A., González-Pola, C., Cabanas, J.M., 2003. Hydrographic Status Report
2003: Spanish Standard Sections, Work Document ICES WGHO Copenhague.
173. Llope, M., Anadón, R., Alvarez-Ossorio, M., Valdés, L., Varela, M., 2003.
Zooplankton biomass timing with temperature in South Bay of Biscay. 3rd
International Zooplankton Production Symposium Gijón (Spain). 20-23 May 2003.
174. López-Urrutia, A., Acuña, J.L., Irigoien, X., Harris, R., 2003. Food limitation and
growth in temperate epipelagic appendicularians (Tunicata). Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.
252, 143-157.
175. López-Urrutia, A., Irigoien, X., Acuña, J.L., Harris, R., 2003. In situ feeding
physiology and grazing impact of the appendicularian community in temperate
waters. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 252, 125-141.
176. Mercado, J.M., Ramírez, T., Cortés, D., Sebastián, M., Vargas-Yañez, M., 2003.
Temporal changes in the phytoplankton communities in a upwelling area of the
Alboran Sea. II Plankton Symposium, Vigo 16-19 October 2003.
177. Miranda, A., Fernández, G., Eirin, C., 2003. Zooplancton. Fundación PROVIGO.
Publicación especial de divulgación. Vigo (Spain).
178. Paz Granda, A., Anadón, R., 2003. An (un)usual cycle of nanoflagellates in the
Central Cantabrian Coast?, 3rd. Zooplankton Production Symposium.
GLOBEC-PICES-ICES., Gijón. 20-23 May 2003.
179. ProVigo, 2003. Observatorio medioambiental de la Ría de Vigo: Informe 2002. ,
Fundación PROVIGO, Vigo (Spain).
180. Ramírez, T., Cortés, D., García, A., Carpena, A., 2003. Seasonal variability of
nutritional condition and growth of the Alboran Sea sardine larvae (Sardina
pilchardus). II Plankton Symposium, Vigo (Spain). 16-19 October 2003.
181. Ramírez, T., Cortés, D., Vargas-Yañez, M., Mercado, J.M., Sebastián, M., Álvarez,
J.P., 2003. Seasonal variations of phytoplankton biomass and nutrient
concentration in the northwestern Alboran Sea. II Plankton Symposium, Vigo
(Spain) 16-19 October 2003.
182. Teira, E., Abalde, J., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Bode, A., Cariño, C., Cid, A.,
Fernández, E., González, N., Lorenzo, J., Valencia, J., Varela, M., 2003. Plankton
carbon budget in a coastal wind-driven upwelling station off A Coruña (NW Iberian
Peninsula). Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 265, 31-43.
183. Valdés, L., Mountain, D.G., Sameoto, D., Gislason, A., Richardson, A., Gaard, E.,
Melle, W., Postel, L., Hay, S., Greve, W., Harris, R., Urrutia, A.L., Alvarez-Ossorio,
M.T., 2003. Zooplankton monitoring results in the ICES area, Summary Status
Report 2001/2002. ICES C.M. 2003/C01, Annex 4.
184. Valdés, L., Varela, M., Miranda, A., Lago de Lanzós, A., García-Soto, C., Franco, C.,
Cabanas, M., Alvarez-Ossorio, M., Anadón, R., Cabal, J., Llope, M.N., 2003.
Informe sobre el estado del plancton en Galicia y Cantábrico en el periodo
enero-mayo de 2003. Informe Prestige IEO 19. Instituto Español de Oceanografia.
Madrid (Spain).
185. Valencia, J., Abalde, J., Bode, A., Cid, A., Fernández, E., González, N., Lorenzo, J.,
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
Teira, E., Varela, M., 2003. Variations in planktonic bacterial biomass and
production, and phytoplankton blooms off A Coruña (NW Spain). Sci. Mar. 67,
186. Varela, M., Prego, R., 2003. Hydrography and phytoplankton in an isolated and
non-pristine ria area: the A Coruña Harbour (NW Spain). Acta Oecologica 24,
187. Varela, M.M., Bode, A., Castro, B., Fernández, E., Lorenzo, J., Teira, E., Varela, M.,
2003. Monthly variations in microplanktonic production of particulate and dissolved
organic carbon and nitrogen at a coastal site off NW Spain. Thalassas 19(2a), 203.
188. Varela, M.M., Bode, A., Castro, B., Fernández, E., Lorenzo, J., Teira, E., Varela, M.,
2003. Monthly variations in microplanktonic production of particulate and dissolved
organic carbon and nitrogen at a coastal site off NW Spain. 4º Simposio sobre el
margen continental ibérico atlántico. Vigo. 7-10 July 2003.
189. Vargas-Yáñez, M., López-Jurado, J.L., Salat, J., Pascual, J., 2003. Temperature
changes along the Spanish Mediterranean Shelf waters., European Geophysical
Society-American Geophysical Union Joint Meeting, Nice (France). 6-11 April
190. Bode, A., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., 2004. Taxonomic versus trophic structure of
mesozooplankton: a seasonal study of species succession and stable carbon and
nitrogen isotopes in a coastal upwelling ecosystem. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 61(4),
191. Bode, A., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Carrera, P., Lorenzo, J., 2004. Reconstruction of
trophic pathways between plankton and the North Iberian sardine (Sardina
pilchardus) using stable isotopes. Sci. Mar. 68(1), 165-178.
192. Bode, A., Barquero, S., González , N., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Varela, M., 2004.
Contribution of heterotrophic plankton to nitrogen regeneration in the upwelling
ecosystem of A Coruña (NW Spain). J. Plankton Res. 26(1), 1-18.
193. Bode, A., Lorenzo, J., Amez, M., Valdés, L., Varela, M., 2004. Low enrichment in
stable isotopes of mesozooplankton suggests predominance of microbial food
webs in the Central Cantabrian Sea. ICES C.M.2004/Q:08, 17 pp.
194. Bode, A., Varela, M.M., Teira, E., Fernández, E., González, N., Varela, M., 2004.
Planktonic carbon and nitrogen cycling off NW Spain: variations in production of
particulate and dissolved organic pools. Aquat. Microb.l Ecol. 37(1), 95-107.
195. Guisande, C., Vergara, A.R., Riveiro, I., Cabanas, J.M., 2004. Climate change and
abundance of the Atlantic-Iberian sardine (Sardina pilchardus). Fish. Oceanogr.
13, 91-101.
196. ICES, 2004. The Annual ICES Ocean Climate Status Summary 2003/2004. ICES
Coop. Res. Rep. 269, 1-32.
197. Lavín, A.M., Hydes, D.J., González-Pola, C., Garcia-Soto, C., Kelly-Gerreyn, B.,
Morán, X.A.G., Qurban, M., 2004. An operational Oceanography Project in the
Bay of Biscay. IX Coloquio Internacional de Oceanografía del Golfo de Vizcaya,
Pau (France). 10-12 June 2004.
198. López-Urrutia, A., Harris, R.P., Acuña, J.L., Bämstedt, U., Flood, P.R., Fyhn, H.J.,
Gasser, B., Gorsky, G., Irigoien, X., Martinussen, M., 2004. A comparison of
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
appendicularian seasonal cycles in four distinct European coastal environments.
In: Gorski, G., Youngbluth, M.,Deibel, D. (Editors), Response of marine
ecosystems to global change: Ecological impact of appendicularians. . NATO
Advanced Research Workshop. Contemporary Publishing International, pp.
199. Miranda, A., Eirín, C., Fernández, G., 2004. Mesozooplankton from Ría de Vigo (NW
Spain) and its adyacent shelf between 1995 and 2003., Ocean Biodiversity
informatics Hamburg (Germany). 20 November-December 2004
200. Qurban, M.A., Hydes, D.J., Lavin, A.M., González-Pola, C.M., Kelly-Gerreyn, B.A.,
Miller, P. Sustained "Ferry-Box" Ship of Opportunity observations of physical and
biogeochemical conditions across the Bay of Biscay. ICES CM 2004/N:09.
201. Ramírez, T., Cortés, D., García, A., Carpena, A., 2004. Seasonal variations of
RNA/DNA ratios and growth rates of the Alboran Sea sardine larvae (Sardina
pilchardus). Fish. Res. 68(1-3), 57-65.
202. Valdés, L., Harris, R.P., Ikeda, T., McKinnell, S., Peterson, W., 2004. Introduction to
“The role of zooplankton in Global ecosystem Dynamics: Comparative studies
from the world oceans”. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 61(4), 441-444.
203. Varela, M.M., 2004. Relaciones entre la producción de nitrógeno orgánico y la
organización trófica del ecosistema pelágico. PhD. Thesis, Universidade da
Coruña, A Coruña (Spain), 151 pp.
204. Varela, M.M., Bode, A., 2004. Release of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) by
microbial populations in the NW Iberian Peninsula shelf and adjacent open-ocean
Atlantic waters. ICES C.M.2004/Q:05, 19 pp.
205. Bode, A., Carballo, C., González, N., Lorenzo, J., Roura, A., Varela, M., Varela,
M.M., 2005. Trends in fertilization and phytoplankton biomass in a coastal
upwelling ecosystem. ICES CM 2005/P:08.
206. Bode, A., González, N., Lorenzo, J., Valencia, J., Varela, M., Varela, M.M., 2005.
Bacterioplankton activity off A Coruña (Galicia, NW Spain) after the 'Prestige' oil
spill in November 2002. ICES CM 2005/S:29.
207. Bonnet, D., Richardson, A., Harris, R., Hirst, A.B., G., Edwards, M., Ceballos, S.,
Diekman, R., Lopez-Urrutia, A., Valdes, L., Carlotti, F., Molinero, J.C., Weikert, H.,
Greve, W., Lucic, D., Albaina, A., Yahia, N.D., Umani, S.F., Miranda, A., dos
Santos, A., Cook, K., Robinson, S., de Puelles, M.L.F., 2005. An overview of
Calanus helgolandicus ecology in European waters. Prog. Oceanogr. 65, 1-53.
208. González-Pola, C., Lavín, A., Vargas Yañez, M., 2005. Intense warming and salinity
modification of intermediate water masses in the southeastern corner of the Bay of
Biscay for the period 1992–2003. J. Geophys. Res. 110(C05020),
209. González-Pola, C., Ruiz-Villareal, M., Lavín, A., Cabanas, J.M., Alvarez-Fanjul, E.,
2005. A subtropical water intrusion spring-event in the shelf-slope of the
south-western Bay of Biscay after strong wind-forcing pulses. J. Atmos. Ocean
Sci. 10, 343-359.
210. Lavín, A., González-Pola, C., Cabanas, J.M., Valencia, V., Fontán, A., Borja, A.,
2005. Report of the Working Group on Oceanic Hydrography (WGOH).
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
Hydrographic Status Report 2004. Annex 8:Spanish standard sections (Area 4).
ICES CM 2005/C:06(Ref. ACME), pp. 63-83.
211. Nogueira, E., Acuña, J.L., Irigoien, X., Garcia-Soto, C., Sostres, J., Revilla, R., 2005.
Late-winter phytoplankton blooms driven by transient anticyclonic weather
conditions in a temperate sea (southern Bay of Biscay). ASLO 2005 Summer
Meeting. Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela (Spain). 19-24 June
212. Rodríguez, J.M., Castro, C., Valdés, L., 2005. Temporal distribution of
ichthyoplankton off Gijón, Cantabrian sea, from July 2001 through June 2004. 29
Annual Larval Fish Conference, Barcelona 11-14 July 2005.
213. Stenseth, N.C., Llope, M., Anadón, R., Ciannelli, L., Chan, K.-S., Hjermann, D.Ø.,
Bagøien, E., Ottersen, G., 2005. Seasonal plankton dynamics along a off-coast
gradient. Proc. R. Soc. London B, doi:10.1098/rspb.2006.3658 A.
214. Varela, M., Bode, A., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Anadón, R., Llope, M., Valdés, L.,
Garcia-Soto, C., 2005. The effect of the Prestige oil spill on the phytoplankton in
the N-NW Spanish coast during spring. VERTIMAR-2005, Vigo (Spain). 16-16 July
215. Varela, M., Bode, A., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Anadón, R., Valdés, L., 2005. The effect
of Prestige oil spill on the planktonic ecosystem in the N-NW Spanish coast. ASLO
Summer Meeting, Santiago de Compostela (Spain). 19-24 June 2005.
216. Bode, A., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Cabanas, J.M., Porteiro, C., Ruiz-Villareal, M.,
Santos, M.B., Bernal, M., Valdés, L., Varela, M., 2006. Recent changes in the
pelagic ecosystem of the Iberian Atlantic in the context of multidecadal variability.
ICES CM 2006/C:07, 20 pp.
217. Bode, A., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Varela, M., 2006. Phytoplankton and macrophyte
contributions to littoral food webs in the Galician upwelling (NW Spain) estimated
from stable isotopes. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 318, 89-102.
218. Bode, A., González , N., Lorenzo, J., Valencia, J., Varela, M.M., Varela, M., 2006.
Enhanced bacterioplankton activity after the 'Prestige' oil spill off Galicia (NW
Spain). Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 43, 33-41.
219. Calvo-Díaz, A., Morán, X.A.G., 2006. Seasonal dynamics of picoplankton in the
central Cantabrian Sea. X International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay
of Biscay. Vigo (Spain) 19-21 April 2006.
220. Calvo-Díaz, A., Morán, X.A.G., 2006. Seasonal dynamics of picoplankton in shelf
waters of the southern Bay of Biscay. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 42, 159-174.
221. González-Pola, C., 2006. Variabilidad climática oceánica en la región sureste del
Golfo de Vizcaya. PhD Thesis, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo (Spain). 196 pp.
222. Gonzalez-Pola, C., Fernandez-Diaz, J.M., 2006. Vertical structure of the upper
ocean from profiles fitted to physically-consistent functional forms.
EGU06-A-06875. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2006. Vienna,
2-7 April 2006.
223. Gonzalez-Pola, C., Lavin, A., Somavilla, R., Vargas-Yañez, M., 2006. Central water
masses variability in the southern Bay of Biscay from early 90's. The effect of the
severe winter 2005. ICES CM 2006/C:26.
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
224. Huskin, I., López, E., Viesca, L., Anadón, R., 2006. Seasonal variation of
mesozooplancton biomass, abundance and copepod grazing in the central
Cantabrian Sea (southern Bay of Biscay). Sci. Mar. 70(S1), 119-130.
225. ICES, 2006. Zooplankton monitoring results in the ICES area: Summary status
report 2004/2005. ICES Coop. Res. Rep. 281, 1-43.
226. Lavin, A., Valdes, L., Sanchez, F., Abaunza, P., Forest, A., Boucher, A., Lazure, P.,
Jegou, A.-M., 2006. The Bay of Biscay: The encountering of the ocean and the
shelf (18b, E). In: Robinson, A.R.,Brink, K.H. (Editors), The Sea, Volume 14.
Harvard University Press, Boston (MA, USA).
227. Llope, M., Anadón, R., Viesca, L., Quevedo, M., González-Quirós, R., Stenseth,
N.C., 2006. Hydrography of the Southern Bay of Biscay shelf break region:
integrating the multi-scale physical variability over the period 1993-2003. J.
Geophys. Res. 111(C0921), doi:10.1029/2005JC002963.
228. Ruiz-Villarreal, M., González-Pola, C., Díaz del Rio, G., Lavín, A., Otero, P.,
Piedracoba, S., Cabanas, J.M., 2006. Oceanographic conditions in the North and
Northwest Iberia and their influence on the Prestige oil spill. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 53,
229. Sánchez, R., Ruiz-Villareal, M., González-Pola, C., Diaz del Rio, G., Cabanas, J.M.,
González , N., Rodriguez, M., Alonso, J., Plaza, F., Lavín, A., 2006. Labrador Sea
Water in the Bay of Biscay: analysis of historical data (1990-2005), X International
Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay, Vigo (Spain). 19-21 April
230. Sánchez, R.F., Ruiz-Villareal, M., González-Pola, C., Díaz del Río, G., Cabanas,
J.M., Lavín, A., González-Pola, C., Cabanas, J.M., Valencia, V., Fontán, A., Borja,
A., Goikoetxea, N., 2006. ICES Working Group On Hydrography Report 2006,
Annex 9, Spanish Standard Sections, 2005 (Area 4). ICES CM 2006/OCC:08, pp.
231. Varela, M., Bode, A., Lorenzo, J., Alvarez -Ossorio, M.T., Miranda, A., Patrocinio, T.,
Anadón, R., Viesca, L., Rodríguez, N., Valdés, L., Cabal, J., Urrutia, A.,
García-Soto, C., Rodríguez, M., Alvarez-Salgado, X.A., Groom, S., 2006. The
effect of the 'Prestige' oil spill on the plankton in the N-NW Spanish coast. Mar.
Pollut. Bull. 53, 272-286.
232. Varela, M.M., Bode, A., Morán, X.A.G., Valencia, J., 2006. Dissolved organic
nitrogen (DON) release and bacterial activity in the upper layers of the Atlantic
Ocean., ASLO-AGU-TOS Ocean Science Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii (USA). 20-24
February 2006.
233. Varela, M.M., Bode, A., Morán, X.A.G., Valencia, J., 2006. Dissolved organic
nitrogen (DON) release and bacterial activity in the upper layers of the Atlantic
Ocean. Microb. Ecol. 51, 487-500.
234. Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., 2007. Composición, abundancia y cambios temporales en la
comunidad de copépodos pelágicos, en un área del NW Peninsular, Galicia. DEA
Thesis, Universidade da Coruña, A Coruña (Spain), 13 pp.
235. Anadón, R., 2007. Informe del año 2007 de las actividades desarrolladas por la
Universidad de Oviedo en el marco del convenio específico para el control a largo
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
plazo de las condiciones quimico-biologicas en la plataforma continental asturiana
(radial de Cudillero). Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo (Spain). 22 pp.
236. Blanco-Bercial, L., Alvarez-Marques, F., 2007. RFLP procedure to discriminate
between Clausocalanus Giesbrecht 1888 (Copepoda, Calanoida) species in the
Central Cantabrian Sea. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 344, 73-77.
237. Bode, A., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Cunha, M.E., Garrido, S., Peleteiro, J.B., Porteiro,
C., Valdés, L., Varela, M., 2007. Variability of the pelagic food web on the Iberian
Atlantic: Stable nitrogen isotope studies. GLOBEC International Newsletter
13(2), 17-18.
238. Bode, A., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Cunha, M.E., Garrido, S., Peleteiro, J.B., Porteiro,
C., Valdés, L., Varela, M., 2007. Stable nitrogen isotope studies of the pelagic food
web on the Atlantic shelf of the Iberian Peninsula. Prog. Oceanogr. 74, 115-131.
239. Bode, A., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., González, N., Porteiro, C., Varela, M., 2007.
Coastal nutrient inputs and littoral food webs of Galicia. Simposio
GLOBEC-IMBER España. Valencia (Spain). 28-30 March 2007.
240. Bode, A., González, N., Varela, M., 2007. Anthropogenic nitrogen inputs to littoral
ecosystems of NW Spain traced by stable isotopes. ICES Annual Science
Conference ICES CM 2007/I:24, 15 pp.
241. Bode, A., González, N., Varela, M., 2007. Isotopic evidences of wastewater nitrogen
inputs to littoral ecosystems: records in intertidal macrophytes of NW Spain., IV
European Phycological Congress. British Phycological Society, Oviedo (Spain).
23-27 July 2007, p. 81.
242. Bode, A., Varela, M., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., 2007. O ecosistema peláxico. In:
Cordero, A.,Barreiro, R. (Editors), Ecoloxía. Galicia. Hércules de Ediciones, A
Coruña (Spain), pp. 513-533.
243. Bode, A., Varela, M., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., 2007. El ecosistema pelágico. In:
Cordero, A.,Barreiro, R. (Editors), Ecologia. Galicia. Hércules de Ediciones A
Coruña (Spain), pp. 513-533.
244. Bonnet, D., Harris, R., López-Urrutia, A., Halsband-Lenk , C., Greve , W., Valdés, L.,
Hirche, H.-J., Engel, M., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Wiltshire, K., 2007. Comparative
seasonal dynamics of Centropages typicus at seven coastal monitoring stations in
the North Sea, English Channel and Bay of Biscay. Prog. Oceanogr. 72, 233-248.
245. Cabal, J., López-Urrutia, A., González-Pola, C., Rodríguez, J.M., Nogueira, E.,
Morán, X.A.G., Valdés, L., Varela, M., Alvarez-Ossorio, M., Bode, A., Lavín, A.,
Rodríguez, M., Miranda, A., Cabanas, J.M., Anadón, R., Llope, M., 2007. 15-Years
of sampling in the Bay of Biscay: What are Oceanographic time series telling us?,
I Simposio Internacional en Ciencias del Mar, Valencia (Spain). 28-30 March
246. Cabanas, J.M., Carrera, P., Porteiro, C., 2007. The effect of environmental changes
in the Galician sardine fishery. ICES CM 2007/ACFM:25, pp. 92-101.
247. Calvo-Díaz, A., Morán, X.A.G., 2007. Seasonality of bacterial carbon fluxes and
leucine-to-carbon conversion factors in the N Iberian continental shelf. SAME10
10th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology. Faro (Portugal) 2-7 September
248. Escalera, L., Pazos, Y., Moroño, A., Reguera, B., 2007. Noctiluca scintillans may act
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
as a vector of toxigenic microalgae. Harmful Algae 6, 317-320.
249. González-Pola, C., Fernández-Díaz, J.M., Lavín, A., 2007. Vertical structure of the
upper ocean from profiles fitted to physically-consistent functional forms.
Deep-Sea Res. 54(11), 1985-2004.
250. González-Pola, C., Fernández-Díaz, J.M., Lavín, A., 2007. Evolution of the vertical
structure of the upper ocean from a timeseries of profiles fitted to
physically-consistent functional forms. I Simposio Internacional en Ciencias del
Mar, Valencia (Spain). 28-30 March 2007.
251. Huete, M., Varela, M., Bode, A., Marañón, E., 2007. Seasonal and interannual
variability in the size-abundance relationship of phytoplankton in a coastal marine
ecosystem. IV European Phycological Congress, Oviedo (Spain). 23-27 July
252. Lavin, A., Cabanas, J.M., González-Pola, C., Ruiz-Villarreal, M., Rodríguez, C.,
González, N., Díaz del Río, G., Alonso, J., Somavilla, R., 2007. Observación del
clima oceánico en el Mar Cantábrico y el Margen Íbero-Atlántico: Calentamiento
sostenido en las últimas décadas. I Congreso Nacional sobre Cambio Global,
Madrid (Spain). 25-27 April 2007, p. 78.
253. Lavin, A., González-Pola, C., Rodríguez, C., Somavilla, R., 2007. The Santander
standard section. The AGL buoy and the SMOS validation in the southern Bay of
Biscay., 7th SMOS Workshop. Calibration, Validation and Commissioning,
Frascati (Italy), 29-31 October 2007.
254. Lavín, A., González-Pola, C., Somavilla, R., Cabanas, J.M., Valencia, V., Fontán, A.,
Borja, A., Goikoetxea, N., 2007. ICES Working Group On Hydrography Report
2007, Annex 8, Spanish Standard Sections. ICES CM 2007/OCC:05, pp. 39-59.
255. Lavin, A., Moreno-Ventas, X., Ortiz de Zárate, V., Abaunza, P., Cabanas, J.M.,
2007. Environmental variability in the North Atlantic and Iberian waters and its
mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) and albacore (Thunnus alalunga) dynamics. ICES
J. Mar. Sci. 64(3), 425-438.
256. Llope, M., Anadón, R., 2007. Sea surface warming in the southern Bay of Biscay
modulated by oceanic advection. ICES CM 2007/B:03.
257. Llope, M., Anadón, R., Sostres, J.A., Viesca, L., 2007. Nutrients dynamics in the
southern Bay of Biscay (1993-2003): Winter supply, stoichiometry, long-term
trends, and their effects on the phytoplankton community. J. Geophys. Res. 112,
258. López, E., 2007. Functional responses of copepod nauplii using a high efficiency gut
fluorescence technique. Mar. Biol. 150, 893-903.
259. López, E., Viesca, L., Anadón, R., 2007. Seasonal variation in abundance and
feeding rates of the first stages of copepods in a temperate sea. Mar. Ecol. Prog.
Ser. 352, 161-175.
260. Miranda, A., Eirín, C., Fernández, G., 2007. Interannual variability of zooplankton in
the ría de Vigo, northeast Atlantic. Congreso GLOBEC-IMBER, Valencia. (Spain),
28-30 March 2007.
261. Morán, X.A.G., Bode, A., Suárez, L.A., Nogueira, E., 2007. Assessing the relevance
of nucleic acid content as an indicator of marine bacterial activity. Aquat. Microb.
Ecol. 46, 141-152.
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
262. Morán, X.A.G., Calvo-Díaz, A., 2007. Physiological structure of bacterioplankton in a
temperate coastal ecosystem: single-cell vs. bulk measurements of activity over a
seasonal cycle. SAME10 10th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology. Faro
(Portugal) 2-7 September 2007.
263. Morán, X.A.G., Calvo-Díaz, A., Suárez, L.Á., 2007. Seasonality and trends of
autotrophic and heterotrophic picoplankton in the southern Bay of Biscay
continental shelf. I Simposio Internacional de Ciencias del Mar / Simposio
GLOBEC-IMBER Spain. Valencia (Spain). 28-30 March 2007.
264. Stratoudakis, Y., Coombs, S., de Lanzos, A.L., Halliday, N., Costas, G., Caneco, B.,
Franco, C., Conway, D., Santos, M.B., Silva, A., Bernal, M., 2007. Sardine
(Sardina pilchardus) spawning seasonality in European waters of the northeast
Atlantic. Mar. Biol. 152, 201-212.
265. Valdés, L., López-Urrutia, A., Cabal, J., Alvarez-Ossorio, M., Bode, A., Miranda, A.,
Cabanas, M., Huskin, I., Anadón, R., Alvarez-Marqués, F., Llope, M., Rodríguez,
N., 2007. A decade of sampling in the Bay of Biscay: What are the zooplankton
time series telling us? GLOBEC International Newsletter October 2007, pp. 2-4.
266. Valdés, L., López-Urrutia, A., Cabal, J., Alvarez-Ossorio, M., Bode, A., Miranda, A.,
Cabanas, M., Huskin, I., Anadón, R., Alvarez-Marqués, F., Llope, M., Rodríguez,
N., 2007. A decade of sampling in the Bay of Biscay: What are the zooplankton
time series telling us? Prog. Oceanogr. 74, 98-114.
267. Varela, M., Bode, A., 2007. Trends and seasonality of phytoplankton biomass and
species composition in the period 1989-2003 off A Coruña (NW Spain). Simposio
GLOBEC-IMBER España, Valencia (Spain). 28-30 March 2007.
Publications of project RADIALES
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268. Anadón, R., 2008. Informe del año 2008 de las actividades desarrolladas por la
Universidad de Oviedo en el marco del convenio específico entre el IEO y la
Universidad de Oviedo para el control a largo plazo de las condiciones
químicobiológicas en la plataforma continental asturiana (radial de Cudillero).
Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo (Spain). 27 pp.
269. Bode, A., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Cabanas, J.M., Miranda, A., Varela, M., 2008.
Surface warming, decreasing upwelling intensity and plankton off Galicia (NW
Spain). ICES-PICES-GLOBEC Symposium on Climate Change in the World’s
Oceans. Gijón (Spain). 19-23 May 2008
270. Bode, A., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Cabanas, J.M., Miranda, A., Varela, M., 2008.
Recent trends in plankton and upwelling intensity off Galicia (NW Spain).
Upwelling Ecosystems Symposium, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain). 2-6
June 2008. (poster).
271. Bode, A., CLIGAL-Pelagic Working Group, 2008. Impact of climate change on the
marine pelagic ecosystems off Galicia (NW Spain). II: living resources.,
ICES-PICES-GLOBEC Symposium on Climate Change in the World’s Oceans. ,
Gijón (Spain). 19-23 May 2008. poster.
272. Calvo-Díaz, A., 2008. Estructura de la comunidad picoplanctónica y producción
heterotrófica bacteriana en la plataforma continental asturiana. PhD Thesis,
Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo (Spain), 163 pp.
273. Calvo-Díaz, A., Morán, X.A.G., Suárez, L.A., 2008. Seasonality of
picophytoplankton chlorophyll a and biomass in the central Cantabrian Sea,
southern Bay of Biscay. . Journal of Marine Systems 72, 271-281.
274. Escalera, L., Yoshimatsu, S., Takishita, K., Koike, K., Koike, K., 2008.
Cyanobacterial endosymbionts in the benthic dinophysioid dinoflagellate
Sinophysis canaliculata? 13th International Conference on Harmful Algae, Hong
Kong (China). 3-7 November 2008. poster.
275. González-Pola, C., Lavín, A., López-Jurado, J.L., Rodriguez, C., Somavilla, R.,
Ruiz-Villareal, M., Díaz del Rio, G., Sánchez, R., 2008. The recent warming of
intermediate waters at the Eastern North Atlantic. Insights from a monthly
hydrographical timeseries at the Bay of Biscay, ICES-PICES-GLOBEC
Symposium on Climate Change in the World’s Oceans. Gijón (Spain). 19-23 May
276. Granda, A.P., Anadón, R., 2008. The Annual cycle of nanoflagellates in the central
Cantabrian Sea (Bay of Biscay). .J. Mar. Syst. 72, 298-308.
277. Huete, M., Varela, M., Bode, A., Marañón, E., 2008. Interannual variability in the
size-abundance relationship of phytoplankton in a coastal marine ecosystem. ,
ICES-PICES-GLOBEC Symposium on Climate Change in the World’s Oceans.,
Gijón (Spain). 19-23 May 2008. poster.
278. ICES, 2008. Report on Ocean Climate 2007. ICES Coop. Res. Rep. 291.
279. Lavín, A., González-Pola, C., Ruiz-Villareal, M., Cano, D., Diaz del Río, G.,
Cabanas, J.M., Rodriguez, C., Arteche, J.L., Somavilla, R., 2008. The IEO Coastal
Observing System around N and NW Iberia. Eurogoos Conference, Exeter (UK)
May 2008.
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
280. Lavín, A., González-Pola, C., Ruiz-Villareal, M., Cano, D., Diaz del Río, G.,
Cabanas, J.M., Rodriguez, C., Arteche, J.L., Somavilla, R., 2008. The IEO Coastal
Observing System new real-time developments: ocean-meteorological AGL buoy,
TSG data in research vessels and modelling. The IEO Coastal Observing System
around N and NW Iberia. Conférence Océanographie Côtière Opérationnelle OCO, Brest (France).13-14 October 2008.
281. Lavín, A., González-Pola, C., Somavilla, R., Cabanas, J.M., Valencia, V., Fontán, A.,
Borja, A., Goikoetxea, N., 2008. ICES Working Group On Hydrography Report
2008, Annex 10, Hydrographic Status Report 2007: Spanish Standard Sections.
ICES CM 2008/OCC:01, pp. 89-110.
282. Morán, X.A.G., López-Urrutia, A., Calvo-Díaz, A., Li, W.K.W., 2008. Ocean warming
and phytoplankton size. ICES-PICES-GLOBEC Symposium on Climate Change in
the World’s Oceans. Gijón (Spain). 19-23 May 2008.
283. O’Brien, T.D., López-Urrutia, A., Wiebe, P.H., Hay, S., 2008. ICES Zooplankton
Status Report 2006/2007. ICES Coop. Res. Rep. 292, 1-168.
284. Otero, J., Álvarez-Salgado, X.A., González, Á.F., Miranda, A., Groom, S.B.,
Cabanas, J.M., Casas, G., Wheatley, B., Guerra, Á., 2008. Bottom-up control of
common octopus Octopus vulgaris in the Galician upwelling system, northeast
Atlantic Ocean. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 362, 181-192.
285. Rodriguez, J.M., 2008. Temporal and cross-shelf distribution of ichthyoplankton in
the central Cantabrian Sea. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci. 79, 496-506.
286. Somavilla, R., González-Pola, C., Rodriguez, C., Hydes, D., Lavín, A., 2008.
Comparisons of five year observations of FerryBox series with in situ data records
from hydrographical time-series, a meteorological-oceanic buoy and Argo floats in
the Bay of Biscay., FerryBox and Ship of Opportunity Meeting, Southampton (UK).
29-30 September 2008.
287. Somavilla, R., González-Pola, C., Rodriguez, C., Sanchez, R.F., Lavin, A., 2008.
Large hydrographical changes at the Bay of Biscay after the extreme winter mixing
of 2005 from an open-ocean monthly time series of profiles. EGU General
Assembly 2008, Viena (Austria). 18- 24 April 2008. poster.
288. Valdés, L., Gonzalez-Nuevo, G., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Cabal, J., Nogueira, E.,
2008. How will the ocean warming affect the planktonic diversity?
ICES-PICES-GLOBEC Symposium on Climate Change in the World’s Oceans.
Gijón (Spain). 19-23 May 2008. poster.
289. Varela, M., Bode, A., 2008. Tendencias y estacionalidad de la biomasa de
fitoplancton y composicion especifica en el periodo 1989-2003 en la plataforma de
La Coruña (NW España). Jornadas sobre Análisis de Series Temporales de
Plancton. Huelva (Spain). March 2009.
290. Varela, M., CLIGAL-Pelagic Working Group, 2008. Impact of climate change on the
marine pelagic ecosystems off Galicia (NW Spain). I: water characteristics and
plankton. ICES-PICES-GLOBEC Symposium on Climate Change in the World’s
Oceans., Gijón (Spain). 19-23 May 2008. poster.
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
291. Alvarez, E., Nogueira, E., Acuña, J.L., López-Álvarez, M., Sostres, J.A., 2009.
Short-term dynamics of late-winter phytoplankton blooms in a temperate
ecosystem (Central Cantabrian Sea, Southern Bay of Biscay). J. Plankton Res.
31, 601-617.
292. Anadón, R., Fernández, C., García Flórez, L., Losada, I., Valdes, L., 2009. Costa y
océanos. In: Anadón, R. (Editor), Evidencias y efectos potenciales del cambio
climático en Asturias. Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Ordenación del Territorio e
Infraestructuras. Principado de Asturias. Oviedo (Spain). pp. 126-170.
293. Bode, A., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Cabanas, J.M., Miranda, A., Varela, M., 2009.
Recent trends in plankton and upwelling intensity off Galicia (NW Spain). Prog.
Oceanogr. 83, 342-350.
294. Bode, A., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Miranda, A., 2009. Variabilidade e tendencias
interanuais do zooplancto galego. In: Conselleria de Medio Ambiente e
Desenvolvemento Sostible (Editor), Evidencias e Impactos do Cambio Climático
en Galicia. Xunta de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), pp. 341-354.
295. Bode, A., Álvarez-Salgado, X.A., Ruíz-Villarreal, M., Bañón Díaz, R., Castro, C.G.,
Molares Vila, J., Otero, J., Rosón, G., Varela, M., 2009. Impacto do cambio
climático nas condicións oceanográficas e nos recursos mariños. In: Conselleria
de Medio Ambiente y Desenvolvemento Sostible (Editor), Evidencias e impactos
do cambio climático en Galicia. Xunta de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela
(Spain), pp. 499-515.
296. Bode, A., Anadón, R., Cabanas, J.M., Carballo, R., Casas, G., Lavín, A., Llope, M.,
Lorenzo, J., Mene, L., Morán, X.A.G., Nogueira, E., Rodríguez, C., Rozada, F.,
Ruiz-Villarreal, M., Sostres, J., Teira, E., Valdés, L., Varela, M., 2009. Year-to-year
variability in inorganic nutrients, primary production and phytoplankton biomass off
NW Spain from 1990 to 2007 ICES CM 2009 /D:13, poster.
297. Calvo-Díaz, A., Moran, X.A.G., 2009. Empirical Leucine-to-Carbon Conversion
Factors for Estimating Heterotrophic Bacterial Production: Seasonality and
Predictability in a Temperate Coastal Ecosystem. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 75(10),
298. Castro, C.G., Álvarez-Salgado, X.A., Gago, J., Pérez, F.F., Bode, A., Nogueira, E.,
Ríos, A.F., Rosón, G., Varela, M., 2009. Evidencias bioxeoquímicas do cambio
climático. In: Conselleria de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible
(Editor), Evidencias e Impactos do Cambio Climático en Galicia. Xunta de Galicia,
Santiago de Compostela (Spain), pp. 303-326.
299. Huete-Ortega, M., Marañón, E., Varela, M., Bode, A., 2009. General patterns in the
size scaling of phytoplankton abundance in coastal waters during a 10-year time
series. J. Plankton Res. 32(1), 1-14.
300. Morán, X.A.G., Calvo-Díaz, A., 2009. Single-cell vs. bulk activity properties of
coastal bacterioplankton over an annual cycle in a temperate ecosystem. FEMS
Microbiol. Ecol. 67(1), 43-56.
301. Rosón, G., Cabanas, J.M., Pérez, F.F., Herrera, J.L., Ruiz Villarreal, M., Castro,
C.G., Piedracoba, S., Álvarez-Salgado, X.A., 2009. Evidencias do cambio
climático na hidrografía e dinámica das rías e da plataforma galega. In:
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
Conselleria de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible (Editor), Evidencias
e impactos do cambio climático en Galicia. Xunta de Galicia. Santiago de
Compostela (Spain), pp. 287-303.
302. Ruiz Villarreal, M., Álvarez Salgado, X.A., Cabanas, J.M., Pérez, F.F., Castro, C.G.,
Herrera, J.L., Piedracoba, S., Rosón, G., 2009. Variabilidade climática e
tendencias decadáis nos forzamentos meterorolóxicos e as propiedades das
augas adxacentes a Galicia. In: Conselleria de Medio Ambiente e
Desenvolvemento Sostible (Editor), Evidencias e impactos do cambio climático en
Galicia. Xunta de Galicia. Santiago de Compostela (Spain), pp. 271-286.
303. Somavilla, R., González-Pola, C., Rodriguez, C., Josey, S., Sanchez, R.F., Lavin,
A., 2009. Large changes in the hydrographic structure of the Bay of Biscay after
the extreme mixing of winter 2005. J. Geophys. Res. 114(C01001),
304. Valdés, L., Peterson, W., Church, J., Brander, K., Marcos, M., 2009. Our changing
oceans: conclusions of the first International Symposium on the Effects of climate
change on the world's oceans. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 66(7), 1435-1438.
305. Varela, M., Bode, A., Figueiras, F.G., Huete, M., Marañón, E., 2009. Variabilidade e
tendencias interanuais no fitoplancto mariño das costas de Galicia. In: Conselleria
de Medio Ambiente e Dsenvolvemento Sostible (Editor), Evidencias e Impactos do
Cambio Climático en Galicia. Xunta de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela (Spain),
pp. 327-340.
306. Bode, A., Anadón, R., Varela, M., 2010. Variabilidad decadal de la producción
primaria planctónica: comparación entre dos series temporales en Galicia y
Asturias., XV Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina, Vigo (Spain). 22-24 February
307. Echevarría, F., Irigoien, X., Bode, A., Saiz, E., Acuña, J.L., Sangrá, P.,
Hernández-León, S., Uriarte, A., 2010. The GLOBEC Program in Spain: A decade
of marine ecosystem research. II Seminário Ibérico IGBP: Mudança global.,
Lisboa (Portugal). 4-5 November 2010.
308. Gago, J., Cabanas, J.M., Casas, G., Miranda, A., Rodriguez, F., 2010. 12 years
(1994-2006) of monthly CTD measurements in the coastal transition zone of the
NW Iberian upwelling system (Ría de Vigo). XV Seminario Ibérico de Quimica
marina. Vigo (Spain). 22-24 February 2010.
309. Llope, M., 2010. Southern Bay of Biscay – Cantabrian Sea (N Spain), Euro-Oceans
Foresight Workshop Comparative analysis of European marine ecosystem
re-organizations – a large-scale approach to develop the basis for an
ecosystem-based management of marine resources. Hamburg (Germany), 1-5
November 2010, 13 pp.
310. López-Álvarez, M., Acuña, J.L., Sostres, J.A., Arrontes, J., 2010. Experimental
dynamics of nitrate uptake by winter phytoplankton assemblages. J. Plankton Res.
32(6), 885-898.
311. Morán, X.A.G., Calvo-Díaz, A., Ducklow, H.W., 2010. Total and phytoplankton
mediated bottom-up control of bacterioplankton change with temperature in the
NE Atlantic shelf waters. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 58, 229-239.
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
312. Morán, X.A.G., López-Urrutia, Á., Calvo-Díaz, A., Li, W.K.W., 2010. Increasing
importance of small phytoplankton in a warmer ocean. Global Change Biol. 16,
313. Nogueira, E., Bode, A., Castro, C., González-Nuevo, G., 2010. Variability of
thermohaline properties and nutrients in the ría de Vigo (and Cantabrian sea) in
the last decade. XV Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina, Vigo (Spain). 22-24
February 2010.
314. Rodríguez, C., Somavilla, R., González-Pola, C., Viloria, A., Lavín, A., 2010.
Variabilidad estacional del ciclo del oxígeno disuelto en una sección del mar
Cantábrico. XV Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina, Vigo (Spain). 22-24
February 2010.
315. Rozada, F., Bode, A., Varela, M., 2010. Presencia de hidrocarburos en el agua
costera de A Coruña: niveles crónicos y evolución a partir del accidente del
“Prestige”. XV Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina, Vigo (Spain). 22-24 February
316. Somavilla, R., 2010. Interacción atmósfera-océano y su influencia en las aguas
superficiales del Golfo de Vizcaya. PhD Thesis, Universidad de Cádiz, Cádiz
317. Varela, M., Bode, A., Figueiras, F., Cermeño, P., Marañón, E., 2010. Producción
primaria en las costas de Galicia ¿qué sabemos después de 30 años de estudio?
XV Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina, Vigo (Spain). 22-24 February 2010.
318. Alvarez, E., López-Urrutia, A., Nogueira, E., Fraga, S., 2011. How to effectively
sample the plankton size spectrum? A case study using FlowCAM. J. Plankton
Res. 33, 1119-1133.
319. Bode, A., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Miranda, A., López-Urrutia, A., Valdés, L., 2011.
Comparing copepod time-series in the north of Spain: spatial autocorrelation of
community composition. Prog. Oceanogr. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2011.11.013
320. Bode, A., Anadón, R., Morán, X.A.G., Nogueira, E., Teira, E., Varela, M., 2011.
Decadal variability in chlorophyll and primary production off NW Spain. Clim. Res.
48, 293-305.
321. Bode, A., González-Pola, C., Morán, X.A.G., Nogueira, E., Ruiz-Villarreal, M.,
Varela, M., 2011. Recent decadal variability in climate, oceanography and
plankton in the northern Spanish shelf, ICES/NAFO Symposium on the variability
of the North Atlantic and its marine ecosystems during 2000-2009, Santander
(Spain). 10-12 May 2011, Ref. 37. Poster.
322. Bode, A., Hare, J., Li, W.K.W., Morán, X.A.G., Valdés, L., 2011. Chlorophyll and
primary production in the North Atlantic. In: Reid, P.C.,Valdés, L. (Editors), ICES
Status Report on Climate Change in the North Atlantic. International Council for
the Exploration of the Sea, Copenhagen (Denmark), pp. 77-102.
323. Brotz, L., 2011. Changing jellyfish populations: trends in large marine ecosystems.
MSc. Thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver (Canada), 198 pp.
324. Cabello Torres, R.J., 2011. Influencia fluvial en los nutrientes inorgánicos y en la
composición de la materia orgánica del estuario del Río Mero (Ría do Burgo, A
Coruña). MsC Thesis, Universidade da Coruña, A Coruña (Spain), 46 pp.
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
325. Gago, J., Cabanas, J.M., Casas, G., Miranda, A., 2011. Thermohaline
measurements in the continental shelf zone of the NW Iberian Peninsula,
1994–2006. Clim. Res. 48, 219-229.
326. González-Gil, R., González-Taboada, F., Höfer, J., Anadón, R., 2011. Long-term
mesozooplankton changes in coastal waters of North Spain., ICES/NAFO
Symposium on the variability of the North Atlantic and its marine ecosystems
during 2000-2009, Santander (Spain). 10-12 May 2011, Ref. 32.
327. González-Nuevo, G., Cabrero, A.H., Filgueiras, A.V., Gago, J., Cabanas, J.M.,
2011. Time series analysis of Upwelling Index in the NW Iberian margin from 1900
to 2010, ICES/NAFO Symposium on the variability of the North Atlantic and its
marine ecosystems during 2000-2009, Santander (Spain). 10-12 May 2011. Ref.
97. Poster.
328. Hernando-Morales, V., Bode, A., Fernández Carrera, A., Martínez-García, S.,
Álvarez-Salgado, X.A., Varela, M.M., Teira, E., 2011. Spatial and temporal
variability of bacterioplankton community structure and function in the North-West
Coast of the Iberian Peninsula., ICES/PICES Early Career Meeting. Calviá,
Mallorca (Spain). 24-27 April 2011.
329. Hughes, S.L., Holliday, N.P., Beszczynska-Möller, A., (Eds), 2011. ICES Report on
Ocean Climate 2010. ICES Coop. Res. Rep. 309, 69 pp.
330. Martinez-Urtaza, J., Blanco-Abad, V., Rodriguez-Castro, A., Ansede-Bermejo, J.,
Miranda, A., Rodriguez-Alvarez, M.X., 2011. Ecological determinants of the
occurrence and dynamics of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in offshore areas. The ISME
J. 2011, 1-13.
331. Morán, X.A.G., Díaz-Pérez, L., Nogueira, E., Bode, A., 2011. Coastal
bacterioplankton in the Southern Bay of Biscay: changes in abundance and cell
size at seasonal and interannual scales. ICES CM 2011/B:04.
332. Morán, X.A.G., Díaz-Pérez, L., Nogueira, E., Bode, A., 2011. More microbes with
warming? Analysis of planktonic time-series in the southern Bay of Biscay
continental shelf. ICES/NAFO Symposium on the variability of the North Atlantic
and its marine ecosystems during 2000-2009, Santander (Spain). 10-12 May
2011. Ref. 60.
333. Nogueira, E., González-Pola, C., Bode, A., Gutiérrez Morán, X.A., Rodríguez, C.,
González-Nuevo, G., Varela, M., Anadón, R., 2011. Variability of nutrients and its
relationship with thermohaline properties and chlorophyll along the North Iberian
shelf (NIS) in the last two decades. ICES/NAFO Symposium on the variability of
the North Atlantic and its marine ecosystems during 2000-2009. , Santander
(Spain). Ref. 61.
334. O’Brien, T.D., Wiebe, P.H., Hay, S. (Editors), 2011. ICES Zooplankton Status Report
2008/2009. ICES Coop. Res. Rep., 307, 152 pp.
335. Rodriguez, C., González-Pola, C., Lavin, A., Somavilla, R., Viloria, A., 2011.
Long-term hydrographic variability observed in the Santander time-series
(Southern Bay of Biscay), ICES/NAFO Symposium on the variability of the North
Atlantic and its marine ecosystems during 2000-2009, Santander (Spain). 10-12
May 2011, Ref. 86. Poster.
336. Somavilla, R., González-Pola, C., Ruiz-Villareal, M., Lavín, A., 2011. Mixed layer
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
depth (MLD) variability in the southern Bay of Biscay. Deepening of winter MLDs
concurrent with generalized upper water warming trends? ICES/NAFO
Symposium on the variability of the Northern Atlantic and its marine ecosystems.
Santander (Spain). 10-12 May 2011. Ref. 95.
337. Somavilla, R., Gonzalez-Pola, C., Ruiz-Villarreal, M., Lavin, A., 2011. Mixed layer
depth (MLD) variability in the southern Bay of Biscay. Deepening of winter MLDs
concurrent with generalized upper water warming trends? Ocean Dynam. 61(9),
338. Taboada, F.G., Iglesias, T., Anadón, R., 2011. Impact of phytoplankton phenology
and anchovy recrutiment on the Bay of Biscay., ICES/NAFO Suymposium on the
variability of the North Atlantic and its marine ecosystems during 2000-2009,
Santander, Spain, 10-12 May 2011. Ref. 36. Poster.
339. Villamor, B., Costas, G., González-Pola, C., Lago de Lanzós, A., Pérez, J.R.,
Franco, C., Garabana, D., 2011. Temporal variability of the spawning season for
the southern component of the Northeast Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber scombrus)
(1990-2010), ICES/NAFO Symposium on the variability of the North Atlantic and
its marine ecosystems during 2000-2010, Santander (Spain). 10-12 May 2011.
Ref. 38. Poster.
340. Alvarez, E., Lopez-Urrutia, A., Nogueira, E., 2012. Improvement of plankton
biovolume estimates derived from image-based automatic sampling devices:
application to FlowCAM. J. Plankton Res. 34(6), 454-469.
341. Bode, A., Álvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Anadón, R., González-Gil, R., López-Urrutia, A.,
Miranda, A., Valdés, L., 2012. Zooplancton. In: Bode, A., Lavin, A.,Valdes, L.
(Editors), Cambio climático y oceanográfico en el Atlántico del norte de España.
Temas de Oceanografía. Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Madrid (Spain), pp.
342. Bode, A., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Miranda, A., Ruiz-Villarreal, M., 2012. Shifts
between gelatinous and crustacean plankton in a coastal upwelling region, 2nd Int.
Symposium on "Effects of Climate Change on the World's Oceans". PICES, ICES,
IOC, Yeosu (Korea) 14-23 May 2012.
343. Bode, A., Anadón, R., Lorenzo, J., Llope, M., Mene, L., Morán, X.A.G., Teira, E.,
Varela, M., 2012. Biomasa y producción primaria. In: Bode, A., Lavin, A.,Valdes, L.
(Editors), Cambio climático y oceanográfico en el Atlántico del norte de España.
Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Madrid (Spain), pp. 199-220.
344. Bode, A., Fernández, C., Mompeán, C., Parra, S., Rozada, F., Valencia, J., Viana,
I.G., 2012. Stable isotope composition trace anthropogenic carbon and nitrogen
processing in benthic food webs of A Coruña (NW Spain), XIII International
Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay (ISOBAY13). Instituto Español
de Oceanografía, Santander 11-13, April 2012, pp. 177.
345. Bode, A., Lavín, A., Valdés, L., 2012. Resumen ejecutivo. In: Bode, A., Lavín,
A.,Valdés, L. (Editors), Cambio climático y oceanográfico en el Atlántico del norte
de España. Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Madrid (Spain), pp. 13-23.
346. Bode, A., Lavín, A., Valdés, L., 2012. Introducción. In: Bode, A., Lavín, A.,Valdés, L.
(Editors), Cambio climático y oceanográfico en el Atlántico del norte de España.
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
Temas de Oceanografía. Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Madrid (Spain), pp.
347. Bode, A., Lavín, A., Valdés, L., 2012. Cambio climático y oceanográfico en el
Atlántico del norte de España. Temas de Oceanografía, 5. Instituto Español de
Oceanografía, Madrid (Spain), 280 pp.
348. Dye, S.R., Nolan, G.D., Beszczynska-Möller, A., 2012. ICES Report on Ocean
Climate 2011. ICES Coop. Res. Rep. 314, 1-77
349. García, M.J., Tel, E., Molinero, J., 2012. Nivel del mar. In: Bode, A., Lavin, A.,Valdes,
L. (Editors), Cambio climático y oceanográfico en el Atlántico del norte de España.
Temas de Oceanografía. Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Madrid (Spain), pp.
350. Glöckner, F.O., Stal, L.J., Sandaa, R.-A., Gasol, J.M., O’Gara, F., Hernandez, F.,
Labrenz, M., Stoica, E., Varela, M.M., Bordalo, A., Pitta, P., 2012. Marine Microbial
Diversity and its role in Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Change. .
Marine Board Position Paper 17. Marine Board-ESF, Ostend, Belgium., 80 pp.
351. González-Pola, C., Lavín, A., Díaz del Rio, G., Cabanas, J.M., Ruiz-Villarreal, M.,
Somavilla, R., Rodríguez, C., González-Nuevo, G., Nogueira, E., 2012. Capítulo 2.
Hidrografía y circulación. In: Bode, A., Lavín, A.,Valdés, L. (Editors), Cambio
climático y oceanográfico en el Atlántico del norte de España. Colección Temas
de Oceanografía, Madrid (Spain), pp. 69-98.
352. Holt, J., Hughes, S., Hopkins, J., Wakelin, S.L., Holliday, N.P., Dye, S.,
González-Pola, C., Hjøllo, S.S., Mork, K.A., Nolan, G., Proctor, R., Read, J.,
Shammon, T., Sherwin, T., Smyth, T., Tattersall, G., Ward, B., Wiltshire, K.H.,
2012. Multi-decadal variability and trends in the temperature of the northwest
European continental shelf: A model-data synthesis. Prog. Oceanogr. 106,
353. Huete-Stauffer, T.M., Morán, X.A.G., 2012. Dynamics of heterotrophic bacteria in
temperate coastal waters: similar net growth but different controls in low and high
nucleic acid cells. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 67, 211-223.
354. Li, W.K.W., Morán, X.A.G., O'Brien, T.D., 2012. 1. Introduction. ICES Coop. Res.
Rep. 313, 4-6.
355. Li, W.K.W., O'Brien, T.D., Morán, X.A.G., 2012. 11. Spatio-temporal atlas of the
North Atlantic. ICES Coop. Res. Rep. 313, 168-179.
356. Morán, X.A.G., Barbosa, A.B., Revilla, M., Bode, A., Orive, E., Soudant, D., 2012. 8.
Phytoplankton and microbial plankton of the Bay of Biscay and western Iberian
shelf. ICES Coop. Res. Rep. 313, 114-134.
357. Morán, X.A.G., Bode, A., Calvo-Díaz, A., Díaz-Pérez, L., Suárez, L.A., Roura, A.,
Nogueira, E., González-Nuevo, G., 2012. Picoplancton autotrófico y heterotrófico.
In: Bode, A., Lavin, A.,Valdés, L. (Editors), Cambio climático y oceanográfico en el
Atlántico del norte de España. Temas de oceanografía. Instituto Español de
Oceanografía, Madrid (Spain), pp. 159-176.
358. Nogueira, E., Bode, A., Anadón, R., Carballo, R., González-Nuevo, G., Llope, M.,
Rodríguez, C., Morán, X.A.G., Rozada, F., Sostres, J., González-Pola, C., 2012.
Nutrientes. In: Bode, A., Lavín, A.,Valdés, L. (Editors), Cambio climático y
oceanográfico en el Atlántico del N de España. Temas de Oceanografía. Instituto
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
Español de Oceanografía, Madrid (Spain), pp. 121-158.
359. Nogueira, E., González-Nuevo, G., 2012. Anexo I. Análisis de las series. In: Bode,
A., Lavin, A.,Valdes, L. (Editors), Cambio climático y oceanográfico en el Atlántico
del norte de España. Temas de oceanografía. Instituto Español de Oceanografía,
Madrid (Spain), pp. 269-272.
360. O'Brien, T.D., Li, W.K.W., Morán, X.A.G. (Editors), 2012. ICES phytoplankton and
microbial plankton status report 2009/2010. ICES Coop. Res. Rep. 313, 196 pp.
361. Rodríguez, C., González-Pola, C., Somavilla, R., Viloria, A., Lavín, A., 2012. The
Santander time-series section: 20 years of biogeochemical measurements. XIII
International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay. Santander
(Spain). 11-13 April 2012.
362. Ruiz Villarreal, M., Cabanas, J.M., González-Nuevo, G., Bode, A., Nogueira, E.,
González-Pola, C., Lavín, A., 2012. Clima y meteorología. In: Bode, A., Lavín,
A.,Valdés, L. (Editors), Cambio climático y oceanográfico en el Atlántico del norte
de España. Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Madrid (Spain), pp. 37-68.
363. Somavilla, R., González-Pola, R., Lavín, A., Rodriguez, C., 2012. Temperature and
salinity variability in the south-eastern corner of the Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic). J.
Mar. Syst. doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2012.02.010.
364. Varela, M., Lorenzo, J., Mene, L., Anadón, R., Bode, A., Viesca, L., 2012.
Fitoplancton. In: Bode, A., Lavin, A.,Valdes, L. (Editors), Cambio climático y
oceanográfico en el Atlántico del norte de España. Instituto Español de
Oceanografía, Madrid (Spain), pp. 177-198.
365. Viana, I.G., Fernández, C., Bode, A., 2012. Stable nitrogen isotopes in coastal
macroalgae: biogeographic and anthropogenic variability. 8th International
Conference on Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies.,
Brest, 20-24 August 2012.
366. Viloria, A., Tel, E., Gonzalez-Pola, C., A., M., Reguera, I., Rodriguez-Puente, C.,
Lavín, A., 2012. 10 años de registros de TSG en la Costa Cantábrica., 7ª
Asamblea Hispano-Portuguesa de Geofísica y Geodesia. San Sebastián (Spain).
25-29 June 2012.
367. Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Bode, A., 2013. 8.4 RADIALES A Coruña Transect (Site 52).
ICES Coop. Res. Rep. 318, 147-149.
368. Beszczynska-Möller, A., Dye, S.R.E., 2013. ICES Report on Ocean Climate 2012.
ICES Coop. Res. Rep. 321, 73 pp.
369. Bode, A., 2013. Cómo funcionan las rías. Oceántica. Campus do Mar. Universidad
de Vigo, Vigo (España). Lecture.
370. Bode, A., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Miranda, A., Ruiz Villarreal, M., 2013. Shifts
between gelatinous and crustacean plankton in a coastal upwelling region. ICES J.
Mar. Sci. 70(5), 934-942.
371. Bode, A., Somavilla, R., Lavín, A., Ruiz Villarreal, M., 2013. Case Study 1-Global.
ICES Coop. Res. Rep. 313, 19-30.
372. Borges, M.F. (Editor), 2013. ICES/GLOBEC Workshop on Long Term Variability on
South Western Europe. ICES Coop. Res. Rep., 316, 55 pp.
374. Bueno, J., López-Urrutia, A., 2013. 8.2 RADIALES Santander Transect (Site 50).
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
ICES Coop. Res. Rep. 318, 141-143.
375. Bueno, J., López-Urrutia, A., 2013. 8.3 RADIALES Gijón/Xixón Transect (Site 51).
ICES Coop. Res. Rep. 318, 144-146.
376. Díaz, P.A., Reguera, B., Ruiz-Villarreal, M., Pazos, Y., Velo-Suárez, L., Berger, H.,
Sourisseau, M., 2013. Climate variability and oceanographic settings associated
with interannual variability in the initiation of Dinophysis acuminata blooms. Marine
Drugs 11(8), 2964-2981.
377. Docío Santos, M., 2013. Análisis de la variabilidad estacional de la materia orgánica
en un gradiente de salinidad Master Interuniversitario de Biología Marina
MScThesis, Universidad de A Coruña, A Coruña (Spain), 25 pp.
378. González, P., Álvarez, E., Barranquero, J., Diez, J., González-Quirós, R., Nogueira,
E., López-Urrutia, A., Del Coz, J.J., 2013. Multiclass support vector machines with
example-dependent costs applied to plankton biomass estimations. IEEE Trans.
Neural Netw. Learn. Syst. 24(11), 1901-1905.
379. Miranda, A., Casas, G., Bode, A., 2013. 8.5 RADIALES Vigo Transect (Site 53).
ICES Coop. Res. Rep. 318, 150-152.
380. O'Brien, T.D., Wiebe, P.H., Falkenhaug, T., 2013. ICES Zooplankton status report
2010/2011. 318, 208 pp.
381. Viana, I.G., Bode, A., 2013. Stable nitrogen isotopes in coastal macroalgae:
geographic and anthropogenic variability. Sci. Total Environ. 443, 887-895.
382. Weidberg, N., Acuña, J.L., Lobón, C., 2013. Seasonality and fine-scale
meroplankton distribution off the central Cantabrian Coast. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol.
442, 47-57.
378. Álvarez, E., Moyano, M., López-Urrutia, A., Nogueira, E., Scharek, R., 2014. Routine
determination of plankton community composition and size structure: a
comparison between FlowCAM and light microscopy. J. Plankton Res. 36(1),
383. Alvarez Suarez, E., 2014. Estructura y fisiología de la comunidad planctónica a
partir de métodos de digitalización y análisis de imagen. PhD Thesis, Universidad
de Oviedo, Oviedo (Spain), 134 pp.
384. Bode, A., Acuña, J.L., González-Quirós, R., Miranda, A., Rodriguez, C., 2014.
RADIALES time series: 25 years building monitoring and analytical capacities in
the Iberian shelf., 2nd. International Ocean Research Conference, Barcelona
(Spain), 17-21 November 2014. Ref. 112.
385. Bode, A., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., 2014. Trends in the size of mesozooplankton
during the last 25 years at A Coruña (N Spain). ICES CM 2014/M:13.
386. Bode, A., Estevez, M.G., Varela, M., Vilar, J.A., 2014. Trends in phytoplankton
species abundance in shelf waters of the Galician upwelling (NW Spain). 2nd
International Ocean Research Conference. Barcelona (Spain). 17-21 November
2014. Ref. 113.
387. Bode, A., Fernández, C., Mompeán, C., Parra, S., Rozada, F., Valencia-Vila, J.,
Viana, I.G., 2014. Differential processing of anthropogenic carbon and nitrogen in
benthic food webs of A Coruña (NW Spain) traced by stable isotopes. Deep Sea
Res. II 106, 198-206.
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
388. Buttay, L., Nogueira, E., González-Quirós, R., Miranda, A., Casas Rodríguez, G.,
Bode, A., Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., Valdes, L., 2014. Mesozooplankton dynamics
along the Northwest and north Iberian Shelf., XVIII Simposio Ibérico de Estudios
de Biología Marina, Gijón (Spain), 2-5 September, 2014. poster.
389. Calvo-Díaz, A., Franco-Vidal, L., Morán, X.A.G., 2014. Annual cycles of
bacterioplankton biomass and production suggest a general switch between
temperature and resource control in temperate coastal ecosystems. J. Plankton
Res. 36(3), 859-865.
390. González-Nuevo, G., Gago, J., Cabanas, J.M., 2014. Upwelling index: a powerful
tool for marine research in the NW Iberian upwelling system. J. Oper. Oceanogr. 7,
391. Otero, J., Bode, A., Álvarez-Salgado, X.A., Varela, M., 2014. Biogeochemical shifts
in a coastal upwelling area (NE Atlantic) do not lead to downsizing in
phytoplankton species despite altering the structure of the community. ICES CM
392. Sóñora, F., Bode, A., Francés, G., González, J.J., González Laxe, F., González, N.,
Méndez, G., Prego, R., 2014. As rías. Oceántica. Campus do Mar, Vigo, 140 pp.
393. Tel, E., García, M.J., de Armas, D., Bellas, J., Bode, A., Cabanas, J.M.,
García-Martínez, M.C., León, V.M., Campillo, J.A., Rodríguez, M.C.,
Sánchez-Leal, R., Vélez, P., Viñas, L., 2014. Recovery and homogenization of
marine chemical data from IEO systematic monitoring programs. IV Simposio
Internacional de Ciencias del Mar, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 11-13 June 2014.
394. Valdés, J.L., Bode, A., 2014. El proyecto RADIALES (1988-2013). In: Pérez de
Rubín, J. (Editor), 100 años investigando el mar. El Instituto Español de
Oceanografía en su centenario (1914-2014). Instituto Español de Oceanografía,
Madrid (Spain), pp. 96-100.
395. Viana, I.G., 2014. Anthropogenic nitrogen impacts in littoral ecosystems:
quantification with n stable isotopes using long-living macroalgae. PhD Thesis,
Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 203 pp.
396. Viana, I.G., Bode, A., Fernández, C., 2014. Growth and production of new recruits
and adult individuals of Ascophyllum nodosum at a non-harvested population at its
southern limit, NW Spain. Mar. Biol. 161, 2885-2895.
397. Alonso-Sáez, L., Díaz-Pérez, L., Morán, X.A.G., 2015. The hidden seasonality of the
rare biosphere in coastal marine bacterioplankton. Environ. Microbiol.
398. Amina Berraho, A., Somoue, L., Hernández-León, S., Valdés, L., 2015. Zooplankton
in the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem: Oceanographic and biological
features in the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem. IOC Tech. Ser. 115,
399. Bode, A., 2015. Enhancing visibility of and access to long-term data. POGO-16
Meeting, Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain), 26-29 January 2015.
400. Bode, A., 2015. RADIALES time series: 25 years monitoring the NW Iberian shelf. In:
Campus do Mar - OCEANUS - Universidade de Porto (Editor). Campus do Mar,
Porto (Portugal).
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
401. Bode, A., Bates, N.R., Cloern, J., Isensee, K., Lomas, M., Lorenzoni, L., Lotliker,
A.A., Muller-Karger, F.E., O'Brien, T., Richardson, A.J., Ross, A., Valdés, L.,
Wiebe, P., 2015. New light for time series: international collaboration in ship-based
ecosystem monitoring. ICES CM 2015/C:02.
402. Bode, A., Estévez, M.G., Varela, M., Vilar, J.A., 2015. Annual trend patterns of
phytoplankton species abundance belie homogeneous taxonomical group
responses to climate in the NE Atlantic upwelling. Mar. Environ. Res. 110, 81-91.
403. Bode, A., González Herráiz, I., Garabana, D., Sampedro, P., Fariña, A.C., 2015. Un
mar de números: estadística y análisis de datos en el Instituto Español de
Oceanografía. Indice 64, 32-36.
404. Buttay, L., Miranda, A., Casas, G., González-Quirós, R., Nogueira, E., 2015.
Long-term and seasonal zooplankton dynamics in the northwest Iberian shelf and
its relationship with meteo-climatic and hydrographic variability. J. Plankton Res.
405. Calvo-Díaz, A., Huete-Stauffer, T.M., Díaz-Pérez, L., Morán, X.A.G., 2015.
Virus-phytoplankton interactions in coastal waters of the southern Bay of Biscay.
ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2015. Granada (Spain), 23-27 February 2015.
406. Fraga, X.A., 2015. O fitoplancto, a fonte do alimento das augas (II), La Opinión, 12
April 2015, A Coruña (Spain).
407. Fraga, X.A., 2015. O fitoplancto, a fonte do alimento das augas (I), La Opinión 23
March 2015, A Coruña (Spain).
408. García, F.C., Alonso-Sáez, L., Morán, X.A.G., López-Urrutia, A., 2015. Seasonality
in molecular and cytometric diversity of marine bacterioplankton: the reshuffling of
bacterial taxa by vertical mixing. Environ. Microbiol. 17(10), 4133-4142.
409. González-Gil, R., González Taboada, F., Höffer, J., Anadón, R., 2015. Winter mixing
and coastal upwelling drive long-term changes in zooplankton in the Bay of Biscay
(1993-2010). J. Plankton Res., doi:10.1093/plankt/fbv001.
410. Huete-Stauffer, T.M., Arandia-Gorostidi, N., Calvo-Díaz, A., Nogueira, E., González,
N., Morán, X.A.G., 2015. Temperature effects on microbial carbon fluxes in North
East Atlantic coastal waters. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Granada (Spain),
23-27 February 2015.
411. Isensee, K., Valdés, L., 2015. International group for marine ecological time series
(IGMETS). 3rd. International Symposium on Effects of Climate Change on the
World’s Oceans. Santos (Brasil), 23-27 March 2015.
412. Morán, X.A.G., Alonso-Sáez, L., Nogueira, E., Ducklow, H., González, N.,
Lopez-Urrutia, A., Díaz-Pérez, L., Calvo-Díaz, A., Arandia-Gorostidi, N.,
Huete-Stauffer, T., 2015. More, smaller bacteria in response to ocean's warming?
Proc. R. Soc. B 282(20150371), doi: 10.1098/rspb.2015.0371
413. Morán, X.A.G., Scharek, R. 2015. Photosynthetic parameters and primary
production, with focus on large phytoplankton, in a temperate mid-shelf
ecosystem. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci., 154, 255-263
414. Otero, J., Bode, A., Álvarez-Salgado, X.A., Varela, M., 2015. Resource use
efficiency is affected by phytoplankton community changes and geochemical shifts
over time in a coastal upwelling area (NE Atlantic). ASLO Aquatic Sciences
Meeting 2015. ASLO, Granada (Spain), 23-27 February 2015, pp. ID: 26825.
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
Teira, E., Hernando-Morales, V., Fernández, A., Martínez-García, S.,
Álvarez-Salgado, X.A., Bode, A., Varela, M.M., 2015. Local differences in
phytoplankton−bacterioplankton coupling in the coastal upwelling off Galicia (NW
Spain). Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 528, 53-69.
416. Valdes, J.L., Bode, A., O'Brien, T., Isensee, K., 2015. Sampling Once…Using Data
Multiple Times., American Association for the Advancment of Science (AAAS)
Annual Meeting 2015. AAAS, San Jose (CA, USA). 12-16 February 2015.
417. Valdés, L., 2015. Translating insights from observatories to policy. OCB 2015
summer science workshop- Session on Spatial and Temporal Variability in the
Ocean with Shipboard and Autonomous Platforms. Woods Hole (USA), 20-23 July
418. Valdés, L., Isensee, K., 2015. Discover Ocean Time Series map. Intergovernmental
419. Viana, I.G., Bode, A., 2015. Variability in δ15N of intertidal brown algae along a
salinity gradient: Differential impact of nitrogen sources. Sci. Total Environ.
512-513, 167-176.
420. Barange, M., King, J., Valdés, L., Turra, A., 2016. The evolving and increasing need
for climate change research on the oceans. ICES J. Mar. Sci. doi:
421. Cano, D., Gonzalez-Pola, C., Somavilla, R., Tel, E., Rodríguez, C., Ruiz-Villareal,
M., Viloria, A., Lavín, A., 2016. Sensor Networks and derived products at Biscay
AGL observatory. State of the art operational oceanography at IEO. XV
International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay. Bilbao (Spain)
22-24 June 2016.
422. Chust, G., Villarino, E., Chenuil, A., Irigoien, X., Bizsel, N., Bode, A., Broms, C.,
Claus, S., Fernández de Puelles, M.L., Fonda-Umani, S., Hoarau, G., Mazzocchi,
M.G., Mozetič, P., Vandepitte, L., Veríssimo, H., Zervoudaki, S., Borja, A., 2016.
Dispersal similarly shapes both population genetics and community patterns in the
marine realm. Sci. Rep. 6 (28730), doi:10.1038/srep28730.
423. Díaz, P.A., Ruiz-Villarreal, M., Pazos, Y., Moita, T., Reguera, B., 2016. Climate
variability and Dinophysis acuta blooms in an upwelling system. Harmful Algae
53, 145-159.
424. EMODNET-Biology, 2016. EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 5. Biology. EMODnet Phase 2
– Final report. Reporting Period: 01/09/2013 – 01/09/2016, EMODNET, Oostende
(Belgium). 173 p.
425. Lozano, P., 2016. Campañas oceanográficas sistemáticas, Boletín IEO, 24, 51-61.
426. Montes-Morado, T., 2016. Diversidad de bacterioplancton en relación con los
factores ambientales en las aguas superficiales de la costa de A Coruña., TFG
Thesis. Universidad de A Coruña, A Coruña (Spain), 27 pp.
427. Punzón, A., Serrano, A., Sánchez, F., Velasco, F., Preciado, I., González-Irusta,
J.M., López-López, L., 2016. Response of a temperate demersal fish community
to global warming. J. Mar. Syst. 161, 1-10.
428. Rodríguez, C., Cano, D., Gonzalez-Pola, C., Lavín, A., Marcos, E., Somavilla, R.,
Publications of project RADIALES
Updated: 29/07/2016
Viloria, A., 2016. Biscay AGL Observatory: Measurements of Atmospheric and
Oceanic Variables in the Cantabrian Sea. XV International Symposium on
Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay. Bilbao (Spain) 22-24 June 2016. .
429. Tel, E., Balbin, R., Cabanas, J.-M., Garcia, M.-J., Garcia-Martinez, M.C.,
Gonzalez-Pola, C., Lavin, A., Lopez-Jurado, J.-L., Rodriguez, C., Ruiz-Villarreal,
M., Sánchez-Leal, R.F., Vargas-Yáñez, M., Vélez-Belchí, P., 2016. IEOOS: the
Spanish Institute of Oceanography Observing System. Ocean Science 12,
430. Viloria, A., Tel, E., Lavín, A., Rodriguez, C., 2016. Chemical Reference Profiles from
20 years of Santander Standard Section. XV International Symposium on
Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay. Bilbao (Spain) 22-24 June 2016.
431. Wiebe, P., Harris, R., Gislason, A., Margonski, P., Skjoldal, H.R., Benfield, M., Hay,
S., O’Brien, T., Valdés, L., 2016. The ICES Working Group on Zooplankton
Ecology: Accomplishments of the first 25 years. Prog. Oceanogr. 141, 179-201.