SIT - St. Stephen Martyr Catholic Church

320 W. Garvey Ave. Monterey Park, CA 91754
16th Sunday in
Saint Stephen Martyr
Catholic Church
Ordinary Time
Your servant’s hearticle
“She had a sister named Mary, who sat down at the Lord’s feet to
listen to His words.”
Both women in the gospel, Martha and Mary, were very good women who always
welcomed Jesus and the disciples into their home. They welcomed Jesus in different ways. Martha prepared them food. While Mary “sat down at the Lord’s feet to
listen to His words.”
I would like us to focus more on Mary and I would also like us to focus on the word
“SIT.” The word for this Sunday is “SIT.”
S is STOP. Mary, just like Martha, may have had some other things to do. Yet she
stopped what she was doing and instead chose “to be in the moment” with the Lord.
Just being there with Jesus giving Him all her attention.
I is IMPORTANT. For Mary, Jesus and the disciples were important people worth
stopping for. She dropped everything she needed to do because Jesus and the disciples were more important than her “to-do list.”
T is TIME. When you say the person is important, you are willing to spend time
with him. Mary showed how important Jesus was by giving Him her precious time.
Love is spelled “T-I-M-E.”
If there is something most important that we all need to do as a People of God of St.
Stephen Martyr Church, it is to become “Prayer Warriors” of our very own church.
Let’s make it our habit to pray daily to our beloved patron St. Stephen Martyr.
Please pray to our Blessed Mother Mary by praying the Holy Rosary.
Let us pray that we will all be one. To be united in working together as a family.
We pray that we will not allow our differences, problems, conflicts, difficulties, and
the past to take our focus away from our very purpose why we are all here: to serve
God and his people.
I would like us to pray daily The Prayer of St. Francis. “Make me a channel of your
peace.” St. Francis, help us to be agents of unity. Not division.
Whatever we are going through right now, WE can handle that together with the
grace of God.
“It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.”
“We are a diverse faith-community that strives to conform ourselves into the image of
Christ in and through the power of the Holy Spirit, and nourished by The Word,
Sacraments and Tradition to give glory to God and to be a light unto the nations.”
July 17, 2016
Fr. Joseph Magdaong
Fr. Ali Kanissius
Armando & Irene Estrada
Deacon Couple
Monica Gonzales-Diaz
Business Manager
Alicia Vazquez
Office Manager
Beatriz Garcia
Dale Ann Torbey
Christina Arellano, Principal
Tel. (626) 573-1716
St. Stephen Martyr School
Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM (English)
Sunday 7:00 AM (English)
9:00 AM (Spanish)
11:00 AM (English)
2:00 PM (Indonesian)
Mon-Sat Daily Mass: 8:30 AM
Perpetual Help Mass & Novena
Wednesday 6:30 PM
Friday 7:00 PM (Spanish)
Saturdays 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday thru Friday
9 am - 1 pm & 4 pm - 8 pm
1 pm - 4 pm
1 pm - 5 pm
Tel. (626) 573-0427
[email protected]
July 9th & 10th
Second Collection
he monthly billings for the Together in Mission pledges have been
mailed. It is very important that these
pledges be paid so that our parish can
reach and, hopefully, exceed our goal.
We would like thank all St. Stephen’s parishioners for going
above and beyond with the generous donations and volunteer
work for the Family Promise Homeless Shelter program. Because
of your acts of kindness, you made it possible for our church to
provide the families (5 children and 5 adults) with 3 meals daily,
shelter and fellowship. This all took place here at our parish hall
the week of July 10th through July 16th. You all contributed to
making a difference in the lives of these deserving families!
Please join us for refreshments in the patio (Gathering Place), on
the west side of the church, after the 7:00 am, 9:00 am and
11:00 am mass on Sunday, July 17th as a thank you for your giving to others. God bless you all for your kindness and generosity.
Saturday, October 8 2016
PARISH GOAL: $33,900.00
Anniversary Mass
AMOUNT PAID: $23,250.00
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Parish Festival
Thank you for your continued support of
Together In Mission 2016
Legion of Mary meets every Wednesday
at 5pm in Room 2.
The meeting is followed by a Novena Mass
at 6:30pm in the Church.
The Legion of Mary is collecting religious items for their
ministry. Items needed include new, used and broken
crosses, medals, scapulars rosaries and holy cards.
Please place your donated items in the box located in the
vestibule of the church.
Thank you for your generosity and support.
St. Stephen’s Community
Outreach Program
Our Community Outreach program is in need of your HELP
by donating any of the following items.
Peanut Butter
Canned Tuna
Fruit Jams
Corned Beef
Tooth Paste
Roast Beef
Vienna Sausages
Canned Vegetables
Chicken Stew
Large Paper Bags
Cup of Noodles
Box Tops
Together we can provide much needed food for those
that are less fortunate.
“Tenía una hermana llamada Mary, que se sentó a los
pies del Señor para escuchar Sus palabras”.
Ambas mujeres en el evangelio, Martha y Mary, eran mujeres muy buenas que siempre le daban la bienvenida a
Jesús y sus discípulos en su casa. Martha los preparaba
la comida. Mientras que Mary “se sentaba a los pies del
Señor para escuchar Sus palabras”.
Me gustaría que nos concentrarnos más en Mary y
también me gustaría que nos concentraramos en la palabra “SIÉNTESE” (“SIT”). La palabra de este domingo es
La letra S es para ALTO (STOP). María, al igual que
Martha, pudo haber tenido otras cosas que hacer. Sin embargo dejó lo que estaba haciendo y optó por "estar en el
momento" con el Señor. Sólo estar allí con Jesús, dándole
toda su atención.
Nos gustaría dar gracias a todos los feligreses de San Esteban
para ir más allá con las generosas donaciones y trabajo voluntario para el programa de Family Promise. Debido a sus actos de
bondad, se hizo posible que nuestra iglesia pudiera proporcionar
a las familias (5 niños y 5 adultos) con 3 comidas diarias, vivienda y compañerismo. Todo esto se llevó a cabo aquí en nuestro
salón parroquial de la semana del 10 de julio hasta el 16 de julio.
Todos ustedes contribuyeron a hacer una diferencia en las vidas
de estas familias!
Por favor, acompañenos con refrescos en el patio (Gathering
Place) después de las Misas de 7:00 am, 9:00 am y las 11 a.m. el
domingo, 17 de julio como un agradecimiento por su donación a
otros. Dios los bendiga por su bondad y generosidad.
Está abierta después de cada misa,
el Sábado y el Domingo o por cita.
Mas de 12,000 Regalos │ DVDs
La letra I es para IMPORTANTE. Para Mary, Jesus y los
│ Libros │ Biblias │ Joyeria y Acdiscípulos eran gente importante. Era por esa rezon que
ella dejó de hacer todo que tenía que hacer. Par ella Jesús cesorios │ Rosarios │ Novinas y Ary los discípulos eran más importante que todo lo demas.
tículos religiosos. Apoye a nuestra
parroquia. Apoye al Librería de San Esteban
La letra T es para TIEMPO. Cuando uno dice que una persona es importante, uno tiene que estar dispuesto a pasar
El Ministerio de Oración “Luz del Espirtu Santo”
mas tiempo con él. Mary mostró cómo Jesús era
invita a orar, alabar, glorificar al Señor y darle gracias
importante para ella dándole su tiempo.
Los beneficios recibidos cada dia de nuestra
AMOR se deletrea “T-I-E-M-P-O”.
vida. Nos reunimos los Miercoles de 7pm a 9pm en el saSi hay algo más importante que todos tenemos que hacer lon parroquial de nuestra Iglesia San Esteban Martir.
como Pueblo de Dios de la Iglesia de San Esteban Mártir,
es convertirse en "Guerreros de Oración" de nuestra
propia iglesia.
Vamos a hace un hábito de rezar diariamente a nuestro
querido patrón San Esteban Mártir. Por favor recen a
nuestra Madre Bendita Mary por medio de el Santo
Oremos para que todos seremos uno. Para que estemos
mas unidos. Para que podamos trabajar juntos como una
familia. Oramos para que no permitiamos que nuestras
diferencias, problemas, conflictos, dificultades y el pasado
tomen nuestra atención lejos de nuestro propósito de:
servir a Dios y a su pueblo.
Sábado, 8 de octubre 2016
Misa de Aniversario
Domingo, 9 de octubre 2016
Festival Parroquial
Las facturas mensuales para
Unidos en Misión 2015 ha sido
enviada. Es muy importante que
estas promesas sean pagadas de
modo que nuestra parroquia
pueda alcanzar y, con su apoyo,
exceder nuestro objetivo.
Me gustaria que rezamos diariamente la Oración de San
Francisco de Asís. “ hazme un instrumento de Tu Paz.”
San Francisco, ayúdenos a ser agentes de la unidad. No
Lo que estamos atravesando ahora, podemos manejar
"Es mejor encender una vela que maldecir
la oscuridad".
TOTAL PAGADO: $23,250.00
Gracias por su apoyo continuado a
Unidos en Misión 2016
5:00 pm Malcolm Zeger - Happy Birthday!!!
Gary Dychiao (L) Healing
TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2016
8:30 am
Edward Sanchez—Happy Birthday!!!
Frances Salaises, Kitty Carlucci, Rosie Grego, Liza Anne Sesti,
Ana Nunez, Elaine Denery, Jose Galicia Sr., Connie Gonzales,
Norma Salazar, Michlina Kubek, Maria Cervantes, Maria Gonzalez, Jeanine Gregory, Peggy Jasso, Elena Dulay, Alex Vasquez,
Armando Loo, Annamae Koch, Rita Thoms, Elizabeth Dodge,
Virginia Medina, Rita A. Durazo, Ernest Durazo, Rudy Barraza,
Sally Sandoval, Emilia Rodriguez, Dominic, Jason, Rose Valdez,
Antonia Castaneda, Natalia Castaneda, Kathy Garcia, Helen Lawrence, Sandy Aguiar, Maria Castillo, Frances Montez, Ramiro
Sanchez, Judy Backer, Josefina Peralta, Tom Lujan, Maria Ngan
Fong Lung, Erin Gaffrey, Virginia Miranda, Frances Mosqueda,
John Jaurequi, Jeanine Lugo, Michael Alden Townsend, Natalia
Orozco, Tisha Platt, Teresa Ycedo, Larry Hernandez, Marge
LaVenture, Vic Panganiban, Concepcion Rodriguez, Elizabeth
Canadas, Maria Mazloom, Phil Cisneros, Kenneth Adler, Carol
Tollstrup, Howard Lee, Eva Monroy, Al Acosta, Susan Acosta,
Felipa McCrae, Angelica V. Rivas, David Perez, Doris Lau, Sandy
8:30 am Columba Sanchez (D)
Jesusita Serrano (L)
Prayer list will be updated on a monthly bases. If you would like
to add a name or make changes to the above list. Please contact
the parish office.
SUNDAY, JULY 17, 2016
7:00 am St. Stephen Parishioners
9:00 am
Columba Sanchez (D)
Martha Eva Hanan (D)
Sergio Murillo Jr.– Happy Birthday!!!
11:00 am
Ely Uy Quimpo (D)
Daniel Barraza - Happy Birthday!!!
Sergio Murillo Jr. - Happy Birthday!!!
MONDAY, JULY 18, 2016
8:30 am
Corazon R. Yacat (D)
Ernesto & Maria Garcia (L)
6:30 pm St. Stephen Parishioners
8:30 am
Ernest Morgan—Happy Birthday!!!
FRIDAY, JULY 22, 2016
8:30 am Ana Riza G. Boado (D)
Emiliano R. Galapon (D)
Jose Romeo T. Advincula (D)
Anthony Gomes (L)
7:00 pm
St. Stephen Parishioners
8:30 am Rosalva Candelario (L)
Mi 2:1-5; Ps 15:2-5; Mt 12:14-21
Mi 6:1-4,6-8; Mt 12:38-42
Mi7:14-15, 18-20; Mt 12:46-50
Wednesday: Jer 1:1,4-10; Mt 13:1-9
Jer 2:1-3,7-8,12-13; Mt 13:10-17
Jer 3:14-17; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18
Jer 7:1-11; Mt 13:24-30
Gn 18:20-32; Col 2:12-14; Lk 11:1-13
Did You Know?
Constant vigilance goes a long way to protect your
children from predators
So much of our society operates on blind trust, and
that trust can sometimes lead parents to make the
wrong choices when it comes to the safety of their
children. Far too many predators and abusers hide behind the
well-known and trusted adults. Parents should be vigilant when
introducing anyone into their children’s’ lives, and should not
ignore any red flags or suspicious behavior. It’s better to investigate than to misplace your trust at the expense of your child’s
safety. For a copy of the VIRTUS® article “An Ounce of Healthy
Suspicion is Worth a Pound of Prevention,” email [email protected] or call (213) 637-7227.
is open after each Mass, Saturday
and Sunday or by appointment.
12,000+ Gifts │ DVDs │ Books │
Bibles │ Jewelry and accessories
Rosaries │ Devotional and
Religious Items │ Artwork.
One stop shop for Catholic gifts
and resources. Support our
parish. Support the Saint Stephen