Burning Chrome Book PDF Book Author: William Gibson

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Book Author: William Gibson
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What people Say:
Is it okay, do you think, to say I find
's cycle of short stories,
, to be a work of profound beauty? Probably not, but I'm going to say it anyway:
is beautiful.
But how can it be? How can something like the Sprawl, Gibson's pollution choked mega-city, and
our shared technological-future-nightmare be beautiful? My description suggests it can't, yet I find
much beauty in Gibson's future.
There's something magnificent about monomolecular wires and Razorgir
Is it okay, do you think, to say I find
's cycle of short stories,
, to be a work of profound beauty? Probably not, but I'm going to say it anyway:
is beautiful.
― William Gibson, Burning Chrome
A set of 10 short stories: early Gibson cyberpunk and sic-fi that anticipate both his SPRAWL and
BLUE ANT series. All the Gibson tropes are there just waiting to bud and bloom. Gibson's
cyberpunk, dark and messy near-future; his obsession with technology, music, clothing; his uncanny
ability to describe and name the bleeding edge where culture and technology
― William Gibson, Burning Chrome
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A set of 10 short stories: early Gibson cyberpunk and sic-fi that anticipate both his SPRAWL and
BLUE ANT series. All the Gibson tropes are there just waiting to bud and bloom. Gibson's
cyberpunk, dark and messy near-future; his obsession with technology, music, clothing; his uncanny
ability to describe and name the bleeding edge where culture and technology blend; his noirish
tribalism; his satire; his slick style; his curvy asians. The book is an uneven group of stories that
approximate a pimply and adolescent Gibson sitting confidently on a couch ready to hack your
future and steal your dated sci-fi pulp.
Ben Babcock
We are very spoiled, and very privileged, to live now in the twenty-first century. We look back on
works of science fiction from the 1950s, 1960s, and onward that reference the 1990s or 2000s as
"the future" and make grandiose predictions: we'll have flying cars! a eugenics war! robot
apocalypse! It's interesting to note that such extrapolation, while often falling very short of the mark,
tends to be conservative when it describes the technological platforms through which we acquire
these flying
We are very spoiled, and very privileged, to live now in the twenty-first century. We look back on
works of science fiction from the 1950s, 1960s, and onward that reference the 1990s or 2000s as
"the future" and make grandiose predictions: we'll have flying cars! a eugenics war! robot
apocalypse! It's interesting to note that such extrapolation, while often falling very short of the mark,
tends to be conservative when it describes the technological platforms through which we acquire
these flying cars, supermen, and killer robots. The twenty-first century of the early twentieth century
still involved cassette tapes and analog computers. The digital revolution is a true paradigm shift in
science fiction just as it has been in the rest of our society, rendering such visions of the present
future quaint. For people more open-minded than myself, this is often not a problem. I have difficulty
immersing myself in stories that allude to now-obsolete technology as if it were the future—I can do
it, as is evident by my enjoyment of the original
series, but it is difficult. I'm a child of the digital age, and I'm spoiled that way.
William Gibson is a special case. His work, too, is vulnerable to the effects of aging. Yet he is rightly
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called a visionary and a prescient master of this field: after all, he coined the term
, and his descriptions of virtual reality have influenced its depictions in film and literature ever since
first appeared on the scene. So even though Gibson's stories have aged as his future never came
to pass, they remain amazing and brilliant. He infused them with ideas and conflicts that continue to
grip readers even as the futures these stories depict turn into alternative versions of history.
is a wonderful treasure trove of Gibson's genius. I did not like every story within, but every story is
brilliant in its own way. I never liked the film version of
, and the short story, though substantially different, did not change my mind. Gibson throws around
some intriguing ideas, but he never really explores them with the depth I'd like. I wonder if I would
feel the same way about "Burning Chrome" if I hadn't read
: like the novel, it makes computer hacking into an exciting, adrenaline-fuelled experience, as the
name "console cowboy" might suggest. And I really enjoyed "Burning Chrome" for the way its
narrator judges the relationship between Bobby Quine and Rikki. Unlike "Johnny Mneumonic,"
Gibson establishes the backstory just enough to justify the main action but not so much that one
feels like one is missing out on the larger picture. (But if you do, and you haven't read it, then you
really should go get a copy of
I think this is the collection where I finally understood the cyberpunk of William Gibson despite
having read four of his novels.
For me he is all about the mileau, the crafting of the dystopian world that his stories exist in and his
characters evolve from is his primary skill, everything that comes evolves from there. Not to doubt
his acknowedged talent as an ideas man.
I was particularly impressed with New Rose Hotel, his style of narration called to mind Chris Markers
La Jetee and Wong Kar-Wai
I think this is the collection where I finally understood the cyberpunk of William Gibson despite
having read four of his novels.
For me he is all about the mileau, the crafting of the dystopian world that his stories exist in and his
characters evolve from is his primary skill, everything that comes evolves from there. Not to doubt
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his acknowedged talent as an ideas man.
I was particularly impressed with New Rose Hotel, his style of narration called to mind Chris Markers
La Jetee and Wong Kar-Wai's Chungking Express, the overall feel of the piece settles on
melancholy without even attempting to play with your emotions or adrenaline. Johnny Mnemonic is a
completely different proposition to the movie, I'm not even sure why that was allowed to happen,
which was a great surprise.
Some of the stories are a bit clunky and the better ones are co-written with somebody else but even
so this would work as a great introduction to the world of Cyberpunk, much more so than jumping
straight in to Neuromancer.
(Burning Chrome, 1986) contiene los primeros relatos de William Gibson, el aclamado autor de
‘Neuromante’, que dio lugar a todo un subgénero, el cyberpunk (pequeña definición de
: normalmente transcurre en un futuro cercano, distópico, dominado por megacorporaciones,
donde se aúnan personajes marginales con alta tecnologÃ-a, en un ambiente cercano al género
negro, todo ello bajo una estética que recuerda a ‘Blade Runner’).
HacÃ-a tiempo que no leÃ-a a Gibson, y ha sido todo
(Burning Chrome, 1986) contiene los primeros relatos de William Gibson, el aclamado autor de
‘Neuromante’, que dio lugar a todo un subgénero, el cyberpunk (pequeña definición de
: normalmente transcurre en un futuro cercano, distópico, dominado por megacorporaciones,
donde se aúnan personajes marginales con alta tecnologÃ-a, en un ambiente cercano al género
negro, todo ello bajo una estética que recuerda a ‘Blade Runner’).
HacÃ-a tiempo que no leÃ-a a Gibson, y ha sido todo un placer reencontrarse con su obra. Con
algunos de estos cuentos he vuelto ha sentir la maravilla que supuso ‘Neuromante’. Gibson
es más que un narrador de ciencia ficción. Sus historias están repletas de detalles y
descripciones que te obligan a permanecer atento en todo momento a lo que te está contando, y
su prosa contiene un cierto lirismo a la hora de acercarnos a sus personajes.
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Estos son los diez relatos incluidos en
, escritos entre 1977 y 1985, algunos ellos en colaboración con Bruce Sterling, John Shirley y
Michael Swanwick:
(*****). El trabajo de Johnny es bien curioso: almacenar información y datos de sus clientes, a la
que él no tiene ningún acceso. Pero hay un cliente que le debe dinero, asÃ- que Johnny decide
forzar la situación, y es aquÃ- donde todo empieza a complicarse. En esta historia aparece por
primera vez Molly Millions, una de las protagonistas de ‘Neuromante’. Imprescindible.
(*****). El protagonista es un fotógrafo al que se le encarga un trabajo, hacer fotos de edificios y
arquitecturas retrofuturistas, inspiradas en las obras de la ciencia ficción de los años 30 y 40.
Hasta aquÃ- todo normal, pero un buen dÃ-a la realidad de las fotografÃ-as empieza a filtrarse en
su propia realidad. Excepcional.
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