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Book Author: ONE
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What people Say:
I adored this volume, everything that happened was hilarious! Especially Puri-Puri Prisoner, like
what the actual fuck is up with him? Gotta love his sweater though.... He's great and I can't wait to
see his harem. BUT SONIC THOUGH!!
I just really love this story arc. And here's a quick question, why does the Sea King have hearts over
his nipples? Or are the hearts his actual nipples? Hmmm... -__Oh, and I'm going to see those sad Mumen Rider mo
I adored this volume, everything that happened was hilarious! Especially Puri-Puri Prisoner, like
what the actual fuck is up with him? Gotta love his sweater though.... He's great and I can't wait to
see his harem. BUT SONIC THOUGH!!
I just really love this story arc. And here's a quick question, why does the Sea King have hearts over
his nipples? Or are the hearts his actual nipples? Hmmm... -__Oh, and I'm going to see those sad Mumen Rider moments again. I love that guy
and I hate seeing him get hurt.
Õlvaro Arbonés
Por alguna razón hemos dejado de valorar la ociosidad. El aburrimiento. Dejar que el tiempo
transcurra sin que pase nada, no buscar desesperadamente algo que hacer, haciendo que la vida
nos atraviese. Permanecer ocioso tiene su utilidad en el hecho de ser inútil, de ser un ejercicio
contemplativo, pues al liberarnos de la necesidad de prestar atención nos permite hacer algo que
no podemos hacer en otras circunstancias: dejar que nuestra mente se recree. Sólo cuando no
hacemos nada nos permitimos
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Por alguna razón hemos dejado de valorar la ociosidad. El aburrimiento. Dejar que el tiempo
transcurra sin que pase nada, no buscar desesperadamente algo que hacer, haciendo que la vida
nos atraviese. Permanecer ocioso tiene su utilidad en el hecho de ser inútil, de ser un ejercicio
contemplativo, pues al liberarnos de la necesidad de prestar atención nos permite hacer algo que
no podemos hacer en otras circunstancias: dejar que nuestra mente se recree. Sólo cuando no
hacemos nada nos permitimos escapar a las simas más profundas de nuestro pensamiento.
En la narrativa el vacÃ-o o la repetición tiene sus usos. No todo tiene por qué acabar en un
o una revelación. Volver sobre nuestros pasos, dejar sedimentar una idea, es a veces la mejor
forma continuar una historia.
Tras tres tomos donde ha predominado el desarrollo de ideas, la presentación de personajes y el
constante avance hacia algún otro lugar,
se pone contemplativo en este cuarto tomo. No es que no ocurra nada —más al contrario, está
plagado de acontecimientos: un meteorito gigante amenaza ciudad Z, la destrucción del mismo
hace parecer un villano a
y aquÃ- comienza el arco del rey del mar—, pero todo sigue para ir afincando lo que hasta ahora
sólo se intuÃ-a. Como Saitama no sólo no es visto como un héroe, sino un peligro público;
como la obsesión de
con el cyborg que destruyó su pueblo y mató a su familia le lleva a buscar culpables, pero
también a ser un héroe como lo es su maestro; incluso
muestra tener cualidades, y un modo de pensar, que trasciende el mero «quiero ser el mejor».
También sigue ahÃ- la presentación de personajes, pero el desarrollo cambia. Toma aire. Se
prepara, afianza la imagen, para después ir descomponiéndola, a corto o largo plazo, en forma
de desarrollo narrativo. Un tomo de transición, por tanto, pero a veces está bien sentarse para
contemplar como el mundo va cobrando sentido delante de nuestros ojos.
Nicola Mansfield
I love One-Punch! He gets fed up with the citizens ad yells at them to take up the damage with the
meteor instead of him. LOL! Back to lots of one-punch action, some really neat new bad guys and
lots of other superheroes, creeps and nice ones. I like Puri-Puri-Prisoner and his side story. This is a
fun action/battle manga with a twist on the superhero angle. Always a treat!
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Jedi JC
One-Punch Man did it again! It is funny as hell, violent and crazy! The genius in this series is how
the authors add outrageously interesting characters in an already fantastic ensemble of heroes and
(mostly dead) villains.
Saitama, as we all know it, can beat any man, monster or meteor with only one punch, so what
seemingly is a very straightforward story is actually worth following because the series never makes
us tired of reading as it gradually reveals to us the makings and happenings in the
One-Punch Man did it again! It is funny as hell, violent and crazy! The genius in this series is how
the authors add outrageously interesting characters in an already fantastic ensemble of heroes and
(mostly dead) villains.
Saitama, as we all know it, can beat any man, monster or meteor with only one punch, so what
seemingly is a very straightforward story is actually worth following because the series never makes
us tired of reading as it gradually reveals to us the makings and happenings in the lettered cities.
Elements like the monster threat levels and hero class rankings give us some sort of measure to
every hero, arc and villain introduced to us.
Like there's Puri-puri Prisoner. Damn, he came outta nowhere and he is entertaining and interesting
as he is strong and feared by other prisoners. Genos is as always, strong and admires his master
Saitama to a fault. And there's Bang, which has the aura as the series' sort of King Fu master who is
yet to reveal his power.
That is how One-Punch Man interests you to read on. While recoginizing that Saitama is miles away
the strongest amongst all of them, it doesn't dim its spotlights on other characters, minor or major.
Have you ever trained so hard all your hair fell out? That's exactly what Satima had to go through to
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become that powerful. This book was fiction, I really enjoyed this book I thought is was very
entertaining and fun. I loved all the action sequence's in this volume.
This book was about accepting to be a hero, and ignoring what other people say about you. Satima
struggles a lot with that in this book. This took place in city z, yes that is what it's called. there are
five different threat leve
Have you ever trained so hard all your hair fell out? That's exactly what Satima had to go through to
become that powerful. This book was fiction, I really enjoyed this book I thought is was very
entertaining and fun. I loved all the action sequence's in this volume.
This book was about accepting to be a hero, and ignoring what other people say about you. Satima
struggles a lot with that in this book. This took place in city z, yes that is what it's called. there are
five different threat levels,wolf,tiger,demon,dragon,and god, with each getting more dangerous as
they progress. This book was person vs self and person vs person, I say this because he is
regretting himself while fighting other bad guys. The theme was action, I say this because there was
a lot of punching.
The author's repetition in this quote,"Give it up! Give it up! Give it up!, Just shut up! I'm not a hero
because I want your approval, I'm a hero because I want to!" this quote shows us that he blocked
out the negativity. This was important because we should all block out negativity sometimes.
I was surprised when he told everyone to shut up. I was honestly not expecting that from his
character. I was also surprised at the end when the prisoners escaped jail, that was a fun surprise. I
really liked this book. I cant wait to get the fifth volume.
I going to give this book four stars. I'm giving it four and not five because it was focused to much on
the action and not the story. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes graphic novels. This
was a good book.
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