One Lord, One Eucharist, One Parish? - St. Andrew Catholic Church

We Are A Stewardship Parish, The Hands and Feet of Christ
“One Lord, One Eucharist, One Parish”
November 23rd, 2014
9950 NW 29th Street Coral Springs, Florida 33065
Parish Office: (954) 752-3950 Fax (954) 752-3986
Website: E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: Twitter:
Office Hours: Monday 2pm -5pm; Tuesday - Friday 8am - 5pm; Saturday 9am - 5pm & Sunday 9am - 3pm
About Us
Rev. Msgr. Michael A. Souckar - Pastor
Rev. Flavio Montes - Parochial Vicar
Rev. Jorge Perales - Parochial Vicar
Rev. Normando Feliz - (Retired)
Rev. Mr. Denis Mieyal - Permanent Deacon
Rev. Mr. Julio De Jesus - Transitional Deacon
Vigil and Sunday Mass Schedule
Saturday Evening Mass:
(English) 5:30 p.m. & (Spanish) 7:00 p.m.
Pastoral Staff
Mrs. Lydia Bernard-Vargas
Director of Preschool
Mrs. Beatriz Castro
Coordinator of Religious Education
Mrs. Mosi Del Aguila
Stewardship Coordinator
Sunday Masses:
(English) 7:00, 8:00, 9:30 (Children’s Mass),
11:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m.,
and 1:30 p.m. (Spanish)
Daily Mass Schedule
Monday - Friday 7 a.m., 9 a.m.
Monday - Friday (Spanish) 7 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m.
Saturday (English & Spanish) 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Sunday (Before Mass) 9am, 11am & 1pm
Wednesday 7:00 - 8:00pm Adoration Chapel
Weekday by appointment only
(please call the office)
Perpetual Adoration in Adoration Chapel
Miss Mary Forney
Youth 4 Christ Minister &
Director of Faith Formation
Mrs. Kristen Hughes
School Principal
Faith Direct Code: FL619
Mrs. Maria Elena Kaplove
Upcoming Events in The Parish
Mrs. Suzanne League
November 23rd - Eucharistic Procession
November 25th - 29th No R.E.
November 25th - Unity Service/ Offsite
November 26th - 28th - No School
November 27th - Thanksgiving Day
Mrs. Shelly Nicoll
Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Mary Lou Taff
Music Director
Outreach Department
MONDAY, November 24th, 2014
TUESDAY, November 25th, 2014
WEDNESDAY, November 26th, 2014
LEGION DE MARIA (7:30PM - CR # 126)
THURSDAY, November 27th, 2014
FRIDAY, November 28th, 2014
SATURDAY, November 29th, 2014
SUNDAY, November 30th, 2014
NO RCIA CLASS CHILDREN (10:30AM - CR 126 & 221)
NO RICA ESPAÑOL (11:30AM - CR # 121)
Please join us for
day mass
Thursday, November
27, 2014
7 am ……………….. Msgr. Souckar
10 am …………………Msgr. Souckar
*No misa en español a las 7pm*
Sunday, November 23rd, 2014
7:00AM Fr. Montes
8:00AM Msgr. Souckar
9:30AM Fr. Perales
11:30AM Msgr. Souckar
1:30PM Fr. Perales
5:30PM Fr. Feliz
In Thanksgiving for Evelyn Sabga’s 70th Birthday (Living) by
Jackie & Annie
Michael, Nicole & Baby Hannah Rahael (Living) by The Rahael
John Cordner by His Wife Henrietta
Indira Jairam Delgado by Julio & Catherine Delgado
Parroquianos de la Iglesia de Saint Andrew
Jonathan O’Connor by His Daughter
Monday, November 24th, 2014
7:00AM Msgr. Souckar
9:00AM Fr. Perales
7:00PM Fr. Feliz
Souls in Purgatory by Maria Penagos
Pierre Louis & Jeanine Lherisson by Their Daughter, Marie
Rubén Rivera por Orlando, Myrna, Omar, Laura & Ariana
Tuesday, November 25th, 2014
7:00AM Msgr. Souckar
9:00AM Msgr. Souckar
7:00PM Fr. Feliz
Souls in Purgatory by Maria Penagos
Harold Murray, M.D. by Cecile McAlpine
Blanca Rivera Marrero por Orlando, Myrna, Omar, Laura & Ariana
Wednesday, November 26th, 2014
7:00AM Msgr. Souckar
9:00AM Msgr. Souckar
7:00PM Fr. Perales
Souls in Purgatory by Maria Penagos
Ella Elizabeth Durand by Sue LoPresti
Jorge Ugalde por His Family
Thursday, November 27th, 2014
7:00AM Msgr. Souckar
10:00AM Msgr. Souckar
In Thanksgiving Bill & Jan Donohue (Living) by The Outreach
Joseph & Rose Olivo by Rosalie Porter
Friday, November 28th, 2014
7:00AM Fr. Perales
9:00AM Fr. Perales
7:00PM Fr. Feliz
Patricia Mieyal by Henrietta Cordner
Margaret D’Ambro by Cecile McAlpine
Ricardo Carrión por Su Familia
Saturday, November 29th, 2014
9:00AM Fr. Perales
5:30PM Msgr. Souckar
7:00PM Fr. Perales
Community Mass
Laura Begert by Clergy & Parish Office Staff
Guillermina Ortíz por Robert & Lisa Shelly
Sunday, November 30th, 2014
7:00AM Fr. Perales
8:00AM Fr. Perales
9:30AM Msgr. Souckar
11:30AM Fr. Feliz
1:30PM Fr. Feliz
5:30PM Msgr. Souckar
Marie Striano by Louise Marquez
Marie Striano by Louise Marquez
Queta Gonzalez by The Gutierrez Family
Jennifer Lynne Lockrey by The Nichols/Muilman Family
Rubén Rivera por El Ministerio de la Santa Comunión
Parishioners of Saint Andrew
A Proud History and a Promising Future
Dear Parishioners of Saint Andrew:
It was May 1969 when Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll, the first Archbishop of Miami, appointed Father Patrick Farrell
as the founding pastor of a new parish in Coral Springs. The new parish was placed under the heavenly patronage of
Saint Andrew the Apostle. In those days, Coral Springs was a rural outpost in the far reaches of northwestern Broward
County with a population of approximately 300 people. At the time, there may have been more horses than people
living in Coral Springs! The parish community began with 25 families and for the first year Mass was celebrated at the
home of Mrs. Emily Heafy. Since those humble beginnings, Saint Andrew Parish – like the city of Coral Springs – has
grown to be a large, vibrant and diverse community. We strive to be a parish family which celebrates our diversity and
unity in Christ Jesus. We are united in our profession of the faith, celebration of the sacraments and works of justice
and charity.
As we celebrate our 45th anniversary, I take this opportunity to express sentiments of sincere thanks and appreciation
to all who have helped us to be the parish family we are today. First, all praise and thanks is offered to Almighty God –
Father, Son and Holy Spirit – who in His divine providence has blessed, guided and sustained our parish community
over the years. I also thank the priests, deacons and religious sisters who have selflessly served the parish, providing
leadership by their dedication to God and His holy people. In a particular way, I thank my predecessors as pastor:
Father Patrick Farrell (1969-1980), Father Brendan Grogan (1980-1986), Father James Quinn (1986-1996), Father
Arthur Dennison (1996-2002) and Monsignor George Puthusseril (2002-2012). These dedicated priests and the
parochial vicars who assisted them have been good shepherds to the parish community and helped us to grow as a
parish community. I also thank those who have served as principals, directors of religious education, teachers and
catechists in our parish school, pre-school and religious education program. Our parish has long been known for its
commitment to Catholic education. I am very pleased to see that our parish school has increased enrollment this year
and that our graduates regularly make the honor roll at Saint Thomas Aquinas, Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop
McCarthy, Saint John Paul II and other local high schools. Our children are not only the future of the Church they are
the present of the Church as they develop their relationship with Christ and deepen their knowledge and practice of our
Catholic faith. Any litany of thanks would not be complete without acknowledging you – the parishioners – who have
for 45 years been the mainstay of the parish community. We are blessed to have individuals and families who are
founding members of the parish and others who are recent arrivals; all are welcome here and all are equally members
of our parish. Over the past 45 years, countless people have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation,
Matrimony, Confession, First Holy Communion and the Anointing of the Sick at Saint Andrew Parish. Two native sons
- Father Eric Zegeer and Father Daniel Martin – have been ordained priests. Many have bid a tearful and prayerful
farewell to loved ones buried from the parish. It is especially in these moments of sacramental grace that we are truly
who we are called to be: the Body of Christ in this small portion of the Kingdom of God. It is my prayer that this proud
history will be the preview of a promising future for all at Saint Andrew Parish.
May the Lord continue to bless you and your family with His love!
Monsignor Michael A. Souckar
Una Orgullosa Historia y un Futuro Prometedor
Queridos feligreses de Saint Andrew:
Era mayo de 1969, cuando el Arzobispo Coleman F. Carroll, el primer Arzobispo de Miami, nombró al Padre Patrick
Farrell como el párroco fundador de una nueva parroquia en Coral Springs. La nueva parroquia fue puesta bajo el patrocinio celestial del Apóstol San Andrés. En aquellos días, Coral Springs era un pueblo rural en los confines del noroeste del condado de Broward con una población de aproximadamente 300 personas. En ese momento, puede haber
habido ¡más caballos que personas en Coral Springs! La comunidad parroquial se inició con 25 familias y durante el
primer año la misa fue celebrada en la casa de la señora Emily Heafy. Desde sus humildes comienzos, la Iglesia de
Saint Andrew - como la ciudad de Coral Springs - fueron creciendo hasta convertirse en una comunidad grande,
vibrante y diversa. Nos esforzamos por ser una parroquia familiar que celebra nuestra diversidad y unidad en Cristo
Je-sús. Estamos unidos en nuestra profesión de la fe, de la celebración de los sacramentos y de las obras de justicia
y de caridad.
Al celebrar nuestro 45 aniversario, aprovecho esta oportunidad para expresar sentimientos de sincero agradecimiento
y reconocimiento a todos los que nos han ayudado a ser la familia parroquial que somos hoy. En primer lugar, todas
las alabanzas y agradecimientos son ofrecidos a Dios Todopoderoso - Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo - que en su providencia divina ha bendecido, guiado y sostenido nuestra comunidad parroquial a través de los años. Agradezco también a los sacerdotes, diáconos y religiosas que desinteresadamente han servido a la parroquia, proporcionando liderazgo en su dedicación a Dios y a su pueblo santo. De modo particular, doy las gracias a mis antecesores como párrocos: al Padre Patrick Farrell (1969-1980), al padre Brendan Grogan (1980-1986), al padre James Quinn (1986-1996),
al padre Arthur Dennison (1996-2002) y al Monseñor George Puthusseril (2002-2012). Estos sacerdotes dedicados y
los vicarios parroquiales que les han asistido han sido buenos pastores de la comunidad parroquial y nos han ayudado
a crecer como una comunidad parroquial. También quiero agradecer a aquellos que han servido como directores, directores de educación religiosa, maestros y catequistas en nuestra escuela parroquial, pre-escolar y programa de educación religiosa. Nuestra parroquia durante mucho tiempo ha sido conocida por su compromiso con la educación católica. Estoy muy contento de ver que nuestra escuela parroquial ha incrementado la matrícula de este año y que nuestros graduados están regularmente en cuadro de honor de Santo Tomás de Aquino, Cardenal Gibbons, Arzobispo
McCarthy, San Juan Pablo II y de otras escuelas secundarias locales. Nuestros niños no sólo son el futuro de la Iglesia que son el presente de la Iglesia a medida que desarrollan su relación con Cristo y profundizan en su conocimiento
y en la práctica de nuestra fe católica. Cualquier letanía de agradecimiento no estaría completa sin reconocer que - los
feligreses - que pertenecen desde hace 45 años han sido el pilar de la comunidad parroquial. Tenemos la suerte de
tener los individuos y las familias que son miembros fundadores de la parroquia y otros que están recién llegados;
todos son bienvenidos aquí y todos son igualmente miembros de nuestra parroquia. Durante los últimos 45 años, un
sin número de personas han recibido los sacramentos de Bautismo, Confirmación, Matrimonio, Confesión, Primera
Comunión y Unción de los Enfermos en Saint Andrew. Dos hijos nativos - Padre Eric Zegeer y Padre Daniel Martín han sido ordenados sacerdotes. Muchos parroquianos han enterrado a sus seres queridos despidiéndolod con lágrimas y oración de Saint Andrew. Es especialmente en estos momentos de la gracia sacramental que somos más que
llamados a ser: el Cuerpo de Cristo en esta pequeña parte del Reino de Dios. Es mi oración que esta orgullosa historia
sea el anticipo de un futuro prometedor para todos en la Iglesia de Saint Andrew.
¡Qué el Señor los siga bendiciendo a usted y a sus familias con Su amor!
Monseñor Michael A. Souckar
Harvest Festival : “Falltasia”
Saint Andrew Catholic church in Coral Springs has welcomed autumn with a Harvest Festival. The
"Falltasia" event, which took place on October 24, helped raise funds for new computers for the school. The
event was filled with games and prizes, and even the opportunity to shop for some goodies. With a pumpkin
patch decorated with autumn leaves, a few smiling scarecrows and pumpkins small enough to fit in the palm
of a hand or large enough to bowl with, the atmosphere was energetic and ready for the new season.
Thanksgiving for the Gift of Life
Acción de Gracias por el Regalo de la Vida
Heavenly Father, You are the giver of ALL life.
I thank You, Lord, for the gift of life, which You have
given me.
Teach me, to recognize the sacredness of my life,
and to honor the sacredness of all human life.
Remove from me, the selfishness that prevents me
from experiencing the majesty of each soul.
Help me to recover from the indignities
that I have suffered,
and which have diminished my self-respect.
Restore in me, the conscious understanding that
Your Holy Spirit lives in me,
and that all my actions and thoughts should reflect
the holiness of Your indwelling Presence.
Sanctify my life, Heavenly Father,
that I might be a blessing to all whom I meet.
Let this world be a brighter place,
because You reached out to others through my simple
acts of kindness.
Help me to believe in my own goodness,
that I may resist temptation and celebrate
Your gift of life,
this day and every day of my life.
Padre Celestial, Tu eres Quien da TODA la vida.
Te doy gracias, Señor, por el regalo de la vida,
que me has dado.
Enséñame a reconocer la santidad de mi vida
y a honrar la santidad de toda vida humana.
Líbrame del egoísmo que no me permita experimentar
la majestuosidad de cada alma.
Ayúdame a poder recuperarme de las indignidades
que he sufrido
y que han empobrecido mi autoestima.
Restaura en mí, el discernimiento de que
Tu Santo Espíritu vive en mí y que todas
mis acciones y pensamientos deben reflejar la santidad de Tu Presencia permanente.
Santifica mi vida, Padre Celestial,
que pueda ser una bendición para todos
los que conozca.
Haz que este mundo sea un lugar más brillante, por
haberte acercado a otros a través de mis pequeños
actos de misericordia.
Ayúdame a creer en mi propia bondad; que pueda
resistir la tentación y celebrar Tu regalo de vida
en este día y todos los días de mi vida.
Tuesday thru Friday
9:30am - 11:00am
Pantry Items
Spaghetti Sauce/Tuna Fish
Canned Spaghetti or Ravioli
Pasta Noodles/Canned Fruit
Canned Vegetables
Please check expiration dates
We Cannot distribute
expired food
Your Kind Help is
St. Vincent de
Paul Poor Boxes
Our “Poor Boxes”
are located at the
church exits. We
need your monetary
the St. Vincent de Paul Society
uses 100% of your
donations to help the needy.
Please help us, to help them.
Thank you for your
monetary donations!!!
Our Sincere
thanks and
Appreciation to
Cynthia and the
Coral Springs
Kraeer Funeral Home &
Cremation Center with the
donations of flowers for
Our Anniversary Celebration!!!
Buck of the Month Envelope
Please use your “Buck of the Month”
Envelope to help support Saint Andrew
School. Your generosity is appreciated and
will help us to pass on the Catholic faith to the
next generation!
TIME: 9:30AM – 12:00PM
Thank you …… to our
Highschoolers for
Giving a wonderful
Middle School Retreat!
Archdiocese of Miami - Office of Lay Ministry and Adult Faith Formation
November 23, 2014 The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Gospel reading Matthew 25:31-46 [To be read aloud]
Jesus said to his disciples: "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit upon his glorious throne,
and all the nations will be assembled before him. And he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from
the goats. He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Then the king will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who
are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me
food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in
prison and you visited me.’
Then the righteous will answer him and say, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did
we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?’ And the king
will say to them in reply, 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.’ Then he will say
to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and
you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no
clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.’ Then they will answer and say, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or
a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?’ He will answer them, 'Amen, I say to you, what you did not do
for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.’ And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."
Brief commentary:
Each year the solemnity of Christ, King of the Universe, crowns our liturgical calendar. The feast was instituted in 1925 by Pope Pius XI following
the ravages of the First World War and as the world, especially the West, was increasingly embracing secularism and nationalism. The feast, at the end
of the Church’s year represents many things: it is a reminder that the true King of the all the world is are not found among the tyrants and dictators,
the utopian political ideologies that promise blessing but end up bringing great woe; it is a warning to all to live in the light of the coming Kingdom
of God by putting God and people first, by abandoning sin and a life without God, by seeking to live the deepest values of the Gospel – especially
genuine compassion – daily; it is a message of eschatological hope, announcing that the future is all good, because God is the future of the universe –
injustice and oppression, indifference and selfishness, prejudice and racism, death and sorrow, sin and hatred, do not have a future; only goodness
and joy, love and peace have a future. It is the message so powerfully expressed in today’s reading of Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. It is the
Christian Good News: “The last enemy to be destroyed is death. When everything is subjected to God, then the Son himself will also be subjected to
the one who subjected everything to him, so that God may be all in all.” The other readings (Ezekiel, Psalm, and Gospel) are replete with pastoral
imagery. The King of the Universe none other than the loving shepherd of Israel, the one so endearingly described in the Psalm, but also the one
who loves right and justice, and has the deepest concern for the vulnerable and frail, the poor and oppressed, the outcast and forgotten. He comes to
set things right, to prove evil and mercilessness wrong, and to vindicate kindness and love. The standard of his judgment is compassion: “Whatever
you did for the least of my brethren, you did to me.” Curiously, nowhere are religious observance or religious sentiments offered as criteria. Religion
itself can sometimes become oppressive and used as a weapon, it can become for some a psychological excuse for not attending to the needy, it can
become a self-centered activity with little action and responsibility in the everyday world, which is the object of God’s great concern. In the Old Testament, it is precisely how people treat people, what happens to the poor and vulnerable, how justice and mercy are being practiced, both individually
and by the people as a whole, that is the great concern of Yahweh - so strongly expressed especially both in the Torah and in the Prophets. For Jesus,
God and people come first, and true religion is an encounter of God in the neighbor who is in need, by putting the needs of one’s neighbor above all
else. In Jesus’ kingdom, his followers really attend to the hungry and thirsty, the naked and the ill, the prisoner and the foreigner. And he expects this
not only to be accomplished by ministries that are set up for this end, but by all his followers. This deep concern for others is what we most find and
love in the Jesus of the Gospels, it is his healing touch that has also reached out to each of us, and now we too will gladly share it with others. This
encounter of God in the people in need was at the heart of Jesus’ own spirituality; it was first and foremost his religion. On this feast of Christ the
King, let us live anticipating God’s ultimate reign of love, joy, peace and life by being agents of his love, joy, peace and life to all, especially towards
the ones whom most need our loving help.
Today’s reading offers significant messages:
At the crowning of the Church’s liturgical year, the feast of Christ the King proclaims to the entire world that no earthly ruler, no state or
government or political system, can legitimately make ultimate claims on human beings. The people do not belong to any earthly ruler or
system; the people are sacred because they belong to God, who is the champion of their freedom and the one who truly loves them.
• The eschatological message of Christian hope, so powerfully proclaimed on this day, announces that the future is all good because God – who is
love – is the future of all creation. The ultimate reality is not evil or death, it is love and life in God.
• At the heart of this feast is the call to live as witnesses and agents of the values of the Kingdom of God by lovingly serving our sisters and our
brothers, our neighbor in need. “On the evening of our lives we will be judged by our love” (Saint John of the Cross).
For our shared or personal reflection:
After a brief pause for silent reflection share your answers, ideas or feelings.
• How does the feast of Christ the King speak to the oppressions found in our world today?
• How does the Christian good news of eschatological hope fill me with light and strength?
• How can I be an agent of God’s reign, of God’s love and compassion today and every day?
Suggested readings: Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraphs 668-682, 988-1065, 2196
Arquidiócesis de Miami - Oficina de Ministerios Laicos y Formación de Adultos en la Fe
23 Noviembre de 2014 Solemnidad de Cristo Rey del Universo (Ciclo A)
Lectura del santo Evangelio según San Mateo 25:31-46
En aquel tiempo,' dijo Jesús a sus discípulos: -«Cuando venga en su gloria el Hijo del hombre, y todos los ángeles con él, se sentará en el trono de su
gloria, y serán reunidas ante él todas las naciones. Él separará a unos de otros, como un pastor separa las ovejas de las cabras. Y pondrá las ovejas a su
derecha y las cabras a su izquierda. Entonces dirá el rey a los de su derecha: "Venid vosotros, benditos de mi Padre; heredad el reino preparado para
vosotros desde la creación del mundo. Porque tuve hambre y me disteis de comer, tuve sed y me disteis de beber, fui forastero y me hospedasteis,
estuve desnudo y me vestisteis, enfermo y me visitasteis, en la cárcel y vinisteis a verme." Entonces los justos le contestarán: "Señor, ¿cuándo te vimos con hambre y te alimentamos, o con sed y te dimos de beber?; ¿cuándo te vimos forastero y te hospedamos, o desnudo y te vestimos?; ¿cuándo
te vimos enfermo o en la cárcel y fuimos a verte?» Y el rey les dirá: "Os aseguro que cada vez que lo hicisteis con uno de éstos, mis humildes hermanos, conmigo lo hicisteis." Y entonces dirá a los de su izquierda: "Apartaos de mi, malditos, id al fuego eterno preparado para el diablo y sus ángeles. Porque tuve hambre y no me disteis de comer, tuve sed y no me disteis de beber, fui forastero y no me hospedasteis, estuve desnudo y no me
vestisteis, enfermo y en la cárcel y no me visitasteis. " Entonces también éstos contestarán: "Señor, ¿cuándo te vimos con hambre o con sed, o
forastero o desnudo, o enfermo o en la cárcel, y no te asistimos?" Y él replicará: "Os aseguro que cada vez que no lo hicisteis con uno de éstos, los
humildes, tampoco lo hicisteis conmigo." Y éstos irán al castigo eterno, y los justos a la vida eterna.»
Comentario breve:
Cada año la solemnidad de Cristo, Rey del Universo, corona nuestro calendario litúrgico. La fiesta fue instituida en el 1925 por el papa Pio XI siguiendo los desastres de la Primera Guerra Mundial y cuando el mundo, particularmente el occidente, estaba abrazando al secularismo y el nacionalismo.
La solemnidad, a la conclusión del año eclesial representa muchas cosas: es un recuerdo de que el verdadero rey del mundo no se encuentra entre los
tiranos y dictadores, en ideas políticas utópicas que prometen bendición pero acaban con trayendo la desgracia; es una advertencia a vivir a la luz del
reinado de Dios que viene poniendo a Dios y a los seres humanos en primer lugar, abandonando el pecado y una vida sin Dios, en buscando los valores mas profundos del Evangelio – especialmente la compasión genuina – diariamente; es un mensaje de esperanza escatológica, anunciando que el
futuro es completamente bueno, porque Dios es el futuro del universo – la injusticia y opresión, la indiferencia y el egoísmo, el prejuicio y racismo, la
muerte y el dolor, el pecado y el odio, no tienen futuro; solamente la bondad y gozo, el amor y la paz tienen futuro. Es el mensaje que tan poderosamente es expresado hoy en la primera carta de Pablo a los corintios. Es la Buena Nueva cristiana: “El último enemigo que será destruido es la muer
-te…Y cuando todo le sea sometido, entonces el Hijo mismo se someterá a aquel que le sometió todo, para que Dios sea todo en todos.” Las otras
lecturas (Ezequiel, el salmo, y el Evangelio) están repletas con imágenes pastorales. El Rey del Universo no es otro que el pastor amoroso de Israel, el
que es descrito con tanto afecto en el salmo, pero que también es el que ama la justicia y el bien, y que tiene la mas profunda preocupación por el vulnerable y frágil, el pobre y oprimido, el marginado y olvidado. El viene a corregir las cosas, a probar al mal y la impiedad mal, y a vindicar la bondad y
el amor. El estandarte de su juicio es la compasión: “Lo que le hiciste al mas pequeño, me lo hiciste a mi.” Curiosamente, en ningún lugar aparecen la
observancia religiosa o sentimientos religiosos como criterios. La religión misma algunas veces puede convertirse en opresión y ser usada como arma,
puede convertirse en una excusa sicológica para no atender al necesitado, puede convertirse en una actividad egoísta con poca acción y responsabilidad hacia el mundo cotidiano, que tanto es el objeto de la gran preocupación de Dios. En el Antiguo Testamento, es precisamente como las personas
se tratan unos a los otros, que le esta ocurriendo al pobre y vulnerable, como la justicia y la misericordia están siendo practicadas, individualmente y
como un pueblo, que es la gran preocupación de Yahvé – tan fuertemente expresado especialmente el la Tora (la Ley) y los profetas. Para Jesús, Dios
y las personas, están en primer plano, y la verdadera religión es un encuentro con Dios en el prójimo necesitado, poniendo las necesidades de el prójimo sobre todas las cosas. En el reino de Jesús, sus seguidores atienden de verdad al hambriento y sediento, al desnudo y al enfermo, al prisionero y
al forastero. Y el espera que esto se logre no solamente por ministerios establecidos con ese fin, sino por todos sus seguidores. Su profunda preocupación por los demás es lo que mas encontramos y amamos en el Jesús de los evangelios, es su toque sanador que nos ha llegado a cada uno de nosotros, y ahora lo compartimos con gozo con los demás. Este encuentro con Dios en el necesitado estaba en el corazón de la espiritualidad misma de
Jesús era sobretodo su religión. En la solemnidad de Cristo Rey, vivemos anticipando el gran reinado de Dios de amor, gozo, paz y vida, siendo agentes de su amor, gozo, paz y vida hacia todos, especialmente los que mas necesitan de nuestra ayuda y amor.
La lectura de hoy nos presenta tres ideas importantes:
• A la coronación del año litúrgico de la Iglesia, la solemnidad de Cristo Rey proclama a todo el mundo que ningún gobernante terrenal, ningún estado o gobierno o sistema político, puede legítimamente hacer reclamos absolutos sobre los seres humanos.
Los seres humanos no son propiedad de ningún gobernante o sistema; las personas son sagradas porque pertenecen a Dios,
quien es el campeón de su libertad y el que de veras los ama.
• El mensaje escatológico de la esperanza cristiana, tan poderosamente proclamado en este día, anuncia que el futuro es todo bueno
porque Dios – quien es amor – es el futuro de toda la creación. La realidad absoluta no es el mal o la muerte, es amor y vida
en Dios.
• En el corazón de esta fiesta esta el llamado a vivir como testigos y agentes de los valores del reino de Dios, sirviendo amorosamente
a nuestras hermanas y hermanos, a nuestro prójimo necesitado. “Al atardecer de nuestras vidas seremos juzgados sobre el
amor” (San Juan de la Cruz).
Para la reflexión personal o comunitaria:
Después de una pausa breve para reflexionar en silencio, comparta con otros sus ideas o sentimientos.
• ¿Cómo es que la solemnidad de Cristo Rey habla a las opresiones que encontramos en nuestro mundo de hoy?
• ¿Cómo es que la buena nueva cristiana de esperanza escatológica me llena de luz y fortaleza?
• ¿Cómo puedo ser agente del reinado de Dios, del amor y compasión de Dios hoy y cada día?
Lecturas recomendadas: Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, párrafos 668-682, 988-1065, 2196
Please Keep Our Service Men & Women
in Your Prayers
Chelsea Madarang
Edward Harrison
Frank Volpe
Jennifer Carns
John F. Marion
Tommy Simmons
Scott Crossley
Andres Donoso
Luis Carlo Moyano
Michael Schnable
Christopher Holting
Scott Maricic
Kasper Hein
Alton Pelayo
Anita Scattone
Michael Patrick Rosa
Anthony Monte
Kenneth Kozlowski
Michael Melione
George E. Ellis, Jr.
Joshua Hunter
Joseph Langlois II
William Kasten
Trevor Anderson
John Hughes
James Cant
Jimmie Holland
Joshua Trulock
Aaron Brill
Joseph Vera
Mario Alejandrino
Gabrielle Alejandrino
Cristian Oviedo
Chris Ducharme
Marco Monroy
Randy Renneisen Roberto
Jonathan Hall
Ray Gallimore
Adam Cordiviola
Sandra Ibañez
Laura Lee Flannery
Allan Park
Brandon Trubey
Matthew Desmond
Thomas Lucas
Paul R. Alexander
Dena DeLucia
Charles Flanagan
Joshua O’Shea
Andrew Narr
Prem David Giraldo
Francis J. Harrington, Jr
Josh Beans
Greg Rich
Ed Winters
Sterling Deleridge
Chad Michael Lopez
Jason Lopez
Peter Santini
Ashley M. King
Jonathan Slinkard
Johnny Jimenez
Alejandro Gonzalez
J.C. Velasco
David DeLillis
Adam Lewis
Ryan Hartnett
Angie Johnson
Matthew Imm
Joshua Cohen
Andrew Holston
David Anthony Long
William Antczak
Michelle Svec
Luisa Galeano
Miles Mayo
William Sciacca
Vernon K. Barnes
Joseph Andersen
Alex Rhino
Fred Rhino
Christian Lopez
Jorge Bondy
Russell Di Giacomo
Thomas J. Martino
Michael Fonda
George Kaiser
John Melo
George Casey
Stephen Grob
Please call if you have a
friend or loved one in the
military that you would like to
add in our prayer list.
Please use your envelopes. They are the
principal source of Parish Support.
Justice Corner
November 23, 2014
Charity Yes, and Justice Too!
Today’s Scriptures continue the theme of taking action. The Gospel speaks clearly about our call to care
for Jesus as he appears in people who are hungry, naked, imprisoned, etc. This moral obligation cannot be
satisfied by acts of charity alone. We are called to
work together to address the root causes, not just the
effects, of injustice.
As we give God thanks for our blessings this week,
may we remember our brothers and sisters who lack
the basic necessities to live with dignity. Let us contemplate the root causes of poverty – greed, unfair
trading practices, lack of access to education, healthcare, shelter, consumerism, and challenge ourselves to
live simply so we have more to share with others.
Many people observe Buy Nothing Day on November
28, the day after Thanksgiving to draw attention to our
call to reject consumerism and live simply.
We give you thanks Oh God for our many blessings…
Happy Thanksgiving!
Congratulations to the
Newly Baptized
November 16th, 2014
Presley Elizabeth Frese
Carter James Ward-Oertel
Donate Your Used Cell Phone & Print Cartridges
Our School is conducting an electronic waste
recycling fundraiser.
Please help support our school protecting the
environment by Donating items such as: empty
cartridges, used cell phones, and small electronic
We greatly appreciate your support!
The Sick
Adam Dietsch
Adam Ramjattan
Adam Westreich
Adele Gerstman
Adelaide Altieri
Adrian Zambrano
Adriana Barrera
Albert Misko
Alberto Vértiz
Alex Abramson
Alfred Gertz
Alida Ramagosa
Ana Castañón
Ana Maria Pascual
Ana Milena Mera
Ana Ribeirinho
Andrew Sookoo
Andy Krzykowski
Angela Chandley
Angie Mahr
Annmarie Janus
Anthony Englehardt
Anthony Ribeau
Antonio Alvarado
Arlene Mandel
Barbara Anderson
Barbara Branigan
Barbara Matalon
Becky Dwoskin
Becky Tooley
Bernard Goldstein
Berta Martin
Betty Wolfe
Beverly Circle
Billy McQuilken
Bishop Friend
Bob Harp
Bob Sotkiewicz
Bobby Mahr
Bobby Neitz
Brenda Hufstetler
Brian Thomas Green
Brianna Stribling
Bride Lindwurm
Brock Lerner
Bruno Campos
Cauleen Dolan
Carla Flores
Carlos Solares
Carmelita Tan
Carmen Rivas
Carol Ann Wakefield
Carol Draskin
Carol Foster
Carol Ruhl
Carol Slotwinski
Cassie (Child)
Catalina Alvarez
Catalina Cruz
Catherine Benoit
Cathy Bowen
Cathy Carns
Cesilio Figueroa
Charlton Johnson
Cher Souci
Cheri Kostigen
Cheryl Rhoads
Chris Rizzo
Christian J. Honeycutt
Chris Lapi
Clara Farina
Clifford Lee Flannery
Cruz Colón
Dalma Piper
Dana Neitz
Darcy Baños
D’Arcy Crooks
Darlene Irwin
David Natur
David Scheuerman
Dean Surratt
Deborah Sheber
Denise DiCarlo
Denise Walsh
Dennis Lockrey
Desiree Perron
Diana Caraballo
Diane Scott
Diane Wise
Donald Flynn
Donald Perron
Doni Judkowitz
Donna Silvia
Dora de Armas
Dori Minnelli
Dorothy Linstrom
Dorothy Mirarchi
Dorothy Pfeifer
Dorothy Savage
Drew Bevis
Dylan Perron
Eduardo Ortiz
Eliane Sajous
Eileen Kelly
Eileen Holsten
Eileen Salerno
Eileen Wesolowski
Eleanor Amico
Elemer Michaelis
Elizabeth Rotondella
Elizabeth Sabga Pilato
Emilio Scaglione
Eric Derner
Esther Melendez
Ethan Lalinde (child)
Eva Price
Felix Subervi
Fran Mandalari
Frances Curley Stone
Francisco López
Frank Diaco
Frank Morera
Fred Epstein
Freddie Vargas
Gail Fortunato
Gail Jacobson
Gaila Partridge
Gene Grizzle
Gerald Russo
Joseph Schaeffer
Geri Deloughery
Joshua (Child)
Gerold Nablen
Joshua Henriquez
Gina Cabrera
Joshua Rumbos
Giulie Gallo Greenseid
Joy Whyte
Gilberto Garcia
Juan Daniel Gomez
Gladys Jusino
Glenda Lloyd
Juanita Hawkins
Gloria Amdor
Judy Summerlin
Julian Taque
Gloria Catalano
Justo Gonzalez
Gloria Cohen
Katy Derner (Child)
Gloria Nazzaro
Karen Darmetko
Gloria Tobón
Karen Georgina
Grace Dolder
Kerry Clemmensen
Greg Ougourlian
Kerry Sylvester
Greta S.
Kim O’Connor
Guillermo Vértiz
Krista Rowland
Hattie Rose Sisco
Làszlò Tòth
Halie Summer Gerstman
Laura Lee Flannery
Harriet Smith
Laura Rodriguez
Harold Barnum
Laurent Verret
Harry Chobanian
Larry K.
Heather Ruthven
Lawrence Castañón
Hernán Enciso
Lenny Minichiello
Hilda Kanapegas
Leslie Perinango
Hipólita Figueroa
Leo Epstein
Idania Chang
Leonardo Arce
Isabel Reyes
Leonardo Farina
Ismenia Samayoa
Leonor Robayo de Vila
Itala Sibille
Ljerka Rebrovic
Ivan Reich
Libia Rojas
Ivette Ortiz
Ligia Chang
Kevin Alexis
Linda King
J. Oliver
Linda Ribeau
Jack Spitzer
Lisa Bouchard
Jacqueline CortezLoretta Blankenship
Lori Rolleri
Jacques Janssens
Lorie Skinner
James LaSorella
Lourdes Rovira
Jane Hinkle
Louvenia Davis
Janice Vassell &
Lucille Dentzer
Madeline Wolner
Jason Gardner
Manny Gordon
Jay Gallagher
Manuel Chang
Jean Barnum
Manuel Ryall
Jennifer Todero
Marcia Taylor
Jerónimo Rivera
Maria Stapperfenne
Jim Capprossi
Marie Pegram
Joan Harvey
Marion Sheber
Joanna Mercado Gilmore
Margery Hamilton
Joanne Nin
Mark Lixie
Joanne Voit
Mark Pounce
Joe Bartezak
Mark Silverman
Joe Silvia
Mark Touponce
Joey Roberts
Marge Curley Moschella
John DiCarlo
Margaret Mondron
John Gervais
Marguerite Lapp
John Greaves
Maria Sylvia
John Morrissey
Marie Bettlejeski
John McDonough
Marie Wald
Jorge Gallo, Jr.
Marion Broadhead
Jorge Martinez
Marlene Gentile
Jose A. Colon, Jr.
Marlene Hixon
José Ríos
Mary Buckley
Joseph Bonfiglio
Mary Castillo
Mary Crow
Maryann Forgie
Mary Anne Becker
Mary Jane Carns
Marvin Pearlman
Matthew James (child)
Maurice Braunstein
Maxine Ikenberg
Megan Alexis
Mel Greene
Melanie Huelett
Melvin Melendez
Michael Aubertin
Michael Degeannurio
Michael Keyte
Michelle Canzio
Mike Bachel
Mike Foster
Milagrito Roque
Myrta Shurdo
Nancy Gerner
Nancy Marsh
Nancy Moore
Nancy Stir
Nat Chandley
Nelly Zavaleta
Nicholas Gallina
Nicole Seiler
Nina Arlook
Norma Nicholas
Ofelia Subervi
Olivia Tyler (child)
Omar Rumbos
Ora Gallo
Pam Aubertin
Pam Kaiser
Pamela O’Connor
Pasquale Piteo
Pat Campbell
Pat Horgan
Patricia Hoffman
Patricia Mostecak
Patricia Puglisi
Patricia Scott
Patrick Amato
Patrick Chase
Patty Rose Sisco (Child)
Paul Henriques
Paul Johnston
Paul Valentine
Pedro Moreno
Philip Branigan, Jr
Phil Maher
Piper Anne Palmieri
Porfirio Vásquez
Rafal Abram’s
Ramona Leyva
Raúl Hernández
Raúl Ríos
Raúl Vértiz
Richard Barthel
Richard Clewell
Rick Cupo
Robert Nugue
Robert Pegram
Robert Sobkoski
Rochelle Isaacs
Rochelle Schwartz
Roland Taylor
Roland Yambao
Ron Chicoyne
Rose Rizzo
RoseAnne Abramson
Roy Kassebaum
Ruth Hunt
Ruth Oxley
Sal Moschella
Salvatore Anzelone
Sandy Diamond
Shane K. Calvello (child)
Shirley Buehler
Sig Kalinowski
Sixto Cruz
Stephen Bruck
Stephen Keenan
Stephen Grieve
Stephanie Branigan
Sue Connell Brown
Susana Foster
Susan Randazzo
Suzette Vásquez
Teresa Bellaby
Teresa Bowlan
Terry Proscia
Thomas Nicholson
Thomas Russell
Tommy Franzese
Trisha Forte
Ursula & Children
Veronica Pierce
Veronica Register
Vincent Salerno
Vinnie Bonvino
Viv Nye
Viviana Arce
William Cervantes
Xavier Lynch
Yvanna LeBrun
Zephaniah Satahoo
Please call the Parish
Office to add any names
Sunday by Sunday
Domingo a Domingo
Sheep are high-maintenance animals. They are not very
intelligent. Without guidance and care, especially in a climate
like Israel’s, they would die quickly from predators, starvation, or
just their own slowness. The scriptural image of us as the Lord’s
flock is not terribly flattering to us, since it is only the neverending diligence of a watchful shepherd that allows the flock to
The feast of Christ the King was intended to call the world
back to Christ as the sole power of the world, to bring back a
flock that had been scattered by many negative forces of the
growing industrial, scientific, and war‑torn world of the early
twentieth century. It is fitting that, as we celebrate Christ the
King, we hear about Christ the Shepherd who cares for us and
who, likewise, will be there at the end of time. Interestingly
enough, as the Gospel illustrates, our own destiny is determined
by the way we have been “shepherds” to the rest of the flock.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Las ovejas son animales que necesitan mucha atención. No
son muy inteligentes. Especialmente en un clima como el de
Israel, morirían rápidamente a causa de predadores, hambre o
por su lentitud. La imagen bíblica de nosotros como el rebaño
del Señor no es halagadora porque solamente con la vigilancia
constante del pastor cuidadoso el rebaño puede sobrevivir.
La institución de la fiesta de Cristo Rey fue motivada por la
intención de llevar el mundo a Cristo como el único poder de
este mundo; y también de hacer volver el rebaño dispersado por
las tantas fuerzas negativas del creciente mundo industrial y
científico, desgarrado por la guerra, del siglo veinte. Mientras
celebramos a Cristo Rey, es muy apropiado entender que el
Cristo Pastor nos cuida ahora y va a estar presente en el momento de la separación de buenos y malos en el juicio final.
Como el Evangelio ilustra bien, nuestro propio destino está determinado por nuestro servicio como pastores al resto del rebaño.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5; Ps 24:1bc-4ab, 5-6; Lk 21:1-4
Rv 14:14-19; Ps 96:10-13; Lk 21:5-11
Rv 15:1-4; Ps 98:1-3ab, 7-9; Lk 21:12-19
Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a; Ps 100:1b-5;
Lk 21:20-28
Thanksgiving Day (suggested):
Sir 50:22-24; Ps 145:2-11; 1 Cor 1:3-9;
Lk 17:11-19
Rv 20:1-4, 11 — 21:2; Ps 84:3-6a, 8a;
Lk 21:29-33
Rv 22:1-7; Ps 95:1-7ab; Lk 21:34-36
Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7;
Ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19; 1 Cor 1:3-9;
Mk 13:33-37
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Thirty-fourth or Last Week in Ordinary Time;
St. Andrew Dũng-Lạc and Companions
St. Catherine of Alexandria
Thanksgiving Day
Blessed Virgin Mary
Apo 14:1-3, 4b-5; Sal 24 (23):1bc-4ab, 5-6;
Lc 21:1-4
Apo 14:14-19; Sal 96 (95):10-13; Lc 21:5-11
Apo 15:1-4; Sal 98 (97):1-3ab, 7-9; Lc 21:12-19
Apo 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a;
Sal 100 (99):1b-5; Lc 21:20-28
Día de Acción de Gracias (sugerencia):
Sir 50:22-24; Sal 145 (144):2-11; 1 Cor 1:3-9;
Lc 17:11-19
Apo 20:1-4, 11 — 21:2; Sal 84 (83):3-6a, 8a;
Lc 21:29-33
Apo 22:1-7; Sal 95 (94):1-7ab; Lc 21:34-36
Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7;
Sal 80 (79):2-3, 15-16, 18-19; 1 Cor 1:3-9;
Mc 13:33-37
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo
Trigésima Cuarta Semana del Tiempo Ordina
rio; San Andrés Dũng-Lạc y compañeros
Santa Catalina de Alejandría
Día de Acción de Gracias
Santa María Virgen
One act of thanksgiving, when things go wrong
with us, is worth a thousand thanks when things are
agreeable to out inclinations.
- Saint John of Avila
Un acto de acción de gracias, cuando las cosas
marchan mal para nosotros, vale más que miles de
gracias cuando las cosas van conforme a nuestras
— San Juan de Ávila
La Comunidad Paraguaya de Saint
Andrew los invita a la Misa en Honor a
Nuestra Señora de Caacupé
El domingo 7 de Diciembre en la Misa
de la 1:30pm.
¡Los esperamos!
Saint Andrew Altar Servers want to recognize the continuous support received by
The Knights of Columbus over the years.
This past November 14th, we had our annual
Altar Servers social; they kindly provided,
and served us, the food, soda and ice
cream. The Knights also presented us with
a Certificate given by the Grand Knight.
Special thanks to Dan Baeza and
Lou Cimaglia. THANK YOU!!!!
Thank you for sharing your Time,
Talent and Treasure!!!
Weekly Collection report for weekend of:
Saturday 5:30 PM
Saturday 7 PM
Sunday 7 AM
Sunday 8 AM
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:30AM
Sunday 1:30 PM
Sunday 5:30 PM
People Count
Debt service already included in the total above: $ 339.00
Collection Description
Office envelopes
Children’s envelopes
Capital Campaign
School Financial Aid
Youth 4 Christ
RE Children
Human Development
Stained Glass
Total special collections:
Total of all collections: $ 32,401.00
Please notify the Parish Office of any changes in your address or
phone number. Thank you!