4325 Don Julio Boulevard North Highlands, CA 95660

4325 Don Julio Boulevard
North Highlands, CA 95660
12 June 2016
Parish Office 916.332.4777 ▪ Fax 916.332.8325
The mission of our community is rooted in Jesus the Christ. This
mission is to hear, respond to and proclaim the
Through the Sunday Eucharist we are called to ongoing
conversion and personal spiritual formation. As a community, we
are challenged to provide mutual support for a Catholic Christian
lifestyle and are empowered to use our gifts to minister to the
needs of others. We commit ourselves to the beatitudes, to the
spiritual and corporal works of mercy, and to minister to the
larger communities in which we live and work. We respect the
dignity of every person, at all ages and stages of life. We hand
on our Catholic heritage through catechesis, worship, service and
In carrying out this mission we further the kingdom of God in
our midst.
La misión de nuestra comunidad tiene su raíz en Jesucristo. Esta
misión es escuchar, responder y proclamar la palabra de Dios que
se encuentra en las escrituras Hebreas y Cristianas.
Por la Eucaristía del Domingo, estamos llamados a una
conversión continua y a una formación espiritual personal.
Como una comunidad, tenemos el reto de proporcionar apoyo
mutuo para un estilo de vida Cristiana Católica y tenemos las
facultades para utilizar nuestros dones en las necesidades de
los demás. Nos comprometemos a vivir las Bienaventuranzas,
las obras de misericordia corporales y espirituales y a servir a las
comunidades más grandes en las que vivimos y trabajamos.
Respetamos la dignidad de cada persona, en todas las edades y
etapas de la vida. Entregamos nuestra herencia Católica a través
de catequesis, adoración al culto divino, servicio y testimonio.
Viviendo esta misión, nosotros vivimos el Reino de Dios en la
Rev. Enrique Alvarez, Pastor
[email protected]
Deacon Donald Galli, Deacon
[email protected]
Mr. Tony Neria, Music Director
[email protected]
Mrs. Cora Chanco, Music Coordinator
[email protected]
Ms. Elizabeth Peterson, Receptionist
Mrs. Diana Jimenez, Bookkeeper
Mr. Herb Edwards, Parish Facilities Coordinator
Mrs. Margarita Toledo, Parish Programs Coordinator
Saturday Vigil (English)
5:00 pm
7:00 pm
Sábado Vigilia (Español)
Sunday (English)
8:00 am & 10:00 am
Domingo (Español)
1:00 pm
Monday-Friday Monday-Friday
8:00 am
8:30 am
Monday through Friday / Lunes a Viernes
9:00 am to 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Infant Baptisms/Bautismos: This includes children up to 6
years. Parents and God-parents must complete a preparation
class. Please call the Parish Office for information.
Se llevan a cabo el primer Sábado del mes para niños menores
de 6 años. Los papás y padrinos tienen que asistir a una clase.
Llame a la Oficina Parroquial para más información.
Christian Initiation: Children and adults seeking to become
fully initiated members of the Catholic Church may call the
Parish Office for information.
Catholics Come Home: Catholics wishing to return to the
church or to become more connected to the church may call
the Parish Office for further information.
Weddings/Bodas: Couples planning marriage at St. Lawrence
are asked to call the Parish Office at least six months prior to
anticipated wedding date. Couples are
Las parejas que desean contraer matrimonio necesitan llamar
a la oficina con seis meses de anticipación. Se require que
completen el programa de preparación para el matrimonio.
Parish Registration/Registración: We welcome new
parishioners. Registration forms are available in the vestibule
of the church and in the Parish Office. Please notify the Parish
Office of moves or changes in address or telephone number.
Nuevos feligreses son siempre bienvenidos. Las formas para
registro se encuentran a la entrada de la Iglesia y en la Oficina.
Por favor notifique a la Oficina de cualquier cambio de domicilio
o número de teléfono.
Page Two
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 12, 2016
Había algunas concepciones interesantes sobre el pecado
There were some interesting conceptions of sin prevalent
que prevalecían en la época de las Escrituras hebreas. Estaba
in the time of the Hebrew scriptures. There was the belief
la creencia de que Dios castigaba inmediatamente el pecado.
that God punished sin immediately. Those who suffered
Los que sufrían alguna enfermedad o desgracia eran, por lo
disease or misfortune were, therefore, sinners getting their
tanto, pecadores que recibían su merecido del Todopoderoso.
due from the Almighty.
La primera lectura de hoy nos muestra a otro tipo de Dios.
Today's first reading hints at another kind of God. When
Cuando David admite su pecado, Natán declara: "El Señor te
David admits his sin, Nathan declares, "The LORD on his
part has forgiven your sin" (2 Samuel 12:13b). Here was not a Ella le ungio sus pies perdona tu pecado" (2 Samuel 12:13b). Aquí no hay un Dios
vengativo sino un Dios misericordioso. ¡Qué buena nueva
vengeful God but a merciful God. What good news that
debe haber sido eso para David y para los que, como él, eran lo
must have been to David and those who, like him, could be honest
suficientemente honestos como para admitir su pecado!
enough to admit their sinfulness!
Jesús es la buena nueva de la misericordia y el perdón de Dios
Jesus is the good news of God's mercy and forgiveness incarnate.
carne. Sin Jesús, quizás la buena nueva hubiera sido demasiado
Without Jesus, perhaps the good news would have been too good to
como para creerla, demasiado difícil de imaginar. Pero allí está
believe, too difficult to imagine. But there he is in today's Gospel, the
en el Evangelio de hoy, el Dios-hombre, perdonando a una pecadora
God-man, forgiving a sinner and declaring that she is forgiven because of
y declarando que está perdonada debido a su gran amor.
her great love.
¡Hay esperanza, entonces, para el resto de nosotros pecadores, si
There is hope, then, for the rest of us sinners, if only we love enough!
sólo amamos lo suficiente!
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co
1 Kgs 21:1-16; Ps 5:2-3ab, 4b-7; Mt 5:38-42
1 Kgs 21:17-29; Ps 51:3-6ab, 11, 16; Mt 5:43-48
Wednesday: 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14; Ps 31:20, 21, 24; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
Thursday: Sir 48:1-14; Ps 97:1-7; Mt 6:7-15
2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20; Ps 132:11-14, 17-18; Mt 6:19-23
2 Chr 24:17-25; Ps 89:4-5, 29-34; Mt 6:24-34
Zec 12:10-11; 13:1; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9; Gal 3:26-29; Lk 9:18-24
1 Re 21:1-16; Sal 5:2-3ab, 4b-7; Mt 5:38-42
1 Re 21:17-29; Sal 51 (50):3-6ab, 11, 16; Mt 5:43-48
Miércoles: 2 Re 2:1, 6-14; Sal 31 (30):20, 21, 24; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
Jueves: Sir 48:1-14; Sal 97 (96):1-7; Mt 6:7-15
Viernes: 2 Re 11:1-4, 9-18, 20; Ps 132 (131):11-14, 17-18; Mt 6:19-23
Sábado: 2 Cr 24:17-25; Sal 89 (88):4-5, 29-34; Mt 6:24-34
Domingo: Zac 12:10-11; 13:1; Sal 63 (62):2-6, 8-9; Gal 3:26-29;
Lc 9:18-24
Carolyn Farr, Nancy Gonzalez, Greg Finley, Don Gorham,
Fr. Patrick Lee, Rachel Paez, Christine Ross, Portfino Ruiz,
John Scalice, Jr.
Veronica Arrezola, Maria Cuevas, Donna, Elizabeth Gonzalez,
Rebecca Ann Janes, Carmen Martinez, Nancy Morales, Martha Nava,
Macaria Sanchez, Terriquez Flores Family, Winnifreda.
Blanca Arabi, Bernie Castillo, Irene Cervantes, María Cuevas,
Evangelina Diaz, Carolyn Effnerd, Elizabeth Gonzalez,
Ron Helgenson, Sheila Janes, Elaine Johnson, Jay Johnson,
Rose Klug, Norman Lobo, Yolanda Martin, Nancy Morales,
Cory Niece, Jerry Niece, Mary Raya, Melissa Tallman, Bob Walters
16 de Junio
21 de Julio
Bautismos: 2 de Julio
6 de Agosto
July 22
Aug 13
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
10:00 am
10:00 am
Rm 2
7:00 pm
12:00 noon
Have you been thinking about receiving the
Sacrament of Confirmation? Classes for
Adult Confirmation will be beginning on
Monday, September 12. To register, please
stop by or call the Parish Office (332.4777).
1ST COLLECTION: Wk Ending May 29
2ND Collection: St. Vincent de Paul
$ 6,258.49
Second Collection for June
 June 11 & 12 Missionary Cooperative Appeal
JUN 11
JUN 12
JUN 13
JUN 14
JUN 15
JUN 16
Fiscal Year Jul 1—Jun 30 / Año fiscal 1° de Julio al 30 de Junio
JUN 17
JUN 18
Kent Goodwin, Olive Wilson, Ila Baiza
Charles Cortez, Bert Guevara, Bill Lehuta, Cesar Mistica
Kristin Reiner, Ann Campbell, Armando Mamitag
Giovanna LoRusso, Chester Jensen, Mark Klagenberg,
Malcolm Vignes, Everest Cabral, Saturnino Tomas, Jr.,
Shelley Merritt
George Castro, Mary Marinelli, Raymond Boon, Anna M Avila
Elizabeth Latzen, Paul Hernandez, Teresa Martinez,
Girolama Romano, Patricia Lochner
Ada Garcia, Mary Dunlop, William Luffy, Alvin Fernandes,
Ver Lugar, Catherine Keohane, Pauline Wilson
Romo Favero, Teresa Malensek, Lorraine Daprano,
Helen Novak, Marcia Cain, Delores Clarke, Shari Cassese,
Darin Witter
There’s an old saying that goes, “Once a Catholic, always a Catholic.” Maybe
you have been away from the Church for a little while or for quite some time
but now you feel a tug at your heart calling you back to the Catholic Church.
Listen to that hug. It’s your Heavenly Father reaching his arms to you, the
Holy Spirit whispering in our ear, hoping to draw you home. Classes will be starting on Monday,
September 12. Please call the Parish Office for further information or to register (332.4777).
Page Three
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Courage to Forgive
Key Passage: Then Jesus said to her, “Your sins are
forgiven.” But those who were at the table with him began to
say among themselves, “Who is this who even forgives sins?” (Luke 7:48-49)
Adult: When have you felt forgiven by a merciful God? Who do you
need to forgive right now?
Youth: Who do you need to forgive this week? How will you do this?
Undécimo Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario
La Valentía de Perdonar
PASAJE CLAVE: Después dijo a la mujer: «Tus pecados te
son perdonados». Los invitados pensaron: «¿Quién es
este hombre, que llega hasta perdonar los pecados?».
(Lucas 7:48-49)
ADULTO: ¿Cuando te has sentido perdonado por un Dios
misericordioso? ¿A quien necesitas perdonar en este momento?
JOVENES: ¿A quien necesitas perdonar esta semana? ¿Como lo harás?
Plan on attending a Mexican Fiesta in the St. Philomene’s gym
from 12 noon to 5:00 pm, June 26th. The Fiesta is sponsored
by Christians in Commerce, a world-wide ministry dedicated to
bringing Christ into the marketplace. Bring the whole family for
good food, entertainment, and a silent auction. Children five
years and under are free, children 6-12 years, $4.00, everyone
else $6.00. The meal includes two chicken tacos, rice, and
beans; drinks available for $1.00. Proceeds from the Fiesta will
go towards furthering the mission of Christians in Commerce.
July 8-10, 2016
Do you know someone who is carrying the secret burden
of shame, anger, grief and the inability to forgive themselves
and others because of a past abortion(s)? In this Year of
Mercy, we invite you to consider participating in the
Rachel's Vineyard Retreat weekend sponsored by the
Diocese of Sacramento, July 8-10th. Come experience this unique
and effective healing retreat that presents the mercy, compassion
and healing of God. Open to all women, men, couples, and family
members touched by abortion. The cost is $175 per person. Financial
assistance is available! For more information visit our website:
http://www.scddec.org/post-abortion-care or contact
Paula Segno at (916) 733-0161 or email [email protected].
All Inquiries and participation are strictly confidential.
To learn how you can b
Grand Knight 715.7386
St. Lawrence will be hosting a farewell celebration for
Father Enrique on June 17th. We will be having a brunch from
11:00 am to 1:00 pm for those who don’t drive at night or have
evenings plans. We will also be having an evening celebration
from 6:00-11:00 pm for those who can’t attend the brunch. In
order to plan properly we are asking everyone to sign up in
advance for the event they will attend.
June 12, 2016
The next Holy Hour is scheduled for Monday, June 13, from
6:00—7:00 pm.
de las
6:00 pm a
Last week's "Treasure" no doubt raised an eyebrow or two with the
image of the deacons scurrying through the streets of Rome, or perhaps
galloping on horseback, with fragments of Eucharistic bread from the
bishop's liturgy. These would be dropped into the chalice at outlying
celebrations, presided over by presbyters, to express unity with the bishop,
and perhaps also to remind the presbyters that they were not free
agents. The Council of Laodicea forbade the custom of the fermentum in
the year 348. Generally, one of the rules of interpreting law is that people
don't make laws about things that aren't happening. So, by mid-fourth
century, we have an important clue that what had once been a Roman
custom had become widespread.
Interestingly, when the Church of England (and its related bodies) went
through a liturgical renewal in the mid-nineteenth century, they reclaimed
this custom from the mists of history. Today, it is the custom in some
Anglican dioceses for a fragment of the host from the bishop's Holy
Week liturgy (what we call the Chrism Mass) to be carried to every
parish. On "Maundy Thursday" (our Holy Thursday), the fragment is
dropped into the chalice to signify the parish's communion with the
bishop. This modern revival of the fermentum is different from the
"co-mingling" action we are used to, in which a fragment of the
consecrated bread is dropped into the chalice just before Communion.
—Rev. James Field, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.
En 1910, cuatro años antes de iniciar el Día de las Madres, el pueblo
de Estados Unidos empezó a celebrar ocasionalmente un día para los
padres de familia. Pero, no fue hasta 1972 que se fijó un día oficial para
el papá. Poco a poco esta fecha del segundo domingo de junio se ha ido
expandiendo al resto del mundo con algunas excepciones. En Italia por
ejemplo, la fiesta del padre se celebra el 19 de marzo, día de san José.
Durante la Revolución Industrial del siglo diecinueve, José, esposo de
María recibió su primera fiesta oficial. La Iglesia, preocupada por el ingreso
del padre a las fábricas, propuso a este santo varón como ejemplo de lo
que los padres deben ser en la vida de sus hijos e hijas; ejemplos de fe,
ternura y trabajo. Aún en nuestro tiempo, el Rito del Bautismo de niños
insiste que el padre, junto con la madre, deben ser los mayores maestros
de sus hijos. Al igual que José, el papá debe cuidar y proteger a su
familia, enseñarle a los niños a trabajar y ser honestos para el bien de
la familia y la sociedad.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co
(First Communion, Confirmation & Baptism for Children)
Please call the office for more information.
Registration will be by appointment only.
Si su niño necesita Primera Comunión,
Confirmación o Bautismo llame a la oficina al 332-4777
para más información. Inscripción será solo con cita.
Tendremos una fiesta de despedida para el Padre Enrique el 17 de
Junio. Habrá un almuerzo de las 11 am a la 1 pm para los que no
pueden manejar por la noche y por la tarde de las 6 a las 11 pm.
Página Cuatro
Undécimo Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
The readings today call to mind our fallen nature, namely sin.
Hard as we may try, we fail, sometime miserably, in our efforts not to
sin. As Saint Paul states, “I do that which I do not want to do.” Does
this mean we are destined to live a life of duality? Of course not! What
it means is that we are not perfect, hard as we may wish, try or do, we
fall short of perfection. And that is alright, as our Christ does not want
or expect perfection, nor does he desire only good works or any other
efforts we may undertake “to pray or buy” our way into the forgiveness
of the Lord. We are reminded by the Word of God, that when we sin
we should be repentant; acknowledge our wrong doing and the
consequences before and during confession. In this most Holy Year of
Mercy (truthfully everyday day of our lives should be lived as a Life of
Mercy) we are called to love and have complete and utter faith in the
one who saved us before we needed saving, Jesus who is our salvation.
Saint Paul has it right when says, “I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in
me.” Christ can live in each of us, if we allow him through our love, faith
and if we do not tire of asking our Christ, “Lord, forgive the wrong I have
done.” Ask and truly believe that He has blotted out your transgressions.
Forgiveness of self is perhaps the most difficult thing to do as we see
ourselves often as unworthy of His forgiveness. Not to forgive oneself
after confession is to disavow the grace of our Lord who made the
ultimate sacrifice for us in his dying to save the world, you and me, as
such his death would mean nothing. Be therefore the Mercy of Christ.
My brothers and sisters let us continue to flourish in the love of the
Holy Spirit, hold each other up and love one another as our Lord loves us.
As I think about my time spent at St. Lawrence as your pastor, I
have been blessed to shepherd a community of faithful people who
have demonstrated their commitment to their faith and who reflect the
Mercy of God every day. May the grace of the Lord continue to bless
your homes and the parish.
Father Enrique
12 de Junio de 2016
Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,
Las lecturas de hoy nos hacen un llamado a pensar en nuestra
naturaleza caída, llamada pecado. No importa que tanto tratemos,
caemos, algunas veces miserablemente, en nuestros esfuerzos de
no pecar. Como dice San Pablo, “Hago lo que no quiero hacer”.
¿Quiere esto decir que estamos destinados a vivir una vida dual?
¡Claro que no! Lo que quiere decir es que no somos perfectos, no
importa cuanto deseemos, tratemos o hagamos, estamos muy lejos
de la perfección. Y eso está bien, porque Cristo no quiere ni espera
la perfección, ni tampoco quiere solo buenas obras u otros esfuerzos
que hagamos para orar o comprar su perdón. La Palabra de Dios
nos recuerda que cuando pecamos debemos arrepentirnos; reconocer
lo que hemos hecho mal y sus consecuencias ante un confesionario.
En este Año de la Misericordia, estamos llamados a amar y a tener
una fe profunda en El que nos ha salvado, pues Jesús es nuestra
salvación. San Pablo lo dice muy bien, “No soy yo el que vive, es Cristo
quien vive en mí”. Cristo vive en cada uno de nosotros, si se lo
permitimos, a través de nuestro amor y nuestra fe y si no lo cansamos
de decirle: “Señor, perdona el mal que he hecho”. Pídele perdón y
cree firmemente que te ha perdonado tus pecados. El perdonarnos
a nosotros mismos es quizás la cosa más difícil de hacer, porque
muchas veces nos vemos indignos de su perdón. No perdonarse a
si mismo después de la confesión es no aceptar la gracia de nuestro
Señor, quien hizo el máximo sacrificio por nosotros, muriendo para
salvar el mundo.
Hermanos y hermanas, continuemos floreciendo en el amor del
Espíritu Santo, sosteniéndonos y amándonos unos a otros como el
Señor nos ama.
Al pensar en el tiempo que pase en San Lorenzo como su pastor,
he sido bendecido con una comunidad de gente fiel, que ha demostrado
el compromiso a su fe y que reflejan la Misericordia de Dios todos
los días. Que la gracia del Señor continúe bendiciendo sus hogares
y nuestra parroquia.
Padre Enrique
Holy Communions / Primeras Comuniones
Angel Aguiniga
Luis Aguiniga
Arturo Alvara
Fernanda Alvarado
Jose Alvarado
Yamileth Alvarado
Claudia Arreola
Dalilah Arreola
Gabriella Arreola
Erick Arroyo
Kyla Balingit
Kyle Balingit
Jaqueline Becerril
Samantha Becerril
Allen Bracamontes
Brian Bracamontes
Ricardo Brambila
Alexander Buenrostro
Brian Buenrostro
Christopher Buenrostro
Samantha Buvert
Jonathan Cabanas
Jose Cabanas
Cristian Campos
Agustin Castillo
Jose Lizandro Castillo
Maritza Castro
Willy Castro
Damara Cedillo
Suri Cedillo
Daniel Cortez
Madeline Cruz
Henry Derreza
Ismael Diaz
Liv Dominguez
Marlenne Dominguez
Guadalupe Felix
Yuritzzi Gaona
Anthony Garcia
Ashly Garcia
Juan Garcia
Juan Garcia
Leo Garcia
Selena Garcia
Arturo Gonzalez
Brizia Gonzalez
Cynthia Gonzalez
Hanna Gonzalez
Juan Gonzalez
Juan Diego Hermosillo
Daniel Hernandez
Diego Hernandez
Fatima Hernandez
Jaqueline Hernandez
Melanie Hernandez
Oscar Hernandez
Yazira Hernandez
Eric Jimenez
Eric Jimenez
Julian Loreto
Gabriela Madrigal
Salma Rodriguez
Susan Rodriguez
Vanessa Mancillas
Brenda Martinez
Highland Martinez
Jesus Martinez
William Martinez
Julianna Mendoza
Gabriel Enrique Moncada
Carlos Mondragon
Anthony Montano
Joshua Montes
Matthew Montes
Alexis Mora
Cynthia Mora
Evelyn Mora
Juan Pablo Moreno
Yahaira Moreno
Antonio Navarro
Jazmin Navarro
Naomi Navarro
Aaron Olivares
Edwin Ortega
Heidi Ortega
Yareli Palomares
Brandon Perez
Melanie Perez
Jasmine Perez
Stephanie Perez
Alexander Ramirez
Nancy Ramirez
Joana Reynoso
Jose Robles
Juan Robles
Ashley Rodriguez
Hugo Rodriguez
Michelle Rodriguez
Salma Rodriguez
Susan Rodriguez
Kevin Romero
Sandy Romero
Steven Romero
Aaron Romero
Giancarlo Sauceda
Mario Sauceda
Kevin Sarabia
Analyse Shrader
Jonathan Silva
Valeria Silva
Edwin Soto
Emiliano Soto
Yoselyn Suarez
Ava Talmadge
Moises Tellez
Yamileth Tolosa
Jaimelynne Torres
Joseline Torres
Jonathan Uribe
Christian Vaca
Tamara Vaca
Christopher Vargas
Diego Vargas
Erick Vasquez
Karina Vazquez
Oralis Vazquez
Zuelma Vazquez
Ashley Verduzco
Gilberto Villanueva
Página Cinco
Undécimo Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario
5:00 pm…Bonnie Hughes
7:00 pm …Roberto Orozco Magaña
…Animas del Purgatorio
…Alejandro Morones (spec. int.)
S U N D A Y , J U NE 12
8:00 am …Souls in Purgatory
10:00 am …Purificacion Camacho
…Domingo Camacho
1:00 pm …Gabriel Rios Curiel
…Animas del Purgatorio
…Por todos los Enfermos
…Ana Maria Rios & Familia
…Familia Rios Juarez
June 14
Christians in Commerce
English Classes
Grupo de Oración
Knights of Columbus
Prayer & Life Workshop
Rm. #3
All areas
Rm. #2
English Classes
Clase de Biblia y Fe Catolica
Spanish Baptism Class
Rm. #3
Spanish Choir
Sp. Baptisms
Eng. Baptism
June 15
June 17
W E D NE SD A Y , J U NE 1 5
June 18
T H U R SD A Y , J U NE 16
…Maryetta Sackett (spec. int.)
F R I D A Y , J U NE 1 7
…Souls in Purgatory
5:00 pm…Souls in Purgatory
7:00 pm …Animas del Purgatorio
S U N D A Y , J U NE 19
8:00 am …Souls in Purgatory
10:00 am …Greg Finley
1:00 pm …Agustin Derreza
…Francisco Derreza
…Margarito Calderón
…Inocencio Marceleño
Adrian Cabrera Hernandez
Yanecxy Tayde Ortiz
Ana Silva Queriapa
David Sibrian
Roberto Silva Velazquez
Join us in celebrating Mass for the
Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
on Saturday, June 25th, at 10:00 am at
St. Lawrence Church. Please bring your written
petitions which we will collect it before Mass. A
potluck will follow. Please bring food to share
with everybody. (Note: Tuesday, June 28th, is the
actual Feast Our Lady of Perpetual Help)
Holy Hour
T U E SD A Y , J U NE 14
…Hiram Goodrich (spec. int.)
…Bernie Castillo (Healing)
June 13
June 16
…Edmund Routier (spec. int.)
…Bernie Castillo (Healing)
June 12
M O ND A Y , J U N E 13
…Alejandro Dial
…Robert Small (spec. int.)
12 de Junio de 2016
6:00-7:00 pm
6:45 am
12:30 pm
7:00 pm
5:00-6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
9:00 am & 7:00 pm
12:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
5:00 pm
10:00 am
12:00 noon
June 19
CH Church
GH Gabrielli Hall
STLH St Lawrence Hall
PCMR Parish Center Meeting Room
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
- June 12, 2016
On today's Jubilee for Those Sick and
Suffering Disabilities, Jesus encounters a
woman who is "spiritually ill." She is thus
"disabled" from participating in Israel's
worshiping community or polite society.
Bathing Jesus' feet with tears, drying
them with unveiled hair, anointing them
(Luke 7:38) risk Jesus' becoming "unclean."
Yet his mercy welcomes even such
inappropriate behavior as her sincere
manifestation of love: "Your sins are
forgiven. Go in peace" (7:48, 50). Go not
just in "peace," but in shalom, the allenveloping, life-changing assurance of
God's mercy. She is anonymous, "known in
the city" only as "a sinful woman" (7:37). The
character with name and religious title,
"Simon the Pharisee" (7:36, 40), judges her
harshly, but himself not at all, and thus
forfeits God's mercy. This Jubilee Year of
Mercy challenges us to self-examination.
In which role do we most often cast ourselves,
humble sinner or judgmental Pharisee?
Jesus declares that only by an unfailing
willingness to show mercy to fellow sinners
can we hope to obtain mercy ourselves
(see Misericordiae Vultus, 9). Peter Scagnelli,
Copyright ©, J. S. Paluch Co
Tienes una cita con el Señor
todos los Miércoles a las 7:00
pm para alabarlo y aprender de
su Palabra.
Rm(s) Classrooms
Undécimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
12 de Junio de 2016
Hoy en el Jubileo por los Enfermos y las
personas con Capacidades Diferentes,
Jesús encuentra a una mujer que está
"espiritualmente enferma". Ella no puede
participar plenamente ni en la comunidad
de culto y adoración de Israel ni en la sociedad.
Ella lava los pies de Jesús con sus lágrimas y los
seca con el cabello, ungiéndolos (Lucas 7:38)
arriesgando a que Jesús quede "impuro". Sin
embargo, su misericordia acoge estas acciones
inapropiadas como una manifestación
sincera de amor: "tus pecados son perdonados.
Vete en paz" (7:48, 50). No solo ve en
"paz", sino en shalom, con todo lo que esto
significa, la garantía de que la vida cambia con
la misericordia de Dios. Ella es una mujer
excluida y "solo conocida en la ciudad" como
"una mujer pecadora" (7:37). El personaje con
nombre y título religioso "Simón el fariseo"
(7:36, 40) la juzga muy fuertemente, pero él
mismo no se juzga y por lo tanto, desaprovecha
la misericordia de Dios. Este Año Jubilar de
la Misericordia nos desafía a hacer un examen
personal de conciencia. ¿En cuál situación
nos encontramos más frecuentemente, como
una persona que reconoce sus culpas o
como un fariseo listo para juzgar? Jesús
dice que mediante una voluntad inquebrantable
para mostrar misericordia a nuestros prójimos
pecadores nosotros mismos podemos
obtener misericordia (ver Misericordiae Vultus, 9).
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co