Wednesday April 27, 2016
Thursday April 28, 2016
Friday April 29, 2016
Registration (7:00 am - 8:30 am)
Technical Sessions (8:00 am - 9:40 am)
Opening Ceremony (8:30 am - 9:30 am)
Coffee Break (9:40 am- 10:00 am)
Technical Sessions (8:00 am - 10:00
Coffee Break (10:00 am- 10:20 am)
KEYNOTE (9:30 am - 10:15 am)
KEYNOTE (10:00 am -10:45 am)
KEYNOTE (10:20 am -11:05 am)
Coffee Break (10:15 am - 10:35 am)
KEYNOTE (10:45 am - 11:30 am)
KEYNOTE (11:05 am - 11:50 am)
Technical Sessions (10:35 am-12:35 m)
KEYNOTE (11:30 am - 12:15 pm)
KEYNOTE (11:50 am - 12:35 pm)
ARGOS- Corporative presentation
(12:15-12:45 pm)
LUNCH (12:35 - 14:00 pm)
LUNCH (12:45 - 14:10 pm)
LUNCH (12:35 - 14:00 pm)
KEYNOTE (14:00 pm - 14:45 pm)
KEYNOTE (14:45 pm - 15:30 pm)
KEYNOTE (15:30 pm - 16:15 pm)
KEYNOTE (14:10 pm - 14:55 pm)
KEYNOTE (14:55 pm - 15:40 pm)
KEYNOTE (15:40 pm - 16:25 pm)
KEYNOTE (14:00 pm - 14:45 pm)
KEYNOTE (14:45 pm - 15:30 pm)
KEYNOTE (15:30 pm - 16:15 pm)
Coffee Break (16:15 pm - 16:35 pm)
Coffee Break (16:25 pm - 16:45 pm)
KEYNOTE (16:15 pm - 16:45 pm)
Technical Sessions (16:35 pm-18:35 pm)
Technical Sessions (16:45 pm-18:45
Arrocera La Esmeralda - Corporative
presentation (16:45 pm - 17:30 pm)
Closing Ceremony (17:30 pm)
Farewell Cocktail (18:00 pm)
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
7:00 - 8:30 am
8:30 - 9:30 am
Opening Ceremony
9:30 - 10:15 am
KEYNOTE: ‘Green’ Materials: From Housing to Ballistic Applications and from Nanofilters to Hair Styling, Dr. Anil Netravali
10:15 - 10:35 am
Part 1 - Social Habitat
Coffee Break
Part 2 - Matrices and Composite
Part 4- Durability and Cycle Life of
10:35 - 10:55 am
A2. Assessment of the Bond between the
Concrete and the Splint of Bamboo
Strengthened on the Nodes
D1. Effect of a Colombian Metakaolin in
E1. Behavior of ceramic bricks added with a
Durability and Mechanical Performance of
secondary lead smelting slag: Industrial test
a Hydraulic Cement Concrete
10:55 - 11:15 am
A3. Bamboo Housing – Evaluation of the
Component’s Decay After 17 Years of Exposure
B3. Electrospinning of Silk Fibroin Obtained D2. Metodología para el análisis del ciclo
from Colombian Silk Fibrous Waste and
de vida de mampostería de arcilla en
Their Potential Applications as Biomaterials Cundinamarca
11:15 - 11:35 am
A5. Influencia de la interacción sustratovegetación en la retención hídrica y la reducción
de temperatura en canteros experimentales de
cubiertas naturadas extensivas.
E3. Análisis de las Propiedades Mecánicas
del Morteros Implementando el 0%, 30%,
70% y 100% de Reemplazo del Agregado
Fino por Residuos de Granalla de Acero
11:35 - 11:55 am
A6. Community-based intervention for urban
infrastructure through the technique of selfconstruction based on PET bottles and mortar
11:55 - 12:15 am
12:15 - 12:35 am
D4. Durability Assessment of Composite
Cementitious the Base of Calcined Clay
Reinforced with Natural Fiber of the
Amazon Region
B5. Uso de Fibras Artificiais em Compósitos
E4. Use of CO2 for Performance
à Base de Solo-Cimento Autoadensável
enhancement of recycled concrete
para Aplicação em Paredes de Edificações
A8. Finite element analysis of piles under lateral B7. Estudo das Interações Físico-químicas
loading in Guadua angustifolia retaining walls for das Misturas de Solo-cimento e Aditivo
E10. Strategies for Recycled Concrete at
frictional soils
E7. Using an Artificial Neural Network for
A9. Caracterización de materiales en el
dosage of mineral admixtures as
D5. Literature Review of Life Cycle
Patrimonio Histórico. El caso de las columnas
replacements cement in steel fiber
Assessment Applied to Green Concretes
romanas de Écija, Sevilla- España
reinforced concrete mixtures
12:35 - 14:00 pm
14:00 - 14:45 pm
14:45 - 15:30 pm
15:30 - 16:15 pm
16:15 - 16:35 pm
KEYNOTE: "Performance Enhancement of Recycled Concrete Aggregates through Fast Carbonation", Dr. Caijun Shi
KEYNOTE: Sustainable Geopolymer Composites, Dra. Waltraud M. Kriven
KEYNOTE: "Mesoscale Computational Modelling of Advanced Concretes", Dr. Tulio Nogueira Bittencourt
Coffee Break
Part 1 - Social Habitat
Part 2 - Matrices and Composite
B10. Study about the mechanical behavior
of fique fiber meshes
16:35 - 16:55 pm
KEYNOTE: "Pressed bamboo for engineering
constructions", Arq. Andrés Bäppler
16:55 - 17:15 pm
B12. Cementitious Composites Reinforced
with Polyvinyl Alcohol Nanofibers
Part 3- Binders and
Supplementary Materials
C1. Pozzolanic activity and consumption of
Ca(OH)2 of the Residual Rice Husk Ashes
(RHAs) in cement pastes
C2. Kinetics on the removal of methylene
blue and photocatalytic inactivation of
Salmonella typhimurium by an alkali
activated siliceous material
E12. Effect of Waste Window Glass as
Substitute of Natural Sand in Concrete
E2. Potencial de utilização de subprodutos
de britagem aplicados ao CAA.
B13. Factibilidad para la Recuperación del
Tetra Pak Como Uso Estructural
C3. Light-weight Building Materials from
Activated Un-used Coarse Fly ash
17:55 - 18:15 pm
A10. Estado del arte de la sustentabilidad de la
Arquitectura Regional de Bahareque de Guadua
en el Eje Cafetero de Colombia
B14. Uso De Jugo De Fique Como Aditivo
Natural Para La Fabricación De Concreto
C5. Effect of the fines’ percentage in the
adobe’s alkaline activation
18:15 - 18:35 pm
A12. Appropriate Tech in Building Construction.
Rethinking traditional and vernacular systems.
B15. Acero vs polímeros reforzados con
fibras de vidrio (PRFV): ventajas y
desventajas como refuerzo del hormigón y
el ferrocemento
E5. Properties of Mortar Produced with
Tungsten Mining Waste
17:15 - 17:35 pm
17:35 - 17:55 pm
KEYNOTE: "Joining with clamps for the
development of modular systems with
bamboo (guadua) angustifolia culms".
Dr. J. F. García y Arq. H. F. Silva
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Part 2 - Matrices and Composite
Part 3- Binders and Supplementary Part 4- Durability and Cycle Life of
8:00 -8:20 am
C11. Pozzolanic behavior of a Cuban
B42. Desarrollo de concretos de alto desempeño
bamboo residue: Comparative analyses
reforzado con fibras (HPFRCC): Desde el
with silica fume on the base of the kinetic
laboratorio a aplicaciones especiales.
D7. Effect of incorporation of additions in
the mechanical and carbonation strength
of concretes of commercial cement
8:20 - 8:40 am
B19. Estudo da viabilidade e de uma
metodologia de reciclagem de embalagens de
cimento, cal e argamassa visando o emprego de
suas fibras em blocos de concreto
D8. Durability of white Portland cement
mortars blended with silica nanoparticles
8:40 - 9:00 am
B17. Implementation of Powder and Fibers from C17. Evaluación cinética de variedad de
PVC´s Residues to Manufacture Mortar Pavers
calcáreos en el municipio de Vijes for Vehicular Traffic
D11. Chloride Ingress and Binding in Airentrained Recycled Aggregate Concrete
9:00 - 9:20 am
B31. Efecto de la adición del polvo de llantas
desechadas en mezclas asfálticas en frío con el
100% de agregados reciclados
C24. Efficiency of electrochemical chloride
extraction on metakaolin and silica fume
9:20 - 9:40 am
B41. Caracterización, desarrollo e
implementación del concreto con agregado
reciclado grueso proveniente de RCD
C10. Caliza y ceniza de cascarilla de arroz
(CCA): Cal hidráulica para concretos
KEYNOTE: "Tipos de cales desde las
cálcicas puras hasta los cementos
naturales", Dr. Joan Ramon Rosell
E6. Pavimentos Ecológicos en el
Mejoramiento de las Redes Viales
9:40 - 10:00 am
Coffee Break
10:00 -10:45 am
KEYNOTE: The use of geopolymer in industrial projects in the United States, Dr. Carlos Montes
10:45 - 11:30 am
KEYNOTE: "Alternatives for a low carbon, low cost cement based materials industry - report from a UNEP SBCI task Force", Dr.
John Vanderley
11:30 - 12:15 pm
12:15 - 12:45 pm
KEYNOTE: "Filler Silíceo, Filler Calizo: ¿Cuándo? ¿Cuál? y ¿Por qué?", Dr. Rafael Talero
12:45 - 14:10 pm
ARGOS- Corporative presentation
14:10 - 14:55 pm
14:55 - 15:40 pm
15:40 - 16:25 pm
16:25 - 16:45 pm
KEYNOTE: "Present and Future of the Standards of Design and Building with Bamboo", Dr. Francisco Correal
KEYNOTE:"Innovations in recycling concrete materials", Dr. David Lange
KEYNOTE: "Durable Performance of Recycled Aggregate Concrete", Dr. Yury Villagrán
Coffee Break
Part 1 - Social Habitat
Part 2 - Matrices and Composite
Part 3- Binders and
Supplementary Materials
16:45 - 17:05 pm
B4. Adobes stabilized with “synthetic termite
saliva” and particles of bamboo and sugarcane
B24. Characterization of silk thread
degummed with citric acid
C19. A Novel MK-based Geopolymer
Composite Activated with alternative silica
sources and KOH
17:05 - 17:25 pm
B21. An extraction methodology of Guadua
angustifolia bamboo fibers
B38. Nanocomposite Production Using
Different Cellulose Sources as
C15. Effect of NaOH content in Activated
Alkali Cement (AAC) made with basic slag
17:25 - 17:45 pm
B16: Madera Plástica Producida a Partir de
Residuos Sólidos Hospitalarios
B22. Influence of the wood
shavings/cement ratio on the thermomechanical properties of lightweight wood
shavings-cement based composites
C6. Reutilización de ceniza de cascarilla de
arroz y residuo de catalizador de craqueo
catalítico en conglomerantes cal-puzolana
para concretos de bajo coste económico y
17:45 - 18:25 pm
B32. Alkali modifications of wood and non-wood
E15. Optimizing the use of recycled coarse
fibers from the Amazonian region: crystalline
aggregate in self-compacting concrete
and thermal properties
C22. Design and engineering properties of
an environmentally sustainable alkaliactivated concrete based on natural
18:05 - 18:25 pm
KEYNOTE: "La materialidad: del barro a lo
virtual - el caso del sistema tendinoso".
Dr. Alvaro Thomas
18:25 -18:45
C26. Desempeño en compresión de
hormigones con mezclas binarias y
ternarias de cementantes Portland, escoria
de alto horno y ceniza volante
C13. "Scientific and Technical Behaviour of
Blended Cement Made from Coal Mining
E16. "Desempeño mecánico y en estado
fresco en mezclas de concreto estructural
con agregado de concreto reciclado"
C18. Predicción de alta Resistencia a la
compresión de cementos híbridos de
residuos de revestimientos cerámicos con
cemento Portland usando metodología de
superficie de respuesta
Friday, April 29, 2016
Part 2 - Matrices and Composite
8:00 - 8:20 am
B33. Cement bonded particleboards
(CBPBs) reinforced with an Amazonian
hardwood and pinus softwood: revealing
compatibility by cement kinetics analysis
C8. "The phosphogypsum as a raw material
E17. Removal of unburned carbon from solid
in supersulfated cements (CSS) made with
waste bottom ash using flotation cell
low calcium sulfate content
8:20 - 8:40 am
E18. Influence of the use of EVA – Poli
(ethylene-vinyl acetate) waste as a
lightweight aggregate in alkali-activated
C21. A binary binder to fabricate masonry
Eco- blocks based on Colombian fly ashes,
ground blast furnace slag and an agroindustrial by-product
E9. Alternative Aggregates for Sustainable
Concrete Construction in the Amazon
8:40 -9:00 am
B39. Evaluación de morteros a base de
cemento - cal a partir de cal producida en
el municipio de Vijes – Colombia
C16. "Recycled Powder as Filler Admixture
in Cementitious Systems: Production and
E11. Performance and environmental
impact of dry concrete produced with
recycled aggregates for pre-cast paving units
9:00 - 9:20 am
B20. Chemical characterization of cupuaçu
bark (Theobroma grandiflorum) for the
production of ecological packaging: a
contribution to Amazon sustainability
C9: "Influence of the addition of different
volcanic materials on the rheological
parameters of self-compacting concretes"
E19. Use of MDF (Medium Density
Fiberboard) waste structured in PVC
(Polyvinyl Chloride) matrix for the
production of a new material aligned to Ecodesign
9:20 - 9:40 am
B27. Processing and mechanical properties
of compression molded ground rubber
from scrap tires and shoe soles
B40. Concretos de activación alcalina
basados en subproductos industriales
KEYNOTE: "Comportamiento reológico (ceniza volantes y escorias de alto horno)
de pastas frescas de cementos Portland expuestos a elevadas temperaturas"
9:40 - 10:00 am
B30. Physical Properties of Particleboard
Produced with Amazon Fiber (Leopoldinia
Piassaba) and Castor Oil Based
Polyurethane Adhesive
10:00 - 10:20 am
Part 3- Binders and Supplementary
con fillers de naturaleza Silícea o
Calcárea", Dr. Rafael Talero
Coffee Break
Part 4- Durability and Cycle Life of
C12. "Eco-efficient Cements from Agroindustrial Wastes: Characterization and
10:20 -11:05 am
11:05 - 11:50 am
KEYNOTE: "Parámetros de sostenibilidad (el impacto en CO2 asociado) de diferentes cales y de éstas en relación a los
cementos", Dr. Joan Ramon Rosell
KEYNOTE:"Full Utilization of Biomass for Chemical Feedstocks and Biocomposites", Dr. Alcides Lopes Leão
11:50 - 12:35 pm
KEYNOTE: "Ancient "Colmena" Kilns for lime production: Is there future for a handcraft industry in economic and
environmental crisis?", Arq. Ricardo Hincapie
12:35 - 14:00 pm
14:00 - 14:45 pm
KEYNOTE: "Statistical methods applied to research on eco-materials", Dr. Marisol Gordillo
14:45 - 15:30 pm
KEYNOTE: "Ferrocemento: una tecnología apropiada y sostenible para países en desarrollo", Dr Hugo Wainshtok
KEYNOTE: "Non-conventional and sustainable inorganic-bonded fiber composites for housing and infrastructure",
Dr. Holmer Savastano
15:30 - 16:15 pm
16:15 - 16:45 pm
KEYNOTE: "Sustainability and recycling: Their limits", Dr. Silvio Delvasto
16:45 - 17:30 pm
Corporative Presentation: "ARROZ AMIGO DE LAS AVES" Jose Manuel Suso, Arrocera La Esmeralda.
17:30 - 18:00 pm
18:00 pm