Brian W. Aldiss Earthworks

Brian W. Aldiss
Title: Earthworks
Author: Brian W. Aldiss
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Pages: 142
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 0380521598
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 6.1 MB
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Out of Africa comes a dead man walking upon the water - a portent of the political adventures
into which j Knowle Noland, ex-convict, ex-travellerand captain of the 80,000-ton freighter
Trieste Star, is about to tumble headlong.
Choked, disease-ridden towns, robots and prison gangs tending the bare, poisond renched
countryside are all characteristic of Knowle's world; only in Africais the soil still fertile and the
people still relatively vital. On the coast of Africa, near Walvis Bay, Knowle runs his freighter
aground; and there he meets Justine and the destructive destiny that purges him of guilt and
frees him from hallucination.
Insightful reviews
Charles: Frankly, I don't really remember much about this one, so I gave it a sort of middle of
the road ranking.
rafolas: Una gran idea de sociedad distópica que no llega a cuajar por cómo divaga el libro sin
orden entre pasado y presente intentando describir la locura del protagonista consiguiendo sólo
confundir y despistar. Además el libro parece un gran "deux ex machina"
Anthony Faber: Future thriller written in 1974 and set around 2000. The fact that he got it very
wrong was distracting, but it's a good read, if a bit disjointed.
Jolieg G: De voedselschaarste komt bijna niet aan bod en had er al met al wat meer van
verwacht.Toen hij bij "De Vreemdelingen" kwam begon het wat leuker te worden om te lezen
maar dat "vreugde moment" used to be ook al snel weer voorbij.
Simon: began rather good yet particularly a lack-lustre finish. It was once like; yeah everything's
so undesirable for humanity that the easiest factor we will do is begin a nuclear war. That'll help.
Toraaki Villalpando: El protagonista es una molestia, el ultimate algo lerdo y apresurado.
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