Gustav Meyrink The Golem

Gustav Meyrink
The Golem
Title: The Golem
Author: Gustav Meyrink
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Pages: 262
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 1873982917
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 8.2 MB
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Roman Golem ?itaoci su odavno uvrstili u red kultnih knjiga, a kriti?ari u klasiku misti?ne
književnosti. Radnja ove uzbudljive knjige smeštena je u stari jevrejski geto u Pragu. Kroz
drevni mit o Golemu, pisac nas majstorski uvodi u misti?ni svet alhemije i okultnog, oslanjaju?i
se na kabalu prožetu staroegipatskim misti?nim mudrostima...
Od ortodoksnih Jevreja osu?ivana kaom antisemitska, da bi od nacista bila spaljivana na
loma?i, knjiga koju jednostavno svaki ljubitelj fantasti?nog i misti?nog mora da poseduje....
Insightful reviews
Ann Schwader: This “review” is more in the nature of a few comments on my first-time reading
experience. I am frankly not qualified to discuss German language literature – even in what I’m
told is an excellent translation. I know little about Gustav Meyrink, beyond a couple of
biographical articles, and I’ve never read anything by him before.
That said, I’ve just had a truly mind-bending excursion through the Jewish ghetto of pre-WW I
Prague. The atmosphere is pure Gothic. The narrator is thoroughly unreliable, even to himself.
He may or may not be dreaming the entire story – though he denies it – and he spends a lot of
that time in various altered states. In the process, he is introduced to a dizzying variety of occult
concepts (and traditions!). He falls in and out of love, meets up with a cast of grotesque villains
and hapless heroes, gets drawn into a murder plot, finds himself imprisoned . . . on and on, in
the sort of dream-logic plot that never fully resolves.
Or maybe it does, and I was just too bewildered to recognize that.
I can’t say that this was the clearest narrative I’ve ever read, but it was definitely one of the
weirdest (in a very good way). The Golem is currently celebrating its hundredth year since
publication, so this one’s got staying power. If you enjoy the Gothic, the weird, or the dark
esoteric, it’s probably well worth your time.
Jason: If you don't like this book then you probably suck at reading.
Vit Babenco: “Rabbi Löw, well versed in all of the arts and sciences, especially in the Kabbalah,
had fashioned for himself one such servant out of clay, placed in his mouth the magic formula,
and thereby brought him to life”.
Such is the legend. But Golem of Gustav Meyrinkis a creature that comes in dreams.
“It is the narrow, hidden tracks that lead back to our lost homeland, what contains the solution
to the last mysteries is not the ugly scar that life's rasp leaves on us, but the fine, almost
invisible writing that is engraved on our body.”
The Golem is a darkly lyrical memorial to the epoch and to the people that lived in it and it is a
mysteriously poetic memorial to the city and to the people that lived in it.
Eadweard: another ebook I knew i used to be going to enjoy, like Alfred Kubin's the opposite
Side, The Golem evokes a beautiful atmosphere. Now it is time to watch the 1920 motion
picture adaptation."The well-padded door swung to with a sigh in the back of me as I entered
the Cathedral and stood within the darkness of the facet aisle. The nave used to be jam-packed
with the golf green and blue shimmer of the demise mild slanting down in the course of the
stained-glass home windows onto the pews; on the a ways end, the altar gleamed at me in a
frozen cascade of gold. Showers of sparks got here from the bowls of the pink glass lamps. The
air was once musty with the scent of wax and incense.I leant again in a single of the pews. My
middle grew surprisingly calm during this realm the place every thing stood still. the total
expanse of the Cathedral used to be full of a presence that had no heartbeat, with a secret,
sufferer expectation.Eternal sleep lay over the silver reliquaries."---"I went over to the window.
The rows of ornate gables have been like a ghostly cemetery floating within the air,
weatherworn tombstones with eroded dates erected above the darkish vaults of decay, these
‘dwelling-places’ the place the swarms of the residing had gnawed out caverns and
passageways.For many years I stood there, staring out into the night, till I steadily grew to
become conscious of a sense of shock nibbling lightly at my consciousness: why used to be I
no longer trembling with worry while i may in actual fact pay attention the sound of wary steps
from the opposite aspect of the wall?I listened. there has been doubtless approximately it,
somebody was once available in the market again. The short groans from the forums betrayed
every one hesitant, creeping step. straight away i used to be absolutely alert again. each fibre in
my physique was once so focused in my choice to listen to that I actually grew smaller. All my
feel of time used to be concerned with the present."
Chris: If I have been to pass judgement on this novel strictly at the surroundings it creates within
the Prague ghetto and for its descriptions, in particular of dreams, i'd supply it 5 stars. more
often than not i'm really not a fan non-linear fiction, yet Meyrink does it super good as he does
not develop into entangled with writing style.My feedback of the unconventional is that it strays
right into a inner most mythology without, at times, giving the reader a fashion out. the
aggregate of fable and mysticism is typically no longer good balanced, and the reader is
pressured out of what's fascinating in both, and into what's purely unbelievable, and
occasionally tawdry.These moments are few, however, and total the paintings is a compelling
read. it truly is a kind of novels that lingers.
Oscar: Con ‘El Golem’ no hay término medio. O los angeles consideras una obra capital
dentro del gótico del siglo XX, o l. a. desprecias sin más, teniéndola por una novela enrevesada
y pesada. Yo soy de los primeros. Al principio, y sin tener mucha suggestion de lo que me iba a
encontrar, pensaba leer una historia de terror con l. a. figura del mito del Golem de l. a.
literatura judía como tema principal. Y no es así, porque el terror brilla por su ausencia. Es
posible que este sea uno de los principales motivos por los que l. a. gran mayoría de lectores
se lleven una decepción una vez metidos en su lectura, ya que esperan algo que no llega a
surgir nunca, además de encontrarse con una prosa llena de simbolismos.La novela tiene como
protagonista a Athanasius Pernath y transcurre en el gueto de Praga, tal vez a finales del siglo
XIX. Entre sueños y alucinaciones, donde es difícil distinguir qué es real, Meyrink nos va
adentrando más y más en esa Praga oscura de l. a. mano de Pernath y de los demás
personajes secundarios, mezclando sus historias tal como van surgiendo, espontáneamente.
Pero lo que puede parecer confuso para el lector, realmente lo que hace es crear una
atmósfera de tal intensidad que es imposible no seguir con obsesión l. a. historia de Pernath,
que transcurre entre edificios con entradas secretas, personajes que buscan venganza,
amantes con oscuros secretos, amigos que no lo son tanto y enemigos ruines, y todo ello le
sucede a un Pernath que no recuerda muy bien su pasado y que deambula por un presente
que le sobrepasa.Sin lugar a dudas, ‘El Golem’, publicado en 1915, es un libro que no deja
indiferente a nadie. Seguramente no sea una lectura para todo el mundo y tenga un tipo de
lector específico, pero si logras adentrarte en sus páginas, llenas de imágenes poderosas, el
recuerdo que deja es imborrable.
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