Current Bulletin - Saint Charles Borromeo Parish

St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
601 N. 4th, St. Charles, MO 63301
Parish Vision Statement:
We are the parish that, through our communion with Jesus, guided by the Holy Spirit:
Welcomes all; Celebrates our unity, diversity, and traditions; Uses God’s gifts to
serve and teach others and be the face of Jesus Christ in the Community.
Parish Office:
School Office:
Religious Education Office:
Latino Ministry:
St. Vincent DePaul Society:
Founded 1791
email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]
leave a message after the recording
Pastoral Staff:
Father John Reiker, Pastor: [email protected]
Father Bob Menner, Associate Pastor: [email protected]
Father Don Schramm, Senior Associate: [email protected]
Deacon Don McElroy, Deacon
Deacon Jorge Perez, Deacon
Mrs. Silvina Baez, Latino Ministry
Mrs. Becca McCullough, Director of Religious Education
Mrs. Peggy Dupree, Office Manager
Ms. Maria Martinez, Office Secretary
Mrs. Jackie Voelkl, School Principal
Mrs. Mary Kutchback, Organist, Pastoral Associate for Seniors
Mrs. Beth Duello, Director of Music
Mrs. Lisa Delicath, Contemporary Youth Choir
Mr. Juan Saldana, el coro
Mr. Zach Liley, Youth Ministry
Mr. Rob Iver, Parish Council Chairperson
Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation:
Saturdays 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. or by appointment
Schedule of Holy Mass
8:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. vigil for Sunday
7:00, 8:30, 10:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m. in Spanish
6:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.
Sacrament of Baptism:
Arrangements made after parental instruction.
Call the parish office for more information.
Sacrament of Matrimony:
Contact the parish office at least six months prior
to wedding to begin preparations
Holy Days of Obligation: watch the bulletin
Eucharistic Adoration:
Third Mondays, 8:30am to 6:30pm
Third Saturdays, 7:00pm to 5:00am
National Holidays: 9:00 a.m.
Parish Office Business Hours
Perpetual Help Devotions:
Tuesdays following the 8:00 a.m. Mass
Monday thru Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Bulletin deadline: Monday 10:00 a.m.
Parish Hall Rental:
Neal or Pat at 636-949-9722 (gym)
Peggy at 636-946-1893 (café)
[email protected]
We welcome all who come and worship with us. If you wish to join our parish faith family, or have a change in your contact information, kindly complete this form. You can return it to the Rectory, place in in the collection, or give it to a Priest or Deacon.
Cell/Phone Number_______________________________
Address/Zip______________________________________________________ Email____________________________________
___ Please make the above changes to my parish record
___ I wish to find out more about the Catholic faith
___ I would like to speak with a Priest/Deacon
Interested in information about annulments/validation
Information on having my children baptized
Please pray for: __________________________________
St. Charles Borromeo Parish—celebrating 225 years of faith!
From the Pastor’s Pen
Virtual Marriage Retreat:
Marriage and Mercy
Looking for a way to enrich your marriage? Take
our seven day virtual retreat! Each day for seven days,
set aside some time for prayer. This retreat is based on
the theme of “marriage and mercy,” since the Church is
currently celebrating the year-long Jubilee of mercy.
There are two other retreats available as well: (1) Pope
Francis’ advice about marriage and family life, (2) Reflections on the USCCB pastoral letter Marriage: Love and Life
in the Divine Plan. Both are available on the USCCB website:
Each day has a theme, followed by ways to put the
theme into practice through prayer, reflection, and action
(Pray—Reflect—Do). End each mini-retreat by praying
the prayer for married couples.
Also search “Seven Day Virtual Marriage Retreat”
which also has a pdf version which can be printed,
or we have copies in the office.
How to Pray?
There are many ways to pray. One is to walk with
the two disciples on the Road to Emmaus:
Jesus listens to us: Jesus asks them and us to tell
Him what is on our minds and hearts.
Jesus teaches us through Scripture: Read any Bible
or Gospel passage (or the readings of the day which
can be found on our website
under “Parish-Daily Scripture Readings.” Listen to
God’s Message to yourself and/or your family by
focusing on the word, phrase, or sentence that
jumps up for you. Share this with spouse/family.
Jesus is recognized as Alive and Really Present in
the Breaking of the Bread = the Mass. Come to Mass
every week together or daily and show Jesus your
love by praying and singing out loud. Also share
God-Moments with whomever you break bread and
see how you nourish one another.
Can I give God 5 to 15 minutes each day at least?
Lenten Prayer Opportunities
Daily Mass—6:30 and 8:00am
Come to our Parish Mission March 13-16.
Stations of the Cross and Benediction every Friday
of Lent at 7:00pm. Come for the Fish Fry and join us
upstairs after!
“Come pray with me for one hour” - why not commit
an hour on March 21 to pray during Eucharistic Adoration after the 8:00am Mass until 6:30pm.
Home/Family/Personal/Couple Prayer—take the
Five Minutes with the Word booklet home with you.
Use Rice Bowl prayers (and try the weekly recipes).
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered every
Saturday from 4:00—4:40pm, and on Tuesday,
March 22 from 7:00-8:00pm.
Attend Lifeline Adoration on Thursday, February 25
at 7pm.
2016 Lenten Message of Pope Francis
“I desire mercy, and not sacrifice” (Mt 9:13)
God’s covenant with humanity: a history of mercy
The mystery of divine mercy is revealed in the history of the covenant between God and his people Israel.
God shows himself ever rich in mercy, ever ready to
treat his people with deep tenderness and compassion,
especially at those tragic moments when infidelity ruptures the bond of the covenant, which then needs to be
ratified more firmly in justice and truth. Here is a true
love story, in which God plays the role of the betrayed
father and husband, while Israel plays the unfaithful
child and bride. These domestic images – as in the case
of Hosea (cf. Hos 1-2) – show to what extent God wishes
to bind himself to his people.
This love story culminates in the incarnation of
God’s Son. In Jesus Christ, the Father pours forth his
boundless mercy even to making him “mercy incarnate” (Misericordiae Vultus, 8). As a man, Jesus of Nazareth is a true son of Israel; he embodies that perfect hearing required of every Jew by the Shema, which today too
is the heart of God’s covenant with Israel: “Hear, O Israel:
The Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord
your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with
all your might” (Dt6:4-5). As the Son of God, he is the
Bridegroom who does everything to win over the love of
his bride, to whom he is bound by an unconditional love
which becomes visible in the eternal wedding feast.
This is the very heart of the apostolic kerygma, in
which divine mercy holds a central and fundamental
place. It is “the beauty of the saving love of God made manifest in Jesus Christ who died and rose from the dead”. Mercy
“expresses God’s way of reaching out to the sinner, offering
him a new chance to look at himself, convert, and believe, thus
restoring his relationship with him. In Jesus crucified,
God shows his desire to draw near to sinners, however
far they may have strayed from him.
(This Message will be continued in later bulletins.)
Second Sunday of Lent, February 21, 2016
Jokes of the Week
Rice Bowl Reflection
Hungering to Give Back
This week, CRS Rice Bowl takes us to Laos, where
Hongkham is using her love of cooking to provide for
her family—and feed an entire school. How do we use
our passions and gifts for the betterment of those we
meet? Visit for more.
LentenPrayer of the Week
Savior and Lord,
after busy hours of teaching and healing,
You often withdrew to a desolate place
or a mountaintop to pray alone.
After spending time in prayer,
While taking a routine vandalism report at an elementary school, I was interrupted by a little girl about 6
years old. Looking up and down at my uniform, she
asked, “Are you a cop?” “Yes” I answered and continued writing the report.
“My mother said if I ever needed help I should ask
the police. Is that right?” “Yes, that’s right,” I told her.
“Well, then,” she said as she extended her foot toward me, “would you please tie my shoe?”
A little girl had just finished her first week of
“I’m just wasting my time,” she said to her mother,
“I can’t read, I can’t write, and they won’t let me talk!”
Spread the Gospel, the Good News
about Jesus and His Borromeo Family.
A Holy Community through Holy Communion!
Your brother in Jesus,
to love and serve those You came to save.
Lord Jesus,
help me to walk in love as You walked.
When my prayers are finished,
strengthen me by Your Spirit
to return refreshed to my daily work.
All 8th Grade and High School Students
You are invited to attend the next Youth Ministry meeting in the café NEXT SUNDAY, February 28th from 4-6pm.
Check out our Facebook group for updates and info: Saint Charles Borromeo Youth Ministry. Any questions, please contact Zack Liley [email protected] or 901-825-8942.
Christ Renews His Parish
Men—Give Yourself the Gift of Time. You Deserve It!
Men’s Weekend: February 27/28
If you feel called to participate, please fill in below and return it to the parish office or place in the offertory basket.
St. Charles Borromeo Parish—celebrating 225 years of faith!
Laos—Hungering to Give Back
Hongkham lives close to where she grew up in Nongdeune, Laos,
with her husband and their five boys. Her husband is a farmer, and
her family relied on his crops for food and income. When Hongkham’s husband got sick, the
family had to sell a lot of what they owned-including their land—to pay for medicine. Soon,
the family faced real hunger.
Then Hongkham found an opportunity to use her love of cooking to help her family and community through CRS’ school
literacy and hunger program. She volunteers as a cook at her children’s school, which provides free school lunches for students, literacy training for teachers and principals, and nutrition training. Hongkham uses that training in the school kitchen-and when she’s cooking for her family at home.
She also receives a monthly ration of food to take home, which helps her family grow and thrive. But the best part about
CRS’ program is that students are learning to read and write. Hongkham says that before the program started, students
would go home and often wouldn’t return for afternoon classes, but now, students return to school after morning classes
to receive their free and nutritious lunch. She even sees the change in her own children—in their studies and their health.
Good nutrition has made a real difference in the lives of the people of Laos.
Facts to Consider:
■ Laos is a small, landlocked country of almost 7 million people.
■ The country is one of the poorest in Southeast Asia, without adequate education, health services or infrastructure to support the development of its people.
■ Catholic Relief Services works with the Laos government to ensure that children with disabilities have support and access
to basic education.
Catholic Social Teaching: Rights and Responsibilities
As human beings, we have the right to live and grow in peace. Because we have that right, we have the responsibility to make
sure others, too, enjoy the same opportunity.,
Let us pray: For people around the world who are hungry, especially children, that they receive the nutritious food they need
to live healthy, productive lives.
For more information and downloadable photos, please visit
St. Charles Borromeo Prayer Tree: 928-2970 or [email protected]
Join us for the next St. Charles Borromeo Mom’s Group
Moms in the parish with young kids
Monday, February 22 at 6:30pm
St. Charles Room (room behind the cafeteria)
This meeting is for moms only. For questions, more
information or to RSVP contact Christine Woody at
[email protected]
Karie Westerfeld, who heads up our decorating committee, is asking for a lot of help to care for the flowers over
the Easter Season. Due to her new work schedule, she
cannot make it to church to properly care for them.
If someone would be interested in taking over the decorating committee, she would be glad to share what’s
been done in the past.
Mostly, we need HELP! Call the church office for info.
Second Sunday of Lent, February 21, 2016
February 26 * March 4 * March 11 * March 18
Serving from 4:00—7:00pm
The Menu
(Dine in & Carry Out)
Adult meals—$10
Served with choice of baked potato or fries, applesauce, cole slaw, hush puppies
** Fried/Baked Cod Meal
** Fried Catfish Fillet meal
** Fried Whole Catfish Meal
Fish Taco Meal—$8
Served with rice and 2 additional sides of your choice
** 2 flour or corn Tortillas
** Baked or Fried Fish
Kids Meals—$5
** Pizza (1 slice)
Served with fries and applesauce
** Fried/Baked Cod (1)
** Catfish Fillet (1)
** Fish Taco (1)
A La Carte Items
** Whole Pizza—$10
** Pizza Slice—$2
** Fish Fillets—$4
** Fish Taco—$3
** Prepared Salads—$2
** Beer—$2
** Margarita—$3
** Soda—$1
As our Fish Fry Fridays continue we want everyone to remember all of the awesome desserts we enjoy on Fridays
are donated by all of our wonderful Borromeo Families! Feel free to prepare as many desserts on as many Fridays
as you would like (and if you want to share the recipe feel free to include recipe cards and we can include it in the
serving or have them at the dessert table to share).
You can drop your dessert off on Friday afternoons in the cafeteria (tree lot entrance).
If you need to make special arrangements, please call
Gretchen Thro 636-578-0670 or send an email to [email protected].
We need YOU! On the parish website,
click "Volunteer Now" under Parish Fish Fries
If you would like to sign up to volunteer on the same night you bring your desserts, that would be wonderful!
Everyone's support is appreciated, and we look forward to seeing you there! Thank you!
Update on Legislation about:
DACA/Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
DAPA/Deferred Action for Parents of Americans
A representative from MIRA, Missouri Immigrant and Refugee Advocates, will update
us on Sunday, February 28 at 1:00pm in the church office after the 11:30 Mass.
For more information contact Deacon Jorge Perez.
St. Charles Borromeo Parish—celebrating 225 years of faith!
The St. Charles Borromeo Journey
In 1817 a case of attempted land fraud pitted St. Charles Borromeo’s uneducated
laymen against two Eastern newcomers, Andrew Wilson and Uriah J. Devore.
The land in question was the northern half of Block 15, bounded by Main, Jackson, and Tompkins streets and the Missouri River. This lot had been claimed by
the parish since the 1780s and had contained buildings used for church purposes.
Only a cross marked it as church property in 1817; by then it was also the site of
the public jail. In December 1813, Wilson bought the southern half of Block 15,
paid $400, and built a house. Devore, serving at various times as innkeeper, ferryboat operator, and sheriff, owned a lot close to the log church on Block 28. As
sheriff, he undoubtedly used the jail on
parish property.
On December 6, 1816, having found out Borromeo lacked written title to both
Block 15 and Block 28, Wilson and Devore visited the widow and two daughters of Joseph Chancellier who had originally orally conveyed the property to
Borromeo. The three women were unable to read or write and spoke only
French. Claiming that they wished to confirm Joseph Chancellier’s conveyance
to the parish, they offered the women $40 and asked them to sign at the bottom of a long document written in English. The women accepted and scrawled
their cross-shaped marks. The document was really a deed, granting to Wilson
and Devore all the women’s right not just to the Block 15 lot, but also to the
site of the log church on Block 28. Probably anticipating problems, Wilson and
Devore had added a clause allowing the parish to continue using Block 28.
When Borromeo’s senior marguillier, Gabriel Latreille, learned what had happened, he had the women deed their interest in the properties back to the parish. At some point, Latreille must have realized that they needed help. Although he was a civic leader and enjoyed a fine reputation around St. Charles,
he could neither read nor write. He went to St. Louis for assistance and retained a young real estate attorney named Thomas Hart Benton. He filed suit
in June of 1817, seeking to establish Borromeo’s good title.
Map of locations of early Church buildings
Apparently, the parish won the case. A document date June 7, 1817, from the parish file at the Jesuit archives in St. Louis
asserts that an Act of Congress in 1812 vested title of the parish land to the inhabitants of the town, meaning that the Creole women legally had nothing to convey to Wilson and Devore. In December 1817, Devore and his wife sold their lot
next to the log church and deeded back to the parish his controversial claim to Block 15. Wilson stubbornly retained his
claim to Block 15 for the rest of his life. After he died his debt- ridden estate was probated and his remaining real estate
sold at public auction. Among the interest sold was his claim to the northern half of Block 15. The buyers were two Jesuits who represented St. Charles Borromeo. Because Wilson’s claim was so baseless, the sale price was $35 or $5 less then
what he and Devore had paid to the illiterate heirs of Joseph Chancellier over thirty years earlier.
… courtesy of St. Charles Borromeo: 200 Years of Faith, by Jo Ann Brown
This book is available in the church office for $5
Year of Mercy—Visiting Nursing Homes and the Homebound
During the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis has carried out two concrete signs of witness to God’s mercy in Rome so far:
—opening the “Door of Charity” in a homeless shelter and celebrating Mass there in December,
—and on one afternoon in January, visiting a retirement home and a care home for those living in vegetative states.
You may wish to follow the Pope’s example and perform an Act of Mercy each month by visiting one of our parishioners
living in a nursing home or by visiting one of our homebound parishioners. If you are interested and need help identifying a parishioner to visit, please contact Mary Kutchback at 636-946-9758.
Second Sunday of Lent, February 21, 2016
The Sacred Conversations on Race project begun in St. Louis got a start here in St. Charles
County on January 24th with numerous religious congregations attending in small groups.
Now, St. Charles Borromeo is inviting everyone to our next meeting which will be held in
the St. Charles Room here at Borromeo on February 23 at 7:00pm. This is the second of
four meetings. The third meeting will also be at Borromeo on Thursday evening, March 17, and the final one will be Sunday afternoon, April 17 at a location to be announced. You are welcome to come to one or all of the remaining meetings. These conversations will be rooted in Catholic social justice teachings. If you have any questions, please call either
Fr. Don at 946-1893 or Mary Harrison at 949-8268.
Parish Family Lenten Mission for All Ages
March 13-16, 2016
In keeping with our Borromeo Jesuit traditions and history we are excited to announce Father Christopher S. Collins, SJ,
STD as our featured speaker during the Mission.
Father Collins is the Assistant to the President for Mission and Identity at St. Louis University and an Assistant Professor of
Systematic Theology.
Father Collins provides executive-level leadership for fostering and promoting
SLU's Catholic, Jesuit identity. He also works to ensure that the mission and
core values – as well as the principles and traditions of Catholic, Jesuit higher
education – are fully integrated into everything SLU does.
As Director of SLU's Catholic Studies program for the past two years, Father
Collins has been actively involved in engaging the SLU community by developing a Mass and lecture series focused on topics around Catholic higher education.
He also was co-coordinator of the committee that established the Billiken
Teacher Corps, an innovative new program with the St. Louis Archdiocese
that empowers SLU graduate students to teach at urban Catholic schools in
the St. Louis area.
In addition, Father Collins is a member of the Strategic Planning Steering
Committee and was a core member of the strategic planning "SLU as Advocate for St. Louis" Topical Working Group.
Fr. Chris Collins, S.J., our Mission speaker
Father Collins has written many books, including
Three Moments of the Day: Praying with the Heart of Jesus
Entering into the Mind of Christ: The True Nature of Theology
The Word Made Love: The Dialogical Theology of Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI
Marriage: Sacrament of Creation in Christ
Please plan to attend . . . you are sure to receive God’s grace and blessing!
Free Tax Preparation: For those with household incomes of less than $58,000. Tuesday and Thursday at our Borromeo church office, 601 N. 4th from 9:00—1:00, through April 12. By appointment only. Call 314-896-4159.
St. Charles Borromeo Parish—celebrating 225 years of faith!
Oficina: Tel: (636)946-1893 Fax (636)946-5598
[email protected]
Ser embajadores, no dialogar con el demonio, cariñoterapia, la Ley del Señor y la herencia de la oración
fueron algunas de las reflexiones que nos dejó el Papa
Francisco de su viaje por tierra mexicana.
13 de febrero: Homilía en la Basílica de Guadalupe: El pedido
de Nuestra Madre María de Guadalupe a Juan Diego de ser su
embajador, ese pedido es para ti y para mí, y como podemos ser
sus embajadores: “dando de comer al hambriento, dando de
beber al sediento, da lugar al necesitado, viste al desnudo y visita
al enfermo, socorre al que está preso, no lo dejes solo, perdona
al que te lastimo, consuela al que está triste, tené paciencia con
los demás y especialmente pide y ruega a nuestro Dios; acaso no
estoy yo aquí que soy tu madre, ve a construir mi santuario ayúdame a levantar la vida de mis hijos que son tus hermanos…
14 de febrero: Homilía del Primer domingo de Cuaresma en
Ecatepec: Como hacer frente a las tentaciones. Hemos optado
por Jesús y no por el demonio. Si nos acordamos lo que escucha-
mos en el Evangelio, Jesús no le contesta al demonio con ninguna palabra propia sino que le contesta con las palabra de Dios
con las palabra de la escritura. Porque hermanos y hermanas
metámoslo en la cabeza con el demonio no se dialoga, no se
pueda dialogar porque nos va a ganar siempre, solamente la
fuerza de la Palabra de Dios lo puede derrotar. Hemos optado
por Jesús y no por el demonio.
14 de febrero, Hospital Pediátrico Federico Gómez: Tan impor-
tante la cariñoterapia, tan importante. A veces una caricia ayuda
tanto a recuperarse. ¿Conocen al indio Juan Diego ustedes? A
ver, levante la mano quién lo conoce. Todos. Cuando el tío de
Juanito estaba enfermo, él estaba muy preocupado y angustiado.
En ese momento, se aparece la Virgencita de Guadalupe y le
dice: «No se turbe tu corazón ni te inquiete cosa alguna ¿No
estoy yo aquí, que soy tu Madre?». Juan Diego recibe y da ese
cariño que se necesita en momentos difíciles…
15 de febrero Homilía en San Cristóbal de las casa con las comunidades indígenas: Li smantal Kajvaltike toj lek – la ley del Señor
es perfecta del todo y reconforta el alma, así comenzaba el salmo que hemos escuchado. La ley del Señor es perfecta; y el salmista se encarga de enumerar todo lo que esa ley genera al que
la escucha y la sigue: reconforta el alma, hace sabio al sencillo,
alegra el corazón, es luz para alumbrar el camino.
Febrero 21
Adolfo Zamores, Alma Quiroz
el coro
Guadalupe Damien, Rose Maria Alvarado,
Araceli Garcia, Adolfo Zamores
(Host) Toni Hernandez, Ampelia V
Serv: Danny & Melissa Garcia, Liliana Barcenas
to be determined
Ush: Jesus Manzanarez, Adolfo Zamores, vol. pls.
16 de febrero Homilía con sacerdotes y religiosos en Morelia:
Hay un dicho que dice así: “Dime cómo rezas y te diré cómo
vives, dime cómo vives y te diré cómo rezas, porque mostrándome cómo rezas, aprenderé a descubrir el Dios que vives y, mostrándome cómo vives, aprenderé a creer en el Dios al que rezas”; porque nuestra vida habla de la oración y la oración habla
de nuestra vida. A rezar se aprende, como aprendemos a caminar, a hablar, a escuchar. La escuela de la oración es la escuela de
la vida y en la escuela de la vida es donde vamos haciendo la
escuela de la oración. Con estas palabras nos exhorta a tomar la
herencia de la oración recibida en la familia y hacer de ella un
hábito que se puede ir mejorando con la práctica.
16 de febrero en Morelia, Encuentro con los jóvenes en Morelia:.
…ustedes son la riqueza de esta tierra y digo la riqueza y ahora
la tenemos que convertir en esperanza…, no todo está perdido,
no estoy perdido, yo valgo, yo valgo mucho… cada uno se contesta en su corazón, ¿es verdad que no todo está perdido?, yo
¿estoy perdido, estoy perdida?, ¿yo valgo? ¿Valgo poco, valgo
mucho? Una amenaza a esa riqueza es la desvalorización de uno
o hacerte creer que empezás a ser valioso cuando te disfrazas de
ropa, marcas del último grito de la moda o cuando te volvés
importante porque tenés dinero pero en el fondo tu corazón no
cree que seas digno de cariño, digno de amor…, vos vales mucho y de la mano de Jesucristo es posible creer que la vida vale
la pena, que podemos dar lo mejor. Sean luz en medio de sus
amigos, de sus barrios, de su comunidad, en medio de la familia".
El Pontífice celebró una Eucaristía el 17 de febrero en el área de
la Feria de Ciudad Juárez. “El Papa fue a orar en la frontera y
por eso escogió este lugar para la Santa Misa, porque él comenzó la celebración de la Eucaristía con un momento de oración,
de rodillas ante ese muro que se ha construido como signo de
rechazo a los migrantes; para orar que como creyentes, como
cristianos, como católicos colaboremos con Dios (…) en construir
no muros de indiferencia, de rechazo, sino puentes de comunión
en la fe, en la esperanza, en el amor, en la solidaridad”.
1 Pe 5:1-4; Sal 23 (22):1-3a, 4-6; Mt 16:13-19
Is 1:10, 16-20; Sal 50 (49):8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 23:1-12
Jer 18:18-20; Sal 31 (30):5-6, 14-16; Mt 20:17-28
Jer 17:5-10; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 16:19-31
Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a; 17b-28a;
Sal 105 (104):16-21; Mt 21:33-43, 45-46
Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Sal 103 (102):1-4, 9-12;
Lc 15:1-3, 11-32
Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15; Sal 103 (102):1-4, 6-8, 11;
1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lc 13:1-9
5-8; Jn 4:5-42 [5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42]
Second Sunday of Lent, February 21, 2016
El Camino de St. Charles Borromeo
En 1817 un caso de atentado de fraude de tierra, fue enfrentado por unos hombres
incultos de St. Charles Borromeo contra dos hombres recién llegados del este, Andrew
Wilson y Uriah. J Devore. La tierra en cuestión era la mitad del norte de la cuadra 15,
embarcada por las calles Principal, Jackson, y Tompkins, y el Río Missouri. Esta propiedad había sido reclamada por la Iglesia desde los 1780s, y tenía edificios usados por
cuestiones de la Iglesia. Solo una Cruz marcaba que era propiedad de la Iglesia en 1817;
para entonces también era lugar de la policía pública. En Diciembre 1813, Wilson compró parte del sur de esta misma cuadra 15, pago $400, y construyó una casa. Devore,
ayudaba en varias veces como operador de barcos, Jefe de policía del condado, era
dueño de un lote cerca de la iglesia de cabaña en la cuadra 28. Como jefe de Policía
indudablemente usaba la cárcel en la propiedad de la Iglesia.
El 6 de diciembre de 1816, habiendo encontrado que Borromeo carecía de un título
escrito tanto de la cuadra 15 como la 28, Wilson y Devore visitó a la viuda y dos
hijas de José Chancellier que vervalmente había dado la propiedad a Borromeo. Las
tres mujeres no podían leer o escribir y sólo hablaban francés. Alegando que deseaba confirmar la conducción de José Chancellier a la parroquia, les ofrecieron a las
mujeres $40 y les pidió que firmaran en la parte inferior de un largo documento
escrito en inglés. Las mujeres aceptaron y firmaron sus marcas en forma de cruz. El
documento fue realmente una escritura, dando todo derecho a Wilson y Devore no
sólo a la gran cantidad de la cuadra 15, sino también para el sitio de la iglesia cabaña
en la cuadra 28. Probablemente sabiendo que tal vez habría problemas más tarde,
Wilson y Devore habían añadido una cláusula que permitía que la parroquia continuara utilizando la cuadra 28.
Cuando el marguillier superior de Borromeo, Gabriel Latreille, supo lo que había
sucedido, el logro que las mujeres dieran las escritura de las propiedades nuevamente a la parroquia. En algún momento, Latreille debe haberse dado cuenta que necesitaban ayuda. Aunque fue un líder cívico y disfrutaron de una excelente reputación
alrededor de St. Charles, no podía leer ni escribir. Se dirigió a St. Louis para asistencia y retuvo a un abogado joven de inmobiliario llamado a Thomas Hart Benton.
Él presentó una demanda en junio de 1817, tratando de establecer el título a Borromeo.
Al parecer, la parroquia ganó el caso. Un documento con fecha de 7 de junio de 1817, en el archivo parroquial jesuita en
St. Louis, afirma que un acto del Congreso en 1812 confiere título de las tierras de la parroquia a los habitantes de la ciudad, lo que significa que las mujeres criollas tenían legalmente nada que transmitir a Wilson y Devore. En diciembre de
1817, Devore y su esposa vendieron su porción junto a la iglesia de la cabaña y transferidos de vuelta a la parroquia su
polémica afirmación de la cuadra 15. Wilson mantuvo obstinadamente su afirmación de la cuadra 15 por el resto de su
vida. Después de su muerte su propiedades y su gran deuda, fue legalizada y sus restantes bienes y raíces fueron vendidas
en subasta pública. Entre lo vendido fue su afirmación de la mitad norte de la cuadra 15. Los compradores fueron dos
jesuitas que representaban a St. Charles Borromeo. Porque el reclamo de Wilson era tan infundado, el precio de venta
fue de $35, es decir $5 menos y lo que él y Devore habían pagado a las herederas analfabetas de José Chancellier más de
treinta años antes.
… cortesía de: St. Charles Borromeo: 200 Años de Fe, por Jo Ann Brown
Actualización en legislación sobre:
DACA/Acción Diferida Para Llegadas de Niñes
DAPA/Acción Diferida Para Los Padres de Americanos
Un representante de MIRA, Missouri Inmigrantes y Defensores de Refugiados, nos
dará una actualización de esta legislación el domingo 28 de febrero a la 1:00pm
en la oficina de la iglesia, (después de la misa de 11:30).
Para obtener más información póngase en contacto con Diacono Jorge Perez
St. Charles Borromeo Parish—celebrating 225 years of faith!
Peregrinaje a Tierra Santa de la
Parroquia St. Charles Borromeo
St. Charles Borromeo Parish
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land 2016
Porque Dios nos ha hecho por si mismo, nuestros
corazones están inquietos hasta que descansen en Él.
Because God has made us for himself,
our hearts are restless until they rest in him.
San Agustín
St. Augustine
Un peregrine Cristiano toca la Estrella que marca el sitio del nacimiento de Cristo.
A Christian pilgrim touches the
star that marks the site of Christ’s
 Celebre el año de Misericordia a través de pere-
 Celebrate the year of mercy through pilgrimage
 Conozca a los Cristianos locales!
 Visite importantes sitios sagrados!
 Celebre la Misa todos los días!
 Siga los pasos de nuestro Señor!
 Meet local Christians!
 Visit important holy sites!
 Celebrate daily Mass!
 Walk in the footsteps of the Lord!
grinación a la Tierra Santa!
to the Holy Land!
Octubre 2016
October 2016
Para mas información contacte
Hermana Raquel Ortez
636-578-1101, [email protected]
For more information contact
Fr. John Reiker
[email protected]
This Week With Your St. Charles Borromeo Family
Tomas and Elicet Pina, Kevin & Karime * Mark Vogt * Douglass & Meghan Tuck and Karlee
Dorothy Jenkins
Tina Daly, Angel Espinosa,
Carol Fasching —mother of Becca & Scot McCullough; Brendan Myers—grandson of Jim & Kathy Anderson;
Theresa Didion—daughter-in-law of Ruth Didion; Pat Sontag, mother of Trish and Ron Rattini;
Nicholas Fuse Jr., grandson, and Tom Zimmerman, 11 year old cousin of Darrell Fuse;
and for the intentions on our Borromeo Prayer Tree and in our Book of Prayers
Dolly Johannesman will be celebrating her 83rd on February 26. God bless you, Dolly!
Confessions: The Sacrament of Healing . . . Saturdays, 4:00—4:45pm
Second Sunday of Lent, February 21, 2016
Mass Intentions
Your Loving Sacrifices Make All the Difference
Monday, February 22, The Chair of St. Peter the Apostle
6:30 a.m.
Communion Service
8:00 a.m.
Margaret Bogel
Tuesday, February 23, St. Polycarp, bishop/martyr
6:30 a.m.
Bill Grosch
8:00 a.m.
Kathleen Bornhop
Wednesday, February 24, Lenten Weekday
6:30 a.m.
Carol Ermeling
8:00 a.m.
Barbara Muehlenkamp
6:15 p.m.
Margaret Gruenloh
Thursday, February 25, Lenten Weekday
6:30 a.m.
Mildred Hanson
8:00 a.m..
intention of Marliesa Baumann
Friday, February 26, Lenten Weekday
6:30 a.m.
Jeanine Burns Hart
8:00 a.m.
Virginia Bova—15th anniv.
Saturday, February 27, Lenten Weekday
8:00 a.m.
Elmer Jackson
5:00 p.m.
Margaret Fischbach—7th anniv.
Sunday, February 28, Third Sunday of Lent
7:00 a.m.
Gilbert Primeau—22nd anniv. (Mar. 7)
8:30 a.m.
Gerald “Tubby” & Catherine Heinsz
10:00 a.m.
Glennon & Marie Baumann
11:30 a.m.
Our Parish Family
This year we are offering lilies and geraniums
for $10 to remember or honor your loved
ones. The plants, placed throughout the
church, will be a magnificent addition and enhance our
celebration of Christ’s Glorious Resurrection.
Contributions for February 13/14
Offertory envelopes:
Matching Gifts:
Total Offerings:
Black/Native collection:
Capital Improvements:
St. Vincent de Paul donations:
10% dedicated to Birthright
for the great love you show to our Borromeo Family carrying on the work of Jesus and to those in need by the generosity you display when you share your Treasure, and all
God’s gifts to you, given for others.
“I am the Lord who brought you from Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land as a possession.”
(Genesis 15:7)
Just as the Lord gave Abraham, Moses and the Israelites
a land to possess, He has also given each of us a home.
Whether our home is grand or humble, it is a gift from
God. Abraham prepared a great sacrifice to the Lord in
gratitude for the home God gave him. How do we
show our gratitude to God for the home He has given
us? Do we make a sacrifice of any kind? Do we return
any of our finances to God, investing equally in our eternal home just as we invest in our earthly home?
We pray that we be good stewards of the earth and our
environment and wisely use its natural resources.
Please complete the form and return with your check by March 2. Please put it in an envelope marked “Easter flowers.”
Envelopes are also available in the Narthex.
EASTER FLOWER DONATION FORM (please return by March 2)
IN MEMORY (please print)
IN HONOR (please print)
NAME OF DONOR (please print)___________________________________________________________________________
#_____ Lilies @ $10
#_____ Geraniums @ $10
Total enclosed $___________________
Please make checks payable to “St. Charles Borromeo”
A listing of the Memorial/Honor names and Donors will be included in the bulletin after Easter
St. Charles Borromeo Parish—celebrating 225 years of faith!
St. Charles Borromeo Parish School of Religion
Dear Parishioners:
Your prayers and commitment to the success of all our formation programs, especially the Parish School of Religion and
our Sacramental years are so greatly appreciated.
Important First Communion Preparation Dates
Today, February 21 – Parent Meeting @ 10am in the Bicentennial Room
Monday, February 22 – Parent Meeting @ 6:30pm in Church
Sunday, March 13 – First Communion DVD @ 10am in the Cafeteria
Sunday, March 20 – Palm Sunday Passover Dinner @ 4pm in the Cafeteria
Saturday, April 16 – First Communion @ 10am in Church
Children preparing for First Communion and/or Baptism:
Lauren, Josie, William, Luc, Elliot, Jacob, Riley, Will, Jordan, Sean and Marian
Last Sunday, our RCIA participants gathered at the Cathedral Basilica to celebrate the Rite of Election with Archbishop
Carlson. These elect celebrated their transition from inquirers about the Catholic faith to serious pursuers of their call to a
closer relationship with Jesus and becoming full-fledged committed Catholics. Thank you for your continued prayers of
encouragement for our RCIA elect:
Kelly, Heather, Edna, Shannan, Heather, Lisa and Zach
On this second Sunday of Lent we remember that Lent offers us a special opportunity to grow in our relationship with
Jesus and to deepen our commitment to a way of life, rooted in our baptism. In today’s busy world, Lent provides us
with an opportunity to reflect upon our patterns, to pray more deeply, experience sadness for what we've done and
failed to do, and to be generous to others.
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on April 14 at 7:00pm in Church.
In the love and peace of Jesus, Mrs. Becca McCullough
Please Pray For Our Troops
Brent Schulze (Army), serving in Ft. Drum, NY (son-in-law of Steve Cave)
Adrian Schulze (Army), serving at Ft. Drum, NY (grandson of Steve Cave)
Michael Sakalauski (Army), stationed at Eglin AFB, FL (brother of Heather Willie)
Matthew Ervin (Navy), stationed at Saratoga Springs, NY (grandnephew of Ivy Hall)
Scott Dorlaque (Marine Corps), stationed at Camp Pendleton, CA (son of Laura Boyer)
Jorge Lozoya (Army), stationed at Davenport Army Base (son-in-law of Becky Sanchez)
Connor Mallory (Air Force), Naval Air Station, Pensacola, FL (grandson of Jim Eisenbath)
Madeline Burkemper (Navy), stationed in Meridian, MS (great niece of Suzanne Kateman)
Kenneth Rufkahr (Army), stationed at Fort Richardson, Alaska (grandson of John Rufkahr)
Brooke Georges (Navy), Naval Medical Center, San Diego, CA (granddaughter of Jim & Jane Lammert)
Christopher Mudd (Marines), Marines Air Corps, North Caroline (grandson of Gordon & Jeanne Mudd)
Paul J. Robben (Navy), Naval Submarine Base New London, Groton, CT (son of David & Betty Robben)
Bernardo Silverio Jr. (Air Force), stationed at Scott Air Force Base (son of Bernardo and Nereida Silverio)
Matthew Henry (Navy), Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, TX (grandson of Colleen (Goldkamp) Harmon
If anyone in the parish would like prayers for their loved one in the military,
please contact the church office at 946-1893. We will be happy to list their name in the bulletin.
Second Sunday of Lent, February 21, 2016
Servers, February 22-27, 8am
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday, February 22/23/24
Maggie Howard, Elise Cope, Amelia Thro
Thursday/Friday, February 25/26
Aaron Klemme, Hank Thro, Jesus Barcenas
Saturday, February 27
Mitchell Booher, Sarah Stewart
Ministry List, February 27/28
(Greeters needed for all Masses)
February 27
Sr. Munch, Tom Schneider
Viki Weir
Genny Glosier, Michelle Gruender, Trudi Heisohn,
Bridget Ohmes (Host) Larry Ohlms, Linda Beeson
Joshua Williams, Addison Barteau, Mitchell Booher
Greg & Sharon RiƩer
Larry Ohlms, Jerry Kopp, Elaine RuŅahr, vol. pls.
February 28
Dick Albrecht
Mary Baronovic
Bob Baronovic, Pat Brown, Becky Albrecht
Quinn Gallagher, Tommy Fink
Jim & Marilyn Dwyer
Jim Eisenbath, Cathy Herrod, Charles Weber,
John Weber
Kevin Tollefson, Bill Kish
Children’s Choir
Joe & Gerry Kloeppel, JeaneƩe Cleary, Kathy McElroy
(Host) Rikki Jost, Larry Beerman
Elyssa Toal, Eric Meyer, Adriana Weber
Doug & Rita Vossenkemper
Dan & Sheila Kitzmann, Colleen & Kyle
Pat Akers, Tom Schultz
Kathy Anderson, Theresa Johnson, Julie McGeorge,
Colleen Harmon (Host) Joe Briscoe, Marge Pohl
Mia & Noelle Adamski, Thomas Johnson
Sandy Boschert
Greg Grotegeers, Gary Snyder, Gary SƟens,
Frankie Fessler
Hermila Murillo, Rosa MarƟnez
el coro
Veronica Bernal, Gloria OrƟz-Garcia, Gabriela Quiroz,
Misael Alvarado (Host) Martha Fuentes, Alma Quiroz
Lilia Fuentes, Itzel Antonino, Adrian Gaona
to be determined
Jesus Manzanarez, Adolfo Zamores, vol. pls.
Flood Disaster Assistance thru FEMA
To register, call 1-800-621-3362 or online:
Readings for the Week
1 Pt 5:1-4; Ps 23:1-3a, 4-6; Mt 16:13-19
Is 1:10, 16-20; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23;
Mt 23:1-12
Wednesday: Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31:5-6, 14-16; Mt 20:17-28
Thursday: Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 16:19-31
Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a; 17b-28a; Ps 105:16-21;
Mt 21:33-43, 45-46
Saturday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32
Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15; Ps 103:1-4, 6-8, 11;
1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lk 13:1-9
Lenten Family Reflection
As human beings, we have the right to live and grow in
peace. Because we have that right, we have the responsibility to make sure others enjoy the same opportunity
God makes a promise to Abraham and his descendants; God and Abraham have a responsibility to live
up to that promise.
How do we uphold our responsibility to promises
we have made to God and others?
Paul reminds us that “our citizenship is in heaven.”
God loves all people—all citizens of that heavenly
What kinds of rights and responsibilities does that
citizenship imply?
This week, CRS Rice Bowl features a woman from
Laos who, recognizing the needs of her family and
her own unique gifts, uses her love of cooking to
feed her children—and an entire school.
How are we called to use our own unique gifts for
the betterment of others?
Please pray for our expectant moms:
Mary (February) Heather, Katelyn, Victoria (April)
Nicole (May) Katie (June) Jessica (July)
K’Lee (August)
Let us pray for people with disabilities: may they be
treated with loving care and respect due to each person.
Birthright: 636-724-1200
...meeting the needs of women facing a crisis pregnancy,
professional counseling, referrals and practical help.
St. Charles Borromeo Parish—celebrating 225 years of faith!
Shopping list for February 27/28:
saltines, jello pudding, salmon,
pancake mix, syrup
and for the Mini-Vinnies:
15 oz. ravioli
Please join us Thursday, February 25,
for LIFELINE Adoration at 7:00pm
This awesome worship experience is being led by local
Catholic musician Kyle Huelsing! Bring your family and
let’s worship and adore Jesus together through music
and praise!
Every person who has been a
part of this prayer group testifies that it is truly the highlight
of their week. Come and see
what you have been missing!
Jesus, and we, have truly been
missing you!
“When He returned to His disciples, He found them
asleep. He said to Peter, ‘So you could not keep watch
with me for one hour?’” (Matthew 26:40)
Ladies Sodality meeting will be March 8 at 6:30pm in
the cafe. It is our White Elephant Auction night. Bring
items you received as gifts that you didn’t like—things
that you are tired of (knick knacks … jewelry .... decorations, etc.) It’s a fun evening and lots of competition in
the bidding. Anyone with a Birthday in March be sure
to come to get your birthday gift. Need a ride of information call Barb at 636-947-3939.
Spiritual Renewal
Saturday, March 19, 9am in the church office
Join us for a mini-retreat and complete your Lenten Prayer Life with reflections on the readings for the next day.
Coffee and donuts after Mass. Call Barb at 636-9473939 for information or a ride.
Sunday, February 21
El coro, church office, 9:00am
PSR, café/St. Charles Room, 9:30am
CLEAN CHURCH! 3:00—5:00pm
Many hands make light work! Please help us.
Monday, February 22
Girl Scouts, café, 5:00pm
Mom’s Group, St. Charles Room, 6:30pm
First Communion Parent meeting, church, 6:30pm
Parish Unity Committee, church office, 7:00pm
Tuesday, February 23
Mad Science, St. Charles Room, 3:00pm
Sacred Conversations on Race, St. Charles Rm, 7pm
Wednesday, February 24
Quilting, rectory basement, 8:30am—noon
Mad Science, St. Charles Room, 3:00pm
Bridges, Faculty Lounge, 5:30pm
W-CRHP13, Bicentennial Room, 6:00pm
Emaus Men, St. Charles Room, 7:00pm
Emaus Women, Bicentennial Room, 7:00pm
Thursday, February 25
RCIA, Bicentennial Room, 6:30pm
Boy Scouts, café, 7:00pm
LIFELINE, church, 7:00pm
Please pray for the men of our parish
attending the CRHP retreat this weekend
Saturday, February 27
Women’s Fellowship, church office, 6:00am
Event in gym this evening
Sunday, February 21
El coro, church office, 9:00am
Lifeline, February 25
Fish Fries, February 26, March 4, 11, 18
Men’s CRHP Weekend, February 27/28
Lenten Parish Family Mission, March 13—16
Holy Week, begins March 20
Blood Drive, March 22
Easter Sunday, March 27
Confirmation, April 14
First Holy Communion, April 16
Golf Tournament, July 18
Sunday Preschool during 8:30 Mass for ages 3-5 (no diaper wearers please)
After School Room, Room 27 (in the new addition of school)
Please contact Maureen Prinster at 636-699-5875 for any questions or concerns.
Second Sunday of Lent, February 21, 2016
Kick up your boots and Sa ve the Date!!
A p ri l 23 , 20 1 6
Borromeo Family Trivia
Op en t o ages 5 -99
If you would like to donate packs of candy, gift
cards (which can be purchased at the SCRIP table at
the back of church), or know someone who would
like to sponsor a round of trivia, please contact:
Theresa Maher [email protected]
In today’s Gospel, Jesus overcomes the
temptations to wealth, power and esteem. As we begin Lent, may we open
our hearts to the grace of prayer, fasting
and almsgiving.
Your gift in the St. Vincent de Paul collection will help the poor to celebrate the grace of God’s
love this Easter. If you would like information about
how our St. Vincent de Paul Society helps the poor in our
area, please call Joyce Cain at 636-448-2021.
Join us for a prayerful journey with Jesus
on the road to Calvary, and our redemption.
Stations of the Cross: Fridays at 7pm in church.
Thanks from FISH
Thank you so very much for your generous gifts of food in January. You provided a total of 487 items for our pantry.
Our mission is to provide basic necessities of not only food but also clothing, shoes, kitchen supplies, and linens if they are requested by
the referring agency. First time referrals, who have no idea of what help is provided. are often stunned when they first see the cart load
of food they are receiving. Your donations are making this possible.
Thank you, friends, for all you do.
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