G/TBT/N/MEX/254/Add.1 6 March 2015 (15

6 March 2015
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Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade
Original: Spanish
The following communication, dated 3 March 2015, is being circulated at the request of the
delegation of Mexico.
Draft Mexican Official Standard PROY-NOM-142-SSA1/SCFI-2014 "Alcoholic beverages. Health
specifications. Health and commercial labelling", published on 8 March 2013
On 2 March 2015, the Mexican Ministry of Health published in the Official Journal (Diario Oficial de
la Federación) (http://www.dof.gob.mx) the replies to the comments received concerning draft
Mexican Official Standard PROY-NOM-142-SSA1/SCFI-2014 "Alcoholic beverages. Health
specifications. Health and commercial labelling", published on 8 March 2013.
Any comments should be addressed to:
Comité Consultivo Nacional de Normalización de Regulación y Fomento Sanitario (National
Advisory Committee on Standardization for the Regulation and Promotion of Health)
Oklahoma número 14, planta baja
Colonia Nápoles
Código postal 03810, México, D.F.
Tel.: 5080-5200, Ext. 1333
Email: [email protected]
Comité Consultivo Nacional de Normalización de Seguridad al Usuario, Información Comercial y
Prácticas de Comercio (National Advisory Committee on Standardization for User Safety,
Commercial Information and Trade Practices)
Avenida Puente de Tecamachalco número 6
Colonia Lomas de Tecamachalco, Sección Fuentes
Naucalpan de Juárez
Código postal 53950, Estado de México
Tel.: 5729-9100, Ext. 43252 or 43244
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Text available online at: