7th Grade Supply List - YES Prep Public Schools

YES Prep Fifth Ward 2015­2016 ­Class of 2021 Supply List Supplies to Turn into Homeroom Teacher: ­​
2 glue sticks ­​
1 pair scissors ­​
1 box green or red pens ­​
1 box #2 pencils (24 pencils) ­​
Spiral Notebook­Advisory ­​
School Provided Agenda ​
Supplies for Students to Bring to Classes​
(must be available at all times): Item: Class: 1. Five­Star Notebook 2. Rolls of tape, 3. Blue, black, and red pens, colored pencils, Social Studies, Swift ∙​
1 pack of pencils (mechanical pencils are OK, just bring your own lead) ∙​
1 (2 inch) Blue three­ring binder ∙​
1 pack of 5­tab dividers ∙​
1 pack of wide ruled paper ∙​
1 pack of 1.0 point or finer blue or black ink pens no Sharpie pens) ∙​
1 pack of red pens (or marker pen) 1 notebook ELA, Kofie, Welch 1. Pencil and pen (must have both every day) 2. Two​
blue binders (2 inches) 3. Blue folder with two pockets (does not need brads) Math, Arcaro 1.
Science, Tannian Journal for science class (Do 1st & Exit Ticket) Notebook ­ 1 Package of index cards, colored or white Creative minds and active imaginations! 5. Colored pencils Yes Prep ( shorts, shirt) maroon or gray sweats Water bottle combination lock (optional) 1. Five­Star Notebook 2. Black or Blue Pen 3. Red Pen PE, Jackson Film, White Note:​
Certain classes will require additional supplies. If so, your child will be told about this within the first few weeks of the school year. Do not​
purchase any permanent markers for your student or sharpies, these are prohibited on campus. If found on their person they will be confiscated and not returned. Nota​
Algunas clases pueden requerir provisiones adicionales. Si es así, su hijo(a) recibirá esa
información en las primeras semanas del año escolar.
No compre​
ningún tipo de marcadores permanentes o sharpies para su hijo(a), estos están
prohibidos en la escuela. Estos marcadores serán confiscados y no se devolverán si son
encontrados en su persona.