Archdiocese of Galveston Houston St. Mary of the Immaculate

Archdiocese of Galveston Houston
St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church
816 Park Dr. La Porte, Texas 77571
281-471-2000 Fax:281-471-9365
E-mail: [email protected]
Parish Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00 am-12:00 Noon
1:00 pm-4:00 pm
CCE Office Hours:
Sunday 8:30 am-12:00 pm
Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ
King of the Universe
November 22, 2015
Sacrament of Baptism
Baptisms are celebrated on the 1st Sunday of the
month. Classes are held on
the 2nd & 3rd
Tuesday of each month. Please come by the Parish
Office to register or call for more information.
The Sacrament of Penance is offered on Saturdays,
from 4:30p.m. to 5:30p.m. or by appointment.
Sacrament of Marriage
Please contact the Parish Office at least (6) six months
prior to your desired wedding date to arrange a
meeting with Father Tony or one of the Deacons. If
you want a Mass, you must call Father Tony.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Are you a non-Catholic who is interested in joining the
Catholic faith? Are you a baptized Catholic who has
never received the sacraments of 1st Communion and
Confirmation? If your answer is yes to either of
these questions, call the Parish Office.
Sacrament of First Communion
First Communion candidates must be baptized, at least
in the second grade, and have been attending CCE
classes for two full years previous to their receiving
the Sacrament. Adults needing First Communion
should refer to the rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
Sacrament of Confirmation
Confirmation candidates must have previously
received the Sacraments of Baptism and First
Communion. They must have faithfully attended Life
Teen for at least one full year prior to beginning preparation for the Sacrament (more than three
absences without a valid excuse can alter the process). A
signed form stating that the parent/guardian and the
candidate understand all requirements is also
necessary before the preparation begins. Adults
needing confirmation should refer to the Rite of
Christian initiation of adults.
Eucharistic Celebrations
Saturday: 6:00 p.m.
Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m.,
12:30 p.m. (Spanish)
4:00 p.m. Life Teen Mass
Weekday Masses in St. Joseph’s Chapel
Monday (No Mass)
Tuesday – 12:00 noon
Wednesday – 8:30 a.m. &
(1st Wednesday Only 6:30 p.m.)
Thursday, & Friday – 8:30 a.m.
Parish Staff
Rev. Tony A. Castro, Pastor
Deacon Hector Cantu
Deacon Julio Matallana
Deacon Stan Avallone
Parish Secretary-Debbie Heasty
C.C.E. Director-Jessica Jaramilllo
EDGE Director-Renee Cortez
Life Teen Director-Shari Davis
Vision Statement
St. Mary of the Immaculate
Conception is a Catholic Community
of Believers called to serve Christ by
gathering together at the Lord’s
Table in worship and praise, by
serving our brothers and sisters in
Christ, and by being a welcoming
beacon of light to all. We are many
parts, yet one body in Christ.
NOVEMBER 22, 2015
“God is at Work Here”
Loan Balance
Saturday, November 21:
Emil Schaider†
By:Silda Griffiths
Sunday, November 22:
St. Mary’s Life Teen
Delia Lopez†
People of the Parish
John Carter Birthday Celebration
Tuesday, November 24:
Joan Hartman †
By:Angeles Sullivan
Wednesday, November 25:
Emil Schaider †
By:Svoboda Family
Thursday, November 26:
Sinforosa Dapitan†
By:Marden Distefano
Friday, November 27:
57th Wedding Anniversary Celebration
Fred & Pat Young
Saturday, November 28:
Robert Florance†
By:Rosita Molina
Sunday, November 29:
Gervis Johnson†
By:Daigle Family
Special Intention Elizabeth Edwards
By:Mary Edwards
People of the Parish
Jesse Lozano†
Collection Nov. 7 & 8, 2015
Weekly Goal
Sunday Collection
Please Note: You must be registered in the parish to receive a
tax statement at the end of the year for your contributions.
Also, you must be registered to receive offering envelopes. If
you are not registered and use Visitor envelopes, no record is
kept of your contributions. Registration forms are available by
the main doors of the Church, or you may pick one up in the
Blood Drive Nov. 29th
8:30am-2:30pm ~ Free T-Shirts
Please help us reach our goal...
CFL express enables you to complete The Blood
Center’s health history interview in the comfort of your
own home. You must complete the health history
interview and print your ticket on the same day as you
Go to
Principle Balance
Monthly Payment
$ 8,000.00
God’s blessings to each of you for your generosity
and support to our parish with your time, talent
and treasure.
Life Teen Thank You to all the
parishioners who bought tickets to support
us, especially the ones who took the time
to stay and visit with their parish family! A
special thanks to the Ladies of our Altar
Society for providing desserts for the
dinner. We are very blessed to have the
love and support of so many in the parish.
La Porte Community
Thanksgiving Service
Today @ 6pm St. Mary’s Church
Reception afterward in Parish Hall
Knights Chili Cook-Off
Life Teen Christmas Market
Craft & Vendor Show
Sat. Dec. 5th, 9am-2pm
Cook-Off Registration $25. Per Team
Contact Randy @ 281-842-9324
[email protected]
Vendor/Booth Reservation $30. (10’ X 10’)
Contact Debbie @ 713-417-5132
[email protected]
Justice & Peace Giving Trees...
are in the Church this weekend. Please
take tags off the trees of items you wish
to purchase. Gifts will be due back in the
church the weekend of
Dec. 12/13.
Parishioners are asked to place unwrapped gifts on
the altar at that time. The gifts will be wrapped on
Dec. 13th after the 4pm Mass.
The Gabriel Project is designed to help women and
teenagers who are in a crisis pregnancy. If you are in
need of assistance or know someone who is, please
contact Belinda @ 713-805-4961 or call the Office.
Dear parish family,
Something special is happening this Sunday at 6 Pm. Some pastors and representative members of different Christian denominations in our area will be with us for a Thanksgiving celebration. This year is our turn to host the inter-faith Thanksgiving
Service. It is a nice and meaningful way to be gathered together with our brothers and sisters from different churches in one
Thanksgiving service. For although we differ in our faith traditions we are have one common faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
through whom we give thanks to our One Father in heaven, in unity of the Holy Spirit. I hope you would join us and give a
warm welcome to our brothers and sisters in Christ from different churches. And have fellowships with them at the table of
This Sunday is particularly very special in our liturgical church calendar because we celebrate the Feast of Christ the
King. The liturgical year celebrates salvation history through Sunday worship with its grand ending of proclaiming Christ the
King, which is this Sunday, the final Sunday in Ordinary Time. Next week we begin another year cycle of the Liturgical calendar with the First Sunday of Advent.
The Feast of Christ King is the golden clasp of the liturgical year, for it binds every Christian to fight to establish His
Kingdom in our own heart, in society, and in the entire world. As the Church closes the liturgical cycle, we are asked to concentrate all our mind and our heart in the One, who is the center of our faith, the principle and the end of all, Jesus Christ Our Lord. He is the Alpha and the Omega of everything that we think, of everything that we love and of all that we are.
The gospel selection this Sunday is about Jesus, the Witness to the Truth, who stands before the tribunal court of
the world declaring, “I came to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice (Jn18:33-37ff).”
We listen to voice of the King of our hearts, our Lord. And we are called to be be like Him, to witness to the
Truth, to be a light in humanity for Jesus. It’s the Truth that sets us free. The Truth, that is God, shines for all of us, although
many will stay seated and prefer to close their eyes to their comfort. Today we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King in humility and in simplicity; we celebrate it in the silence of a generous love, completely given over to the service of humanity. Our
King comes from Heaven: He is the triumph of love over hatred, of humility over pride, of brotherly service over false attachments.
Few days from now we pause as a nation to give Thanks. In behalf of the Parish Staff, I would like to greet all
“HAPPY THANKSGIVING.” And may I also express sincerest thanks to all for your support to “our parish family” through your
financial contribution, and service your time and talents for the love God
Blessings to you and have a good week.
Fr. Tony
Querida familia parroquial,
Fiesta de Cristo Rey
Algo especial está sucediendo este domingo a las 6 pm.. Algunos pastores y miembros representantes de diferentes denominaciones cristianas en nuestra área estarán con nosotros para una celebración de Acción de Gracias. Este año es nuestro
turno para acoger este servicio interreligioso. Es una manera agradable y significativa para estar reunidos con nuestros hermanos y hermanas de diferentes denominaciones en un servicio de Acción de Gracias. Pues aunque diferimos en nuestras
tradiciones todos tenemos una fe común en el Señor Jesucristo quien a través de El damos gracias a nuestro Padre Celestial, en la unidad del Espíritu Santo. Espero que se unan a nosotros para dar una cálida bienvenida a nuestros hermanos y
hermanas en Cristo de diferentes iglesias. Y compartir con ellos la mesa de la Gracia.
Este domingo particularmente es muy especial en nuestro calendario litúrgico de la iglesia, porque se celebra la Fiesta de Cristo Rey. El año litúrgico celebra la historia de la salvación a través de la adoración de cada domingo con su gran
final el dia de hoy anunciando a Cristo Rey, el último Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario. La próxima semana comienza otro ciclo
del año del calendario litúrgico con el primer domingo de Adviento.
La fiesta de Cristo Rey es el broche de oro del año litúrgico, ya que se une a cada cristiano que luchar para establecer su Reino en nuestro propio corazón, en la sociedad y en el mundo entero. A medida que la Iglesia cierra el ciclo litúrgico, se nos pide concentrar nuestra mente y nuestro corazón en el Unico, que es el centro de nuestra fe, el principio y el final
de todo, Jesucristo - Nuestro Señor. Él es el Alfa y el Omega de todo lo que pensamos, de todo lo que amamos y de todo lo
que somos.
La selección del evangelio de este domingo es sobre Jesús, el testimonio de la verdad, que está delante de la corte
tribunal del mundo que declara: "Yo he venido al mundo a dar testimonio de la verdad. Todo aquel que es de la verdad escucha mi voz (Jn18: 33-37ff) ".
Escuchamos la voz del Rey de nuestros corazones, nuestro Señor. Y nosotros estamos llamados a ser
semejantes a El, para dar testimonio de la Verdad, para ser una luz en la humanidad por Jesús. Es la Verdad que nos
hace libres. La Verdad, que es Dios, brilla para todos nosotros, aunque muchos se quedarán sentados y prefieren cerrar los
ojos en su propia comodidad. Hoy celebramos la fiesta de Cristo Rey con humildad y sencillez; lo celebramos en el silencio
de un amor generoso, totalmente entregado al servicio de la humanidad. Nuestro Rey viene del Cielo: Es el triunfo del amor
sobre el odio, de la humildad sobre el orgullo, del servicio fraterno sobre falsos apegos.
A partir de ahora hacemos una pausa como nación para dar gracias. En nombre del personal de la parroquia, me
gustaría saludar a todos "FELIZ DIA DE ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS." Y también quiero expresar mi sinceras gracias a todos por
su apoyo a "nuestra familia parroquial" a través de su contribución financiera, y el servicio de su tiempo y talento por su amor
a Dios.
Dios te bendiga y que tengas una buena semana!
Padre Tony
NOVEMBER 22, 2015
Activities of the Week
Sun. Nov. 22:
Nov. 21/22: In Loving Memory of John & Anna Klein
Nov. 28/29: Open
Altar Flowers Available
If you would like to have flowers on the Altar, please contact
Jan Hughes @ 281-326-1604 or 903-780-5090 to reserve your
Chapel Candle
In Loving Memory of Leonardo Molina
By:Rosita Molina
Sanctuary Candle
In Loving Memory of Alice Egan
By:Cormac & Maggie O”Reilly
Thank You…
St. Mary’s Altar Society would like to thank all of the
members of St. Mary’s who contributed to the Seafarer
Shoebox project. With the help of your donations we
were able to assemble and deliver 73 boxes to the
Seafarer’s Center for distribution.
Due to scheduling conflicts, St. Mary’s will not
be having a special Advent Penance Service this
year. Please attend one of the services listed
below, come to our regular Saturday
confessions (4:30-5:30pm) or contact the office
to set up an appt. with Fr. Tony.
Mary Queen (Friendswood) 281-482-1391
Tues., Dec. 1st 7pm
St. Helen (Pearland) 281-485-2421
Wed., Dec. 2nd 7pm
St. Clare of Assisi (Houston) 281-286-7729
Wed., Dec. 3rd 7pm
St. Mary’s (League City) 281-332-3031
Wed. Dec. 9th 7pm
St. Bernadette (Houston)
Thurs. Dec. 10th 7pm
St. Paul the Apostle (Nassau Bay) 281-333-3891
Tues., Dec. 15th 7pm
St. Hyacinth (Deer Park) 281-479-4298
Thurs., Dec. 17th 7pm
Join Us…
St. Mary’s Music Ministry
Sat. 6pm Mass– Rehearsals before Mass at 5:15
Contact Kathy McBride 713-628-8387
Sun. 7:30am Mass - Rehearsals before Mass at 7am
Contact Yvonne Fisher 832-581-5974
Sun. 10:00am Mass Contact Annelise Lagasse 281-459-6453
Sun. 12:30pm Spanish MassContact Jose Vazquez 832-868-4081
Sun. 4pm Life Teen Mass- Rehearsals-Sunday 2pm
Contact Alex @ [email protected] or 281-543-7794
Mon. Nov. 23:
Tues. Nov. 24:
Interchurch Thanksgiving Service 6:00pm
No CCE, EDGE, Life Teen
Bible Study 8:45 &11:15am
Timeline Bible Study this Week
4pm LifeTeen Mass
Missing Piece Parish Hall 6:30pm
Clases de Crecimiento 7pm Rosary Hall
Silver Rose Procession 7pm Church
ESL Class 9:30am Rosary Hall
Altar Society Mtg. 6:30pm Rosary Hall
Citizenship Classes 7pm Rosary Hall
Wed. Nov. 25:
Spanish Workshop/Prayer & Life, Rosary Hall @ 7pm
Baptism Class (Spanish) 7pm Conf. Rm
Thurs. Nov. 26: OFFICE CLOSED
Fri. Nov. 27:
Sat. Nov. 28: Bereavement Care Session 9:00 am Conf. Rm
Sun. Nov 29:
Blood Drive Rosary Hall 8:30am-2:30pm
Upcoming Baptismal Dates
Dec. 6th, Jan. 3rd, Feb. 7th
Baptism classes are on the 2nd Tues. of each the month in English
and 3rd Tues. of each month in Spanish @ 7pm.Baptisms are the
first Sunday of the month after the 10am & 12:30pm Masses.
To register please call the office.
November 28 & 29, 2015
Altar Servers
Andrew Nguyen, John Paul Nguyen
Dennis Swenson
Victoria Swenson
Extraordinary Ministers Walter Hayes, Kathy Nastally,
Of the Eucharist
Fred Novak
Altar Server
Benjamin Tercero, Oliver Tercero
Lisa Raymundo
Deanna Parrish
Extraordinary Ministers Jane Shipp, Kelli Shipp
of the Eucharist
Altar Server
Laura Lara, Payton Lara
Kerry Regan
Linda Patten
Extraordinary Minister
Eloy Lara, Vanessa Lara
of the Eucharist
Altar Servers
Adriana Calvillo, Mayra Hernandez,
Alexa SanMiguel
Rocio Calvillo, Sergio Calvillo
Extraordinary Ministers Carlos Cirnigliario, Graciela Cirnigliario
of the Eucharist
Altar Servers
Ana Sofia Brinkley, Dylan Rowan
Nick Barrera
Extraordinary Ministers
Alma Brinkley, Maria Reyes
of the Eucharist
Please Pray For Our Troops and …
Augustus Coryat, Bob Fredelake, Darlene Shepherd,
Carlos Rodriguez, Alma Sepulveda, Richard
Santana, Dennis, Peggy & Erica Hargens, Sean & Gina
Dempsey, Rose Scott, Craig Wade, Jennifer Wade, Dalia
Garcia, Esmeralda Clem, Marion Wachel, Julie Smith, Levi
Dobmeier, Sergio Coronel, Vanessa Lara, Daniel Perez &
Family, Susie Kuykendall Overmeyer, Diane Lemons, Paula
Lambright, Luke Lewallen, Chriselda Salazar, Martha Dinbobl,
Martha Love, Chriselda Salazar, Saul Lara, Eric Perez, Jose
Oscar Silva, Virginia Saban, Riley Saban, Jordan Bright,
Lorena Rodriguez, Debbie Brinkley, Phyllis Carter, Liana
Rodriguez, Becca Rodriguez, Lilly Budd, Marcus Hernandez,
Marty Montemayor, LeeAnn & Family, Candalaria Ortiz, Julie
Gold-Anderson, Renee Caliva Gold, Jackie Dulin, Oscar Trejo,
Eloy Martinez, Velma Araujo, Frances Jew, Lydia Martinez,
Delores Garcia, Karen Vasquez & Family, Lina Padron, Bill
Morgan, Marcey Salinas, Rolando Gutrierrez, LeAnn Strength,
Angela Rubio, Chris Salazar, Brett Morris, Carlos Rodriguez,
Sherri Elder, Thomas Pettus, Karen Korn, Anthony Melancon,
Sharon Darden, Karen Bounds, Mary & Wayne Boatman, Helen
Hoang, Madison Wilson
Continue to Pray for Jane Middleton, Clarence Lewis, Sonny
Shepherd, Randy Hanks, Clarence Clipper, Kay Gold, Red
Cornejo, Nancy Isla Castro, Irlinda, Beatriz Gamboa, Kathryn
Coleman, Marita Hooper, Linda Jaramillo, Janet Lodge, Lois
Johnston, Joe Funda, Minnie Lopez, Baby Gavin Binkley,
Deacon Merce Leal, Charlotte Boudreaux, Marcos Vasquez,
Margarita Klock, John & Sue Crockett, Joanne Jarrell, Joanie
O’Neal, Ben Munoz, Diana Ortiz, Bob Davis, Janet Hoffpauir,
Nick Martin,
Geraldine Christensen, Teresa Eidt, Barry
Armstrong and those requesting prayer via our web site.
Remember Our Shut-Ins Ophelia Pinard, Ann Blair, Soledad
Hernandez, Elida Peterson, Carolyn Douglas, those battling
terminal illness and the residents of La Porte Care Center and
Parson’s House.
Please Note: Names on our “Please Pray For” list are left on
for four weeks. If someone needs to be put back on the prayer
list or added please call the Church Office.
Los Testigos del Poder de Dios
Nuestra Asamblea de Oración les invita a reunirse como
hermanos en Cristo para ALABAR, BENDECIR, y GLORIFICAR
a nuestro Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espiritu
Santo. Vengan
pequenos y grandes todos los viernes de 7:30-9:00p.m. en la
capilla de San Jose.
Parish Goal $50,000.00
Total Amount Pledged $48,950.22
$ 45,945.22( 91.89%)
Total Amount Paid
Total # of Participants 151
When you offer to Be Rich in Good Works...Ready to Share, your
gifts will benefit the Archdiocesan ministries that serve thousands
and thousands of our brothers and sisters in the Archdiocese of
Galveston-Houston. Through your generous support of DSF, we
bring Christ’s comfort and care to the many pressing needs that
cannot be addressed individually or by one parish alone.
Envelopes are located at the back of the church, or you can go
online to make your donation @
God’s Blessings to each of you for your generosity.
NOVEMBER 22, 2015
Samaritan Corner
Bereavement Support
The Bereavement C.A.R.E. Team (Caring and
Reaching Out to Each Other) is currently hosting
a six week bereavement support group for anyone grieving
the loss of a loved one through death or permanent
separation. The sessions are meeting for six
consecutive Saturday mornings from 9-10:30am in the
Parish Hall Conference Room. This week our topic will
be “Guilt & Powerlessness”.
For information please contact Nelda Shealy @ 281-471-6536.
FREE! ESL Classes
We have resumed our ESL classes. The classes are held on
Tues. & Thurs. mornings 9:30-11am and Thurs. evenings 78:30pm. If you know someone who might be interested, please
give them the above information. There are no
necessary. Everyone is welcome. If you have any questions or
need additional information, please contact the office.
Reanudamos las clases de Ingles. Seran los dias
Martes y
Jueves de 9:30 am - 11 am y los jueves de 7 pm - 8:30
pm. Si conoce a alguien que este interesado favor de
dales la informacion . No hay ningun requisite necesario. Todos son bienvenidos. Si tiene alguna pregunta o
necesita una informacion adicional, por favor contacte la oficina.
Citizenship Classes
Tuesday 7:00 - 8:30pm
Thursday 9:00 -11:00am
Clases de Ciudadania
Martes 7:00 - 8:30pm
Jueves 7:00 - 8:30pm
Dn 1:1-6, 8-20; Dn 3:52-56; Lk 21:1-4
Tuesday: Dn 2:31-45; Dn 3:57-61; Lk 21:5-11
Wednesday: Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28;
Dn 3:62-67;
Lk 21:12-19
Thursday: Dn 6:12-28; Dn 3:68-74; Lk 21:20-28
Thanksgiving Day, Suggested:
Sir 50:22-24; Ps 145:2-11; 1 Cor 1:3-9;
Lk 17:11-19
Dn 7:2-14; Dn 3:75-81; Lk 21:29-33
Saturday: Dn 7:15-27; Dn 3:82-87; Lk 21:34-36
Jer 33:14-16; Ps 25:4-5, 8-10, 14;
1 Thes 3:12 — 4:2; Lk 21:25-28, 34-36
Regular Chapel Schedule
Thanksgiving Week
Adoration will end before the
8:30am Mass Thanksgiving Day
NOVEMBER 22, 2015
St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store
Mon.-Wed., Fri., Sat. 9:00-11:00am
Store Closed Thurs. & Sun.
Today as we celebrate Christ the King, may we open the
door of our heart so wide that we may listen to the voice
of Jesus calling us to help build his kingdom here on
Through your donations to our St. Vincent de Paul Thrift
Store we are able to bring God’s love and mercy to the
needy in our community. God bless you for your
Bible Study Classes
Classes this week ...
No CCE~Service Project information listed below.
Questions contact Jessica Jaramillo @281-5155429.
No Class Tonight
Christmas on Main Fundraiser
Thurs., Dec. 3rd
Sunday Morning Bible Study with Deacon Stan & Tracy
Avallone will follow the CCE schedule. The program they use is
called “Bringing Faith Home”. (Scheduled @ 8:45am &
11:15am).We will be having our normal classes on Nov. 22.
No class Nov. 29.
Come out and support our EDGE program.
Bible Study ~ “The Bible Timeline” classes will be held on
Sun. @ 5:15pm or on Wed. @9:30am. Classes Nov. 22. Not
Nov. 25 or 29. This study goes deep into each period of
Salvation history and teaches about major people, places and
events of the Bible and shows how together they form the
foundation of our Catholic faith.
Deacon Stan~281-507-2253
Renee Cortez 832-283-8758
Jr. High/High School Sacraments
No Sacrament Class Today@2pm
Year of Mercy
St. Mary’s Service Project
Silver Rose Procession
The Knights of Columbus invites all parishioners to
come and celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe and
The Silver Rose Monday, November 23, 2015.
6:00pm Running of the Rose through La Porte
St. Mary’s Matachines Dancers perform.
6:30pm Rose arrives at St. Mary’s, Service Begins
MAKING TIME… “What are the things
you really make time for?” We make time
for doctors, dentists, important people, our
children when they come to visit us or our
grandchildren, as well as for the celebration of special days, anniversaries, Christmas, Easter, and Halloween. So, do you ever make time
for our Lord? Quality time? Is Our Lord calling you in the
still of the night? Come listen for your call to holiness and
wholeness, to healing and to forgiveness at Holy Name
Passionist Retreat Center with the women of your parish
Dec. 4-6, 2015. Our theme this year is Mercy: A
Glimpse into the Heart of God, based on Pope Francis’
proclaimed Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. Private
rooms/Private baths on a beautiful 10-acre setting in Houston. For more information, contact Retreat Team Captains Victoria Swenson (281-991-4780); Deborah Palumbo (281-380-0994); Eva Pulido (281-380-0994); or the
Retreat Center at 713-464-021. You may also go online
to register at
and Life Teen are
teaming up for a Service Project. Over the next several weeks CCE will be collecting the following items:
♦ Granola bars
♦ Fruit snacks
♦ Chewing gum
♦ Travel size hand lotion
♦ Individual tissue packs
♦ Beef Jerky Sticks
♦ Canned goods
Everything collected with the exception of the canned
goods will be made into care packages and distributed
in local hospital waiting rooms. The canned goods will
be distributed to the families the parish adopts for the
Christmas Giving Tree.
We will also be accepting donations in the office
during regular business hours. If you have any
questions please contact the CCE Office.
Mass Today @ 4PM
No Class Tonight
The gospel message proclaimed throughout the
New Testament invites us to live in harmony with the
world. This is a challenge to care for the world and be
stewards of all that God has given us. Like generations
before us, we are entrusted with the care of the earth so
that generations to follow may enjoy the same gifts.
Sometimes, however, we are absorbed into the ways of
the world. When we are of the world, we rely heavily on
the power of wealth, beauty, fame, and accumulation of
Confirmation pictures are in…
material possessions. We want earthly possessions and
Confirmation Class 2016
carelessly turn our hearts from the responsibilities of
stewardship and conservation.
Classes Start Dec. 9th 6-7pm
The readings today challenge us to walk away from
the world so that we might inherit our share of God’s
kingdom. How we live our lives directly reflects our love
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact
for God.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co
Shari Davis @ 281
Thank you to everyone who
came out and supported our