St. Joseph Catholic Church

St. Joseph Catholic Church
330 E. Fullerton Ave., Addison, IL
P. 630-279-6553
F. 630-279-4925
November 29, 2015
First Sunday of Advent
Primer Domingo de Adviento
Rev. Luís Gutiérrez
Weekend Masses
Saturday Vigil 4:30pm
Sunday 7:30 & 10:30am
Weekday Masses
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 7:30am
Communion Service
Tuesday & Thursday 8:00am
Saturday 3:30 - 4:15pm
Mr. Philip Marrow
Monday - Thursday 8:00am
Adoration/Adoración al Santísimo
Friday 8am - 7pm
Misas en Español
Sábado 6:30pm
Domingo 9am y 12:30pm
Misa en Español entre Semana
Jueves 7pm
Parish Office Hours - Horario de Oficina Parroquial
Monday - Thursday/Lunes - Jueves 9 am - 4 pm
Friday & Saturday/Viernes & Sábado
9 am - 12 Noon
Our Parish Mission Statement
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon us,
because the Lord has anointed us to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ!”
(Inspired by Jesus’ Mission Statement - Luke 4:18)
Nuestro Lema de la Misión Parroquial
“¡El Espíritu del Señor esta sobre nosotros,
porque el Señor nos ha Ungido para proclamar la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo!”
(Inspirado por el Lema de la Misión de Jesús - Lucas 4:18)
November 29 –December 6, 2015
4:30 pm: †Michael & Lucille Derrico †Thomas Johnson
6:30 pm: †Miguel Angel Montano
First Sunday of Advent
Sunday, November 29
7:30 am: †
9:00 am: †Francisca Gonzalez †Jose Gonzalez
†Sebastiana Gonzalez
10:30 am: †Jim Bezad †David Hartman
12:30 pm: Spanish-Community Mass
†Rodrigo Idalgo †Gregorio Idalgo †Manuel Idalgo
Monday, November 30 St. Andrew the Apostle
7:30 am– †
Tuesday, December 1
8:00 am– Communion Service
Wednesday, December 2
7:30 am– †
Thursday, December 3 St. Francis Xavier
8:00 am– Communion Service
7:00 pm: Spanish Mass Por las intenciones del dia de
las Madres/Padres
Por todos los nombres recordados el dia de los fieles difuntos
Friday, December 4
7:30 am– For the intentions of Daniel Vieyra
All Souls Day Names intentions
Saturday, December 5
4:30 pm: †Marion Bero †John & Virginia Zdunek
†Bruce & Joanne Wilson
6:30 pm: †Fermina Maldonado †Jose Felix Marentes
Second Sunday of Advent
Sunday, December 6
7:30 am: †Joseph & Michael Simpson
9:00 am: Por las intenciones de Danny Vieyra
10:30 am: †Rosalia Urso †Ignazio Romano †Guiseppe
12:30 pm: Spanish-Community Mass
†Niño Eduardo Cordova †Vicenta Hernandez †Isaura
Gonzalez †Florencio Cosio †Juana Armendarez 9° Aniversario
, Yareli Rodriguez, Paola Gutierrez,
Janet Peppi, Phillys Washington, Yeraldine
Ruiz, Myrtle Ciesla, Alma Isidoro,
Jenni Vazquez, Lu Ann Ainley,
Patrocinio Villaneda, Jerry Bear, Rina Neri, Virginia
†Rest in Peace
Rose Simonelli, Nick Neri, Kevin Sanchez, Rose J.
Ilosvay, Barbara Colowski, Helen Souta, Rose Simonelli
Rom 10:9-18; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 4:18-22
Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17;
Lk 10:21-24
Wednesday: Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 15:29-37
Thursday: Is 26:1-6; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 19-21, 2527a;
Mt 7:21, 24-27
Is 29:17-24; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Mt
Saturday: Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Ps 147:1-6;
Mt 9:35 — 10:1, 5a, 6-8
Bar 5:1-9; Ps 126:1-6; Phil 1:4-6, 8-11;
Lk 3:1-6
Monday, November 30- Lunes
7:00 pm
RCIA/ RICA St. Mary’s / St. Clair’s Room
7:00 pm
Knights of Columbus Open Meeting
Tuesday, December 1- Martes
6:30 pm
Koinonia-Marriage Koinonia –P.H.
6:30 pm
Choir Rehersal– Church
7:00 pm
Renovacion Carismatica Leaders meeting
Wednesday, December 2- Miércoles
5:40 pm
Faith Formation Classes
7:00 pm
Knights of Columbus Meeting St. Francis
Thursday, December 3- Jueves
7 pm
Spanish Mass/ Misa
7 pm
Scripture Study - St. Francis Room
Friday, December 4 Viernes -
8am - 7pm Benediction/Adoración al Santísimo
7 pm Partners on the Journey Couples - St. Francis Room
7:30 pm Renovación Carismática Católica Hispana Circulo d Oración "Nueva Vida en Cristo" Charismatic
Renewal Catholic Hispanic Prayer Group "New Life in
Saturday, December 5– Sabado3:00 pm
Faith Formation Classes/ Catesismo
Around the Parish
Classes resume this week on
Wednesday and Saturday.
Next Wednesday December
9 our classes will dismiss at
6:45pm. Families may then
celebrate the novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe at 7:00pm
or return home
The Faith Formation program is in need of a catechist for
our 4th-6th grade year 2 communion class. This class meets
on Saturday afternoon from 3 to 5:30 attending the 4:30
mass. Please contact Carlo at the Faith Formation office if
you are able to help.
The Faith Formation program is looking for classroom aids.
Some of our classrooms are large and our catechist could
use some help. We also need hall monitors during our Saturday class time. Please contact the Faith Formation office for
more information.
You can now follow us on Twitter @StJosephAddison Program reminders and inspirational messages will be communicated on a regular basis.
Reinicio de clases esta semana los miércoles y sábados. El
próximo miércoles 9 de diciembre los nonos saldrán temprano a las 6:45 pm. Debido a la celebración de la virgen
de Guadalupe. De este modo las familias pueden asistir a
novena de la Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe a la 7:00 pm
o ir se a casa
El programa de Formación de Fe está en la necesidad de
un catequista para los grados de cuarto a sexto clase de
comunión año dos. Esta clase se reúne los sábados por la
tarde de 3 a 5:30 y asiste a la misa de 4:30. Por favor,
póngase en contacto con Carlo en la oficina de Formación
de Fe si usted nos puede ayudar.
El programa de Formación de Fe está buscando asistentes
para catequista. Algunas de nuestras clases son grandes y
nuestra catequistas podría utilizar un poco de ayuda. También necesitamos monitores del pasillo durante nuestro tiempo de clase del sábado. Por favor, póngase en contacto
con la oficina de Formación de Fe para más información.
Puede seguirnos en Twitter @StJosephAddison Recordatorios de programa y mensajes inspiradores se comunicarán
de manera regular.
Did you purchase your GO CARDS? A GO CARD is a community discount card that provides guaranteed
discounts and special offers from 12 local restaurants and businesses for one year. Our families are selling GO CARDS for $10.00 each. Get ready to save money all year long while supporting your parish
school! We also have GO CARDS available in the school office. Thank you for your support.
Too much Halloween Candy?? If so, you can donate it to HFCS! We are in need of all wrapped candy for
goody bags/treats for the Christmas Kermess on December 4th. Please bring your donation into the
school office by November 30th. Thank you in advance for all of your support and we hope to see you at
our Kermess!
REGISTRATIONS are still available– For more information on our school and for a tour, please give us a
call at 630-766-0116. You can also visit our website for a virtual tour of the school,
Holy Family Catholic School
Mission Statement
Holy Family Catholic
School is a diverse community working together as a vital part of
the mission of the Catholic Church. We strive
to grow in our relationship with God and each
other by proclaiming
the Good News of Jesus
Christ through religious instruction,
faith development, and
academic excellence.
Around the Parish
Novena de la Virgen de
La Iglesia de San José le invita a la Novena de nuestra
Sra. La Virgen de Guadalupe que se realizara del 3 al
11 de diciembre del 2015. Misa 7:00 pm. Novena 7:30
pm. Celebrada por el P. Marco Cárdenas, cmf. En esta
novena además de profundizar en el milagro y las apariciones de la Virgen de Guadalupe, conoceremos cuales
son los pilares más grandes de nuestra fe católica a fin
de mejor conocer nuestro catolicismo y profundizar en
nuestra fe. De manera muy especial invitamos a todos
los padres de familia y maestros de catequesis, principales trasmisores de nuestro catolicismo fe en Dios y en
la Virgen María. Esperamos contar con su asistencia. Para más información favor de llamar a la rectoría de la
December 8:
Immaculate Conception
of the Blessed Virgin
is always a day of obligation,
except in years when December
8 falls on Sunday and the solemnity is observed
on December 9.
Mass celebration will take place on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 - 7:00 PM - Bilingual Mass
Tamale Sale
After all Masses
Saturday & Sunday, December 5
$15 per dozen!
Venta de tamales
Después de todas
las misas sábado
y domingo, 5 & 6
de diciembre!
Jueves 3 al 11 de diciembre
7:00 PM
7 P.M. —MISA
11 P.M.-12 A.M. —HORA SANTA
12 A.M.-1 A.M.—MISA
1 A.M.-4:30 A.M.—MAÑANITAS
NOVENA/MASS December 3-11 at 7 pm
Advent Reconciliation:
St. Alexander Church
300 S. Cornell Avenue, Villa Park
Thursday, December 3rd from 7pm - 8pm
Thursday, December 10th from 7pm - 8pm
Thursday, December 17th from 7pm 8pm
How can we be merciful like the Father in this First Week of Advent? The
Collect (opening prayer at Mass) asks
God to give us the resolve to run forth
to meet Christ. So, we begin this new
Church year running once more to be
with Christ who is coming to us. At this
meeting, let us be found doing works
of mercy. The Spiritual Works of Mercy are: counseling the doubtful, instructing the ignorant, admonishing the sinner, comforting the sorrowful, forgiving injuries, bearing
wrongs patiently, and praying for the living and the
dead. • Who needs mercy this week? • What righteous deed of mercy will I do?
Primer Domingo de Adviento – 29 de Noviembre del
¿Cómo podemos ser misericordiosos, como el Padre, en
esta Primera Semana de Adviento?
La oración colecta pide a Dios nos de la firme determinación de ir al encuentro de Cristo. Por tanto, iniciamos este nuevo año Litúrgico (año de la Iglesia, año Eclesial) buscando estar
con Cristo, quien viene a nosotros. Que en este encuentro
con Él, seamos hallados haciendo obras de misericordia.
Las obras espirituales de misericordia son: 1) Enseñar al
que no sabe. 2) Dar buen consejo al que lo necesita. 3)
Corregir al que está en error. 4) Perdonar las injurias. 5)
Consolar al triste. 6) Sufrir con paciencia los defectos de
los demás. 7) Rogar a Dios por vivos y difuntos.
¿Quién necesita misericordia esta semana?
¿Qué virtuosa obra de misericordia realizaré yo?
Abortion and Christmas
Aborto y Navidad
Over the last few years, in certain parts of the country, one
can give friends and loved ones Planned Parenthood gift
certificates. These vouchers can be used towards abortion,
various contraceptive devices, or any of Planned
Parenthood’s other "family planning" services (a total misnomer, since the goal of family planning is most definitely not
end up with a family).
The fact that Planned Parenthood is offering contraception
and abortion as a possible gift makes their philosophy
about abortion very clear. This is certainly not the action of
a group of people who want abortion to be "safe, legal,
and rare," as their popular phrase goes.
They want the death of the unborn child to be seen as a
positive thing, not a regrettable but sometimes "necessary
procedure" as they claim. Of course, this is not surprising,
since Planned Parenthood makes its profits from abortions;
they are just another company trying to aggressively promote their main product.
This view of life could not be more opposed to the biblical
view. In the biblical world, children are unequivocally seen
as wonderful gifts from God:
"Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of
one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!
He shall not be put to shame … " Psalm 127: 4-5
At Christmas time, we celebrate the greatest gift of life to
mankind in the birth
of the Messiah, Jesus
Christ. To associate
abortion in any way
with the Christmas
celebration is absolutely antithetical to
the entire meaning of
Christmas and to our
Christian faith.
En los últimos años, en ciertas partes del país, uno puede
dar a sus amigos y
familiares, certificados de regalos de
Planned Parenthood.
Estos certificados
pueden usarse para
aborto, varios artículos anticonceptivos, o
cualquiera de los
otros servicios de
“planificación familiar” que ofrece Planned Parenthood
(totalmente inadecuado, ya que la meta de la planificación
familiar es definitivamente la de no terminar con la familia)..
El hecho de que Planned Parenthood este ofreciendo anticonceptivos y aborto como posible regalo, hace muy clara
su filosofía acerca del aborto. Esto ciertamente no es una
acción de un grupo de personas que desean que el aborto
sea “seguro, legal y raro,” como es la frase popular que
Ellos quieren que la muerte del niño no nacido se vea como
algo positivo, no como algo deplorable, algunas veces como un “procedimiento necesario” como ellos así lo llaman.
Por supuesto, esto no es una sorpresa, ya que Planned Parenthood hace su ganancia de los abortos; ellos solamente
son como cualquier otra gran compañía que trata agresivamente promover su mejor producto.
Este modo de ver la vida no puede ser más opuesto a la
visión bíblica. En el mundo bíblico los niños son, sin equivocarse, vistos como un maravilloso regalo de Dios.
“Como flechas en manos del guerrero son los hijos de la
juventud. Feliz el hombre que con tales flechas ha llenado su
alijaba! Sus contrarios no los harán callar…. Salmo 127:4-5
En el tiempo de Navidad, nosotros celebramos el más grande de los regalos de vida a la humanidad con el nacimiento
del Mesías, Jesucristo. El asociar de alguna manera el
aborto con la Navidad, es absolutamente opuesto al verdadero significado de la Navidad y a nuestra fe Cristiana.
Jubilee Year of Mercy
December 8, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, marks the beginning of the Jubilee Year of Mercy. Pope Francis, in
“Misericordiae Vultus: Bull of Indication of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy,” calls us all to contemplate the gift of God’s mercy
throughout salvation history and in our own lives. A year of jubilee is rooted din the Old Testament. The book of Leviticus states that a
jubilee should be celebrated every fifty years. In that year slaves were set free and returned to their families, the land was not cultivated, any property disputes were settled and land was returned to the original owner, and debts were forgiven.
Pope Francis chose December 8 as the inauguration date of the jubilee for two reasons. The first is the fact that this day
marks the fiftieth anniversary of the closing of the Second Vatican Council. The second reason is that the first reading of the solemnity
recalls the sing of our parents, Adam and Eve, which eventually would lead to the sending of
God’s only Son, who is our redeemer. This is the extraordinary outpouring of mercy from a loving
Father upon his children.
Doors play an important role in the Jubilee Year of Mercy. The “Holy Door” at Saint Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican will be opened by Pope Francis on December 8. The following Sunday, another holy door will be opened at the Basilica of Saint John Lateran, the cathedral of the
diocese of Rome, Pope Francis’ own cathedral as the bishop of Rome. At that time, the Holy Father
will announce that holy doors of mercy will be opened in every diocese around the world; that’s
640 archdioceses and 2,206 dioceses! The pope will also ask that a door at special places where
Catholics make pilgrimages be designated a door or mercy as well. What a wonderful symbol of
the limitless possibilities to know God’s mercy!
The faithful are encouraged to pass through the doors of mercy during this extraordinary year. These acts are really pilgrimages for Catholics, even if it simply means making one’s way to the local diocesan cathedral or a Catholic site with a designated
door of mercy. Pope Francis outlines what the Lord Jesus himself shows us as the steps along the pilgrimage of mercy. He quotes the
words of the Lord from a passage in Saint Luke’s Gospel: “Stop judging and you will not be judged. Stop condemning and you will
not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgive, give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken
down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to
you” (6:37-38). This Jubilee Year of Mercy summons us, then, to turn to our God, the God of infinite mercy to ask forgiveness and to
give praise for God’s boundless gift of mercy, the Holy Father also asks us to be instruments of mercy ourselves in imitation of the
mercy poured out on us. Specifically Pope Francis asks us to forgive.
In what ways will you show mercy in this Jubilee Year of Mercy? How will you “give and forgive”? Whom might you be called
to forgive? Whom might you be called to stop condemning? Might you be called to forgive yourself?
A jubilee year is something that can help change our lives as Catholics. The fact that all these doors of mercy will be opened
all over the world is a sign that we are a universal church, the people of God who are never alone on our pilgrimage. Let us hold one
another in prayer, under the mantle of mercy as this extraordinary year unfolds.
Jubilee Year of Mercy
November 29, 2015
First Sunday of Advent
Besides a new liturgical year, this Advent features an additional “beginning”—next week’s opening of the Jubilee Year
of Mercy, a graced opportunity to contemplate more profoundly and live more concretely the mystery of God’s unconditional love. Pope Francis says that mercy, as the bridge
connecting God and the human family, opens our hearts to
welcome God’s love for us sinners and our eyes to recognize
others, especially society’s least loved and most vulnerable,
as brothers and sisters entrusted to our care. Today’s scriptures provide a perfect Jubilee preparation. Jeremiah comforts us with the promise of God’s justice; Paul challenges us
to abound in love for all; Luke bids us anticipate Jesus’ future
coming as the joyful advent of our redemption. But in a
unique way, this Jubilee Year’s Advent reminds us that Jesus,
whose coming we await, is already present among us, in
those for whom we need to become instruments of God’s
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
Año Jubilar de la Misericordia
29 de noviembre de 2015
Primer Domingo de Adviento
Además de un Año Nuevo Litúrgico, este Adviento se
caracteriza por incluir otro “comienzo”; la próxima semana es
la inauguración del Año Jubilar de la Misericordia, un tiempo
de gracia para contemplar más profundamente y vivir más
concretamente los misterios incondicionales del amor de Dios.
El Papa Francisco dice que la misericordia, así como el puente
que conecta a Dios con la familia humana, abre nuestros corazones para dar la bienvenida al amor de Dios por nosotros
pecadores y abre nuestros ojos para reconocer al prójimo,
especialmente en los menos amados por la sociedad y los más
vulnerables, como hermanos y hermanas confiados a nuestro
cuidado. Las Escrituras de este día facilitan una perfecta preparación para el Jubileo. Jeremías nos consuela con la promesa de la justicia de Dios; Pablo nos desafía para prosperar en
el amor por todos, mientras que Lucas se
esfuerza por anticiparnos el futuro de la
venida de Jesús como el alegre adviento
de nuestra redención. Pero de una única
manera, el Adviento de este Año Jubilar
nos recuerda que Jesús, de quien esperamos su venida, está ya presente en medio de nosotros, en aquellas personas
para las que necesitamos convertirnos en
instrumentos de la misericordia de Dios.
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
Stewardship Thought for the Week
Sacrament Procedures
Baptisms: Pre-baptism Class is required before your
Report will be given next week!
Our Goal each Week to cover our expenses is
$11,500. Thank you for your kind generosity and
your deep love of Saint Joseph.
Nuestra Meta por Semana para cubrir los gastos es
de: $11,500. Gracias por su generosidad.
date will be set. Please register two to
three months in advance.
Weddings: Spiritual Preparation begins at least SIX
months in advance. Do not make your
reservations until you have met with the
Sacrament of the Sick:
First Friday of the month at 7:30 am.
Communion Visits: Call the Parish Office.
Requisitos para Sacramentos
Due to Early bulletin transmission report will be given
next week.
Las Charlas Pre-bautismales son requeridas antes de fijar la fecha de Bautismo.
Favor de inscribirse con dos a tres meses
de anticipo.
Preparación Espiritual empieza por lo
menos con SEIS meses de anticipo. No
haga preparaciones para su Celebración
antes de reunirse con el párroco.
Sacramento de los Enfermos:
Primer Viernes del mes a las 7:30 am.
Visitas de Comunión: Llame a la parroquia.
Quince Años: ¡Solamente para miembros activos de
la parroquia!
Pantry News
Thank you to all who have so generously supported
the pantry. We need plastic
bags, please drop them off at
the Parish Office or in the Pantry
Due to Early bulletin transmission
report will be given next week.
Children’s Faith Formation Office
Oficina de Formación de Fe-Catecismo
Mr. Carlo Zeffiro - DRE
Email: [email protected]
follow us on Twitter @StJosephAddison
Office Hours
Horario de Oficina
Sunday & Monday-Closed
Tuesday 9 AM-4 PM
Wednesday, 1PM -8 PM
Thursday, 12PM - 4 PM
Fridays, 9 AM-12 PM
Saturday, 1PM - 6PM
Office Hours subject to Change
Holy Family Catholic School
Escuela Católica Sagrada Familia
Mr. Christopher Tiritilli - School Principal
Email - [email protected]
Web Site -
St. Joseph Church #512139
330 East Fullerton Avenue
Addison, IL 60101
630 279-6553
Edna Pasillas or Fr. Luis
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Pages 2 through 5
November 29, 2015