Immaculate Conception of Mary - December 8 Second Collection for

From the Desk of Father Jack, page 2
Ushers and Extraordinary Ministers Encouraged to
Sign Up for Christmas Masses, page 3
Women of Wonder Meet Tuesday, page 4
Preschool and Kindergarten Open House Today,
page 5
Advent Reflection, page 6
December 6, 2015 | Second Sunday of Advent
Anuncios en español, paginas 8-10
525 Jackson Street, Anoka, MN 55303 | 763.421.2471 |
Immaculate Conception of Mary - December 8
Masses for this Holy Day of Obligation will be celebrated:
Monday, December 7, 5:00 p.m.
(Note: last weekend’s bulletin listed the December 7 Mass time incorrectly.)
Tuesday, December 8, 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. in the Church.
(No 8:00 a.m. Mass December 8)
Mass in Spanish will be celebrated at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel.
Advent Reconciliation
All are invited to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation Thursday,
December 17, 12:00-8:00 p.m.
Many priests will be available at any
given time throughout the afternoon and evening to hear confessions as you prepare for Christmas.
Give the Gift of Life
during this
Giving Season
Memorial Blood Centers is holding
a blood drive Sunday, December
20 from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. in
FCC Rooms 6-9.
Donors must bring identification,
eat before donating, and be free of
cold or flu symptoms for three days
prior to donation.
There are four ways for donors to
• Stop in the Gathering Place
after Sunday morning
Masses December 13.
Second Collection for Parish Charity Account
St. Stephen’s Church often receives word from parishioners and non-parishioners requesting emergency assistance. While we have a policy and
guidelines for how we are able to help, we typically provide gas and/or
food vouchers. For these needs we have a separate account called the
charity account. We also use these funds to supplement the Christmas
Basket Program. Next week’s second collection will benefit this account.
Thank you for your generosity.
• Online: go to
searchdrives, type in sponsor
code 3004, then click Submit,
scroll down to December 20,
2015, then click on the date to
log in.
• Email Cary at martycary@msn.
• Call Cary G. at 651-900-5885.
Pastor’s Page | Fr. Jack Long
From the Desk of Father Jack
Parish Directory
PARISH OFFICE 763-421-2471
This Tuesday is the feast of the Immaculate Conception. On this Holy Day of Obligation we as a
church gather together to celebrate Mary who was
free from sin from the moment of her conception.
The Immaculate Conception is the patroness of the
United States. What a great time to come together
in prayer and pray for our country. The United States has many needs;
needs only brought about through prayer.
On this feast day, Pope Francis will be opening the Holy Door and proclaiming a Jubilee Year of Mercy. Like any Jubilee Year, a person can
receive a plenary indulgence for the Year of Mercy. A plenary indulgence removes all of what is called “temporal punishment” due to sins
that have already been forgiven. Sin and evil are real. Every sin, large
or small, is in some way a rejection of God. “Temporal punishment” is
the natural consequence of that sin, the necessary purification following forgiveness of sin. When I was a kid, several of us were playing ball
in our back yard. I hit a ball and it went through my neighbor’s bedroom
window. I was petrified. I had to go over and apologize for breaking
the window. The neighbors, being wonderful people, forgave me. But
I still needed to pay for the repair of the window. That’s an example of
temporal punishment.
Back to the Jubilee Year - a Jubilee Year is when the Catholic Church
across the world takes approximately a year to focus on forgiveness and
healing in a special way. Catholics are encouraged to join together in
prayer, go to confession, and share Catholicism with others. The purpose of the Jubilee Year is to help people grow spiritually, strengthen
their faith, encourage works of service, and to promote unity within the
Catholic Church and society in general. We have all needed mercy for
something we have done. We have all had to bestow mercy on someone who has hurt us. This is the time to ponder, pray, and celebrate
mercy. What better way than to live out the Corporal Works of Mercy.
According to the Catechism “The works of mercy are charitable actions
by which we come to the aid of our neighbor in his spiritual and bodily
necessities” (No. 2447)
The Corporal Works of Mercy are as follows: Feed the hungry, Give drink
to the thirsty, Clothe the naked, Harbour the harbourless, Visit the sick,
Ransom the captive, and Bury the dead.
The Spiritual Works of Mercy are: Instruct the ignorant, Counsel the
doubtful, Admonish sinners, Bear wrongs patiently, Forgive offenses
willingly, Comfort the afflicted, and Pray for the living and the dead. If
we get these down and live them out; mercy will reign in our time.
Happy Second Sunday of Advent and Happy Feast of the Immaculate
Peace, Father Jack
Director, Bernie Leach 763-712-7435
Associate, Barbara Ferron 763-712-7458
Associate/School Liturgy Coordinator, Terri Renner
Director and Adult Formation, Katie Gebhard 763-712-7439
Early Childhood (Sun. School), Ann Ridder 763-712-7430
Elem. Formation, Children’s Sacraments, Emilie Bauer 763712-7430
M.S. Formation, Tammy Santander 763-712-7480
H.S. Formation/Confirm., Chantell Haider 763-712-7440
RCIA Coordinator, Pam Havel 763-712-7437
Youth Ministry, Troy Bauer 763-712-7456
Formation Asst., Mary Johnson, 763-712-7456
Deacon Ramón Garcia 763-712-7482
Suzanne Garcia 763-712-7464
Director, Sr. Mary Anne Schaenzer, SSND, 763-712-7441
SCHOOL Main Office 763-421-3236
Principal, Rebecca Gustafson 763-712-7484
Administrator, Jay Gish 763-712-7434
Human Resources and Finance Director., Lynne Pinewski
Facility Manager, Chuck Wilson, 763-712-7474
Office Manager, Monica Freeman 763-712-7438
Admin. Asst., Facility Scheduling, Bulletin Coord.,
Julie Gerads 763-712-7485
Admin. Asst., Marketplace Coord., Eileen Howe
Admin. Asst., Cemetery Coord., Mary Jane Beberg
Admin. Asst., Renee Hogan 763-712-7442
Weekend Admin. Asst., Sharon Sroga 763-421-2471
Weekend Admin. Asst., Kathy Whittaker 763-421-2471
Weekend Admin. Asst., Mary Ann Caesar 763-421-2471
Need Prayer?
The Church of St. Stephen Intercessory Prayer Group will pray for any
of your needs: health, financial,
marital, spiritual. All requests are
confidential. If you have a prayer
request, please call Joan, 763-2705370 or Dolores, 763-421-0612.
The Church of St. Stephen is served
by the clergy of the Archdiocese of
St. Paul and Minneapolis
Priest Staff
Fr. Jack Long, Pastor
Fr. Kevin Manthey, Parochial Vicar
Fr. Joseph Kuharski, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Mr. Peter Bednarczyk
Rev. Mr. Charles Waugh
Rev. Mr. Ramón Garcia
Christmas Choir for Youth
Terri Renner,
MASS Intentions
Youth Christmas Choir Director
Monday, December 7
A Christmas Choir comprised of third grade and older youth is being organized to provide music ministry at the 10:30 a.m. Christmas Day Mass.
No previous experience is required; just a desire to serve our worshipping community in song.
Tuesday, December 8
There are two rehearsals scheduled in the St. Cecilia Room:
Saturday, December 12 from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. Maude Manthey
5:00 p.m. Dorothy Czech
9:00 a.m. Ronald and Zella MacDonald
7:00 p.m. Bradley Sroga
7:00 p.m. (Spanish) Donald Schlender
Wednesday, December 9
8:00 a.m. Elizabeth Dietrich
Saturday, December 19 from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m.
Thursday, December 10
Choir participants will arrive for warm up at 9:45 a.m. on Christmas
Friday, December 11
Interested singers may join by contacting me at [email protected] or at 763-712-7459.
Saturday, December 12
8:00 a.m. Nicholas Fletcher
8:00 a.m. Jill Adkins
6:00 a.m. Jim Gish (No 8:00 a.m. Mass)
5:00 p.m. Leon Flesner
Sunday, December 13
Ushers and Extraordinary Ministers for Christmas
If you are available to serve for Christmas, please sign your name on a
list with your Head Usher or Team Leader this weekend of December 5/6
or the weekend of December 12/13. You can also contact Barbara Ferron at [email protected]; 763-712-7458.
Decorate the Church for Christmas
Be part of the experience of preparing our
spiritual home the week of Christmas.
Please contact Barbara Ferron at BFerron@; 763-712-7458, if you are
interested in assisting.
8:30 a.m. Eva Asher
10:30 a.m. Parishioners
12:30 p.m. (Spanish) Marguerite Gebhard
6:00 p.m. Marie Notch
Presider & Musician
Weekend of December 12/13, 2015
5:00 p.m. Fr. Jack Long
Psalm 100
Accompanist - Barbara Ferron
8:30 a.m. Fr. Joe Kuharski
Adult Contemporary Ensemble
Accompanist - Marie Tomala
10:30 a.m. Fr. Joe Kuharski
Adult Choir
Accompanist - Nancy Furch
12:30 p.m. Bishop Andrew Cozzens
Corazon Mariano
6:00 p.m. Fr. Jack Long
Michelle Raddatz
Accompanist - Nancy Furch
Interpreter for Deaf and Hard of Hearing at
8:30 a.m. Mass Christmas Day
The ASL interpreter will be present at the 8:30 a.m. Christmas Day Mass.
There are also assistive listening devices for those who need them simply speak with an usher at the Mass you attend.
We welcomed the following child into our faith community through the
Sacrament of Baptism November 22:
Fiona Skye Palmer, child of Ryan and Stacey Palmer
Readings for the Week
Sunday: Bar 5:1-9/Ps 126:1-6/Phil 1:4-6,
8-11/Lk 3:1-6
Monday: Is 35:1-10/ Ps 85:9-14/Lk 5:17-26
Tuesday: Gn 3:9-15, 20/Ps 98:1-4/Eph 1:3-6,
11-12/Lk 1:26-38
Wednesday: Is 40:25-31/Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10/
Mt 11:28-30
Thursday: Is 41:13-20/Ps 145:1, 9-13/Mt
Friday: Is 48:17-19/Ps 1:1-4, 6/Mt 11:16-19
Saturday: Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a,
10ab/Jdt 13:18-19/Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 1:39-47
Next Sunday: Zep 3:14-18a/Is 12:2-6/Phil
4:4-7/Lk 3:10-18
Faith Formation
Confirmation Rite of Intent Tonight
Today, December 6 during the 6:00 p.m. Mass, about 188 teens will
participate in a Rite of Intent. This is one of the rituals in which they partcipate as they prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation in
May. Please remember these youth in your prayers.
Just a Reminder...
Faith Formation families – please remember to bring food and other donations for the Christmas Baskets to the cart/box outside the St. Anne’s
Room today, December 6. Thank you.
Middle School Open
Youth Room
Come when your school day ends
and relax and have fun Monday,
December 7 from 2-5:00 p.m.
in The Refuge. We’ll have snacks,
music, board games, a Wii, do
homework and more!
No registration necessary, just
show up anytime between 2:00
and 5:00 p.m. and bring your
Women of Wonder
Join us to learn more about and discuss Rosaries, Scapulars, Medals and
Marian Devotions on Tuesday, December 8 from 9:30 to
11:00 a.m. in The Refuge. All women at any age or stage
in life are invited to join us. Refreshments will be served
and childcare is available for only $3/child or $5/family. We
hope to see you!
Service: We will be collecting donations of Rosaries (new and used and
even broken rosaries or parts of rosaries), as well as medals, scapulars,
prayer cards, Saint cards, pamphlets, Holy Cards and monetary donations that will be used for postage to mail these items for Rosaries4Missions. Bring your donations to our meeting or to the Parish Office prior
to our meeting labeled Women of Wonder/Rosaries4Missions.
High School Open
Youth Room
Come relax and have fun with
friends Wednesday, December 9
from 6-8:00 p.m. in The Refuge.
We will have snacks, pop, music,
a Nintendo Wii, games, and a fun
atmosphere to just socialize and
hang out! Bring your friends!
Stephens’ Readers Book Club
Join us December 14 at 1:00 p.m. in the Archbishop Romero Room
to discuss The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown. It is a #1 New
York Times–bestselling story about American Olympic triumph in Nazi
Germany. The improbable, intimate account of
how nine working-class boys from the American
West showed the world at the 1936 Olympics in
Berlin what true grit really meant.
New participants are always welcome. For questions or comments or
to be included in future book club alerts/notices, email Vi at viathome@ and indicate “BOOK CLUB” in the subject line.
Media Library Available to All
Who: Students in grades 9-12
What: A time to drop in for
games, faith sharing, hanging out
and learning from each other.
Did you know we have a Media Library outside St. Anne’s Room, across
from Faith Community Center Room 10?
When: December 16, 6-8:00 p.m.
The media cart is available as a FREE resource to benefit you or your
family. Stop by and check out Catholic CDs and DVDs for children
and adults.
Contact Troy with questions or for
more information: 763-712-7456,
[email protected].
The Refuge
Where: The Refuge
Pastoral Care
An Advent Reflection
the way
of the Lord.
Glory of the Lord
Splendor of glory
The light of his glory
Laughter and Rejoicing
Joy and Mercy and Justice
The one who began a good work
In you will continue to complete it
Until the day of Christ Jesus. May your
Love increase ever more and more in
Knowledge and every kind of Perception.
All flesh shall see the salvation of God: all flesh!
Pray this week for the families who will receive
Christmas Baskets from families of St. Stephen’s Parish.
We are providing some physical presents – clothing and food.
We pray that somehow they will also be open to experience
the presence of Jesus who wants to be part of our daily lives.
Thank you to everyone who made a contribution to this project.
Sister Mary Anne
Prayer Shawl Ministry
This ministry is one which extends God’s love to others through meditation and prayer while knitting or crocheting. Shawls are given in times
of illness or grieving, as well as during
times of joy (pregnancy, adoption) or
celebration (nursing mom, recovery
and rehabilitation, special anniversary
or birthday, etc.).
We will meet Friday, December 11 at
11:30 a.m. in FCC 6 and 7. We will have a potluck lunch. We warmly
invite new members!
If you know of an individual who would be comforted by a shawl, please
stop by the parish office. All names are kept confidential.
Please Pray for...
Susie Abbott
Michael Abbott
Lynn Aker
Jo Alexander
Marie Amberg
Rosie Ancheta
Casanova Antonia
Geoff Arseneau
Donna Bajtosh
Rose Bartholomew
Pat Bednarczyk
Bruce Berg
Matt Berg
Sue Berg
Harlen Beyer
Judy Biermaier
Anne Blue
Jeffery Blue
Wayne Blue
James Boyce
Don Breyen
Julie Bright
Kenneth Bright
Sheila Brisbin
Jerry Brletich
Phil Brunt
Deborah Burkhardt-Cotter
Harold Burkhardt Jr.
Theresa Burns
Erma Butler
Dorothy Carver
Judy Chouinard
Shane Cotter Jr.
Linda Czech
Daniel Daly
Bernice Davich
Phyllis Day
Aeryn DeKrey
Samantha Rose DeLapp
Rosemary Donnette
Barb Dryden
Jami Ducharme
Richard Duclos
Roslyn Duclos
Jeff Eickhoff
Pam Eklund
Rachel Aykens Elliot
Sr. Catherine Fiegen
Liam Fields
Theresa Filkins
Richard Fillmore
Ron Flor
Jeff Fox
Paul Gammelgaard
John Gobernatz
Sherry Goldenstein
Mila Gonser-McGill
Lynn Gravett
Cullen Groff
Gloria Guimont
Guthrie Family
Don Haller
Greg Harm
Cody Harmon
Sandra Hartmann
Khloe Hartnett
Mary Heie
J.C. and E.L.P. Hernandez
Jane Herr
Richard Hoelscher
Tatiana Huele
Katy James
James Januschka
Kathryn Jost
Tammie Kaslow
Janice Katnis
Kate Kempston
Justin Ketz
Bill Keyes
Jeremy Kletzin
Tom Kobelinski
Melissa Koscisko
Jeanette Lashinski
Edward LaTuff
Michael Lehn
Vernon Lieser
Joelle Lilly
Ellie Linn
Dolores Martinson
Shirley Masters
Ed Melnarik
Elissa Merritt
Janelle Merritt
Eileen Mevissen
John Mevissen
Madisyn Mevissen
Jane Meyers
Duane Michaelis
Chris Nocton
Bruce Novak
Jerry Odash
Kerry Offerdahl
Mary Olson
William Olson
Lucille Patchen
Barb Petschl
Bernadine Phillips
Gavin Pierson
Joe Pilon
Philip Pinewski
Bella Radbaugh
Russ Radloff
Rick and Leanne Rajtar
Linda Renstrom
Barbara Rivard
Jeff Roller
Gary Rose
Arnold Rudenick
Linda Sauve
Lynn Schaust
Matt Schaust
Dean Schenk
Tom Schinn
Eileen Scott
Jack and Millie Sigfrid
Carter Simonson
Roman Skowron
Molly Spang
Helen Stege
Kathy Steinke
Zoeann Stephens
Hope Stewart
Chad Swanson
Cecil Talbot
Jeni Thomas
John and Janet Tracy
Leo Vanyo
Janet Vittitow
Jeanna Wanczykiv
Steve Waterman
Sandi Weis
Kim Wennerlund Bents
Kathy Wojcehowicz
Isaac Yarmon
Alice Zappa
Dennis Zinda
Calendar of Events
Monday, December 7
Church Cleaners: Church/Chapel/FCC 6, 8:30 a.m.
Men’s Group: St. Paul Room, 5:30 p.m.
February 6, 2016
Tuesday, December 8
Don’t miss the party! Come support our parish and school while enjoying mouth-watering cuisine, dazzling wines, signature drinks, and
silent, semi-live and live auctions. Back to delight us this year is nationally known auctioneer Karen Sorbo. The man cave called Rex’s Refuge
(inspired by New Orleans’ Mardi Gras Mascot, King Rex) will be back with
extended hours where you can sample premium Scotch and Craft Beer
and stay up-to-date on the Super Bowl buzz with large screen TVs. The
night will end with the sweet sounds of A Tribute to Frank Sinatra and
Friends by professional crooner, Kirk Bakken.
Purchase tickets NOW and save $10!
Early Bird Special: $50 each until December 31, 2015 - buy tickets in
the Parish Office or after Masses December 19/20 and 26/27.
Regular Price: $60 each after January 1, 2016 - ticket sales after
Masses or in the Parish Office:
For more information on Mardi Gras, visit and click
the News and Events tab, then Mardi Gras.
Time - Treasure - Talent: Want to volunteer, donate an auction item or
buy a table? It’s easy, just contact Mary Jane Beberg at [email protected] or call the Mardi Gras hotline at 763-712-7470.
Weekly Collection Report
Weekly Collection Report
Week of November 21/22, 2015
Week of November 28/29, 2015
Adult Stewardship
Automatic Offering $11,918.00
Plate (Cash and Checks) $7,130.23
Children’s Envelopes
TOTAL $40,657.45
Stephen’s Marketplace $337.40
Christmas Flowers
All Saints
Immaculate Conception $1,145.00
Contingency Fund
TOTAL $1,853.40
Stephen’s Marketplace $633.09
Christmas Flowers
All Saints
Immaculate Conception $35.00
Contingency Fund
TOTAL $4,505.09
Campaign for Human Dev. $500.00
Share in Care/Relig. Retire. $500.00
ACBC Food Drive
TOTAL $1,025.00
Wednesday, December 9
WHO Group: Archbishop Romero Room, 8:30 a.m.
Grs. 1-8 Faith Formation: FCC and School, 6:15 p.m.
Men’s Group: St. Paul Room, 6:30 p.m.
Reconciliation: Chapel, 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, December 10
Wedding Workshop I (Call 763-421-2471 to register): The Refuge, 7:00 p.m.
Bible Study: FCC 6, 7:00 p.m.
Friday, December 11
Saturday, December 12
Our Lady of Guadalupe Mañanitas/Mass: Church,
6:00 a.m.
Special Followers of Christ Faith Formation: The
Refuge, 9:00 a.m.
Reconciliation: Chapel, 3:30 p.m.
Sunday, December 13
Sunday School: School Classrooms, 10:30 a.m.
H.S. Faith Formation/Confirmation: Gym, 4:15 p.m.
Men’s Group: St. Paul Room, 7:00 p.m.
Intercessory Prayer Group: Bride’s Room, 7:00 p.m.
H.S. Faith Formation/Confirmation: Gym, 4:15 p.m.
Adult Stewardship
Automatic Offering $31,812.25
Plate (Cash and Checks) $6,500.74
Children’s Envelopes
TOTAL $54,323.24
NO Tuesday Evening Faith Formation: Please attend
a Holy Day Mass
World Mission
Campaign for Human Dev. $237.00
ACBC Food Drive
Ecumenical Service Collection for
Family Promise
TOTAL $1,225.80
“And this is my prayer: that your
love may increase ever more and
more in knowledge and every
kind of perception, to discern
what is of value…” (PHILIPPIANS
Glittery holiday ads can blind us
to our stewardship values and
distort our needs and wants. It is
important that during this season
of endless buying we remember
that each of us also has the need
to give back to God and to those
that are in need.
Ministerio Hispano
Anuncios en Español
Un Mensaje Del Padre Jack
Este martes es La Fiesta de La Inmaculada Concepción. En este día santo de obligación, nos reunimos como iglesia, para celebrarle a María, libre del
pecado, desde el momento de su concepción. Ella
es la patrona de Los Estados Unidos. Es buen momento de juntarnos en la oración, para pedir por
nuestra comunidad. Los Estados Unidos tienen muchas necesidades,
que pueden realizarse por medio de la oración.
En este día de fiesta, El Papa Francisco va a abrir La Puerta Santa, proclamando el Año de La Misericordia. Las personas pueden recibir una indulgencia plenaria durante este año, como en todos. Una indulgencia
plenaria remueve todo de lo que se llama “El castigo temporal”, debido
a los pecados que ya han sido perdonados. El pecado y la maldad son
reales. Cada pecado, grande o pequeño, es, de una manera u otra, un
rechazo que hacemos a Dios. “El Castigo Temporal” es una consecuencia
natural de aquel pecado, o sea, la purificación necesaria de este pecado.
Cuando era yo niño, varios estábamos jugando pelota en nuestra yarda.
Pegue a la pelota, y se fue a dar a la ventana de nuestro vecino. Tenía yo
mucho miedo. Tuve que ir con él y pedir disculpas por haber roto su ventana. Los vecinos, siendo maravillosos, me personas, me perdonaron.
Pero todavía tuve que pagar por la reparación de la ventana. Esto es un
ejemplo del Castigo Temporal.
Hablando de “Jubilee Year” –El Año de Jubilo, es cuando la Iglesia Católica
en todo el mundo se enfoca en el perdón y la sanación, de una manera
especial, por un año entero. Los Católicos están invitados a unirse en la
oración, de ir a la confesión, y de compartir el Catolicismo con los demás.
El propósito del Año de Jubilo es para ayudar a las personas a crecer espiritualmente, alentarles en las obras del servicio y de promover la unidad dentro de La Iglesia Católica, y en la sociedad en general.
Todos hemos tenido que perdonarle a alguien por algo. Esto es un momento de contemplar, de orar y de celebrar la misericordia. Según el Catecismo, las obras de misericordia son acciones de caridad por los cuales
socorremos a nuestro prójimo en sus necesidades espirituales y corporales. (#2447). Las obras corporales de la misericordia son los siguientes:
dar de comer a los hambrientos, dar de beber a los sedientos, dar ropa
a los que no tienen, dar albergue a los que necesitan, visitar a los enfermos, liberar a los cautivos y enterrar a los difuntos.
Las obras espirituales de la misericordia son: enseñar al que no sabe,
dar consejo al que tiene duda, consolar al triste, sufrir con paciencia las
flaquezas del prójimo, perdonar las ofensas, corregir al que lo necesite,
rezar por los vivos y los muertos. Si aprendemos eso, y lo vivimos, la misericordia reinará en nuestros tiempos. Feliz Segundo Domingo del Adviento, y Felices Fiestas de La Inmaculada Concepción.
Padre Jack
En Español todos los
Domingos a las 12:30 p.m.
Horario de Oficinas en Español:
con el Diácono:
Domingo y Martes
de 10:30 a.m. a 5:00 p.m.
Miércoles, Jueves y Viernes:
de 1:30 p.m. a 9:00 p.m.
Sábados: de 11:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m.
Tel. 763-712-7482
Fax. 763-421-4230
Iglesia de San Esteban
Oficina Parroquial en Inglés:
Tel. 763-421-2471
Padre Jack Long
Pastor Asociado
Padre Kevin Manthey
Tel. 763-712-7421
Ramón García
Tel. 763-712-7482
Preparación Matrimonial
Llamar seis meses antes
de la fecha deseada
Información para la preparación
Bautismos, Primera Comunión,
Reconciliación, Confirmación
Matrimonios y celebraciones
para Quinceañera
Lecturas de La Semana
Domingo: Bar 5, 1-9/Sal 126, 1-6/Flp 1, 4-6.
8-11/Lc 3, 1-6
Lunes: Is 35, 1-10/ Sal 85, 9-14/Lc 5, 17-26
Martes: Gn 3, 9-15. 20/Sal 98, 1-4/Ef 1, 3-6.
11-12/Lc 1, 26-38
Miércoles: Is 40, 25-31/Sal 103, 1-4. 8. 10/Mt
11, 28-30
Jueves: Is 41, 13-20/Sal 145, 1. 9-13/Mt 11,
Viernes: Is 48, 17-19/Sal 1, 1-4. 6/Mt 11, 16-19
Sábado: Zac 2, 14-17 o Ap 11, 19; 12, 1-6. 10/
Jdt 13, 18-19/Lc 1, 26-38 o Lc 1, 39-47
El Próximo Domingo: Sof 3, 14-18/Is 12, 2-6/
Flp 4, 4-7/Lc 3, 10-18
Ministerio Hispano
Las pláticas pre-bautismales
se toman el primer sábado
de cada mes. Llamar a la
parroquia para llenar la registración para confirmar la
fecha de su asistencia para la
plática del bautismo.
1. La celebración del Bautizo
son los domingos dentro de
la misa de las 12:30 pm, o el
tercer o cuarto sábado del
mes a las 10:30 am.
2. En la Iglesia de St. Stephen
no hay cuota para el sacramento del bautismo.
3. Las pláticas las tomarán
papás y padrinos. Se recomienda que si los padres no
están casados por la Iglesia
Católica al menos los Padrinos si lo estén, o ser totalmente solteros, sin estar
conviviendo con ninguna
otra persona. Los padrinos
tienen que ser católicos.
4. Las pláticas bautismales
son los sábados (llamar para
las fechas exactas del mes),
de 11:00 am a 1:00 pm. en el
salón Romero.
Llamar para registrarse al:
Diácono Ramon Garcia: Tel
Fechas Próximas Para Las
Pláticas Bautismales:
llamar a la oficina.
Fechas Próximas Para La
Celebración de los Bautismos (los sábados):
llamar a la oficina.
Anuncios en Español
La Iglesia Católica San Esteban en Anoka
Los invita a Cantarle las Mañanitas a la Virgen el
sábado 12 de Diciembre a las 5:45am de la mañana y a la
6:00am tendremos la Misa y después habrá un compartir
con tamales y atole
El domingo 13 de Diciembre a las 12:30pm
Misa solemne con el Obispo Andrew Cozzens
y el Mariachi en Honor a la
Virgen de Guadalupe
Después tendremos comida, danza, música y mucha alegría,
“Viva la Virgen María…Viva”
525 Jackson Street, Anoka MN 55303. Tel. 763.712.7482
“Los Libritos Azules” para el Adviento”
Para Reflexionar
Los libritos populares “Little Blue Advent Books” estarán disponibles español después de todas las misas durante el fin de semana de 4 Diciembre. Cuestan solamente $1.00. El año pasado estábamos muy ocupados
vendiendo los Libritos que te ayudan a reflexionar cada día en este
tiempo de adviento. Si estás interesado, llamar al Diácono al 763-7127482. Gracias por tu ayuda en compartir la Buena Nueva durante Adviento que Jesús vino, y viene a nosotros ahora y vendrá de Nuevo.
Pasa seis minutos cada día con el Señor, reflexionando de como tú, de la
mejor manera puedes usar estos 28 días de adviento. Tus Planes pueden
incluir cosas que son espirituales (eligiendo cuando y donde orara cada
día), enviando una tarjeta de Navidad a alguien con el que no has estado
en buena relación, haciendo algo por los pobres.
Las Posadas en la comunidad de San Esteban
Se trata de avivar nuestra fe con estas costumbres que nos preparan
para la espera de Jesús, y celebrar el misterio de la encarnación entre
nosotros en esta Natividad y así vivirlo en comunión con María y José.
En estos días previos al nacimiento del Señor Jesús, todos preparamos
nuestro pesebre en nuestras casas, que es el símbolo de nuestro corazón
humilde y sencillo. Entre más humilde el corazón, más acogemos activamente la Palabra reconciliadora de Dios.
Esta invitación es para todas las personas interesadas en participar en
Las Posadas en este tiempo navideño. Invitamos a reunirse dos o tres familia de la iglesia e invitar a los vecinos en su área para celebrar nuestras
costumbres de la fe y compartirlas con nuestros hijos.
Si quieres participar en las posadas este año y quieres más información,
llama al Diacono Ramon al 763-712-7482.
Ministerio Hispano
Anuncios en Español
La Inmaculada Concepcion-8 de Diciembre
La misa en español para El Día de La Inmaculada Concepción se celebrará a las 7:00 p.m. el martes, 8 de diciembre, en la Capilla. Además
habrá misas en inglés el lunes, 7 de diciembre a las 5:00 p.m., el 8 de
diciembre a las 9 a.m. y a las 7:00 p.m.
La Segunda Colecta Para La Cuenta de Caridad, de
La Parroquia
La Iglesia de San Esteban frecuentemente recibe mensajes de fieles y
otros de la comunidad, que necesitan asistencia de emergencia. Tenemos una póliza de cómo podemos ayudar, y muchas veces proveemos
vales para gasolina y comida. Para estas necesidades, tenemos una
cuenta separada, que se llama “Cuenta de Caridad”.
La próxima semana, la segunda colecta va a ser para el beneficio de esta
cuenta. Gracias por su generosidad, porque nos permite seguir sirviendo a los más necesitados.
Evento Para Los Jóvenes de Middle School
Vengan jóvenes, después de las clases, el lunes, 7 de diciembre, para divertirse en el Refuge, de 2-5:00 p.m. in The Refuge. Vamos a tener bocadillos, música, juegos de mesa, Wii, momentos para terminar la tarea y más.
Nos es necesario registrarse. Solo hay que llevar entre 2 p.m. y 5 p.m. ¡Y
que traigan a sus amigos!
Para Los Jóvenes de High School
Vengan a relajarse con los amigos el miércoles, 9 de diciembre, de
6:00 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. en el Refugio. Tendremos bocadillos, sodas, música,
un Wii y un ambiente divertido para socializarse y pasarlo bien. Trae a tus
“El Refuge”
Quien: los estudiantes en grados 9-12
Que: Un momento para jugar juegos, compartir la
fe, aprender cosas nuevas
Cuando: el 16 de diciembre, de 6:00 a 8:00 p.m.
Dónde: The Refuge
Contactar a Troy con sus preguntas o por mas información: 763-7127456, [email protected].
El Día De La Reconciliación
Les invitamos a celebrar el Sacramento de La Reconciliación el jueves, 17
de diciembre, de 12:00 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. Varios sacerdotes vienen para
que les toque a todos confesarse, en preparación para la Navidad.
El Sacramento de La
El sacramento de la Reconciliación es uno de los tesoros más
grandes de nuestra fe católica,
porque es por medio de la confesión que experimentamos
la sanación y la misericordia
de nuestro Señor, por todos
nuestros pecados. Es por esta
razón que la Iglesia pide a todos los católicos que nos confesemos por lo menos una vez
al año, y nos invita a frecuentar
el sacramento aún más.
Las confesiones
en español:
miércoles, 16 de diciembre,
7 p.m.
jueves, 17 de diciembre,
12-8:00 p.m.
miércoles, 23 de diciembre,
7 p.m.
sábado, 26 de diciembre,
3:30 p.m.
Una Reflexion de La
“Y en mi oración pido que el
amor de ustedes crezca cada vez
más en el conocimiento y en la
plena comprensión, a fin de que
puedan discernir lo que es mejor.
Así serán encontrados puros e irreprochables en el Día de Cristo.”
Fil 1:9-10.
Los anuncios brillosos de los
tiempos de fiesta nos pueden
hacer ciegos a nuestros valores
de la corresponsabilidad, distorsionando lo que son nuestros
deseos y nuestras necesidades.
Es importante que durante este
tiempo de comprar y comprar,
nos acordemos que todos tenemos que darle a Dios y a los que
mas necesitan.
Tel: 763-421-2471 • Fax: 763-421-4230
Email: [email protected]
St. Stephen’s Catholic Church
525 Jackson Street
Anoka, MN 55303
(Please type or use blue or black pen)
Committee Member
Donor Information:
If multiple donors please list separately or use multiple forms.
BUSINESS/DONOR NAME – FOR CATALOG: (As it should appear in catalog)
EMAIL (This is how we will send you your receipt. Please Print Clearly)
Item Information:
___ Delivery of item by Donor
___Donor provides Certificate
___ Item needs to be picked up
___Committee to create Certificate
For office use only:
PLEASE RETURN YOUR DONATION FORM BY 1/11/2016 to be listed in the Auction Catalog and on our website.
To request pick-up of your donation, please call 763-712-7470 and leave a message with pick up instructions,
or we will return your call if you prefer.
Fed Tax ID#: 41-0713861
Catch the excitement and spirit of Mardi Gras 2016!
The St. Stephen’s Church Gathering Space and Faith Community
Center will be transformed on February 6 into a wonderland of color
and elegance to set the stage for our 17th annual Mardi Gras party.
iPad, iPhone, iPod
Digital Camera
Play Station, Wii or Xbox
Donations for the Silent
and Live Auctions are being sought now
Laptop Computer
through January 11. The Auctions are the main revenue source of the
Flatscreen TV
event. Silent Auction items range up to $500 in value.
The new Hurricane Auction is fast, competitive, lively bidding on
the top or unusual Silent Auction items.
Over 200 Silent and Live Auction items are needed to make this
event a success. Big or small, as long as they are new, we can use them
all! Simply fill out the form on the back and bring your donation item
and completed form to the parish office. Refer to the bulletin for office
hours. Arrangements can also be made to pick up items if needed; call
763-712-7470 for pickup arrangements.
You will see more information about the generous donations that
become part of the LIVE AUCTION on our parish web page and
the ticket sales table starting in January. A description of your
donation and donor name will be listed in our 2016 Mardi Gras
Auction Catalog and parish web page for all to view. Promote your
business or employer, through a corporate donation.
Please review the donation idea list and be part of the energy and
excitement by being a donor. We gratefully accept cash donations
to purchase larger auction or raffle items.
Sporting Event Tickets
Gopher Football
Gopher Basketball
MN Vikings
MN Timberwolves
MN Wild
MN Twins
Ski Passes
Water Park Passes
Golf Packages and Certificates
Ordway, Guthrie, Chanhassen
Lori Line, MN Orchestra
MN Zoo
Children’s Theatre or Museum
Acme Comedy
Illusion Theatre
Wisconsin Dells
Valley Fair
Kitchen Appliances
Toaster, Blender
Coffee Maker
Set of Dishes
Decorative Pictures
Theme Table Settings
Kayak, Canoe
Fishing Gear
Grill, Tent
Leisure Furniture
Fountain, Plant Holders
Bird Bath, Garden Sculpture
Rain Collector
Landscaping, Mulch, Rock
Fall/Spring Clean-Up
Professional Services
Dining Certificates
Use of your Timeshare
Spa Gift Certificate
Bottles of Wine
Cigar Packages
Pro and College Sportswear