
Sts. Peter and Paul
Catholic Church
Sanctuary of
St. Toribio Romo
Iglesia Católica de
San Pedro y San Pablo
Santuario Santo Toribio Romo
Join us on
Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church Tulsa, OK
Sts. Peter & Paul
1419 N. 67th E. Ave.,
Tulsa, Ok 74115
From the Pastor
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Rev. Timothy L. Davison, Pastor
Rev. Juan Pablo Robles, Associate Pastor
Tommy Young, Deacon (Ret.)
Patrick Martin, School Principal
Maria Walsh, School Secretary
Gayle Casey, Parish Secretary
Karen Campbell, Director of Religious Education
Parish Office 918-836-2596
Fax 918-836-2597
Rectory 918-933-4272
School Office 918-836-2165
Pre-School 836-3114
Email: [email protected]
6:00 p.m. (English)
7:30 am (Español)
9:00 a.m. (English)
10:30 a.m. (Latin)
12:30 p.m. (Español)
6:00 p.m. (Español)
8:30 a.m. (English)
Mon.- Fri.
7:00 a.m. (Latin)
Tues.- Thurs.
7:00 p.m. (Español)
Tuesday 12:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Thursday 12:00 - 10:00 p.m.
4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
4:00—5:00 p.m.
8:30 - 8:50 a.m.
12:00 - 12: 20 p.m.
5:30 - 6:00 p.m.
It definitely feels like summer is here. As I write
this I am looking outside at the green grass and
tress and beautiful flowers as well as the bright
sunshine. I enjoy this time of the year to slow
down just a little although as usual we have several
projects that we are trying to finish up. The
Knights of Columbus are still working on the renovation of the Convent. We are in touch with two
communities of sisters and they are planning to
come up for a visit sometime this summer. We are
trying to finish up the convent by the beginning of
August. So far most of the work has been donated
labor. We are trying to get the floor finished up and
the interior painting. The exterior painting is done
and the building looks new like it did in 1950 when
the Dominican Sisters moved in.
One of the other projects is the new chapel. Magnum Construction has been working on it and has
told us that they hope to be done by September.
That would be fantastic if they could finish it by
We are also doing some re-construction in the gym
area trying to give more room for spectators during
the games. The tables and chairs and other materials that were in the gym area are being stored in the
school shed.
The Hispanic council of the Knights of Columbus
are also renovating Frank’s old shop and are using
that shed to keep their things.
There are more painting jobs that are being done
around the campus and of course we are busy
cleaning up the classrooms, etc. in preparation for
another school year.
In the Church I am looking at adding some metal
work to liven up the altar rail and perhaps we will
June 14, 2015
also do something with the Stations of the Cross to
make them show up a little better. In the small
chapel we also have some ideas of how to renovate
that space to make it more attractive. By October
of this year it would be great if we were finished
with all these things that I have listed.
I would like to thank all of you who have increased
your weekly donation to the Church. I had asked
everyone to try to double what they were giving
before and many of you have done so. It has made
a huge difference in the total amount each Sunday.
Please continue to give generously to the support
of our parish family. Make it a sacrificial gift like
the poor widow did whom Jesus praised. He saw
that although she gave only a few cents she gave
more than everyone else because she gave form her
needs, not just form her surplus.
I am happy that Father Juan Pablo and myself were
not transferred this year. We are enjoying serving
as your priests. Bishop Slattery will be turning in
his retirement letter this August as he will be 75
years of age. He doesn’t know at this point whether
he will be requested to work for another year or so
or whether the Pope will accept his retirement immediately. At any rate, things are a little bit up in
the air at this point as Bishop doesn’t want to make
too many changes since he is so close to finishing
up his time with us as our Bishop.
I hope that summer will be a rejuvenating time for
each of you and that you will have the opportunity
to enjoy some of the beauty of God’s creation.
Take care and God bless you always.
Father Tim Davison
The most important person to be honest
with is myself. Anonymous
Where the Church is, there is the Spirit of
God: and where the Spirit of God is, there is the
Church and all grace, and the Spirit is truth.
St. Irenaeus
Cross Catholic Outreach
Father Peter V. Zafe, S.T.D. of Cross
Catholic Outreach will be visiting our parish next
weekend to speak at all the Masses on behalf of
the poor in developing countries. Cross Catholic
Outreach was founded to create a meaningful link
between parishes in America and the priests and
nuns working in the Church overseas.
Go, Share Serve
Pope Francis offers three simple ideas
for evangelization: “Go, do not be
afraid, and serve.”
If you know the truth about life, love, marriage, and family, share it! To be silent “would be
like withholding oxygen from a flame that was
burning strongly,” as Pope Francis put it in Rio de
Janeiro. “Faith is a flame that grows stronger the
more it is shared and passed on, so that everyone
may know, love and confess Jesus Christ, the Lord
of life and history.” (World Youth Day, 2013)
We must share! And we needn’t be afraid.
Pope Francis said, “Some people might think: ’I
have no particular preparation, how can I go and
proclaim the Gospel?’” But you don’t need a theology degree to say something true and welcoming
about the Church. Likewise, God doesn’t always
call the equipped; he equips the called. And God is
calling you. Give of yourself. Speak from experience. Walk with someone. Lead them to the wellspring of eternity. That’s not done by coercion but
by patient, loving, and compelling conversation,
friendship, and true encounter.
Last, during that homily about our missionary work in the world, Pope Francis called us to
serve. Serve the Lord even in your conversations
about elections, even in conversations it would be
much easier not to have. You might not convince
those who think differently that the Church is
right, but you may earn their respect and a second
look. That’s what Pope Francis has been doing his very life is a model.
Copyright Our Sunday Visitor, Inc.
A wedding celebrated in the
Eastern Church has a form that was
fixed a thousand years ago. In the
West, our story is more complicated by constant
change and variation. As the world’s structures
tottered in the ninth century, bishops and priests
stepped into the void left by collapsing civil structures. For the first time, marriage was referred to
as a sacrament, and wedding ceremonies were to
be in public (assuring the free consent of the bride)
after an investigation of the couple by a priest. The
custom of the blessing of the bridal room diminished, and was finally forbidden in 1012 by the
Council of Rouen, although it continued for centuries. In the diocese of Perigueux in France, a ritual
from 1827 had the parish priest clad in surplice
and stole sprinkling the bridal couple as they stood
modestly in their pajamas by the wedding bed.
Next the bed and all those present were sprinkled
too! That’s a tradition that few Americans, either
the betrothed or the clergy, are ready to revive!
Rev. James Field, Copyright J. S. Paluch.
is looking for a full time Facilities
Management Assistant. Job Description: This person will assist the Director of Facilities Management with
the maintenance and repair of campus plant and
facilities Job Requirements: *Strong moral character. *Willingness to understand and commit to
he mission of Bishop Kelley High School as a Diocesan and Lasallian high school. *General level
experience in the building trades of electrical, mechanical, plumbing, carpentry, landscaping, and
sprinkler repair. *Must be a strong team player,
have high energy, and be willing to work a flexible
work schedule when required. *Must be physically fit and able to lift heavy objects (in excess of
100 lbs.) *Must be willing to work outdoors in
inclement weather when required. *Should have
personal transportation or other ability to arrive on
campus during inclement weather (ex. Snow
days.) Submit resume/work experience via email
to Jeff Pratt, Dean of Students
([email protected])
Leadership Opportunities
Openings now for Catholic men &
women, age 17-45. All positions offer
numerous benefits; pay huge dividends
on investment. Boss demanding but forgiving.
For more information, attend the QEV
Life Awareness Project, June 26-28,
2015. Contact: Fr. Elkin Gonzalez, [email protected] or the Office of
Vocations , 918-307-4936. You can also
register online at the Diocese of Tulsa
website, by going to the calendar listing of “QEV
Life Awareness Project” and click on the registration link; or go to and
search QEV.
All is Grace
On Sundays in Ordinary Time, the Old Testament reading is selected for the light it sheds on
the day’s Gospel. Today, Ezekiel sees God lifting
up the lowly tree and making the withered tree
bloom. So in the second parable of today’s Gospel,
Jesus encourages us by promising that, as fragile
seeds grow into an abundant harvest, and the tiny
mustard seed into a hearty plant, so God will grow
the kingdom from small beginnings to an instrument of salvation for all. In the first parable, the
land yields fruit “of its own accord.” (Mark 4:28).
Not only is the initiative God’s, but the parable
teaches that the seed’s growth, though invisible at
first, is actually unstoppable! To be sure, those who
depend on the impressive or dramatic in order to be
convinced or encouraged will be disappointed in
the slow unfolding of the kingdom that Jesus announces. But for those who do accept the kingdom,
all is grace, and that grace is certain.
Though the second reading is not coordinated with either the first reading or Gospel on
these Sundays, today’s is thematically appropriate.
Saint Paul argues that our experience of God’s
trustworthiness thus far should make us a people of
undaunted courage and unshakeable faith. But at
the same time Paul warns that faith should also
make us aware of our responsibility to do good.
Copyright J. S. Palich Co.
Ordinary Form:: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Extraordinary Form: Third Sunday after Pentecost
Lectors June 14th
M. Brungardt & S. Eschman
Prayer Intentions of Pope Francis
Universal: That immigrants and refugees may find welcome and respect in
the countries to which they come.
Evangelization: That the personal encounter with
Jesus may arouse in many young people the desire
to offer their own lives in priesthood or consecrated life.
Contributions for May 31st
Checks and envelopes
Special Needs
Year to Date
Capital Improvement
Educational Endowment
St. Toribio Building Fund
For the poor
Catholic Communications
Congratulations to the winners of our raffle:
Picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe won by Lezly
Alvarado and the angels were won by Pablo Covarrubias.
Bulletin Advertiser of the Week
Floyd & Sons, Bodyshop, Inc.
Over 30 years experience
Insurance claims welcome
10641 E. 31st. St.
June 15th - June 20th
Mon. 8:30 a.m.
Tues. 8:30 a.m.
Wed. 7:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
Thurs. 8:30 a.m.
7:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
Sat. 8:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
Brain Reed
Extension Society
Jerry Loney
John Reed Holt +
Shannon Reed
George Reed
Brian Reed
Shannon Reed
David Anthony
Myrtle Dibble, Rolling Hills, Catoosa;
Dana Petrilla, Frances Strietel Villa;
Lelia Romine, Franciscan Villa; Belle
Conner, The Parke and Ada Gonzalez.
Members who are ill and/or homebound:
Owen Campbell, Rita Tilman, Colleen Young,
Andrea Knepp, Norma Cates, Dolores Gonzalez ,
Kathy Borro (Susie Kelley’s sister), Larry Davison (Fr. Tim’s brother), Simon Navarro, Becky
Moore, Fr. Festus Maliwa, Debbie Dismang and
Susan Sam’s daughter.
To make changes in this list, please call Gayle at
the office, 918-836-2596.
Have a safe summer! Please do not
forget your parish - we are open
all summer!
I would rather say five words devoutly with
my heart than five thousand which my soul does
not relish with affection and understanding.
St. Edmund the Martyr
Informaciones Generales
Párroco: Rev. Timothy Davison
Vicario: Rev. Juan Pablo Robles
Oficina Parroquial:918-836-2596
Fax: 918-836-2597
Oficina de la Escuela 918-836-2165
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
Sitio web:
Misas en Español
Martes a jueves:
7:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
4:00-5:00 p.m.
4:00-5:00 p.m.
Media hora antes de cada Misa
12:00 - 10:00 p.m.
12:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Adoración toda la noche el primer viernes
de cada mes.
Preparación Pre-Matrimonial:
Domingo, Salón de Conferencia, Oficina Parroquial
7:30-9:00 AM
Llame a Miguel & Matilde de la Torre 933-4365
Clase Pre-Bautismal
Cada domingo , Salón Madre Teresa, después de la
Misa de 12:30 pm
Sábado, Salón Madre Teresa, 4:00-5:00 PM. Llame a
Carolina Gutiérrez: 835-7617
Catecismo para Niños
Martes- Preparación Sacramental
6-7:30 PM
Miércoles- Clases De Educación Religiosa 6-7:30 PM
RICA para Adultos (18 años +)
Domingo 10:30 am - 12:00 pm. Krafft Hut
Luis & Remedios Rivas 407-5095
Grupo de Oración
Jueves, 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Krafft Hut
Del Párroco:
Hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,
Definitivamente se ve que llego el verano. Mientras escribo esta carta estoy mirando afuera donde
todo esta verde, veo los árboles y las flores hermosas y el sol esta brillando. Disfruto de esta temporada cuando podemos descansar un poco aunque
hay proyectos que estamos tratando de cumplir.
Los Caballeros de Colon todavía están trabajando
en la renovación del Convento. Estoy en comunicación con dos comunidades de hermanas y están
planeando visitarnos este verano. Esperamos terminar con la renovación en agosto. Todo ha sido
trabajo donado. Ahora estamos trabajando en el
piso y pintando el interior. Ya hemos terminado
con pintando el exterior y el edificio se ve como
era en 1950 cuando llegaron las Hermanas Dominicanas.
Uno de los otros proyectos es la nueva capillita. La
compañía Magnum Construction esta trabajando
en esto y dicen que esperan tenerla terminada en
También estamos trabajando en el gimnasio, tratando de hacer más cupo para espectadores. Las
mesas y las sillas que estaban guardadas en el gimnasio ahora están guardadas en el cobertizo de la
El grupo hispano de los Caballeros de Colon están
renovando el viejo cobertizo de Frank y están
usándolo para guardar sus cosas.
Tenemos proyectos de pintar en varios lugares y
claro estamos ocupados limpiando los salones de
clases en preparación por otro año escolar.
En la Iglesia estoy pensando en añadiendo arte de
metal en las barandillas del altar para hacerlas más
bonitas y tal vez vamos a hacer algo con los puestos del Vía Crucis para que se pueden verlos mejor. Estoy pensando tambien en unas renovaciones
en la capillita para que se ve mejor. Quisiera tener
todos estos proyectos terminados en octubre.
Quisiera agradecer a todos ustedes que han aumentado sus donaciones a la Iglesia. Había pedido que
doblen sus donaciones y muchos de ustedes lo han
hecho. Ha hecho una diferencia enorme en la colecta cada domingo. Favor seguir donando generosamente a su familia parroquial. Deben hacer un
regalo sacrificial como hizo la viuda. Jesús vio que
ella dio solamente unos centavos pero dio más que
los otros porque dio de lo que necesitaba, no de lo
que sobro.
Me alegra que ni el Padre Juan Pablo ni yo fuimos
transferidos este año. Estamos muy contentos sirviendo como sus sacerdotes. El Obispo Slattery va
a cumplir los 75 años este agosto y mandara su
carta de jubilación al Papa. El todavía no sabe si el
Papa aceptara su jubilación o si va a trabajar un
año adicional. Por eso el Obispo no quiso hacer
cambios grandes como esta acercando el fin de su
tiempo como nuestro Obispo.
Ojala que este verano sea una temporada de renovación para cada uno de ustedes y que tendrán
tiempo de disfrutar de algunas de las bellazas de
las creaciones del Señor.
Cuídense todos y Dios bendiga a todos ustedes.
Padre Timothy Davison
Imagen de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe:
Lezly Alvarado
Pablo Covarrubias
Donde está la Iglesia, allí está el Espíritu
de Dios; y donde está el Espíritu de Dios, allí está
la Iglesia y toda gracia.
San Irineo
Lectores, Monaguillos
14 de junio
Misa de las 12;30 PM
Primera: Paty Estebane
Salmo: Luis Estebane
Segunda: Reyna Bustos
Oraciones: Gaby Avelar
Monaguillos: Rafael Ávila, Fernando Muñoz,
Jaime Gutiérrez, Luis E Muñoz,
Christopher López
Misa de las 6:00 PM
Primera: Triny Carbajal
Segunda: Laura Hinojosa
Oraciones: Reyna Bustos
Monaguillos: Martín García, Jorge Estebane
Oraciones de Misa del
Papa Francisco - junio
Universal: Que inmigrante y refugiados encuentren una bienvenida en los
países donde van.
Evangelización: Que el encuentro
personal con Jesús anima a muchos jóvenes a ofrecer sus vidas al sacerdocio o a una vida consagrada.
IMPORTANTE: Decir NO a Charlie, Charlie
Recientemente un nuevo juego nombrado
Charlie, Charlie ha ganado mucha popularidad en
el Internet. Hay variaciones, pero los elementos en
común son el uso de lápices y el invocar al espíritu
de un (supuestamente) fallecido niño llamado
Charlie para que él contesta preguntas.
Aunque esto parece una tonta perdida de
tiempo, hay peligro grave en este juego. Las Escrituras nos advierten en Deuteronomio 18:10-13 de
no invocar a los espíritus ni consultar a los muertos, que este es repugnante en los ojos del Señor.
Jugando un juego como Charlie, Charlie es
un pecado grave. Los que violan esta advertencia,
aunque solamente para divertirse, están invitando
a los demonios a interactuar con ellos. Tal vez esto
no ocurre inmediatamente ni a todos pero cuando
si ocurre es muy grave. Los que han jugado este
juego deben confesarse lo más pronto posible.