Let`s put it all together

Let’s put it all together!
So far this chapter we have talked about articles, nouns, gender, subject pronouns, the
verb “ser” and adjectives. Let’s see if we can take some sentences apart, then put some
sentences together!
Read the following sentences. Identify the parts of speech like so:
Circle the subject pronouns or the subjects of the verb
Underline the nouns
Put a square around the verb
Put a triangle around the articles
Draw arrows pointing to the adjectives
Ex: El muchacho es un alumno tímido.
1. Roberto es un muchacho americano.
2. Yo soy una muchacha muy seria.
3. El muchacho pelirrojo es muy guapo.
4. Tú eres morena y una alumna buena.
5. Ella es una alumna en el Colegio Cooley.
Unscramble the word order below to make correct sentences.
1. simpática / amiga / la / es
2. un/ él /sincero /es /muchacho
3. Ella /es /generosa /persona /una
4. Él/ escuela/ una /alumno /es /en /escuela /amigo/la
Translate the above sentences on the lines below.
1. _________________________________________________________________.
2. _________________________________________________________________.
3. _________________________________________________________________.
4. _________________________________________________________________.
Read the following letter from an American student to a new Spanish speaking pen pal.
Can you find and correct the mistakes? The errors may be anything, missing/extra words,
misspellings, no accents, wrong verb form, wrong gender, etc. Write the corrections in
the space above the error. There are at least 20 errors. Find them all.
¡Hola! Me llamo es Sergio. ¿Qué tal? Soy fantástico. Soy altos, guapo,
moreno, y flaca. Yo no es bajo, feo, o gorrdo. Soy Chicago. Soy americana.
¿De dónde eres tú? ¿De qué nacionalidad somos tú? ¿Eres alumna en unas
Soy una alumno en el Colegio de George Washington. Soy un alumno
buena. ¡No soy perezoso de ninguna manera! Soy muy ambiciososo. Mi amiga
Claudia es alumna en una escuela secundario. Ellas es bastante timido, pero
(but) es simpatica. Somos amigas buenos. Somos hnestos y generoso.
¡Adiós amigo!
Translate the following sentences into Spanish.
1. I am pretty.
2. You are a sincere friend (to a guy)
3. Señora Gamboa, you are very short.
The blonde girl is a good student.
5. She is rather hard-working.
6. The fat male student is funny and lazy.
7. He is very nice and generous.
8. The Cuban girls are shy.
9. My friend (girl) and I (girl) are skinny and red headed.
10. Are you ugly?
11. No, by no means. I am handsome.
12. The blonde male students are serious.
13. The Puerto Rican friends of Susan are students in a secondary school.
14. The brunette guy is short.
15. You all are fantastic!
Tell me a little about the following pictures:
Write a paragraph about 2 of the pictures using the grammar and vocab you learned this
chapter. (Where you go to school, where you’re from, your nationality, what you look
like, and what kind of person are you).