the early childhood bulletin - Arizona Child Care Resource and

October, November, and December 2014 ~ Fall Edition
Issue 49
C C Child
Resource &
R R Referral
Meeting Arizona’s Child Care Needs
a program of:
octubre, noviembre y diciembre 2014 ~ Edición de otoño
Edición 49
C C Child
Resource &
R R Referral
Meeting Arizona’s Child Care Needs
un programa de:
The Early Childhood Bulletin is a quarterly
publication of Child Care Resource and
Referral (CCR&R). The trainings, articles, and
announcements in this publication are submitted by
the community. If you have questions or would like
to register for a training, please contact the agency
listed in each training, article, or announcement.
Community Trainings
El Boletín de Educación y Cuidado a Temprana
Edad es una publicación trimestral de Recursos
y Referencias para el Cuidado de Niños. Los
entrenamientos, artículos y anuncios en esta
publicación son presentados por la comunidad.
Si tiene preguntas o quisiera registrarse para
alguno de los entrenamientos, favor de contactar
a la agencia enlistada en cada uno de los
entrenamientos, artículos o anuncios.
The CCR&R program is funded by the Arizona Department
of Economic Security,
Child Care Administration
by the Federal Child Care
and Development Fund.
“This program was funded through a contract with the Arizona Department of Economic
Security. Points of view are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the
official position or policies of the Department.”
Develop ment
“Under Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI and VII) and the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
of 1973 and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, insert Child & Family Resources, Inc
prohibits discrimination in admissions, programs, services, activities or employment
based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, and disability. The Child & Family
Resources, Inc. must make a reasonable accommodation to allow a person with a
disability to take part in a program, service, or activity. Auxiliary aids and services are
available upon request to individuals with disabilities. For example, this means that if
necessary, the Child & Family Resources, Inc. must provide sign language interpreters
for people who are deaf, a wheelchair accessible location, or enlarged print materials.
It also means that the Child & Family Resources, inc. will take any other reasonable
action that allows you to take part in and understand a program or activity, including
making reasonable changes to an activity. If you believe that you will not be able to
understand or take part in a program or activity because of your disability, please let us
know of your disability needs in advance if at all possible. To request this document in
alternative format or for further information about this policy please contact: Michelle
Saint Hilarie, Program Director, 1-800-308-9000.
Para obtener este documento en otro formato u obtener información adicional sobre
esta política, por favor llame a Michelle Saint Hilarie, Program Director, 1-800-308-9000.
Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) is aware
of the impact we have on the environment and it
is proud to be working with an EPA Green Power
Partner, Arizona Lithographics, who uses 100%
Clean Wind Power Energy.
Director's Corner__________ p. 4
CCR&R News______________ p. 5
Articles__________________ p. 6 - 9
CCR&R Trainings___________p. 10-14
Please register in
advance to attend the
training and to ensure
the training is still being
Cochise County____________ p. 15
Graham County___________ p. 15
Greenlee County___________ p. 15
La Paz County_____________ p. 15
Mohave County___________ p. 15
Pima County______________ p. 15 - 20
Santa Cruz County_________ p. 21
Yuma County_____________ p. 25
Provider Resources ________ p. 22 - 27
Opportunities ____________ p. 28 - 35
The Early Childhood Bulletin
Director's Corner
Michelle Saint Hilarie
Program Director/ Directora del Programa
Child Care Resource & Referral
A true democracy requires citizens to actively engage and participate in the voting process.
Without this, our democracy suffers. Did you know that less than 50 years ago, all women and
African-American men were not allowed to vote? It wasn’t until the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that
racial discrimination in voting was outlawed in the United States. This landmark piece of federal
legislation put in place laws to protect your rights as a voter. In reflecting and learning that it was
less than 50 years ago that rights of America’s citizens were being violated, reminds me of the
importance to participate in civic engagement. I am also reminded that it is important to teach our
children about the history of voting, and what it means to vote in America. Every election year they
are surrounded by information and activities regarding voting, but may not understand what it all
means. To help you in your effort to assist children in understanding what civic engagement means,
we’ve included an article and resources you can use in your program or classroom to get children
involved and to gain a better understanding of what it means to vote this election year. We hope
you will consider implementing some of these ideas into your day-to-day work with children.
On behalf of CCR&R, we also wish you a safe and happy holiday season!
Una verdadera democracia requiere que los ciudadanos participen activamente en el
proceso de votación. Sin esto, nuestra democracia sufre. ¿Sabía que hace menos de 50 años, todas
las mujeres y los hombres negros no podían votar? No fue hasta la Ley de Derecho de Voto de 1965
que era ilegal la discriminación racial en la votación de Estados Unidos. Esta pieza histórica de
la legislación federal puso en lugar leyes para proteger los derechos como votante. Al reflexionar
y aprender que era hace menos de 50 años que se violaban los derechos de los ciudadanos de
Estados Unidos, me recuerda la importancia de participar en este compromiso cívico. También
recuerdo que es importante enseñar a nuestros hijos sobre la historia de la votación, y lo que
significa votar en Estados Unidos. Cada año electoral están rodeados de información y actividades
con respecto a la votación, pero tal vez no entienden lo que significa todo. Para ayudarle en su
esfuerzo en ayudar a los niños comprender lo que significa la participación cívica, hemos incluido
un artículo y recursos que puede utilizar en su programa o salón para involucrar a los niños y para
obtener una mejor comprensión de lo que significa votar este año de elecciones. Esperamos que
usted considere implementar algunas de estas ideas en su trabajo cotidiano con los niños.
De parte de CCR&R, también le deseamos unas seguras y felices fiestas!
Child Care Resource & Referral
Notice of Intent to Award
Child Care Resource and Referral Service
The DES Child Care Administration has solicited bids to provide the Child Care
Resource and Referral (CCR&R) service in Arizona. The new contract will
commence on or about January 1, 2015. At the time this newsletter goes to print,
the recipient of the contract has not been determined. However, the CCR&R service
will continue to be available via the toll-free number at
1 (800) 308-9000 and online at
The Department of Economic Security wishes to thank you, the early childhood
educators throughout Arizona, for your continuing support of this valuable service.
Notificación de Intento de Otorgación
Child Care Resource and Referral
La Administración del Departamento de Seguridad Económica del Cuidado de
Niños (DES), ha solicitado ofertas para prestar los servicios de Child Care Resource
and Referral (CCR&R) en Arizona. El nuevo contrato comenzará el 1ro de enero
del 2015. En el momento que este boletín esté en la imprenta, el beneficiario del
contrato aun no ha sido determinado. Sin embargo, el servicio de CCR&R seguirá
estando disponible a través del número gratuito
1(800) 308-9000 y en línea en
El Departamento de Seguridad Económica desea darles las gracias, a los educadores
de primera infancia a través de Arizona, por su continuo apoyo a este valioso servicio.
Child Care
Resource &
Meeting Arizona’s Child Care Needs
The Early Childhood Bulletin
Engage Your Kids in the
by Grace Gardner from
History is always in the making. Important events that kids will read about one day are
happening now. We offered some tips for raising good citizens, and this election season is the
perfect time to get the kids excited about civics.
We spoke with Michael J. Berson, Ph.D., professor of social science education at the
University of South Florida, about ways to engage children during this exciting time in history.
1. Hold a mock vote
The Electoral College can be difficult even for adults to understand and kids may not be able
to grasp the concept of the popular vote. A better way to familiarize kids with the notion of
voting is by holding a mock election.
“Kids can vote on small things, like what to have for lunch that day,” says Dr. Berson. “The
idea is to show them the power of choice, which they will carry with them later in life.”
But what happens when one child outvotes the other’s choice of mac ‘n’ cheese for lunch?
Show the child how to “campaign” for her favorite meal the next night! This will not only
teach her how to react when she don’t get her way, but will also help her understand how to
enact positive change for an issue she cares about.
2. Read to your kids about elections
“One of the best ways to teach your children about the political process is by reading to them,”
says Dr. Berson. “Read biographies of former presidents and don’t forget to read about first
ladies as well.”
Here are some of our favorites:
Ages 4–8:
Woodrow for President: A Tail of Voting Campaigns and Elections by Peter and Cheryl
So You Want to be President? by Judith St. George
Ages 9 and up:
Lincoln: A Photobiography by Russell Freedman
First Ladies (DK Eyewitness Book) by Amy Pastan
3. Avoid negative TV ads
We often leave the TV commercials on in the background without thinking about them, but
negative political ads could send the wrong message to kids. “It’s important for children to
have visuals of the candidates,” says Dr. Berson. “Try muting the TV when negative ads come
on and use the visuals to explain in positive terms who the candidate is and what issue the ad
is talking about.”
4. Attend political events as a group
This is a great way for kids to participate in an election, but not all political events are
appropriate for children. “Younger children may be frightened by hecklers or negative
protestors at speeches and rallies,” says Dr. Berson. “A more developmentally-appropriate
option would be to attend a parade that a candidate is in.”
Child Care Resource & Referral
5. Show your patriotism
It may not be appropriate to dress children in t-shirts or stickers that promote a candidate; they
are too young to fully understand. Dr. Berson says that a better option is to give your child a
flag to wave if you are attending a political event.
6. Keep it positive
Dr. Berson says that it’s good to show children your sense of connection to a particular party
or candidate. However, you should always speak respectfully of opposing parties. Teaching
children to respect both sides is a great lesson that will carry over into other relationships in
their life.
7. Discuss platforms, not parties
Encourage children to create their own opinions by talking to them about different sides of
issues as opposed to talking about the different parties.
8. Relate the election to your home and community
The best way for kids to understand politics on a national scale is by showing them ways to
actively get involved in their home or community. You can start by letting kids think of ways
to improve the area around them by working on community service projects that they are
passionate about. Sites like Volunteer Match, Do Something and The Volunteer Family offer
great ways to learn about kid-friendly service opportunities in your community.
"Every election is determined by the people
that show up."
-Larry J. Sabato
The Early Childhood Bulletin
Interese a sus Niños con la
por Grace Gardner de
Historia siempre se esta creando. Eventos importantes que niños leerán algún día están
sucediendo ahora. Ofrecimos algunos consejos de como criar buenos ciudadanos y en esta
temporada electoral es el tiempo perfecto para emocionar a los niños sobre cívicas.
Hablamos con Micheal J. Berson, Ph.D., profesor de educación de ciencias sociales en la
Universidad de Florida del Sur, sobre maneras de como involucrar a niños durante este
emocionante tiempo histórico.
1. Simule una votación
El Colegio Electoral es difícil de entender hasta para que adultos lo entiendan y niños no
podrán comprender el concepto del voto popular. Una mejor manera de familiarizar a los
niños con la noción del voto es teniendo una elección simulada.
“Niños pueden votar por cosas pequeñas, como que van a almorzar ese día”, dice el Dr.
Berson. “La idea es de enseñarles el poder de la selección, el cual llevaran con ellos más tarde
en la vida.”
¿Pero que pasa cuando un niño supera la selección de macarrón con queso para el almuerzo?
Enseñele al niño como “hacer campaña” al siguiente día por su comida preferida. Esto no
solo le enseñara como reaccionar cuando no consigue lo que quiere, pero también le ayudara a
entender como promulgar un cambio positivo por los asuntos que le interesan.
2. Léale a sus niños sobre las elecciones
“Una de las mejores maneras de enseñarle a sus niños sobre el proceso politico es leyéndoles,”
dice el Dr. Berson. Lea biografías de presidentes pasados y no se le olvide de leer también
sobre las primeras damas.”
Aquí están algunos de nuestros favoritos:
Edades 4–8:
Woodrow for President: A Tail of Voting Campaigns and Elections por Peter y Cheryl Barnes
So You Want to be President? por Judith St. George
Edades 9 y más:
Lincoln: A Photobiography por Russell Freedman
First Ladies (DK Eyewitness Book) por Amy Pastan
3. Evite anuncios televisados negativos
Es seguido cuando dejamos prendidos los comerciales de television en el fondo sin pensar
en ellos, pero anuncios politicos negativos podrán mandar el mensaje equivocado a niños.
“Es importante que los niños tengan una visual de los candidatos,” dice el Dr. Berson. “Trate
de poner la television en silencio cuando vengan los anuncios negativos y trate de usar los
visuales para explicar en términos positivos quien es el candidato y cual es el asunto del cual
esta hablando el anuncio.”
Child Care
Care Resource
Resource &
& Referral
4. Atienda eventos politicos en grupo
Esta es una gran manera en que niños puedan participar en la elección, pero no todos los
eventos politicos son apropiados para niños. “Ninos pequeños se pueden asustar con objetantes
or manifestadores negativos en discursos o demostraciones, “ dice el Dr. Berson. “Una mejor
opción desarrolladamente apropiada seria atender un desfile en donde aparece el candidato
5. Demuestre su patriotismo
No podría ser apropiado vestir a los niños en camisetas o con calcomanías que promocionan
a un candidato; son muy pequeños para entender completamente. Dr. Berson dice que una
mejor opción seria darle una bandera para que el niño mueva si atenderá un evento politico.
6. Manténgalo positivo
Dr. Berson dice que es bueno ensebarle a los niños su sentido de conexión hacia un partido o
candidato particular. Sin embargo, siempre debe de hablar respetuosamente sobre los partidos
opuestos. Enseñándole a los niños que respeten ambos lados es una gran lección que llevaran
con ellos a través de otras relaciones en sus vidas.
7. Discuta plataformas, no partidos
Anime a los niños que formen sus propias opiniones hablando con ellos sobre los diferentes
lados de temas en vez de hablarles sobre los diferentes partidos.
8. Relacione la elección con su hogar o comunidad
La mejor manera que niños entiendan la política a una escala nacional es enseñándoles las
diferentes maneras de involucrarse en el hogar y en la comunidad. Podría empezar dejando
a los niños que piensen en maneras de como mejorar el area alrededor de ellos trabajando
en projectos de servicio comunitarios que los apasiona. Sitios como Volunteer Match,
Do Something y The Volunteer Family ofrecen grandes maneras de como aprender sobre
oportunidades serviciales para niños en su comunidad.
"Cada elección es determinada por la gente
que se presenta."
-Larry J. Sabato
The Early
Early Childhood
Childhood Bulletin
The trainings on this page are sponsored by Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R),
a program of Child & Family Resources, Inc.
Register Online at
Training Requirements: CGD = Child Growth & Development
HS = Health and Safety
PA = Program Administration
ACS = Availability of Community Services OTH= Other
City: Safford Tue, Oct 7, 2014
6:30 pm
Length: 2 hrs
Cost: $0
Growing Up Again
This workshop will support child care professionals to meet
the diverse and unique needs of children struggling or tangled
within the DCS system, foster care homes, or emotional instability
of a challenging or changing home environment. Learn skills
to balance the emotional support children need in child care
programs to help them learn to overcome diversity, provide the
tools to help children build life skills,and inspire those who work
alongside them to value the impact they have on the children and
families we serve.
Trainer: Misty Early
Location: First United Methodist Church
1020 S. 10th Ave.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Tucson Tue, Oct 14, 2014 6:30 pm
Length: 2 hrs
Cost: $0
Keeping Children Safe: Emergency Preparedness, Part 1
The work providers do to ensure high quality experiences for
young children and their families is obsolete if they cannot keep
children safe in the event of a natural disaster, technological
disaster, or some form of an attack. Participants will learn tools,
resources, and ideas about creating, planning and implementing
emergency disaster plan and disaster preparedness.
Trainer: Misty Early
Location: Light the Way Preschool
8611 N. Silverbell Rd.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Tucson Thu, Oct 9, 2014 6:30 pm
Length: 2 hrs
Cost: $0
Marketing Your Program: Practical Tools & Tips
Participants in this workshop will learn practical ways of
marketing their child care program in an engaging and
professional manner. Participants will also learn about
developing and implementing a strategic marketing plan.
Trainer: Michelle Saint Hilarie
Location: Child & Family Resources
2800 E. Broadway Blvd.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Tucson Thu, Oct 30, 2014 6:30 pm
Length: 2 hrs
Cost: $0
Oh the Thinks We Can Think!
Participants will learn how developing children’s critical thinking
through conversation extends their learning and aids in their
overall growth and development. You will learn tools and
strategies to help children see/think/wonder.
Trainer: Christine Vega
Location: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
2800 E Broadway Blvd.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Tucson Tue, Nov 4, 2014
6:30 pm
Length: 2 hrs Cost: $0
Fun Food! Healthy Snack Ideas
Picky eating is temporary and there are many things you can do
to deal with picky eating in a positive way. One way is to make
food fun! Join us in this workshop to learn fun and creative ways
to get children eating healthy and nutritious snacks!
Trainer: Christine Vega
Location: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
2800 E Broadway Blvd.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Safford Tue, Nov 4, 2014 6:30 pm
Length: 2 hrs
Cost: $0
Keeping Children Safe: Emergency Preparedness-Part 2
Part 2 will go deeper into the tools, resources, and ideas about
creating, planning and implementing emergency disaster
plan and disaster preparedness. Participants will develop an
emergency and evacuation plan for their family child care home
or child care center, as well as discuss various scenarios that
could occur and how to plan for them.
Trainer: Misty Early
Location: Redeemer Lutheran Preschool
8845 N. Silverbell Rd.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Tucson Thu, Nov 13, 2014
6:30 pm
Length: 2 hrs Cost: $0
Childhood Trauma
Participants will explore how trauma and traumatic experiences
impact a child's development and behavior in early childhood
settings and classrooms. Participants will engage in a discussion
on compassionate and effective responses to young children that
allow them to be responsible and responsive
Trainer: Renee Hartje
Location: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
2800 E Broadway Blvd.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.
Estos entrenamientos son patrosinados por Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R),
un programa de Child & Family Resources, Inc.
Registrese en linea en
Training Requirements: CGD = Child Growth & Development
HS = Health and Safety
PA = Program Administration
ACS = Availability of Community Services OTH= Other
Ciudad: Tucson mar, 18 de nov, 2014 6:30 pm
Duración: 2 hrs
Costo: $0
¡Pequeños Genios! La Incorporación de STEM en su Trabajo
En este taller se les enseñará a los participantes cómo incorporar
el aprendizaje STEM a diario cuando se trabaja con niños en edad
preescolar (entre 3-5 años). Los participantes escucharán, verán
y practicarán la información básica y las habilidades necesarias
para avanzar su trabajo en esta dirección importante que puede
afectar el éxito a largo plazo de los niños que aprecian tanto!
Entrenador: Marie Fordney & Arcelia Cornidez
Locación: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
2800 E Broadway Blvd.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTR
 Bébé/Niño Pequeño  Preescolar  Edad Escolar
City: Tucson Thu, Dec 4, 2014 6:30 pm
Length: 2 hrs
Cost: $0
Nutrition: Be a Model
You can do many things to help your children develop healthy
eating habits for life. Offering a variety of foods helps children
get the nutrients they need from every food group. Attend this
workshop to learn tool and techniques for being a nutrition role
Trainer: Christine Vega
Location: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
2800 E Broadway Blvd.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
We wish you happy holidays!
¡Les deseamos felices
City: Tucson Tue, Dec 16, 2014
6:30 pm
Length: 2 hrs
Cost: $0
Sensational School Age Science
Learn how science is important to incorporate into out-of-school
time programs. Join in the fun of learning some new science
experiments that are creative, inexpensive, and engaging.
Trainer: Christine Vega & Renee Hartje
Location: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
2800 E Broadway Blvd.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Yuma Sat, Oct 11, 2014 9:00 am
Length: 2 hrs Cost: $0
Promoting Quality Child Care
Participants will learn what the elements of a quality child
care program. Participants will discuss what a quality child
care program looks, sounds, and feels like, as well s the ways
professionalism in the work place leads to a high-quality
Trainer: Lourdes Encinas
Location: Yuma Main Library
2951 S. 21st Dr.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
Ciudad: Yuma
sab, 11 de oct, 2014
12:00 pm
Length: 2 hrs
Cost: $0
Promoviendo el Cuidado de Niños de Calidad
Los participantes aprenderán los elementos de un programa
de cuidado de niños de calidad. Participantes discutirán como
se ve un programa de cuidado de niños de calidad, como se
escucha, y como se siente, también se discutirá lo que conduce el
profesionalismo en un programa de alta calidad.
Entrenador: Lourdes Encinas
Locación: Yuma Main Library
2951 S. 21st. Dr.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTR
 Bébé/Niño Pequeño  Preescolar  Edad Escolar
Ciudad: Yuma
sab, 15 de nov, 2014
9:00 am
Duración: 2 hrs
Costo: $0
Mantener a los Niños Seguros: Parte 1
El trabajo que proveedores hacen para garantizar experiencias
de alta calidad para niños pequeños y sus familias es obsoleto
si no pueden mantener a los niños a salvo en caso de un
desastre natural, desastre tecnológico o algún tipo de ataque.
Participantes aprenderán técnicas, recursos e ideas sobre
la creación, planificación e implementación de un plan de
emergencia y la preparación de desastres.
Entrenador: Lourdes Encinas
Location: Yuma Main Library
2951 S. 21st Dr.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTR
 Bébé/Niño Pequeño  Preescolar  Edad Escolar
If you have any questions about our
trainings, please call us
at 520-320-2213
Si tiene cualquier pregunta sobre
nuestros entrenamientos, por favor
llame al 520-320-2213
The trainings on this page are sponsored by Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R),
a program of Child & Family Resources, Inc.
Register Online at
Training Requirements: CGD = Child Growth & Development
HS = Health and Safety
PA = Program Administration
ACS = Availability of Community Services OTH= Other
Ciudad: Yuma
sab, 15 de nov, 2014
12:00 pm
Duración: 2 hrs
Costo: $0
Mantener a los Niños Seguros: Parte 2
Parte 2 se concentrara en las técnicas, recursos e ideas sobre
la creación, planificación e implementación de un plan de
emergencia y la preparación de desastres. Participantes
desarrollaran un plan de emergencia y evacuación para su hogar
familiar de cuidado de niños o centro de cuidado de niños, al igual
que se discutirán varios escenarios que podrían ocurrir y como
planear para ellos.
Entrenador: Lourdes Encinas
Locación: Yuma Main Library
2951 S. 21st Dr.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTR
 Bébé/Niño Pequeño  Preescolar  Edad Escolar
City: Yuma
Sat, Dec 13, 2014
9:00 am
Length: 2 hrs
Cost: $0
Sleep Safety for Infants and Toddlers
Learning about SIDS and safe sleep for babies is important for
all caregivers, not just for parents. Child care providers will
learn more about sleep safety and the simple steps that can save
a child's life. The term "SIDS" may sound scary. But there are a
number of ways you can lower his or her risk while giving babies
the best care possible.
Trainer: Lourdes Encinas
Location: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
201 S. 3rd Ave.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
Ciudad: Yuma
sab, 13 de dic, 2014
12:00 pm
Duración: 2 hrs
Costo: $0
Dormir Seguro para Infantes y Niños
Aprender sobre SIDS y la seguridad de los bebes al dormir es
importante para todos los que cuidan niños, no solo para los
padres. Proveedores de cuidado de niños aprenderán mas sobre
la seguridad al dormir y los pasos simples que pueden salvar la
vida de los niños. El término "SIDS" suena intimidante. Pero hay
maneras en las que puede reducir el riesgo mientras provee el
mejor cuidado posible.
Entrenador: Lourdes Encinas
Locación: Yuma Main Library
2951 S. 21st Dr.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTR
 Bébé/Niño Pequeño  Preescolar  Edad Escolar
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Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.
Estos entrenamientos
son patrosinados
por Child
and Referral (CCR&R),
Care Resource
un programa de
Registration Form
Important Information
1. Registration is first come, first served. You may register via fax, e-mail or online at
Always provide CCR&R with the following registration information: name of participant, address, phone number, child care facility name (if applicable)
and the training(s) you wish to attend. Please provide a daytime phone number (so that we may contact you to confirm your training registration).
2. If a class is full you will be notified and placed on a waiting list. We will call if a space becomes available.
3. Registration can only be taken by phone if it is within one week of the workshop date.
4. You may check the status of your registration by calling CCR&R at (520) 320-2213 or 1-800-308-9000 or e-mail us at [email protected].
5. Trainings are subject to cancellation if there are less than seven (7) people registered in Pima County and five (5) in the outlying counties.
6. Please DO NOT bring children to trainings, as child care is not provided.
7. Please arrive early.
In compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), reasonable accomodations will be made to aid any individual with special needs who
register to attend a CCR&R training. If you are in need of a special accommodation, please notify the CCR&R Training Coordinator at (520) 320-2213 or
1-800-308-9000 no later than 10 days prior to the date of the training.
CityStateZip Code
TelephoneE-mail Address
Center or Program Name
Type of Child Care (Circle One)
Please check the trainings you would like to register for
(Space is limited and will be awarded on a first-come, first served basis):
 Growing Up Again (Oct 7, 6:30 pm)
 Keeping Children Safe: Emergency Preparedness: Part 1 (Oct 14, 6:30 pm)
 Marketing Your Program: Practical Tools & Tips (Oct 9, 6:30 pm)
 Oh The Things We Can Think! (Oct 30, 6:30 pm)
 Fun Food! Healthy Snack Ideas (Nov 4, 6:30 pm)
 Keeping Children Safe: Emergency Preparedness: Part 2 (Nov 4, 6:30 pm)
 Childhood Trauma (Nov 13, 6:30 pm)
 ¡Pequeños Genios! La Incorporación de STEM en su Trabajo (18 de nov, 6:30 pm)
 Nutrition: Be a Model (Dec 4, 6:30 pm)
 Sensational School Age Science (Dec 16, 6:30 pm)
 Promoting Quality Child Care (Oct 11, 9:00 am)
 Promoviendo el Cuidado de Niños de Calidad (11 de oct, 12:00 pm)
 Mantener a los Niños Seguros: Parte 1 (15 de nov, 9:00 am)
 Mantener a los Niños Seguros: Parte 2 (15 de nov, 12:00 pm)
 Sleep Safety for Infants and Toddlers (Dec 13, 9:00 am)
 Dormir Seguro para Infantes y Niños (13 de dic, 12:00 pm)
Favor de REGISTRARSE CON ANTICIPACIÓN para asistir y asegurar que los entrenamientos aun se llevan a cabo.
Estos entrenamientos
son patrosinados
Care Resource
and Referral (CCR&R),
de Childpor
and Referral
un programa
& Family Resources, Inc.
Información Importante
1. Se registra y atiende al primero en llegar. Se puede registrar por fax, correo electrónico, o en linea en
Siempre proporcione a CCR&R la siguiente informacion sobre registracion: nombre del participante, domicilio, número de teléfono, nombre del negocio
de cuidado de niños (si aplica) y los entrenamientos que desea atender. Por favor proporcione un número de teléfono donde pueda ser localizado
durante el día para confirmar su registración al entrenamiento.
2. Si la clase está llena, se le notificará, y su nombre será puesto en lista de espera. Le llamaremos si hay espacio disponible.
3. Podemos tomar su registración por teléfono solo si es una semana antes de la fecha del entrenamiento.
4. Puede llamar a CCR&R al (520) 320-2213 o al 1-800-308-9000 o mande un correo electronico a [email protected] para revisar el estado de
su registración.
5. Los entrenamientos son sujetos a cancelación si hay menos de siete (7) personas registradas en el condado de Pima, y cinco (5) en los demás condados.
6. Favor de NO TRAER niños a los entrenamientos, ya que no se provee cuidado de niños.
7. Por favor llegue temprano.
En cumplimiento con la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades (ADA), se hará alojamiento razonable para ayudar a cualquier persona con
necesidades especiales que se registren para asistir a un entrenamiento de CCR&R. Si usted necesita alojamiento especial, por favor notifique al
Coordinador de entrenamientos de CCR&R al (520) 320-2213 o al 1-800-308-9000 al menos 10 días antes de la fecha del entrenamiento.
Codigo Postal
Correo Electronico (E-mail)
Centro o Nombre del Programa
Tipo de Cuidado de Niños (Circule Uno)
Por favor marque los entrenamientos a los que le gustaria registrarse
(Cupo es limitado y se otorgara en orden de registro):
 Growing Up Again (Oct 7, 6:30 pm)
 Keeping Children Safe: Emergency Preparedness: Part 1 (Oct 14, 6:30 pm)
 Marketing Your Program: Practical Tools & Tips (Oct 9, 6:30 pm)
 Oh The Things We Can Think! (Oct 30, 6:30 pm)
 Fun Food! Healthy Snack Ideas (Nov 4, 6:30 pm)
 Keeping Children Safe: Emergency Preparedness: Part 2 (Nov 4, 6:30 pm)
 Childhood Trauma (Nov 13, 6:30 pm)
 ¡Pequeños Genios! La Incorporación de STEM en su Trabajo (18 de nov, 6:30 pm)
 Nutrition: Be a Model (Dec 4, 6:30 pm)
 Sensational School Age Science (Dec 16, 6:30 pm)
 Promoting Quality Child Care (Oct 11, 9:00 am)
 Promoviendo el Cuidado de Niños de Calidad (11 de oct, 12:00 pm)
 Mantener a los Niños Seguros: Parte 1 (15 de nov, 9:00 am)
 Mantener a los Niños Seguros: Parte 2 (15 de nov, 12:00 pm)
 Sleep Safety for Infants and Toddlers (Dec 13, 9:00 am)
 Dormir Seguro para Infantes y Niños (13 de dic, 12:00 pm)
Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.
Requisitos de Entrenamiento: CGD = Crecimiento y Desarrollo
HS = Salud y Seguridad
PA = Administración de Programa
ACS = Disponibilidad de Servicio a la Comunidad
OTR = Otro
City: Sierra Vista
Length: 16 hrs
Sat, Oct 18 & 25, 2014
Cost: $0
8:30 am
CSEFEL Infant/Toddler Series-Promoting Social and
Emotional Competence
These 2-8 hour sessions will increase your capacity and skills
regarding how to address challenging behavior and promote
social and emotional skills with infants and toddlers. Lunch
offered and incentives are provided for those who attend both
Trainer: Gloria E. Osborne
Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation
1939 Frontage Rd. Ste A
How to Register: Call (866) 987-2469
email: [email protected]
Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Sierra Vista Sat, Nov 1, 2014 Length: 7 hrs
Cost: $0
9:00 am
(S.T.E.P.S) to Early Brain Development
Children need to feel secure and loved; to be touched, cuddled,
and held; to receive visual and sound stimulation and have
opportunities to play frequently thought the day to develop a
healthy foundation or neural pathways that allow them to reach
their highest potential. Pre registration is required.
Pam Webb
University of Arizona South
1140 N. Colombo Ave.
How to Register: Call (877) 733-1270
email: [email protected]
Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Thatcher Sat, Oct 25, 2014 Length: 3.5 hrs
Cost: $0
9:00 am
City: Thatcher Sat, Oct 25, 2014 Length: 3.5 hrs
Cost: $0
Bathing Children in Language
Participants will explore the different needs infants and toddlers
have in terms of language development. Participants will be able
to determine effective ways of promoting language development
during each of the three ages of infancy, young infant, mobile
infant and older infant/toddler. Pre registration is required.
Connie Espinoza
Eastern Arizona College
1040 N. College Ave.
How to Register: Call (877) 733-1270
email: [email protected]
Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
greenlee COUNTY
Sorry. There are no trainings at this
Disculpe. No hay entrenaminetos a
este tiempo.
la paz COUNTY
Sorry. There are no trainings at this
Disculpe. No hay entrenaminetos a
este tiempo.
mohave COUNTY
City: Lake Havasu Fri, Nov 7, 2014 Length: 3.5 hrs
Cost: $0
A Space to Grow
A Space to Grow
This session will guide participants in learning and
understanding the key elements of developing an effective
learning environment for infants and toddlers. Pre registration is
Connie Espinoza
Eastern Arizona College
1040 N. College Ave.
How to Register: Call (877) 733-1270
email: [email protected]
Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
1:30 pm
9:00 am
This session will guide participants in learning and
understanding the key elements of developing an effective
learning environment for infants and toddlers. Pre registration is
Barb Milner
Hampton Inn
245 London Bridge Rd.
How to Register: Call (877) 733-1270
email: [email protected]
Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
Favor de REGISTRARSE CON ANTICIPACIÓN para asistir y asegurar que los entrenamientos aun se llevan a cabo.
Training Requirements: CGD = Child Growth & Development
HS = Health and Safety
PA = Program Administration
ACS = Availability of Community Services OTH= Other
mohave COUNTY
City: Lake Havasu Fri, Nov 7, 2014 Length: 3.5 hrs
Cost: $0
1:30 pm
Bathing Children in Language
Participants will explore the different needs infants and toddlers
have in terms of language development. Participants will be able
to determine effective ways of promoting language development
during each of the three ages of infancy, young infant, mobile
infant and older infant/toddler. Pre registration is required.
Barb Milner
Hampton Inn
245 London Bridge Rd.
How to Register: Call (877) 733-1270
email: [email protected]
Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Lake Havasu Sat, Nov 8, 2014 Length: 3.5 hrs
Cost: $0
9:00 am
Protective Urges
We will explore the challenges of working with the feelings of
caregivers and parents in relation to child care. Participants will
develop a clearer understanding behind the common sources of
stress between caregivers and parents and how to create positive
partnerships with families. Pre registration is required.
Ciudad: Tucson
Duración: 2 hrs
jue, 2 de oct, 2014 Costo: $0
5:00 pm
Edades y Etapas del Desarrollo de los Niños
El tema de este taller es aprender sobre las diferentes etapas del
desarrollo del infante desde 0 hasta los 3 años de edad. La meta
de esta clase es de entender las expectativas sobre el desarrollo
del niño.
Entrenador: Celeste McBrinie
Locación: Casa de los Niños
1101 N. 4th Ave.
Para Registrarse: Call (520) 624-5600 ext. 309
email: [email protected]
Agencia: Casa de los Niños
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTR
 Bébé/Niño Pequeño  Preescolar  Edad Escolar
City: Tucson Thu, Oct 2, 2014
Length: 2 hrs
Cost: $0
6:00 pm
Language Modeling: Books, Conversations, and
Participants will explore language modeling. An emphasis will be
placed on how to use picture books and stories to foster focused
conversations and language development. Instructors will
discuss such CLASS strategies as self and parallel talk, repetition,
and extension.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
Barb Milner
Hampton Inn
245 London Bridge Rd.
How to Register: Call (877) 733-1270
email: [email protected]
Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
City: Lake Havasu Sat, Nov 8, 2014 Length: 3.5 hrs
Cost: $0
A Compassionate Sense of Wonder
1:00 pm
This session explores socialization, guidance and discipline for
infants and toddlers during stages of development. Children’s
behavior based on their individual needs, abilities, and
temperament will be discussed. Pre Registration is Required.
Barb Milner
Hampton Inn
245 London Bridge Rd.
How to Register: Call (877) 733-1270
email: [email protected]
Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
Trainer: Julie Friberg, Sunni Lopez, & Monica Farmer
Location: Make Way for Books
3955 E Ft. Lowell Rd. Suite 114
How to Register: Call (520) 721-2334
email: [email protected]
Agency: Make Way for Books
City: Tucson Sat, Oct 4, 2014 Length: 2 hrs
Cost: $0
9:00 am
Dealing With Bullies
What is a bully and how we can help our children deal with
bullies in a positive manner. Teach your children anger
management, problem solving and positive conflict resolution.
Trainer: Betty Gilfoy
Location: Teacher Parent Connection
101 South Pantano Road
How to Register: Call (520) 298-1612
email: [email protected]
Agency: Teacher Parent Connection
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.
Requisitos de Entrenamiento: CGD = Crecimiento y Desarrollo
HS = Salud y Seguridad
PA = Administración de Programa
ACS = Disponibilidad de Servicio a la Comunidad
OTR = Otro
City: Tucson Sat, Oct 4, 2014 Length: 7 hrs
Cost: $0
9:00 am
(S.T.E.P.S) to Early Brain Development
Children need to feel secure and loved; to be touched, cuddled,
and held; to receive visual and sound stimulation and have
opportunities to play frequently thought the day to develop a
healthy foundation or neural pathways that allow them to reach
their highest potential. Pre registration is required.
Pam Webb
Child & Family Resources, Inc.
2800 E. Broadway Blvd.
How to Register: Call (877) 733-1270
email: [email protected]
Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
Ciudad: Tucson mié, 8 de oct, 2014
Duración: 2 hrs
Costo: $0
Nutrición Infantil
Este curso nos da la herramienta que necesitamos para escoger
lo mejor en nutrición que nuestros niños necesitan desde
nacimiento. Transmite un mensaje poderoso- lo que le demos
de alimento sí importa e inculcar el alimento sano en una edad
temprana puede prevenir la obesidad en el futuro de sus niños.
Entrenador: Vanessa Villegas
Locación: Casa de los Niños
1101 N. 4th Ave.
Para Registrarse: Llame (520) 624-5600 ext. 309
email: [email protected]
Agencia: Casa de los Niños
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTR
 Bébé/Niño Pequeño  Preescolar  Edad Escolar
City: Tucson Thu, Oct 9, 2014 Length: 2 hrs
Cost: $0
Please be mindful. If you
register for a training, be
sure to attend as seating is
Brain Development in Children
Por favor este conciente.
Si se registra para un
entrenamiento, asegurese
de atender ya que el cupo
es limitado.
Trainer: Celeste McBrinie
Location: Casa de los Niños
1101 N. 4th Ave.
How to Register: Call (520) 624-5600 ext. 309
email: [email protected]
Agency: Casa de los Niños
Ciudad: Tucson sáb, 4 de oct, 2014
Duración: 7 hrs
Costo: $0
5:00 pm
5:00 pm
In this class parents and caregivers will gain understanding of the
developmental changes occurring in the brains of young children
and the things that can be done to improve brain development
and functioning. The trainer is a Kindergarten teacher currently
employed with a local school district.
9:00 am
El Poder de la Cultura
En este taller hablaremos acerca de como mejor proveer cuidado
culturalmente responsivo para infantes. Participantes también
discutirán ideas para la interacción positiva con los padres.
Entrenador: Ruth Peralta
Locación: Mission Branch Library
3770 S. Mission Rd.
Para Registrarse: Llame (877) 733-1270
email: [email protected]
Agencia: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTR
 Bébé/Niño Pequeño  Preescolar  Edad Escolar
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Tucson Sat, Oct 11, 2014 Length: 2 hrs
Cost: $0
9:00 am
Dealing With The Angry Child
This interactive workshop is designed to help participants
understand why children become angry and learn techniques
and strategies you can use with angry children.
Trainer: Betty Gilfoy
Location: Teacher Parent Connection
101 South Pantano Road
How to Register: Call (520) 298-1612
email: [email protected]
Agency: Teacher Parent Connection
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
Favor de REGISTRARSE CON ANTICIPACIÓN para asistir y asegurar que los entrenamientos aun se llevan a cabo.
Training Requirements: CGD = Child Growth & Development
HS = Health and Safety
PA = Program Administration
ACS = Availability of Community Services OTH= Other
City: Tucson Thu, Oct 16, 2014 Length: 3.5 hrs
Cost: $0
6:00 pm
City: Tucson
Length: 2 hrs
Wed, Oct 15, 2014
Cost: $0
6:00 pm
Establishing the Need for Quality
Alternatives to Spanking
Trainer: Angela Chintis
Location: Casa de los Niños
1101 N. 4th Ave.
How to Register: Call (520) 624-5600 ext. 309
email: [email protected]
Agency: Casa de los Niños
This session will focus on the harmful effects of poor quality child
care towards infants and toddlers and will identify important
steps that society needs to take to improve infant and toddler
care. Pre registration is required.
Stephanie Castillo-Leon
Child & Family Resources, Inc.
2800 E. Broadway Blvd.
How to Register: Call (877) 733-1270
email: [email protected]
Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Tucson
Length: 1.5 hrs
Sat, Oct 11, 2014
Cost: $0
9:00 am
When children misbehave often parents/caregivers get angry.
The focus of this class is to learn positive guidance techniques
and non-violence as a means of discipline with young children.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
Holiday Safety
The holidays are a time for celebration, and that means more
cooking, home decorating, entertaining, travel and stress. Learn
how to keep yourself and your children safe and healthy during
the holidays throughout the year.
Trainer: Abby Eason, RN & Sandra Bazan-Olson, RN
Location: Abrams Building (Pima Co. Health Dept)
3950 S. Country Club Rd Rm 1106
How to Register: Call (520)724-7882
Agency: Pima County Health Department
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Tucson Sat, Oct 11, 2014
Length: 1.5 hrs
Cost: $0
10:45 am
Preventing Flu and Other Diseases Too!
Flu season is here! Some simple strategies can help you limit the
spread of flu and other communicable diseases in your program.
Trainer: Susan Stam, RN
Location: Abrams Building (Pima Co. Health Dept)
3950 S. Country Club Rd, Rm 1106
How to Register: Call (520) 724-7882
Agency: Pima County Health Department
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Tucson Sat, Oct 18, 2014
Length: 3 hrs
Cost: $0
9:00 am
Use of Books to Promote Socioemotional Development
Teaching social skills to children is essential for their success
in school and in life. Come learn how to use literature-based
activities to promote learning of these skills. Teachers will also
be introduced to the use of Scripted Stories.
Trainer: Laura Cockrell
Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation
6420 E Broadway Blvd. Suite A100
How to Register: Call (866) 987-2469
email: [email protected]
Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.
Requisitos de Entrenamiento: CGD = Crecimiento y Desarrollo
HS = Salud y Seguridad
PA = Administración de Programa
ACS = Disponibilidad de Servicio a la Comunidad
OTR = Otro
City: Tucson Sat, Oct 18, 2014
Length: 2 hrs
Cost: $0
9:00 am
Supporting the Gifted child in the Typical Environment
Integrating the needs of all the children in your childcare
environment is difficult, particularly when you have a child who
is gifted. Yet, it can be done.
Trainer: Betty Gilfoy
Location: Teacher Parent Connection
101 South Pantano Road
How to Register: Call (520) 298-1612
email: [email protected]
Agency: Teacher Parent Connection
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Tucson
Length: 2 hrs
Mon, Oct 20, 2014
Cost: $0
6:00 pm
This interactive video based program teaches care givers and
parents how to create an emotional connection so their child can
Trainer: Mayela De La Torre
Location: Casa de los Niños
1101 N. 4th Ave.
How to Register: Call (520) 624-5600 ext. 309
email: [email protected]
Agency: Casa de los Niños
Ciudad: Tucson
Duración: 1.5hrs
mie, 22 de oct, 2014
Costo: $0
Thu, Oct 23, 2014
Cost: $0
6:30 pm
Conversation on Inclusion: What to do When you
Suspect a Delay
Conversations on Inclusion are facilitated discussion sessions and
a great deal of interactive learning! Bring your experience and
your thoughts on identifying red flags in development and what
to do once a possible delay is suspected.
Trainer: Erin Aguilar
Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation
6420 E Broadway A100
How to Register: Call (866) 987-2469
email: [email protected]
Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation
Raising Emotionally Healthy Infants
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Tucson
Length: 1.5 hrs.  CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Tucson
Length: 1 hr
Sat, Oct 25, 2014
Cost: $15
9:00 am
Make & Take Math Manipulative
Make a math mini bulletin board that you can use in your
classroom as a math board or as a learning center for your
students. Aligns with Common Core Math Standards. You must
pay for the class at the time of registration, the registration fee is
Trainer: Betty Gilfoy
Location: Teacher Parent Connection
101 South Pantano Road
How to Register: Call (520)-298-1612
email: [email protected]
Agency: Teacher Parent Connection
6:00 pm
Conversaciones de Inclusión: Que Hacer Cuando
Sospecha un Rezago en el Desarrollo Infantil
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
Ciudad: Tucson sáb, 25 de oct, 2014
Duración: 7 hrs
Costo: $0
9:00 am
PASOS al Desarrollo Cerebral Temprano
Comparte tu experiencia y pensamientos, mientras exploramos
la importancia de conocer las metas del desarrollo y los recursos
locales para apoyar a los niños a nuestro cuidado.
Los niños deben sentirse protegidos y queridos; deben ser
abrasados y sostenidos, deben recibir estimulación visual,
auditiva y deben tener oportunidad de jugar a través del día para
desarrollar una fundación cerebral saludable que les permitirá
llegar hasta su mas alto potencial. Pre-registración es requerida.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTR
 Bébé/Niño Pequeño  Preescolar  Edad Escolar
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTR
 Bébé/Niño Pequeño  Preescolar  Edad Escolar
Entrenador: Sussette Torres
Locación: Valencia Library
202 W. Valencia Rd.
Para Registrarse: Llame (866) 987-2469
email: [email protected]
Agencia: Easter Seals Blake Foundation
Entrenador: Eloisa Matsch
Locación: Mission Branch Library
3770 S. Mission Rd.
Para Registrarse: Llame (877) 733-1270
email: [email protected]
Agencia: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
Favor de REGISTRARSE CON ANTICIPACIÓN para asistir y asegurar que los entrenamientos aun se llevan a cabo.
Training Requirements: CGD = Child Growth & Development
HS = Health and Safety
PA = Program Administration
ACS = Availability of Community Services OTH= Other
City: Tucson Sat, Oct 25, 2014 Length: 7 hrs
Cost: $0
9:00 am
City: Tucson Sat, Nov 1, 2014
Length: 3 hrs Cost: $0
9:00 am
Being in Tune
This session focuses on early social and emotional security as the
foundation for learning in all developmental domains. The goal
for this training is to guide Child Care Providers in developing
settings and climates of care through which close relationships
with children can be developed. Pre Registration is Required.
Math All Around Us!
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
In this two hour workshop, you will make a math manipulative
to take back to your classroom and learn that math is truly all
around us!
Stephanie Castillo-Leon
Child & Family Resources, Inc.
2800 E. Broadway Blvd.
How to Register: Call (877) 733-1270
email: [email protected]
Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
City: Tucson
Length: 2hrs
Mon, Oct 27, 2014
Cost: $0
Trainer: Betty Gilfoy
Location: Teacher Parent Connection
101 South Pantano Road
How to Register: Call (520)-298-1612
email: [email protected]
Agency: Teacher Parent Connection
6:00 pm
City: Tucson Sat, Nov 1, 2014 Length: 7 hrs
Cost: $0
Extending the Dance
Raising Emotionally Healthy Toddlers
This session is for Center Directors and Administrators.
Participants will explore PITC’s Essential Policies and how
these policies support the development of emotionally secure
relationships in the group care setting. Participants will receive
guidance on supporting child care staff with the implementation
of these policies. Pre registration is required.
This interactive video based program teaches care givers and
parents how to create an emotional connection so their child can
Trainer: Mayela De La Torre
Location: Casa de los Niños
1101 N. 4th Ave.
How to Register: Call (520) 624-5600 ext. 309
email: [email protected]
Agency: Casa de los Niños
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
Ciudad: Tucson mié, 29 de oct, 2014
Duración: 7 hrs
Costo: $0
9:00 am
Barb Milner
Location: Mission Branch Library3
3770 S. Mission Rd.
How to Register: Call (877) 733-1270
email: [email protected]
Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
6:00 pm
Un Sentido de Maravilla Compasivo
Ciudad: Tucson sáb, 1 de nov, 2014
Duración: 7 hrs
Costo: $0
En este taller hablaremos de factores que pueden causar
problemas en la disciplina, desarrollaremos técnicas de disciplina,
y platicaremos sobre técnicas de socialización.
Entrenador: Ruth Peralta
Locación: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
2800 E. Broadway Blvd.
Para Registrarse: Llame (877) 733-1270
email: [email protected]
Agencia: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTR
 Bébé/Niño Pequeño  Preescolar  Edad Escolar
9:00 am
Unidos en el Corázon
La discusión se centrará en cómo bebés y niños pequeños
no diferencian entre el trabajo y el juego, la diversión y el
aprendizaje. Cada momento, están ocupados con lo que unos
llaman juego, otros trabajo, otros diversión, otros aprendizaje; de
hecho, están ocupados con todas estas cosas a la vez.
Entrenador: Ruth Peralta
Locación: St. Andrews Episcopal Church
969 W. Country Club Rd.
Para Registrarse: Llame (877) 733-1270
email: [email protected]
Agencia: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTR
 Bébé/Niño Pequeño  Preescolar  Edad Escolar
Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.
Requisitos de Entrenamiento: CGD = Crecimiento y Desarrollo
HS = Salud y Seguridad
PA = Administración de Programa
ACS = Disponibilidad de Servicio a la Comunidad
OTR = Otro
City: Tucson
Length: 2hrs
Mon, Nov 3, 2014
Cost: $0
6:00 pm
Raising Emotionally Healthy Preschoolers
This interactive video based program teaches care givers and
parents how to create an emotional connection so their child can
Trainer: Mayela De La Torre
Location: Casa de los Niños
1101 N. 4th Ave.
How to Register: Call (520) 624-5600 ext. 309
email: [email protected]
Agency: Casa de los Niños
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Tucson Wed, Nov 5, 2014
Length: 2 hrs
Cost: $0
5:00 pm
City: Tucson Sat, Nov 8, 2014
Length: 2 hrs
Cost: $0
9:00 am
Conflict Management With Young Children
Conflict is a natural and inevitable part of everyday life. Children
learn the social skills of positive communication, problem solving
and co-operation.
Trainer: Betty Gilfoy
Location: Teacher Parent Connection
101 South Pantano Road
How to Register: Call (520) 298-1612
email: [email protected]
Agency: Teacher Parent Connection
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
Childhood Nutrition and Fitness
This new program gives parents and caregivers the tools they
need to make the best nutritional choices for their child, starting
at birth! It conveys a powerful message-what we feed our
children matters and instilling healthy eating habits early in
childhood can prevent obesity later in life.
Trainer: Vanessa Villegas
Location: Casa de los Niños
1101 N. 4th Ave.
How to Register: Call (520) 624-5600 ext. 309
email: [email protected]
Agency: Casa de los Niños
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Tucson Thu, Nov 6, 2014 Length: 3.5 hrs
Cost: $0
A Space to Grow
6:00 pm
This session will guide participants in learning and
understanding the key elements of developing an effective
learning environment for infants and toddlers. Pre registration is
Stephanie Castillo-Leon
Child & Family Resources, Inc.
2800 E. Broadway Blvd.
How to Register: Call (877) 733-1270
email: [email protected]
Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Tucson Sat, Nov 8, 2014 Length: 3 hrs
Cost: $0
9:00 am
Emotion Coaching
Children nurtured by caregivers who value and guide emotions
have better success making friends, higher levels of academic
achievement, and fewer health problems overall. Come learn
the five-step approach to teaching that can help create stronger
relationships while preparing children to better understand and
cope with emotions.
Trainer: Elaine Gallardo
Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation
6420 E Broadway Blvd. Suite B103
How to Register: Call (866) 987-2469
email: [email protected]
Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
Favor de REGISTRARSE CON ANTICIPACIÓN para asistir y asegurar que los entrenamientos aun se llevan a cabo.
Training Requirements: CGD = Child Growth & Development
HS = Health and Safety
PA = Program Administration
ACS = Availability of Community Services OTH= Other
City: Tucson Sat, Nov 8, 2014 Length: 1.5 hrs Cost: $0
9:00 am
Cold Turkey Sandwich for Breakfast!
Six short “courses” on keeping everyone safe from foodborne
illnesses during the holiday season. Bring two copies of your
favorite healthy holiday recipe to share. Participants will receive
an “instant-read” food thermometer at the end of the class.
Trainer: Kathi Ford, RN
Location: Abrams Building (Pima Co. Health Dept)
3950 S. Country Club Rd, Rm 4108
How to Register: Call (520) 724-7882
Agency: Pima County Health Department
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Tucson Sat, Nov 8, 2014
Length: 1.5 hrs Cost: $0
10:45 am
Smoke Free! What Child Care Providers Need to Know
about the Empower Pack Tobacco Standards
Do you have the information you need to make a referral to the
Arizona Smokers’ Helpline (ASHLine)? Learn what the ASHLine
has to offer staff and parents who want to quit smoking and how
you can help. Empower Standards 9 & 10.
Trainer: Ryan Reikowsky
Location: Abrams Building (Pima Co. Health Dept)
3950 S. Country Club Rd, Rm 4108
How to Register: Call (520) 724-7882
Agency: Pima County Health Department
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
Ciudad: Tucson lun, 10 de nov, 2014
Duración: 2 hrs
Costo: $0
6:00 pm
La Preparación de su Niño para el Jardín de Infantes
Ir a la guardería es un hito en la vida de un niño. Esta clase
se centrará en lo que los niños aprenden en el kindergarten,
el uso de actividades diarias para enseñar a los niños nuevas
habilidades y la forma de trabajar con el maestro de su hijo y la
Entrenador: Maria Acuña
Locación: Casa de los Niños
1101 N. 4th Ave.
Para Registrarse: Llame (520) 624-5600 ext. 309
email: [email protected]
Agencia: Casa de los Niños
City: Tucson Sat, Nov 8, 2014 Length: 3 hrs
Cost: $0
9:00 am
Ready to Read Workshop
During this workshop you will learn about infant brain
development, why language and reading are so important for
babies, and what you can do to prepare children for reading
success. FREE children’s books for attending the full session.
Refreshments will be served. Class will be limited to 50
Pima County Public Library
Wheeler Taft Abbett Sr. Branch Library
7800 N. Schisler Dr.
How to Register: Call (520) 594-5600
Agency: Pima County Public Library
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTR
 Bébé/Niño Pequeño  Preescolar  Edad Escolar
City: Tucson Length: 1.5 hrs.
Thu, Nov 13, 2014
Cost: $0
6:30 pm
Conversations on Inclusion: Including and Supporting
Young Children with ADHD
Conversations on Inclusion are facilitated discussion sessions and
a great deal of interactive learning! Bring your experience, your
thoughts, and your questions as we explore what you can do to
support Children with ADHD.
Erin Aguilar
Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation
6420 E Broadway A100
How to Register: Call (866) 987-2469
email: [email protected]
Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.
Requisitos de Entrenamiento: CGD = Crecimiento y Desarrollo
HS = Salud y Seguridad
PA = Administración de Programa
ACS = Disponibilidad de Servicio a la Comunidad
OTR = Otro
City: Tucson
Length: 2 hrs
Sat, Nov 15, 2014
Cost: $0
9:00 am
City: Tucson Sat, Nov 22, 2014 Length: 7 hrs
Cost: $0
9:00 am
Together in Care
Child Portfolio Systems
This workshop will help the participant discover what a portfolio
is and how it impacts learning, what types of portfolios there are
and how to implement the system in your classroom.
Trainer: Betty Gilfoy
Location: Teacher Parent Connection
101 South Pantano Road
How to Register: Call (520) 298-1612
email: [email protected]
Sponsoring Agency: Teacher Parent Connection
Discussion will focus on how Infants and Toddlers do not
differentiate between work and play, amusement and learning.
Every moment, they are busy with what some call play, others
work, some amusement, and others learning; in fact, they are
busy with all of these things at once. Pre-registration is required.
Stephanie Castillo-Leon
Child & Family Resources, Inc.
2800 E. Broadway Blvd.
How to Register: Call (877) 733-1270
email: [email protected]
Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Tucson
Length: 2 hrs
Mon, Dec 8, 2014
Cost: $0
10:00 am
Ages and Stages of Infant & Toddler Development
The focus of this class will be on learning the ages and stages of
infants & toddlers. The goal is to increase caregiver’s awareness
for appropriate expectations of children in their care.
Trainer: Celeste Oros-McBirnie
Location: Casa de los Niños
1101 N. 4th Ave.
How to Register: Call (520) 624-5600 X 309
email: [email protected]
Agency: Casa de los Niños
Ciudad: Tucson sáb, 22 de nov, 2014
Duración: 7 hrs
Costo: $0
9:00 am
Unidos en el Corázon
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Tucson
Length: 2 hrs
Mon, Dec 8, 2014
Cost: $0
6:00 pm
Child Abuse - It’s Everybody’s Problem
La discusión se centrará en cómo bebés y niños pequeños
no diferencian entre el trabajo y el juego, la diversión y el
aprendizaje. Cada momento, están ocupados con lo que unos
llaman juego, otros trabajo, otros diversión, otros aprendizaje; de
hecho, están ocupados con todas estas cosas a la vez.
This presentation will discuss the warning signs present in the
child, causes/risk factors of child abuse and neglect, how to
make a report to DCS and the mandated reporting guidelines in
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTR
 Bébé/Niño Pequeño  Preescolar  Edad Escolar
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
Entrenador: Ruth Peralta
Locación: Mission Branch Library
3770 S. Mission Rd.
Para Registrarse: Llame (877) 733-1270
email: [email protected]
Agencia: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
Trainer: Mayela De La Torre
Location: Casa de los Niños
1101 N. 4th Ave.
How to Register: Call (520) 624-5600 ext. 309
email: [email protected]
Agency: Casa de los Niños
Favor de REGISTRARSE CON ANTICIPACIÓN para asistir y asegurar que los entrenamientos aun se llevan a cabo.
Training Requirements: CGD = Child Growth & Development
HS = Health and Safety
PA = Program Administration
ACS = Availability of Community Services OTH= Other
pima Cruz
Ciudad: Tucson mié, 10 de dic, 2014
Duración: 3.5 hrs
Costo: $0
pima Cruz
6:00 pm
City: Tucson Sat, Dec 13, 2014
Length: 3 hrs
Cost: $0
9:00 am
Cauteloso, Flexible, y Bravo
Building Relationships and Supportive Environments
Entrenador: Ruth Peralta
Locación: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
2800 E. Broadway Blvd.
Para Registrarse: Llame (877) 733-1270
email: [email protected]
Agencia: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
Trainer: Rashida Hays
Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation
6420 E Broadway Blvd. Suite A100
How to Register: Call (866) 987-2469
email: [email protected]
Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation
Se exploraran las características de temperamento que
componen los tres tipos de temperamento más comunes en
infantes/niños pequeños y el cuidado responsivo dentro un
grupo con diferencias temperamentales. Pre-registración
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTR
 Bébé/Niño Pequeño  Preescolar  Edad Escolar
Ciudad: Tucson jue, 11 de dic, 2014 Duración: 2 hrs
Costo: $0
5:00 pm
El Abuso Infantil- Es Problema de Todos
En esta presentación se les explicara sobre las advertencias y
señales que se presentan en un niño que a sido víctima del abuso
o del abandono. También se les ensenara como identificar que
realmente se indica ser un abuso o abandono, y como debe
reportar al DCS, igual se les presentara las guías del reporte
obligatorio de Arizona.
Entrenador: Mayela de la Torre
Locación: Casa de los Niños
1101 N. 4th Ave.
Para Registrarse: Llame (520) 624-5600 ext. 309
email: [email protected]
Agencia: Casa de los Niños
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTR
 Bébé/Niño Pequeño  Preescolar  Edad Escolar
City: Tucson Sat, Dec 13, 2014 Length: 3.5 hrs
Cost: $0
A Space to Grow
9:00 am
This session will guide participants in learning and
understanding the key elements of developing an effective
learning environment for infants and toddlers. Pre registration is
Connie Espinoza
Child & Family Resources, Inc.
2800 E. Broadway Blvd.
How to Register: Call (877) 733-1270
email: [email protected]
Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
Examine in depth children’s’ challenging behavior and identify
strategies that can be used to build positive relationships
with children, families, and colleagues; design environments,
schedules, and routines; structure transitions; help children learn
rules and routines; and plan activities that promote engagement.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
"If everyone is
moving forward
together, then
success takes
care of itself."
- Henry Ford
City: Tucson Sat, Dec 13, 2014 Length: 3.5 hrs
Cost: $0
1:30 pm
Bathing Children in Language
Participants will explore the different needs infants and toddlers
have in terms of language development. Participants will be able
to determine effective ways of promoting language development
during each of the three ages of infancy, young infant, mobile
infant and older infant/toddler. Pre registration is required.
Connie Espinoza
Child & Family Resources, Inc.
2800 E. Broadway Blvd.
How to Register: Call (877) 733-1270
email: [email protected]
Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.
Requisitos de Entrenamiento: CGD = Crecimiento y Desarrollo
HS = Salud y Seguridad
PA = Administración de Programa
ACS = Disponibilidad de Servicio a la Comunidad
OTR = Otro
pima Cruz
Ciudad: Tucson Duración: 1.5 hrs
mié, 17 de dic, 2014
Costo: $0
6:30 pm
Conversaciones de Inclusión: Incluyendo Familias
Comparte tu experiencia y pensamientos, mientras exploramos
maneras efectivas de incluir en nuestro programa a los padres de
niños con necesidades especiales.
Entrenador: Sussette Torres
Locación: Easter Seals Blake Foundation
6420 E. Broadway Blvd.
Para Registrarse: Llame (866) 987-2469
email: [email protected]
Agencia: Easter Seals Blake Foundation
Ciudad: Nogales sáb, 25 de oct, 2014 y
sáb, 1 de nov, 2014
Duración: 16 hrs Costo $0
8:00 am
Para la Vida Prenatal a Tres Años de Edad
Taller interactivo integrando el desarrollo del niño y su cerebro.
El énfasis estará en el desarrollo prenatal, físico, emocional,
social, cognitivo, adaptivo y lenguaje. Este taller es de dos días.
Entrenador: Ana Bae & Cassie Burruel
Locación: Santa Cruz Cooperative Extension
489 N. Arroyo Blvd.
Para Registrarse: Llame (520) 648-0808
Agencia: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTR
 Bébé/Niño Pequeño  Preescolar  Edad Escolar
City: Yuma Sat, Oct 25, 2014 Length: 7 hrs
Cost: $0
(S.T.E.P.S) to Early Brain Development
9:00 am
Children need to feel secure and loved; to be touched, cuddled,
and held; to receive visual and sound stimulation and have
opportunities to play frequently thought the day to develop a
healthy foundation or neural pathways that allow them to reach
their highest potential. Pre-registration is required.
Pam Webb
Child & Family Resources, Inc.
201 S. 3rd Ave.
How to Register: Call (877) 733-1270
email: [email protected]
Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
City: Yuma
Sat, Dec 6, 2014
Sat, Dec 13, 2014
Length: 16 hrs
Cost: $0
8:00 am
Brain Builders for Life Training Institute
16-hour interactive and integrative training on early brain
development and its influence and effects on physical, cognitive,
social, emotional and adaptive development focusing on children
prenatal to age 3.
Trainer: Ana Bae & Cassie Burruel
Location: Yuma Cooperative Extension
2200 W. 28th St.
How to Register: Call (520) 648-0808
Agencia: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTR
 Bébé/Niño Pequeño  Preescolar  Edad Escolar
Santa Cruz
 CGD  HS  PA  ACS  OTH
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
To advertise community trainings in Cochise,
Graham, Greenlee, La Paz, Mohave, Pima, Santa
Cruz, and Yuma counties, please contact:
Yobana L. Rodríguez
Child Care Resource & Referral,
a program of
Child & Family Resources, Inc.,
by calling direct to (520) 321-3381
or toll free to
1-800-308-9000 or
by e-mailing [email protected]
The deadline for articles, announcements and
community training submissions
to be included in the
January, February, March
Early Childhood Bulletin is:
October 31, 2014
by 5:00 pm
Provider Resources
Favor de REGISTRARSE CON ANTICIPACIÓN para asistir y asegurar que los entrenamientos aun se llevan a cabo.
DES Home Recruitment
Orientación Para la Certificacion de Cuidado de Niños por
Aprenda como ser Proveedoras Certificadas de
Cuidado de Niños del Hogar por DES
Recibirá 8 horas de orientacion
No Guarderia de Cuidado de Niños y Grupo en el Hogar
D.E.S. Potential Child Care Provider Orientation
Learn How to Become a D.E.S. Certified Child Care Provider
Provider will receive an 8 hour orientation
No Centers or Group Homes
Date for English:
Thu, Oct 2, 2014
Tue, Nov 4 , 2014
Fechas lun, 13 de oct, 2014
para español:
mar, 11 de nov, 2014
Classes begin at 8:00 am
Clases empiezan a las 8:00 am
Trainer/Entrenadora: Margie Lopez
Child & Family Resources, Inc.
2800 E. Broadway Blvd.
How to Register/Para Registrarse:
Call/Llame (520) 321-3775 or/o [email protected]
Agency/Agencia: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
Dates for English:
Tue, Oct 7, 2014
Thu, Nov 6, 2014
Thu, Dec 4, 2014
Fechas: para español:
jue, 2 de oct, 2014
mar, 4 de nov, 2014
mar, 2 de dic, 2014
Classes begin at 8:00 am
Clases empiezan a las 8:00 am
Trainer/Entrenadora: Mercy Montes
Location/Locación: Child & Family Resources, Inc. 201 S. 3rd Avenue
How to Register/Para Registrarse:
Call/Llame (928) 783-4003 or/o [email protected]
Agency/Agencia: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
Offered for DES Certified Family Child Care Providers
Practicas Apropiadas para el Desarollo del Niño (D.A.P.)
Para Proveedoras Certificadas de
Cuidado de Ninos del Hogar por DES
Provider will receive 8 hours professional development
Recibirá 8 horas de entrenamiento
Developmentally Appropriate Practices Training (D.A.P)
No Centers or Group Homes
No Guarderia de Cuidado de Niños y Grupo en el Hogar
Date Tue, Oct 14, 2014
for English:
Tue, Oct 28, 2014
Mon, Nov 17, 2014
Fechas lun, 20 de oct, 2014
para español:
jue, 6 de nov, 2014
lun, 24 de nov, 2014
Classes begin at 8:00 am
Clases empiezan a las 8:00 am
Dates for English:
Thu, Oct 16, 2014
Thu, Nov 13, 2014
Thu, Dec 11, 2014
Fechas: mié, 15 de oct, 2014
para español: mié, 13 de nov, 2014
mié, 10 de dic, 2014
Classes begin at 8:00 am
Clases empiezan a las 8:00 am
Trainer/Entrenadora: Margie Lopez
Child & Family Resources, Inc.
2800 E. Broadway Blvd.
Trainer/Entrenadora: Mercy Montes
Location/Locación: Child & Family Resources, Inc. 201 S. 3rd Avenue
How to Register/Para Registrarse:
Call/Llame (520) 321-3775 or/o [email protected]
Agency/Agencia: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
How to Register/Para Registrarse:
Call/Llame (928) 783-4003 or/o [email protected]
Agency/Agencia: Child & Family Resources, Inc.
Provider Resources
DHS Child Care Licensing
Note: All new Providers have to submit a completed initial
application prior to signing up for a new owner or small group
home training. Existing providers and staff may also sign up
for trainings if space is available. Please call (520) 628-6541 and ask for Katina (centers)
or Grace (group homes) to sign up for the trainings.
yy The New Owner’s training consists of an overview of the licensing rules and procedures
to open and operate a child care center. This training is 4.5 hours long and is led by child
care licensing surveyors.
yy The Small Group Home training consists of an overview of the licensing rules and
procedures to open and operate a group home child care business. This training is 4.5
hours long and is led by child care licensing surveyors.
yy The Director’s training is an open forum for questions and answers led by licensing
surveyors for child care centers. At this 3 hour training, center directors can bring their
concerns or questions to get clarification on the licensing rules or procedures.
Arizona Department of Health
Child Care Trainings 2014
New Owner's Center Training: 8:30 am - 1:00 pm
Wed, October 8, 2014
Small Group Home Training: 8:30 am - 1:00 pm
Wed, Nov 12, 2014
Director's Training: 9:00 am -12:00 pm
Wed, October 1, 2014
Provider Resources
An Arizona Early Care and Education (ECE) Learning Collaborative
Who Is Eligible?
Programs in the Phoenix & Tucson metro areas
Child Care Centers
Head Start & Early Head Start
Project Goals:
Year 2 y 2015
To support healthier environments for children, their families, and staff through:
Increasing daily physical activity
Reducing screen time
Increasing fruit and vegetable consumption
Providing nutrition and breastfeeding support
Engaging families as partners
To strengthen your current work with the Empower Standards
Benefits of Participations:
FREE toolkits & training materials
FREE on-site technical assistance by health and nutrition experts
FREE training hours that meet and exceed ADHS Licensing and Empower Standards and/or
other professional development requirements
Networking with other ECE professionals focused on children’s health and well-being
$500 participation stipend/program
Program Involvement:
Five trainings per year for your leadership team of 1-3 staff
Staff professional development facilitated by leadership teams between trainings
Develop and implement action plan for program improvement
Celebration and recognition of accomplishments!
For more information, contact Bonnie Williams at 602-542-2847 or [email protected]
Funding for this project was made possible by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Arizona
Department of Health Services is a subawardee to Nemours, who is currently funded by the CDC under
a five-year Cooperative Agreement (1U58DP004102) to support states in launching ECE learning
collaboratives focused on obesity prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and
do not necessarily represent the official views of the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, or the U.S. Government.
V. 6-10-13
Professional Development Offered
The Arizona Department of Education Early Childhood unit offers multiple professional development
opportunities to support the continuum of learning for children...
…and most at no cost!!!!
Some of the sessions offered include:
Introduction to the Infant Toddler Developmental Guidelines
A session that offers an interactive overview of the document, and tips to navigate through it. The Guidelines are meant to build
awareness of the unique developmental characteristics of infants and toddlers and to increase awareness of quality infant and toddler caregiving.
Introduction to the Program Guidelines
The Program Guidelines for High Quality Early Education: Birth to Kindergarten provides a set of recommended practices for programs to use as they strive for excellence in the care and education of young children.
Introduction to the Arizona Early Learning Standards
The Arizona Early Learning Standards have been developed to provide a framework for the planning of quality learning experiences for all children 3 to 5 years of age. The standards cover a broad range of skills development and provide an instructional
Early Childhood Education and Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards
This presentation will illustrate for ECE professionals how the work of early childhood education supports Arizona’s College and
Career Ready Standards in kindergarten. Highlights include the reframing of our work as well as outlining the major educational
shifts that will support the evolution of a child’s thinking.
Language and Literacy Arizona Early Learning Standard Module Training
Daily exposure to verbal and written language provides young children with the opportunities to begin acquiring a basic understanding of the concepts of literacy and its functions. In this six hour session, participants will actively explore the Language and
Literacy Standard.
Approaches to Learning Arizona Early Learning Standard Module Training
Approaches to Learning are defined as, “Observable behaviors that indicate ways children become engaged in social interactions
and learning experiences.” In this six-hour interactive session, participants will uncover the layers of the Approaches to Learning
Standard and explore the connections to executive functions of the brain.
Let’s Talk: Engaging Children in Conversations
Engaging children in conversations fosters cognitive, language, and social development for children.
These benefits are greatly impacted by the quality of what is said in the conversation.
So, understanding that having extended conversations with children supports their cognitive development and increases positive
interactions, the objective of this workshop is to:
1. To learn the key elements of meaningful conversations with young children
2. To identify the benefits of teachers engaging in conversations with young children
3. To understand strategies teachers can use to engage children in conversations
4. To identify opportunities in the classroom to have conversations with children
To see a full list of sessions, dates and times for up-coming sessions and to register,
go to:
Phone: 602-364-1530
Fax: 602-364-0902
E-Mail: [email protected]
3300 N Central Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85012
Provider Resources
C C Child
Resource &
R R Referral
Meeting Arizona’s Child Care Needs
For information on where to find parenting classes or for
other important resources to help the families you serve,
please call us at:
or visit our website at:
and don't forget that we're on Facebook now!
Hablamos español
Birth to Five Helpline Technical Assistance
Consultation and resource information for child care providers,
preschool providers and quality improvement professionals
Birth to Five Helpline Technical Assistance links callers to experts who provide telephone
consultation in three main areas: child care health, early childhood mental health and inclusion
of children with special needs. These professionals answer questions, engage in conversations,
problem-solve and provide support, resources and referrals to child care providers, preschool
providers and quality improvement professionals statewide, including Smart Support, Quality
First, Child Care Health Consultation and Inclusion.
Child Care Health Consultation (CCHC)
Callers receive support around:
Health and safety in early care environments
Connections to local resources for services and health and safety trainings
Policies and procedures based on information provided by the American Academy of
Pediatrics and Caring for Our Children
Mental Health Consultation
Callers receive support around:
Creating relationships and environments that enable all children to develop optimally,
socially and emotionally
Strategies to teach social and emotional skills
Understanding challenging behavior and creating plans to positively support new skills
Referrals to community resources for individualized mental health and other supportive
Inclusion of Children with Special Needs Consultation
Callers receive support around:
Information about community resources and services for children with disabilities and
their families
Ideas or strategies to support a specific child to be successful in their early care and
education setting
Tips for talking with parents about developmental concerns
Screening for developmental concerns
Understanding and collaborating with local early intervention and school district
resources for children with delays
Contact a Birth to Five Helpline Technical Assistance professional
by calling 1-877-705-KIDS (5437) or visit
Provider Resources
ECE 100 Introduction to the Child Care Profession
ECE 100 Introduction to the Child Care Profession is for students interested in pursuing careers in child care centers, preschools, Head Start programs or in-home child care and want to learn more. This 60-hour course is particularly designed
for those who have less than 12 months of child care work experience in the past three years. Students
who successfully complete ECE 100 earn two transferrable credits. Students who complete the CPR and First
Aid certification courses receive one additional transferrable credit. There is no charge to take this course.
Topics Included
Child Development
Recognition of Child Abuse
Positive Discipline
Developmentally Appropriate Activities
Illness Recognition & Prevention
Child Nutrition
Math Review
Health & Safety
Professional Development
CPR & First Aid Certification
Rules & Regulations
Course Offering
Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., November 3 – 24, 2014
Including one Saturday session, held 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., on November 22, 2014
PCC Community Campus, 401 N. Bonita Avenue, Room A130
To register for this course, call the Community Campus Student Services Center at 206-6468.
To get more information, call 206-6322 and leave your name and email address.
All students are welcome to attend. However, this course is expressly designed for those with less than 12 months of child
care work experience in the past three years. Seating is limited to 20 students per course.
Learn more about the growing, rewarding field of Early Childhood Education!
 HS
 PA
 AS
 Infant/Toddler
 Preschool
 School Age
Pima County Community College District is governed by an elected five-member board. For information on the Board of Governors, see:
Pima Community College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and educational institution committed to excellence through diversity. Upon request, reasonable accommodations will be made for individuals with disabilities. Every effort
will be made to provide reasonable accommodations in a timely manner. For public and employee accommodation requests, as well as information related to the ADA complaint process, contact the College ADA Coordinator at (520) 206-4539 or
4905C E. Broadway Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85709-1130. For PCC student accommodation requests, please contact the appropriate campus Disabled Student Resource office (520) 206-4500 (TTY 520-206-4530).
Provider Resources
ECE 100 Introducción a la profesión de cuidado infantil
Un curso enseñado en español
ECE 100 Introducción a la profesión de cuidado infantil es para el estudiante interesads en hacer carrera en
centro de cuidado infantil, preescolares, programas de Head Start o cuidado de niños en el hogar y quiere
aprender más. Este curso de 60 horas está desarrollado especialmente para aquellos que tienen menos de 12
meses de experiencia de trabajo de cuidado infantil en los últimos tres años. Los estudiantes que completan
con éxito ECE 100 ganaran dos créditos transferibles. Los estudiantes que completan los cursos de
certificaciones de CPR y primeros auxilios reciben un crédito transferible adicional. Es un curso gratis.
Temas del Curso
El desarrollo infantil
Reglas y reglamentaciones
Salud y seguridad
Repaso de matemáticas
Desarrollo profesional
CPR y Primeros Auxilios
Nutrición infantil
Reconocimiento de abuso del niño
Reconocimiento y prevención de enfermedades
Actividades apropiadas del desarrollo infantil
Desarrollo de la disciplina positiva
El Curso
Los lunes y los miércoles, 5:30 p.m. a 8:30 p.m., 13 de octubre de 2014 -- 19 de noviembre de 2014,
incluido tres sábados, 8:30 a.m. a 5:00 p.m., el 25 de octubre, 8 de noviembre y 22 de noviembre de 2014
Pima Community College, Desert Vista Campus, 5901 S Calle Santa Cruz, Tucson, AZ 85709, Building H, Room H-110
Para obtener más información y tambien para inscribirse en este curso,
llame al centro de servicios de comunidad al 206-6468.
Todos los estudiantes están bienvenidos a asistir. Sin embargo, este curso está desarrollado expresamente
para aquellos con menos de 12 meses de experiencia de trabajo de cuidado infantil en los últimos tres años.
El curso se limitará a 20 estudiantes.
¡Aprenda más sobre la educación infantil!
Pima County Community College District is governed by an elected five-member board. For information on the Board of Governors, see:
Pima Community College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and educational institution committed to excellence through diversity. Upon request, reasonable accommodations will be made for individuals with disabilities. Every effort
will be made to provide reasonable accommodations in a timely manner. For public and employee accommodation requests, as well as information related to the ADA complaint process, contact the College ADA Coordinator at (520) 206-4539 or
4905C E. Broadway Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85709-1130. For PCC student accommodation requests, please contact the appropriate campus Disabled Student Resource office (520) 206-4500 (TTY 520-206-4530).
Provider Resources
Promoting Social and Emotional Competence in Young Children
*1 college credit offered through Pima Community College*
Free for those attending for 15 hours of professional development. *Tuition costs and fees may apply for those taking credit.*
Easter Seals Blake Foundation anticipates offering “Promoting Social and Emotional Competence in
Young Children,” the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL)
modules. These sessions will increase your capacity and skills regarding how to address challenging
behavior and promote social and emotional skills.
Infant and Toddler Series:
Preschool Series:
This opportunity will be offered
This opportunity will be offered
Snacks offered. INCENTIVES will be provided to
those that attend ALL sessions.
Snacks offered. INCENTIVES will be provided to
those that attend ALL sessions.
Spring 2015
Spring 2015
Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 6420 E. Broadway Blvd. Suite A100
For more information or to register your interest: Erin Aguilar, Inclusion Specialist/Educator
[email protected], (520) 268-0412
Online Early Childhood Education
Classes Start Every Monday!
We never cancel classes.
By successfully completing the Rio Salado College Early Childhood coursework online, you can
fulfill the requirements for:
National Credentialing (CDA and CCP)
Academic Certificate
Associate Degrees
Bachelor Degree Transfer Partnerships
No on-site attendance required.
You can complete all coursework online.
Rio’s online Early Childhood Education coursework prepares Early Childhood Educators for:
Accreditation Education Criteria
Employment in the field of early care education
Meeting Arizona Department of Health and Safety (ADHS), Department of
Economic Security (DES) and Quality First education requirements
CDA renewal and teacher certification professional development hours
To view class schedules and course description visit:
For more information, contact Academic Advisement at 800-729-1197
Rio Salado College is a Professional Career Pathway Project (PCPP) and a T.E.A.C.H. Arizona
participating college.
Educational Opportunities
Professional Career Pathway Project
SAT., OCT. 18. 2014
at the
A scholarship grant for Early Childhood Education classes offered at
seventeen community colleges throughout Arizona
Professional Career Pathway Project (PCPP)
 For individuals employed in family or center based child
care, preschools and other early childhood settings
 Tuition for Early Care and Education (ECE) courses only; 1 to
6 credits per semester (Total 12 credits per school year)
 Textbook stipend for $10 per credit each semester
 CDA assessment fee and mentoring services funded for
eligible participants
You asked for it, and we listened!
This year we are offering more sessions,
plus 6 hours Professional Development
Keynote speaker: Ellen Booth Church
renowned early childhood educator advocate
“Celebrating Connections: Linking Social,
and Academic Learning”
Shirley Harter
(520) 494-5077
[email protected]
Deadline to register, Friday, Oct. 3, 2014
Haley Hult
(520) 494-5030
[email protected]
For the brochure & registration information,
visit our website at:
ECE 201 DES Child Care Professional
Begin a career in child care!
Child Care Professional Training is a no-cost, 60hour course funded by the Department of Economic
Security (DES)/Child Care Administration. Yavapai
College and DES designed this course for anyone
interested in working with young children. Topics
include child development, licensing, First aid/CPR
and more!
Interactive parenting training
for parents, caretakers and early
childhood professionals.
Parents can gain the education, tools,
skills and resources needed to raise
safe and healthy children.
 CGD HS  PA AS  OT
 Infant/Toddler  Preschool  School Age
For more information on classes,
or to register, please call
For information on upcoming classes, contact
us at 1-866-219-1021 or email: [email protected]
Amada Mendoza
(520) 624-5600, ext. 309
Educational Opportunities
Resources for Quality Child Care
Arizona Association
for the Education
of Young Children
Resources/Programs Offered
Professional association for early childhood
directors, teachers and staff. AzAEYC
hosts a listserv that provides up-to-date
information in the field, idea sharing,
and many professional development and
other opportunities for early childhood
To learn about the state affiliate of
NAEYC, go to Here you
will also find the information for your
local chapter of AzAEYC.
Arizona Center for Afterschool
The Arizona Center for Afterschool Excellence
is dedicated to the enhancement of child
and youth development and educational
achievement through quality afterschool
112 North Central Avenue, Suite 700
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Phone: 602-496-3307
Arizona Child Care Association
Statewide association for private profit
and non-profit child care center operators.
Government affairs, advocacy, networking,
and resources.
2100 N. Central Ave. Suite 225
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Phone: 602-252-3845
- Southern Arizona Association for
the Education of Young Children
- Yuma Association for the Education
of Young Children (YAEYC)
Contact Barbie Prinster for more information
Arizona Child Care Health Consultant
Support Center
Pima County Health Department is First
Things First’s statewide administrative entity
for Child Care Health Consultation (CCHC) in
Arizona. This site is your opportunity to share
ideas, favorite resources, announcements
and questions. Also you will find current
information regarding health and safety and
CCHC projects.
Kathi Ford, CCHC Coordinator
3950 S. Country Club Road, Ste. 100
Tucson, AZ 85714
Phone: 520-243-7761
Arizona Department of Education (ADE)
- Early Learning Standards
- Exceptional Student Services,
AZ Child Find
- Federal Food Program
Arizona Department of Economic
Security (AZDES)
- Arizona Early Intervention Program
- Child Care Administration
- DES Certified Family Child Care Homes
DES Certified Family Child Care Home:
Arizona Department of
Health and Human Services,
Office of Child
Care Licensing
- Empower Pack
- Bureau of Child Care Licensing
- Licensing-required New Staff
Orientation (online video) http://
Phone: 602- 364-2539
Child Care Rules and Regulations :
Association for Supportive Child Care
- Arizona Self Study Project (ASSP)
- Child Care Resource & Referral
- Job Bank
- Quality First!
- T.E.A.C.H Arizona
3910 South Rural Road, Suite O
Tempe, AZ 85282
Phone: 480-829-0500
Toll Free: 800-535-4599
* New staff are required to receive basic orientation per
DHS requirement within 10 days of hire.
Casa de los Niños
- Parent education
- Parent info line
- Child abuse prevention
1101 N 4th Ave
Tucson, AZ. 85705-7467
Phone 520-624-5600
Child & Family Resources, Inc.
- Arizona Infant Toddler Institute (AITI)
- Child Care Resource & Referral
- DES Home Recruitment and
- Quality First!
- Smart Support
2800 E Broadway Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85716
Phone: 520-881-8940
Toll Free: 800-308-9000
Easter Seals Blake Foundation (ESBF)
- Project MeToo! (PMT)
- Quality First Coaching
- Smart Support Early Childhood Mental
Health Consultation
- Early Care & Education Inclusion+
(ECEI+) (only in Yuma)
- "Inspire Inclusion" Community of
6420 E. Broadway Blvd Ste A-100
Tucson, AZ 85716
Phone: 520-207-7310
Smart Support 1-800-330-5520
ECEI+: Raquel Munoz-Aguirre,
928-276-9225 x 5101 or email
[email protected]
First Things First (FTF)
- Quality First
- Professional REWARD$
- T.E.A.C.H Early Childhood Arizona
To reach the First Things First central office by
phone: 602-771-5100 or
To reach the First Things First central office by
mail: 4000 N. Central Avenue Suite 800
Phoenix, AZ 85012
Infant Toddler Mental
Health Coalition of
Arizona (ITMHCA)
Safe Kids Arizona State/Safe Kids
United Way
Tucson and Southern Arizona
River Cities
Santa Cruz County
Graham County
Sierra Vista and Cochise
ITMHCA provides infant mental health and
child development training and offers a
professional endorsement to individuals from
a variety of disciplines who work with infants
and toddlers. An annual Institute brings highquality infant/toddler mental health speakers
and workshops to the Southwest.
Here you will find a wealth of information
from across Safe Kids Arizona and USA,
covering everything from safety basics and
fact sheets to activities you can adapt for your
lesson plans.
Focuses on improving the quality of early
childhood and after school programs,
promoting early literacy, increasing access
to health and nutrition services, supporting
parent education, improving teacher
education, increasing the capacity of outof-school time programs and enhancing
community awareness of the importance of
quality care and education.
330 N. Commerce Park Loop, Suite 200
Tucson, AZ 85745
180 West 1st Street, Suite B
Yuma, AZ 85364
Phone: 928-783-0515
P.O. Box 2234
Phoenix, AZ 85002-2234
[email protected]
Led by: AZ Dept. of Health Services,
Office of Women’s & Children’s Health
Coordinator: Tomi F St. Mars
150 N. 18th Ave Phoenix, AZ 85007
[email protected]
Phone: 602-542-7340
PO Box 966
Lake Havasu City, AZ 86405-0966
Phone: 928-855-6333
For Santa Cruz County
PO Box 2174
Nogales, AZ 85628-2174
Phone: 520-761-1840
For Graham County
PO Box 811
Safford, AZ 85548-0811
Phone: 928-428-2648
77 Calle Portal Ste B-260-K
Sierra Vista, AZ 85635
Phone: 520-458-3288
Educational Opportunities
2 year to 4 year Degrees related to Early Childhood
Name of College
Arizona Western College
Contact Information
Additional Information
Business & Liberal Arts
T.E.A.C.H Approved
PCPP participant**
On-site classes
Online classes
AA/AAS for Direct Employment
AA/AAS for Transfer
Central Arizona College
AA/AAS for Direct Employment
AA/AAS for Transfer
Melissa Busby
Signal Peak Campus
Phone: 520-494-5017
[email protected]
Cochise Community College
AA/AAS for Direct Employment
AA/AAS for Transferr
Eastern Arizona College
AA/AAS for Direct Employment
AA/AAS for Transfer
Mohave Community College
AA for Direct Employment
AA for Transfer
Pima Community
College Center for
Early Childhood Studies
AA/AAS for Direct Employment
AA/AAS for Transfer
Rio Salado Community
AA/AAS for Direct Employment
AA/AAS for Transfer
Tohono O’odham
AA/AAS for Direct Employment
AA/AAS for Transfer
•CDA Child Development Associate Credential
•AA Associates of Arts
•AAS Associates of Applied Science
•BA Bachelors of Arts
•BS Bachelors of Science
•MA Masters of Arts
•MS Masters of Science
T.E.A.C.H Approved
PCPP participant**
On-site classes
Online classes
Denise Escarcega
Early Childhood Education
T.E.A.C.H Approved
PCPP participant**
On-site classes
Online classes
JoAnn Morales
T.E.A.C.H Approved
PCPP participant**
On-site classes
Online classes
Danette Bristle
Bullhead City Campus
T.E.A.C.H Approved
PCPP participant**
On-site classes
Online classes
Shanna Kukla
Desert Vista Campus
[email protected]
T.E.A.C.H Approved
PCPP participant**
On-site classes
Online classes
Early Childhood Education
T.E.A.C.H Approved
PCPP participant**
On-site classes
Online classes
T.E.A.C.H Approved
On-site classes
Online classes
"Tears of joy are like the summer rain drops pierced by sunbeams."
-Hosea Ballou
4 year Degrees and beyond related to Early Childhood
Name of College
Contact Information
Additional Information
BA/BS Degree (Undergrad)
MA/MS Degree (Graduate)
[email protected]
On-site classes
Online classes
[email protected]
On-site classes
Online classes
College of Education
Donna Jurich
[email protected]
On-site classes
Online classes
Arizona State University
AA/AAS Degree
BA/BS Degree (Undergrad)
MA/MS Degree (Graduate)
Northern Arizona
University of Arizona
BA/BS Degree (Undergrad)
MA/MS Degree (Graduate)
University of Phoenix
Grand Canyon
State University
AA/AAS Degree
BA/BS Degree (Undergrad)
MA/MS Degree (Graduate)
AA/AAS Degree
BA/BS Degree (Undergrad)
MA/MS Degree (Graduate)
AA/AAS Degree
BA/BS Degree (Undergrad)
MA/MS Degree (Graduate)
Prescott College
Tucson Office
On-site classes
Online classes
On-site classes
Online classes
On-site classes
Online classes
**Professional Career Pathway Project (PCPP) Grant
Teacher Education And
Compensation Helps (T.E.A.C.H.)
• Initial National Association of Family
The PCPP Grant is sponsored by the
Early Childhood® is a comprehensive Arizona Department of Economic
Child Care Accreditation (NAFCC)
Accreditation fee paid ($495) –
Security (DES) Child Care Administration.
scholarship program that links
It is offered at many community
training, compensation, and
colleges in Arizona. The grant is for
PCPP Eligibility:
early childhood education classes only,
commitment to improving the
* Must work in a child care center or be
and is for individuals employed as child
a family child care provider or be a
quality of early childhood care and
family group home provider/employee;
education experiences for young
* Must identify a Pathway (goal) and
PCPP Offers:
pursue Early Care and Education (ECE)
children and their families. There are The
Tuition for 1 to 6 credits per semester
coursework to accomplish your goal;
four components to the T.E.A.C.H.
(total 12 credits per school year)
Early Childhood® Program:
* Must complete all courses paid for by
• Educational Scholarships • Compensation
• Formal Education • Commitment
each semester
* For DES certified Family Child Care
providers or DHS certified Family
Home providers:
• Initial Child Development
Associate Credential (CDA)
assessment fee paid ($325) –
the PCPP with a grade of “C” or better
to be eligible for continued
If you meet the eligibility criteria and would
like to apply for this program, contact
Shirley Harter, (520) 494-5077 or
[email protected]
Linda Williams-Tuenge, (520) 494-5001 or
[email protected]
Sara Tandecki, (520) 494-5030 or
[email protected]
Educational Opportunities
Child & Family Resources, Inc.
2800 E. Broadway Blvd.
Tucson, Arizona 85716
Issue #49: Fall 2014
October, November, December
Nonprofit Org.
Tucson, Arizona
Permit No. 1040
Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) is a free statewide
program in Arizona that provides assistance to families seeking
child care, child care providers, and the community.
Child & Family Resources (C&FR) is a private, nonprofit,
community-based organization providing services to the children
and families of Southern Arizona since 1970.
CCR&R provides information about child care choices, child
care referrals, comprehensive trainings, community workshops,
and care supply and demand information.
C&FR makes a significant and lasting impact upon the lives of
38,000 people each year. Our work reflects community needs
and provides high quality, accessible and affordable programs
to meet those needs. As new and more pressing challenges
emerge, C&FR has stepped up to meet them.
Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) is a program of
Child & Family Resources.
800-308-9000 (Statewide)
Helping children, youth and their families without regard to
ethnic or religious background or financial or social status is the
hallmark of our programs.
C C Child
Resource &
R R Referral
Meeting Arizona’s Child Care Needs